Supplement I" The Maupin Times Vol. 5 No. 22 March 14, 1919 Local Items Jim Brown mul in town Monday See Johnson fc Doaa about your jpainting. (. P. Weberg was in from Wap- intiu Tuesday. Hh ball Supplies, Maupin Drug ttore. Mr . B. D. Fraley has been ill i lie last two weeks. Ice Cream at E. A. Cyr's Satur day evening and Sunday. Milt McClue is very ill at the W H. Williams borne. f ' Ice Cream at Styers new parlor Saturday and Sunday. W. H. Taicott is home after a month's stay in the country. A. A. Disbrow returned Sunday morning to bin home at Stevenson J. E. Hinton of Shaniko was a businesg caller in Maupin Tuesday If you are going to build a silo, you'll save money by seeiug John son & Doak. Oiegonian delivered at your door 75 cents a month. Allan 0 afield Mrs. Bud Haryey of Wamic and and Mrs. Walter Driver were in town Monday. ( Mrs. F S. Fleming left Sundav morning for a visit at The Dalles 'and down river points. Mrs. E. A. Tr"Utrnan and baby have been visiting relatives and friends at Maupin this week. The Portland Painless Dentist All work guaranteed. W. T. Slatten, D. D. S., Prop., 305 Sec ond St., The Dalles. Garden and Flower Seeds any ..oriotv miaad in Oretron for sale atfne Maupin Drug Store. Came to my place about the 1st of December, one black gelding 4 yearB old, branded J. P. connect ed on right shoulder. A. A. Britton. Spray your trees before the blossoms come out and you wont have any wormy fruit. Lime Spulphur Spray for sale at the Maupin Drug Store. Mr. Beattie, father of Mrs. John McCorkle, was here from Dufur visiting this week. G. W. Peter of Sherar was in Maupin Tuesday, having just re turned from a trip to The Dalles. Mr. Geo. W. Peter from Sherar New Location Maupin Blacksmith Shop JAMES O. AUBREY, Props. M General Blacksmithing all Kinds repair work J wood work, grinding Horseshoeing a Specialty Bridge is going to take his father to Warm Spring Agency on the 18th of March, 1919, about hit mother's statements. Miss Irene Doyle arrived Tues day from Chehalis, Wn., and is visiting the Cyr family. M. J and C. N. Farlow and J. W. Farlow and sons were business visitors from Smock Monday. For sale one gray mare five years old weight 1200 Lbs. price 875 if taken at once. Dn. A. Stogsdil), Maupin Oregon. For sale 1 Ford Utility truok in good condition only $300 and ) Chalmers truck, 1000 lbs. capacity just been worked over. Will make sorAeen a bargain on this truck. Shattuck Bros. R. B. Driver and little grandson brought H. E Driver to Maupin Friday to take the train for his home at Modesto Calf Mr. Driver was called to Wauiic by the ill ness of bis brother, Brent Driver. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Derthiok and G. I Uertbick came over from D'lfur the first of the week a,nd visited relatives and friends . Gusie is off duty now and expects to be home some time. The voung people enjoyed a dance at the Philmlee home Sat urday night. A dandy time to do yonr paint ing before the dust gets bad. We got the best on the market, livery bucket guaranteed. Mau pin Drug Store. Local people have been on the move this week. Dr. Shannon and family returned to their home at Tygh and Mrs. Jory has moved her furniture into the house yaoa ted by them. Geo. Cunningham moved his family into the Hepp building yesterday. E. J. Styer is busy getting ready for bushiest in the Fraley building recently made ready for him. Stovall's Almond Cream a large bottle for 35 cents. Maupin Drug Store.