Did you see the Full Page Add in the Port land papers of what Wasco County Busi ness Men have done to Sup port the Pacific International Livestock Show? Wasco County's Quota was Underwrit ten arid Guaranteed by The Dalles Chamber of Commerce The First National Bank French & Company Johnston Bros, of Dufur $3000.00 500.00 500.00 1000.00 It is now Up to the FARMERS, STOCKMEN, and BUSINESS MEN to Support their guarantee by each one of us taking our full limit in shares of stock at $25.00 per share- These shares will be placed in every ctrrmunity and sold through our committeemen, you will find their names below. Do you know what the LIVESTOCK 1NDTSTRY means to our county and state? It is the backbone and foundation of PERMANENT AGRICULTURE. The basis of all industry. Livestock maintains the fertility of the soil without which lorg continued successful crops of fruit, vegetables and grain are impossible. Livestock is the source of meat, milk, clothes, for the people of the world. Livestock is the fooundation of the business prosperity of this section. Livestock supplies the bacon, the shoes, the clothes, and one .of the component parts of the amunition of the GREAT WORLD WAR. THE PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL can do for the LIVESTOCK INDUSTRY of the NORTHWEST what the CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL has done for the MIDDLEWEST, It will promote purebred strck industry and provide a maiket for fat stcck. STOCMEN SHOULD GET BEHIND the greatest boot the industry has ever had. , This is purely a voluntary subscription and is a test of ycui faith in the livestock industry. A share of stock entitles the holder to a LIFE MEMBERSHIP in the organization, free admission to the show and RINGSIDE PRIVILEDGE which money cannot buy. It also gives the holder the right to vote and to help elect directors and means you will be a special guest of the International at every show. It means a permanent home for the ANNUA I- PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL LIVESTOCK SHOW. 4 Portland is meeting the outside subecription dollar for dollar. The State Legislature has appropriated $25,000 annually for premiums at the International. Real Estate to the value of $190,000 has been donated and subscriptions will be used to erect C permanent building covering 7 1-2 acres. Your shares will there fore represent valuable rest estate security, i Three Mile School District, R. G- Brooks, J. C. Johnston; Lower Columbia, Jack Hillman ; Lower 15 Mile, Jo Boyer; Mosier, C- A- Macrum: Chenowith and Ortley. J A Agidius: Pleasant Ridge. Sam Meeker; Eight Mile, Ira Waterman; Boyd, Willard Adkissori; Crater Ridge, P. Bolton; Canfield School, J. A. Clausen; Nansene, Wash Stern weis; Tygh Ridge. Abe Rondeau; Friend, Bill Bolton; Inland, Thos. Fargher Jr.; Tygh Valley, C M. Grimes; Wamic, J. E Kennedy; Smock, John Farlow; Wapinitia. Ben Foreman, Lou Kelly, Dee Woodside; Maupin. W. E. Hunt, Ed Mays. J. M. Conklin; Shaniko, J. E. Hinton, J. W. Hoech; Antelope, H. C Rooper Dufuf, Fifteen Mile and Ramsey, Geo. Hillgen. Will Wasco County People Do Their Share? It is Up to You. L, B. Fox ft. T. YateB WASCO COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Makers of Abstracts That Protect. Books Posted to Date Daily Plant Second to None First National Bank Building Phone Black 2831, The Dalle?, Oregon I O. O. F. WAPINITIA .ndge No. 209, Maupin, Oregon. meets every Saturday night in Donaldson's hail. Viewing mem oers always welcome. D. W. Talcott, N. G. W. H, Tai.cott, Secretary. Hot Meals, sandwiches. Ralph E. Nelson of Winnie, Oregon, who on Nov ember nth, 191s, made Homestead Entry No. 015576, for NKI-4NKI-4, 'Section io, Township 4 South, Range 12 East, Willamette Merid ian lias tiled notice 01 intention to make Final Three Year Proof, to establish claim to t lie land above described, before F. D. Stuart, U, S. Commissioner at Maupin, Ore gon, on the 1st day of A pri 1 , 191 9. Claimant names as witnesses: Abner V. Griffie, Albert Burn hagen, Ralph Chandler, Stephen Wing, all of Wamic, Oregon. H. Fkank Woodcock, Register. iW. I Drivel Fareber, C Maupin, Oregon. II. Prank Shon orders at all hours, Served at ihe Hazelwood Overdrafts, secured and Report of the Condition of the Maupin State Bank No. 224 at Maupin, in the state of Ore gon, at the close of business March 4, 1919 RESOURCES Loans and discounts $122,208.21 Ice Cream Parlor. CHEVROLET CARS INQUIRE OF Fraley &Vanderoool AGENTS Maupin Garage I Wapinitia Auto Stage Leaves Maupin, 8 a. m. Leaves Wrriritia, LEO p. m V. ROBERTS, Prop L J unsecured 261 96 Bonds and warrants 15.110 29 Banking house 2,000.(10 Furniture and fixtures 2,095.77 Due from approved re serve banks 15,305. 94 Checks and other cash items 42 11 Cash on hand 9,090.03 Total 164,234.95 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $ 20, 000. 00 Surplus fund 3,000.00 Undivided profits 1,845.75 Dividends unpaid Individual deposits sub ject to check 127,168.23 Demand certificates of deposit ! Cashier checks out I standing 2,966.37 Certified checks Time and Savings De- j posits 6,654.50 Reserved for interest and 1,000.00 ly Auliery Mathewi, C. all oi Woodcock, llegister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, February 13th, 1919. Notice is hereby given that Stillniau II. (ioodenough of Wapinitia, Oregon, who on Dec. 16th, 1915, made Homestead Entry No. 015670, for 8I-2NEI-4, a"d 8114, Section 5, ni .2NK1-4, Sec tion 8, Township 6 South, Range 12 Kast, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Pinal Three Year Proof, tcestab. hsh claim to the land above de scribed, before F. I). Stuart, United Siaics Commissioner at Maupin, Oregon, on the 22 day of April, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: George Osborn, L. D, Woodside .1 P. Abbott, C. O. Mayaid, all o'f Wapinitia, Oregon. II, Frank Woodcock, Kegister. For sale 1910 Dodge as good us new, 1750 .00. -Shattuck Bros. To Wapinitia (continued) past few days. Melba Sharpe little daughter of Mr. and Mis.D.W. Sharpe took sick last Tuesday night, Dr. El. wood was called Saturdry and pro nounced it pneumonia. She is re ported on the road to recovery. Miss Pearl Thompson, a nurse from Tygh Vally came up Sunday and remained till Wednesday helping care for her. v Mrs. S. R. Ray has been here from Maupin the past, ten days helping care for her daughter, Mrs. Johnie Deleo who has been confined to her bed for federal weeks with inflamatory rheuma tism. Dr. Shannon was called to, see Mrs. Keene Sunday. She has been sick several weeks, but is re uorted to be slowly improving. Mrs. Doftk and children of Port land arrived here Sunday, Mr. Doak having secured the Cyr house and they are now living there. Two of the ohildrip started to school Monday. 2,100 00 161,234.95 ss Cashier of the taxes Other liabilities Bonds borrowed Total State of Oregon, County of Wasco I, F. D. Stuart above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowl edge and belief. F. D. Stuart, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to be fore me, this 12th day of March 1919. I). M. Shattuck Notary Public My commission expires July 10 1919, Correct - Attest: J. S, Brown, D. M. Shattuck, Directors. LEGAL NOTICES Adyertisers please read over your notices and notify us imnu-di ately if an error has occured. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ISOLATED TRACT Public Land Sale. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, January 24th, 1919. NOTICE is herepy given thai as directed by the Commissions ol the General Land office, undei provisions of Sec. 2455, R. g. pursuant to the application of Henry H. White Serial No. 016525, we will offer at public sale," to the highest bidder, but at not less than $3. 00 per acie. at 10:15 o'clock A. M., 011 the 8th day of April, next, at this office, me lunuwin uiiLi oi lajiu: jji-iKjj 1-4, Section 19, Township 4 South Range 16 East, Willamette Merid ian, (Containing 80 Acres). "this tract is ordered into the market on a showing that the greater portion thereof is moun tainous or too rough for cultiva tion." This sale will not be kept open, but will be declaeed closed when those preseut at the hour named have ceased bidding. The penon making the highest bid will be required to immediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any persons adversly the above described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, ou 01 before the time designated for sale. L. A. Booth, Receiver, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U . S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, February, 11th, 1910. NOTICE is hereby giyen that Arthur Allan Bouney of Maupin, Oregon, who on Janu ary 23rd, 1915, made Homestead Fntry No. 014113, for sk1-4nv1-4, si 2xnl 4, and ssl-4, Section 3, ml Ink I -4, Section 10, Township (J South, Range 14 East, Willam ette. Meridian, has filed notice of intension to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before F. D. Stuart, U. S. Commissioner at Maupin, Oregon, on the 5th day of April, 1019. Claimant names as witnesses: W. B. Mont of Maupin, Oregon, C. G. Skogsberg, of Maupin, Ore gon, J. (). Winifree, Criterion, Oregon, J. R. Miller, Criterion, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, OP Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Inteiior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles I Oregon, March ;th, 1919. Notice is hereby given that Clement E. Matthew's I of Maupin, Oregon, who on June' 14th, 1915, made ADDITIONAL I Homestead Entry no, 015163, for SW14SWI-4, Section 26, SEI-42SK4, Section 27, NEI-4NE1-4, Sectiou 34 1 NWI-4NWI-4, Section 35, Township 1 5 South, Range 14 Fast, Willam-I jette Meridian, hasfiled notice 0fiX0TICE FOR PUBLICATION I intention to make Final three year Department of the Interior j Proof, to establish claim to the I U S. Land Office at The Dalles 1 land above desciibed, before F. D. I Ores On. Februarv 15. 1010. ,...11.1,,, j . v7. wymwuDiwiKi, hi is nricuy given Ulal e II f T r. MM ... maupin, -jregon, on ine 191 u day i.ewis h. woodside ; ot April, 1919. jot Maupin, Oregon, who, on 'I Ua'inant names as witnesses: j Ma y 8111,1915, made Homestead 'W. E. Hunt, Rogiuia Hunt, L, B, Entry no. 014843, for wi-2se1-4, j Woodside, W. I. Driver, all of Section 24, W1-2NEI-4, SE1-4NK1-! Maupin. Oregon. 4, NI-2SE1-4, SKI-4SE1-4 Section 25 H. Frank WooncocK, j 'township 5, South, Range 14, East before F. O Register NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, Fern M. Jory, has been appointed as executrix of the estate and last will and testament of R. C. Jory, deceased, by the County Court of Wasco County, Oregon, and has duly qualified as such executrix. THEREFORE, all persons hav ing claims against the said estate are hereby notified and requested to present the same, duly verified, lo I be undersigned, Fern M. Jory,' at Maupin, Wasco County, Oregon within six months from the first piblication of this notice in the Maupin Tunes. The first publica tion of this notice is February 21 1919, ' Dated this 10th day of February 19111. J FERN M. JORY, Executrix. ' Francis V. Galloway, Altorney. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of Ihe Interior U. S. Land Office at The Dall Oregon, February 15th, tyl8. JNOULJ1 is hereby given that Jefferson Oliver Winifree of Criterion, Oregon, who on March i?m, IOJS, made Homestead Entrv No. 014601, forsHl-4swi-4. Section 8, NIJI-4NWI-4, WI-2NEI-4, SKI- 4NEI-4, XK1-4SE1-4, Sectiou 10, Township 6 South, Range 14 East, Willamette Meridian has filed no tice of intention to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above desciibed, be fore F. D Stuart, U. S. Commis sioner, at Maupin, Oregon, ou the 5th day of April, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: C, G. Skogsberg, Arthur B-oiiney,' .1 Miller, H. M. Orcen, all of Criterion, Oregon, H. Fkank Woocock, Register, j NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the interior, U. S Land Office at The Dalles r L1 is min T ; F U : ! " Iday of April, l9,o. u uiamette .Meridian, has filed no tice of intention to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before F. D. Stuart, U. S, Commissioner at Maupin Ort foe on the it Claimant names as witnesses: NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U . S. Land Office at The Dalits. Oregon, February l3th, 1919, notice is hereby given that George Osborn of Wapi-itia, Oregon, who on Ftb iruarv i itli. 1016. made Homesteiri Entry no. o 1 J5 1 2, for Lot 3, a-2Nwt-4, NWI-4SWI-4, Section 3, S1-2NEI-4, EI-2SKI-4. Section a. wnship 6 South. Rani?i 12 Kast, Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice of intention to make Final three year Proof to estblish aim to the land above des-nbed. Stuart, U. S. Com missioner at Maupin, Oregn, on the 22nd day of April, 1919. Claimant names as witesses, II. 8, (ioodenough, L. D. Wood side, J. P. Abbott, C. O $aj nard, all of Wapinitia, Ore&n, H. Frank WoodccK, Raster.