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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1919)
HINDENBURG DRIVE REDS PROMISED Field Marshal Plans to Volunteer Units. Use ALL MOVES SECRET Woman Delegate at Weimar Assembly Goes Home to Organize Wo men to Fight Foes. Coblenz. Field Marshal von Hln denburg Is planning to use volunteer units in a drive against the Bolshevikl, with Llbau as the haso of his opera tions, it is indicated by Information which hag reached American intelli gence offices. According to the American experts, who in the line of their duty are keep ing in touch with the progress of the readjustment of the enemy's forces, German great headquarters seems to be following a policy of secrecy as re gards the eastern front troop question. This Is believed to be due to the fact that the Bolshevikl now have a normal military organization and so will be able to utilize any information they might obtain concerning their enemy. Apparently the German headquarters in Kolberg is directing its energies again toward organization on the Bal tic front in the confidence that there is no longer any immediate occasion for concern over the Polish front. Field Marshal von Hlndenburg is In Kolborg. The total number of volunteers on the eastern front or about to proceed there is estimated at nearly 100,000. Some of the old army troops are now on the eastern front. Weimar, Saturday. Frau Broenner, an authoress and publisher and a dele gate of the German democratic party in the national assembly, has left for home In Koenigsburg to organize the women of East Prussia into a border militia against the Bolshevikl. Frau Broenner declares her action waB prompted by reports that a Bol shevik force a million strong was ad vancing toward the German frontier and her fear that the men alone would be unable to withstand the Bolshevik hordes. London. One thousand persons were killed and wounded in the fight ing in Berlin last week, according to an estimate of the casualties made by the Wolff bureau, the leading news agency of Germany. U. S. CRAFT NOW PLYING SEVEN SEAS Washington, D. C For the first time since tho days of the famous "clipper" ships, American merchant craft are now plying the seven seas, carrying products of the United States to the farthest corners of the earth and bringing home both essentials and luxuries. The shipping board announced Mon day that the American merchant marine fleet, built up under the spur of war's necessity, now represented nearly one-fifth of the entire sea-going tonnage of the world and comprised 46 per cent of all ships clearing from United States ports, as compared with 9.7 per cent before the war. Trade routes not traversed by Amer ican craft for more than CO years once more are Invaded, with new routes es tablished to China, Australia, New Zealand, India, the Dutch East Indies, the west coast of Africa and ports on the Mediterranean. Ships flying tho stars and stripes also are running reg ularly to South America, Great Britain and continental Europe as well as to Canada and Mexico. The fleet now engaged In overseas commerce aggregates 1,961,239 gross tons. Of this total 315,925 tons are em ployed in trans-Pacific trade. When the army and navy return to the shipping board the 353 ships which they are operating, the commercial fleet under the American flag will be increased by 1,783,581 gross tons with many hundreds of thousands of tons building or under contract. Fire Loss Is $5,000,000. Rio Janeiro. The damage resulting from the fire which started early last ; week on the Santos docks and which is supposed to have been of Incendiary origin, is estimated at 15,000.000. The damage was principally to coffee and jute. Several days previous to the Santos dock fire the jute factory at , 8ao Paulo was destroyed, together with two Japanese ships loaded with jute. The damage is estimated at j 12,600,000. DAILY DEATHS THOUSANDS Famine and Ravage Bolshevik Population Centers! London. -Starvation prevails) through out bolshevik Hussla and Is killing off the population by thousands. In . , ases due to under nourishment are rampant and food Is so scarce in Pe- trograd and Moscow that cats sell readily for $3 each. The undertakers cannot cope with conditions, as there is not enough wood for coffins. The British government recelvod theso re ports within the last week from Brit ish subjects recently returned from Russia. Their evidence is unanimous that If means aro not found to alleviate the food situation the inhabitants of bol shevik Itussla may starve to death. The Britishers say tbat the plight of Itussla Is a direct result of the reign of anarchy and terror Instituted by Lenine and Trotzky. They declare that the Russian problem has become a question of common humanity. Thousands are dying dally in Petro grad, Moscow, Kiev and Odessa. In Petrograd alone the deaths from fam ine three weeks ago numbered 200 dally. Typhoid, or "hunger typhus," is carrying off young and old every where, and in Moscow glanders is epi demic. There is no fuel for lighting and mil lions live in darkness after nightfall. The troubles of the Russians are fur ther aggravated by lack of coal and wood, which can be obtained only by tho very rich or by the favorites and parasites of the bolshevik government. There is a great lack of medicines and doctors. The bolshevik paper money has no value in the country districts, and the peasants refuse to exchange it for food. Warning Sent to Italy. Washington, D. C. Italy has been warned by the American government that unless she puts an end to delays In movements of relief supplies to the newly-established Jugo-Slavic and Cze-cho-Slavic states, steps will be taken to cut off tho flow of American food stuffs to Italy. It was stated in an authoritative quarter that the Italian government had caused intolerable conditions by the blockade she has imposed against the Jugo-Slavic countries and which operates also against the Czecho Slavs. The blockade has not been wholly effective, but many delays have been caused, resulting often in holding up supplies, the need of which was des perate, No reply has yet been made by the Italian government. Editor Guilty of Libel. Eugene James Fullerton was found guilty in circuit court of the charge of libel against the University of Ore gon, its president, P. L. Campbell, and the students. Mr. Fullerton had been indicted by the grand jury on the charge of libel for utterances in the Oregon Hornet, a monthly publication printed by him, in which he charged that immorality was rampant on the campus of the university and that President Campbell condoned it. Few Shell Shocks Fatal. New York. Ninety-nine per cent of all shell shock cases in the American army in France completely recovered according to Dr. Thomas Salmon of New York, chief medical officer in charge of such soldiers, who returned on the Leviathan. "There was less insanity in the American army than in any of the other allied armies," said Colonel Salmon. Poles Seek For Peace. Posen. Several members of the in ter-allied mission are to proceed to Paris to inform the peaco conference as to the exact situation existing be tween the Poles and Ukrainians in eastern Galicia. It Is thought probable that the mission will propose extreme ly severe steps in order to compel the Ukrainians to cease hostilities. Postal Grants Increase. Sau Francisco The headquarters for the Postal Telegraph company in California, Montana, Idaho, Washing ton, Oregon, Arizona, Utah, New Mexi co and Nevada, which are located here, received word Saturday of a 10 per cent increase of employes' wages, re- troctive to January' L About 100 are affected in San Francisco. Want Blockade Raised. Basle. Tho German national assem bly at Weimar Monday unanimously adopted as resolution introduced by 37 women members demanding the Immediate raising of the hunger block- ade and repatriation of prisoners of war. J STATE NEWS i I IN BRIEF. I WWW WW WW WWW WWW WW WW W WW WW WW One hundred and forty-six bills of tho recent legislative session, which were left in tho handB of Governor Wlthycombo undisposed of when he (lieu last week, were filed In the of fice of the secretary of state by Ches ter A. Moore, private secretary to the late Governor Wlthyconibe. Open war was declared on the loyal legion of loggers and lumbermen at Bend last week, when the loyal tim berworkers' union passed a resolution declaring that membership In the four L's would constitute an effective bar to admission Into the union, and that any union man joining the loyal legion would automatically cancel his union card. Twelve duys were spent In covering a distance of 33 miles by state em ployes who arrived Wednesday in Bend from Elk lake, bringing with them 640,000 freshly gathered brook trout eggs which were immediately taken to the new hatchery as the firBt to be placed in the troughs at the new plant. Pendleton carpenters who have been Idle since Saturday morning, when they refused to work for less than 80 cents an hour, went back to their jobs Wednesday morning under a tentative agreement with their employers, pend ing a final settlement of the question this week. In the meantime they are to receive the 80-cent wage. While health authority reports in dicate an end of its attack on humans, influenza is fatally affecting horses of the Hood River valley. C. D. Hoyt, Fast Side orchardist, lost a valuable horse last week. The animal's team mate is thought to be fatally ill. The horses display all symptoms by which the disease is identified in humans. As a result of the suspension of work on two hulls at the McEachern and two at the Rodgers yard at Astoria, 150 men were laid off at each plant Wed nesday morning. The former has 350 men working on three hulls and the latter about 200 men employed on two hulls. Work at the Wilson yard has not been interfered with. That plant has 450 men working on three hulls. Ninety per cent of the votes cast at Wednesday's special election in Uma tilla county favored the issuance by the county of $1,050,000 in road bonds. Less than 5000 votes were cast against the proposal and only four of the 64 precincts, all small ones, returned un favorable majorities. Several pre cincts cast a unanimous vote for the bonds. Lincoln county's patriotic postmast er, J. J. Gaither, at Toledo, Oregon, last year sold War Savings Stamps to twenty-five people who proudly dis play the limit button. Newport made one of the greatest over-subscriptions in the Liberty Bond campaign, popu lation considered, of any town In the state. Mr. Gaither is director of the thrift campaign in Lincoln county this year and his ambition is to make Lincoln county the first division to complete the raising of its share of investment in the government securi ties for payment of war bills. The now celebrated Alleghany dog case at Marshfield bids fair t" rival other similar contested laws s that have been brought to noticf cer tain sections of the country, itlrs. W. H. Stull obtained a verdict of $250 in justice court for killing of her two dogs by Roscoe Bunch and T. F. Por ter, and when the defendents appealed to the county district court the judg ment was affirmed. The men now de clare they will qualify for a hearing in the state supreme court and from there it may go on to the higher tribunal. It has definitely been decided by the Graves Canning company to erect a $16,000 cannery at Woodburn. A rousing meeting of the berry growers in that city last Saturday added Im petus to the project. The site has been purchased and building will begin next month. Many growers have contracted acreage. It is proposed eventually to have one of the largest canneries in the state. This will be in addition to the juice factory now established at that point Both plants will consume the products of a large number of acres and renewed life has been given to that section. The question of prices for raw sal mon to prevail in the Bering sea dis trict is now being discussed by the members of the fishermen's unions, with headquarters at San Francisco. Seven and one-quarter per cent few er men were employed in the industri al plants throughout Astoria during the week ending February 26 than dur ing the same period a month previous, according to figures compiled by the United States government employment agent, J. M. Waggener. araiYnottheiorners ?UTTI CHAPTER XIV Continued. 14 "Pick him up and put him on the sled here, boys," Mr. Stagg said. "I'll carry Hunnah's Car'lyn myself." The party, Including tho excited Prince, got back to the docks without losing any time and without further accident. Still the chapel bell was ringing and somebody said : "We'd have been up a stump for knowing the direction If it hadn't been for that bell." "Me, too," muttered Chet Gormley. "That's what kep' me goln', folks the Chapel bell. It Just seemed to be callln' me home." Joseph Stagg, carried his niece up to Mrs. Gormley's little house, while one of the men helped Chet along to the same destination. The seamstress met them at the door, wildly excited. "And What do you think?" she cried. "They took Mandy Parlow home In Tim's hack. She was just done up, they tell me, pullln' that chapel bell. Did you ever hear of such a silly crit ter just because she couldn't find the sexton !" "Hum! you and I both seem to be mistaken about what constitutes silli ness, Mrs. Gormley," grumbled the hardware dealer. "I was for calling your Chet silly, till I learned what he'd done. And you'd better not call Miss Mandy silly. The sound of the chapel bell gave us all our bearings. Both of 'em, Chet and Miss Munuy, did their best." Carolyn May was taken home In Tim's hack, too. To her surprise, Tim was ordered to stop at the Parlow house and go in to ask how Miss Amanda was. By this time the story of her pulling of the chapel bell rope was all over Sunrise Cove and the hack driver was naturally as curious as anybody. So he willingly went into the Parlow cot tage, bringing back word that she was resting comfortably. Doctor Nugent having just left her. 'An' she's one brave gal," declared Tim. "Pitcher of George Washington I pullin' that bell rope ain't' no baby's job." Carolyn May did not altogether un derstand what Miss Amanda had done, but she was greatly pleased that Uncle Joe had so plainly displayed his Interest In the carpenter's daughter. The next morning Carolyn May seemed to be In good condition. In deed, she was the only individual vi tally Interested In the adventure who did not pay for the exposure. Even Prince had barked his legs being hauled out on the Ice. Uncle Joe had caught a bad cold In his head and suf fered from it for some time. Miss Amanda remained in bed for several days. But it was poor Chet Gormley who paid the dearest price for par ticipation In the exciting incident. Doc tor Nugent had hard work fighting off pneumonia. Mr. Stagg surprised himself by the Interest he took in Chet He closed his store twice each day to call at the Widow Gormley's house. Mr. Stagg found himself talking with Chet more than he ever hud before. The boy was lonely and the man found a spark of interest in his heart for him that he had never previously discov ered. He began to probe into his young employee's thoughts, to learn something of his outlook on life ; per haps, even, he got some Inkling of Chefs ambition. That week the ice went entirely out of the cove. Spring was at hand, with Its muddy roads, blue skies, sweeter airs, soft rains and a general revivifying feeling. Aunty Rose declared that Carolyn May began at once to "perk up." Per haps the cold, long winter had been hard for the child to bear. One day the little girl had a more than ordinarily hard school task to perform. Everything did not come easy to Carolyn May, "by any manner of means," as Aunty Rose would have said. Composition writing was her bane and Miss Minnie had instructed Carolyn May's class to bring In a writ ten exercise the next morning. The little girl wandered over to the church yard with her slate and pencil and Prince, of course to try to achieve the composition. The windows of the minister's study overlooked this spot and he was sit ting at his desk while Carolyn May was laboriously writing the words on her slate (having learned to use a slate), which she expected later to copy Into her composition book. The Rev. Afton Driggs watched her puzzled face and laboring Angers for some moments before calling out of his window to her. Several sheets of sermon paper lay before him on the desk and perhaps he was having al most as bard a time putting on the paper what he desired to say as Car olyn May was having with her writ ing. Finally, he came to the window and spoke to her. "Carolyn May," he said, "what are yon writing?" "Oh, Mr. Driggs, is that you?" said the little girl, getting up quickly and BEI.M0PE ENDI00TT COPVRKJHT -1 S 1 O - BY BODD, MEAD and COMPANY coming nearer. "Did you ever have to write a composition?" "Yes, Carolyn May, I have to wrlto one or two each week." And he sighed. "Oh, yes 1 So you do 1" the little girl agreed. "You huve to write sermons. And that must be a terribly tedious tldng to do, for they huve to be longer than my composition a great deal longer." "So it Is n composition that Is troub ling you," the youug minister re marked. "Yes, sir. I don't know what to write I really don't. Miss Minnie says for us not to try any flights of fancy. I don't just know what those are. But she says, write what Is in us. Now, thut don't seem like a composi tion," added Carolyn May doubtfully. "What doesn't." "Why, writing what Is in us," ex plained the little girl, staring in a "Carolyn May," He Said, "What Are You Writing?" puzzled fashion at her slate, on which she had written several lines. "You see, I have written down all the things that I 'member is In me." "For pity's sake! let me see It, child," said the minister, quickly reach ing down for the slate. When he brought It to a level with his eyes he was amazed by the following: "In me there Is my heart, my liver, my lungs, my verform pendlcks, my stummick, two ginger cookies, a piece of pepmlnt candy and my dinner." "For pity's sake!" Mr. Driggs shut off this explosion by a sudden cough. "I guess It Isn't much of a compo sition, Mr. Driggs," Carolyn May said frankly. "But how can you make your Inwards be pleasant reading?" The minister was having no little difficulty In restraining his mirth. "Go around to the door, Carolyn May, nnd ask Mrs. Driggs to let you In. Perhaps I can help you In this composition writing." "Oh, will you, Mr. Driggs?" cried the little girl. "That Is awful kind of you." The clergyman did not seem to mind neglecting his task for the pleasure of i helping Carolyn May with hers. He explained quite clearly just what Miss Minnie meant by "writing what Is in you." "Oh! It's what yon think about a thing yourself -not what other folks think," cried Carolyn May. "Why, I can do that I thought it was some thing like those physerology lessons. Then I can write about anything I want to, can't I?" "I think so," replied the minister. "I'm awfully obliged to you, Mr. Driggs," the little girl said. "I wish I might do something for you In re turn." "Help me with my sermon, per haps?" he asked, smiling. "I would If I could, Mr. Driggs." Carolyn May wes very earnest "Well, now, Carolyn May, how would you go about writing a sermon if yon had one to write?" "Oh, Mr. Driggs 1" exclaimed the little girl, clasping her bands. "I know just how Td do It" 'Ton do? Tell me how, then, my dear," he returned, smiling. "Perhaps you have an Inspiration for writing sermons that I have never yet found." "Why, Mr. Driggs, I'd try to write every word so's to make folks that heard It happier. That's what I'd do. I'd make 'em look np and see the sun shine and the sky and the moun tains, 'way off yonder so they'd see nothing but bright things and breathe only good air and hear birds sing Oh, dear me, that that is the way I'd write a sermon." The clergyman's face had grown grave as he listened to her, bnt he kissed her warmly as he thanked her and bade her good-by. When she had gone from the study he read again the text written ut the top of tho first sheet of : n muii paper. It was taken from the book of the prophet Jere miah. "'To write every word so's to make folks that heurd It happier,' " he mur mured us he crumpled the sheet of pa per In his hand und dropped It In tho waste-basket. CHAPTER XV. The Awakening. With the opening of spring and tho close of the sledding season, work had stopped at Adiims' camp, Rather, the entire plant had been shipped twenty miles deeper Into the forest mill, buulchouse, cook shed ami w li corru-guted-lron shacks as were worth cart ing away. All that was left on the site of the busy cuiup were huge heaps of saw dust, plies of slabs, dlscurdcd timbers und the half-burned bricks Into which hud been built the portable boiler and euglne. And old Judy Muson. She was not considered worth moving to the new site of the camp. She was bedridden with rheumatism. This was the report Tim, the hackmuu, hud brought In. The old woman's hushund hud gone with the outfit to the new cump, for he could not ullord to give up his work. Judy hud not been so had when the camp was broken up, but when Tim went over for a load of slubs for summer tlrewood, he discovered her quite helpless in her bunk and almost starving. The rheumatic attack bad become serious. Amanda Parlow had at once ridden over with Doctor Nugent "How brave and helpful it is of Miss Amanda !" Carolyn May cried. "Dear me, when I grow up I hope I can be a gradjerute uurse like Miss Mundy." "I reckon that's some spell ahead," chuckled Mr. Parlow, to whom she said this when he picked her up for a drive after taking his daughter to the camp. 'Mr Parlow," the girl ventured after a time, "don't you think now that Miss Amanda ought to be hnppy?" 'Happy!" exclaimed the carpenter, startled, "What about, child?" 'Why, about everything. Yon know, once I asked you about her being hap py, and and you didn't seem fa- v'rable. You said 'Bahl'" The old man made no reply for n minute and Carolyn May had the pa tience to wait for her suggestion to "sink In." Finally he said: "I dunno but you're right, Car'lyn May. Not that It matters much, I guess, whether a body's happy or not In this world," he added grudgingly. "Oh, yes, It does, Mr. Parlow I It matters a great deal, I am sure to us nnd to other people. If we're not happy Inside of us, how can we be cheerful outside, and so make other people happy? And that is what J mean about Miss Amanda." "What about Mandy?" "She Isn't hnppy," sighed CarolyD May. "Not really. She's just as good as good can be. She is always doing for folks and helping. But she can't be real happy." "Why not?" growled Mr. Parlow, his face turned away. "Why 'cause Well, you know, Mr. Parlow, she can't be happy as long as she and my Uncle Joe are mad at each other." Mr. Parlow uttered another grunt, but the child went bravely on. "You know very well that's so. And I don't know what to do about It It Just seems too awful that they should hardly speak, and yet be so fond of each other deep down." "How d'you know they're so fond ol each other deep down?" Mr. Parlow demanded. "I know my Uncle Joe likes Miss 'Mandy, 'cause he always speaks so so respectful of her. And I can see she likes him, in her eyes," replied the "I Know My Uncle Joe Likes Miss Amanda." observant Caroiyn May. "Oh, yes, Mr. Parlow, they ought to be happy again, and we ought to make 'em so." "Huh! Who ought to?" "You and me. We ought to find some way of doing it Vm sure we can. It we just think hard about it." "Huh I" grunted the carpenter again. turning (jnerry into the dooryard. "Huh r This was not a very encouraging re sponse Yet he did think of it The little girl had started a train of thought, in Mr. Parlow's mind that he could not sidetrack. (TO BE CONTINUED.) It doesn't take much to convince a a man that be needs a rest.