rtrr N TIMES 1 oJL Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL 5, NO. 19 MAUPIN SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 21. 19$ THE YEAR $1.50 SENT IN BY OUR Smock Items Born February 13th to Mrs. E. L. Craft a little Bon. Mrs. Hop ping and Mrs. Horney are assist ing in the home. Rev. Sample is conducting pro tracted meeting here. G. W. Bargenholt and daughter Mrs. Cora Smith went to Maupin Tuesday, the latter taking the night train for Warm Springs to commence her duties at the Agen cy school where she has employ ment. 0. B. Murry, a former teacher here, teaching at Boyd this year, was married the first of the month Mi s. Erick' returned Saturday from The Dalles and resumed school Monday. Blaine Disbrow is feeding the Kennedy stock during the 'snow. He found one dead last week with black lg and another one sick a few days ago, The black leg serum has been procured and the cattle are being vaccinated. Frank Spoor came to Smock Saturday on business. Miss Ella Syron is teaching her second successful year of school at Antioch, near Monmouth. "It Pays to Pay Cash at Jory's" F. M. Jory SPECIAL Our complete line of Pendleton Goods including Bed Blankets, Robes, Bathrobes Mackinaws, Steamer Rugs, Shawls is offered at a saving of 10 per cent You have been waiting fcr clcaper woolen goods now is the time to buy offer holds good balance of February. "It Paysto Pay Cash at Jory's" E. J. FISCHER, Prop. Complete line of Tubes and Casings Automobile Accessories General repairing on all makes of cars All work guaranteed and prices reasonable We are at your service Fischer's Maupin HOOD'S CASH STORE GENERAL MERCHANDISE PREFERRED STOCK Staple and Fancy GROCERIES iROSE CITY BRAND Mackinaws, Logger Shirts, Flannel Shirts and Water Repellent Wear Light Hardware, Tinware, TRU-BLU BISCUIT CO'S Cookies, Crackers and ' CONFECTIONS GOODYEAR Wet Weather Footwear STOCK SALT Graniteware, Glassware HOOD'S CASH STORE Always at Your Service Tygh Valley The weather hna been 6omewhat changeable like March) Hd a few inches of snow a week or bo ago, but iB practically all gone now, only a few spots on the north hillsides. J. T. Harper left last Friday for a ten days' trip. Ia going to Portland and on to Chehalis and Tacoma, Wn. J. E. Morrow is taking care of the store while Mr. Harper is away. Zeanous Watkins and family have tnoved back to Tygh after spending the winter in The Dalles where Zean has been employed in tho car shops. Zean left Saturday morning for John Day, Oregon, where ne has taken the job of run ning K. L. Hauser's sheep on the shares. We all join in wishing hi i in the best of luck. A. A. Bonney and W. H. Mc Atee niado a business trip to The Dalles Thursday. Mr. McAtee returned Friday but Mr, Bonney went on to Salem to attend to business. - Dance lit Sherar hotel last Fri day night. Andy Jistner and daughter Madge furnished the music. There were aboat twenty five couple; all report a good time, several going from Tygh. J. K. Morrow has now taken charge of the postoffice at Tygh, Miss Ercell Slnkely having gone to Connell, Wn., to take a posi tion there as postmistress. Evans Parrish has ,pened up a garage at Tygh in tho old blacks smith shop. Any one wishing any work done in that line call on Eyans. Miss Edua Doering has been visiting Misses Imo and Eva Mc Atee for Eeveral days, bin las returned to her home on W hile river. Tygh Valley (louring mills on Upper Tygh creek have been clos ed for some time on account of ice but hope to start up as soon as the weather has moderated. E. C. Fitzpatrick has purchas ed seyen hrad of sheep of K. L. Ilauser. Don't know if he wants to hire a herder or not. Mss Wana Swift entertained some of her little girl friends at her birthday party one evening last week. The Tygh Valley Fair Associa tion held a meeting here last Monday. Bill Stil well is quite busy these days erecting a merry-go-round. People are wondering if he intends to start a circus as he has a few Shetland ponies and a three-legged dog. Work on the new road at Tygh has teen postponed the last month on account of bad weather, but Mr. Olson is here again and ex pects to start work as soon as the mud dries a little. Satn Bennett was driving along Badger Creek the other day and hit a big rock; Sam, wagon, seat and all, landed in the creek. Don't know if he needed a bath or not, but gues he got one anyway. Wapinitia Items The recent snow has vanished, the first of the week was warm and the west wind blew aud the roads here dried up some. Mrs. W. B. Keen has been very sick the past week but is improv ing now. Mrs. Chas. Gabel has been on the sick list for some time. Mrs. Mary Pechette is at the Gable home helping care for her. Mrs. May Barzee went to Mau pirl Saturday and remained until Monday with her sister Nellie Harpham who is quite sick. Charley Lewis left today for Washington where he has secured employment. Joe Graham made a trip into Clackamas Lake, going most cf the way on skees. Ora Maynard lost five head of his best sheep the past week be sides several little lambs. The Club went from here Satur day and remained over Sunday in Maupin looking after business. . Mrs. "Minnie Hartman is the owner of a beautiful cedar chest built by Mr. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. D. Woodside are making some fine improvements in their home here by having a big porch built on the front and north os the house, also a Dutch kitchen built in. Messers John- Son & Doak are doing the carpen ter work. They will paint the house soon. Mrs. H. N. Dodge returned home Sunday from a two weeks' visit with relatives and friends in Portland. Her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Edward Chaple aud little son came home with her for a visit Mr. Endersby moved his bunch of cattle from their upper ranch to their lower ranclr. The ban was lifted from this place the last of the week and church services were held Sunday and school opened Monday. Lewis Wood.-dde has the mumps. It is supposed he contracted them on his way home from Camp Lewis as his is the only case in the vicinity. Pearl EvLk has again taken charge of the pool room and Mack Hollman has opened his place of business at his old stand. Johnie Bowen wa; called to Salem last week by the State Ac cident Commission for his final examination. Sherar Bridge The people of the neighborhood enjoyed a card party a Carl Heads Saturday night. Harry Brown returned home service Februery 14. Mrs. E.S. Doering is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Domagolla of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. lorn Asliley are the glad parents of a baby girl born February 5th. Miss Vera Goetjen and Yern Tunison of Maupin are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Carl Head. Miss Alberta Osborn was a week end visitor of Mrs. Coberth. Jim Cook and Pat Conroy made a business trip to The Dalles 'the latter part of the week. Miss , Hazel Brown is visiting her sister, Mrs. Chastain. Mrs. Muller is improving fine from her recent illness. Charley Harth returned fixm The Dalles in his car, finding the roads in bad shape. I)r. Shannon was called to this vicinity several times last week. Wm. Hart U made a business' trip to The Dalles Monday. Willard Wing of VVamic has been hauling hay from this vicinity. ML HOOD LOOP HIGHWAY SPUR To Wapinitia The propope route follows the Barlow -Oak Groue road to Govern ment Camp, thence around the east side of Mt. Hood to Hood River connecting with the Colum bia River highway at Hood River. The connecting link to Central Oregon would require the improve ment of the Oak Grove road from Summit House to Wapinitia Flat, This Bhort spur road will bring the Inland Empire of Central Ore gon 50 miles closea to Portland, us main trade center. Wapinitia Plains will be 80 miles or four hours by auto from Portland's courthouse. While the scenic feature is a grand thing for the Oregonian it it commercially yaluable to Ore gon due to the great returns from the tourist trade. Multnomah county pledges a hard surface road to the Clacka mas county liue over this route, -at no cost to the state. The For estry department pledges $257,000 wsthin the forest. Under the provisions of the Bean-Barret Act it is now provid ed that 50-50 by state and govern ment shall be and is provided for, which totals 1500,000 available funds. The street crew resumed work Wednesday morning and complet ed the work as nearly as the condition of the ground will per mit at present, which is great im provement over former conditions. The famous White Flamo Burn ers for you coal oil lamps can now be purchased at E. A. Cyr's con fectionery at Maupin. The White 1 Flame. Burner will give twice as much light as your old burner wiih the same amount of oil. Costs you nothing to try one and only 35 cents if you are satisfied. We also have them 'for lanterns. No. 2 only size on hand at present Toilet Soap, 15c value, 3 bars for 25c. Maupin Drug Store. L. B. Kelly returned yesterday from a trip to The Dalles. Real Bargains In order to make room for spring stock, will sell a limited amount of 2f 2x4, 2x6 and 2x8, Shiplap and 1x12 boards for $15.00 per thousand. Will have a car load of 7 ft. cedar posts for sale on the car at 18 cents. Get busy if you want in on this list of bargains Tum-A-Lum Lumber Company The Portland Painless Dentist ollice will be open and ready for business on and after January 12, j 1919. All work guaranteed. IT. Slatten, D. D. 8., Prop., Second St., The Dalles. W. 305 Church Notice John G. Hessler, pastor. Quarterly meeting services Rev. Frank L. Bums of Port land will be present and preach Friday and Saturday nighta at 7:30- The usual quarterly meet ing services will be held Sunday. SOME OF THE THINGS THAI wt. CAN DO FOR Y.; DO YOUR NOTARY WORK, SELL YOUR FARM FUK YOu. RENT YOU A SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX, BUY YOUR WHEAT, BARLEY AND OATS, , TAKE CARE OF YOUR BANKING BUSINESS. DO YOUR UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER WORK. GIVE US A TRIAL, WE CAN AND WILL MAKE GOOD MAUPIN STATE BANK