TIMES I OIL Demoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL 5, NO. 17 MAUP1N SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 7. 191$ THE YEAR $1.50 Street Work Delayed the street improvement com menced last Friday -was making good progress and had not the vsnow and rain stopped the work would be about completed as far ' as grading to a level is concerned. Considerable of .the water main bad to changed. H. 11. Kaiser handed most of the plumbing. Others on the work were 0. B. and J. W. Derthick, John and Dave Donaldson, Mike and Frank Creager. Tom Muir, Ira Kistner; Laeo DeCamp Louis Dei thick and Ben Cook, 'the latter is also mak ing a cross-walk between the Jory and Staats- mercantile houses. It Pays to Pay JOEY'S F. M. Jory SPECIAL Our complete line of Pendleton Goods including Bed Blankets, Robes, Bathrobes Mackinaws, Steamer Rugs, Shawls is offered at a saving of 10 per cent You have been waiting for cheaper woolen goods now is the time to buy offer holds good balance of February. I Pvq n Pir Pack T E. J. FISCHER, Prop. Complete line of Tubes and Casings . Automobile Accessories ' General repairing on all makes of cars All work guaranteed and prices reasonable We are at your service Fischer's HOOD'S CASH STORE GENERAL MERCHANDISE jj w PREFERRED STOCK TRU-BLU BISCUIT COS Staple and Fancy ... " Cookies, Crackers and . GROCERIES CONFECTIONS ; . ROSE CITY BRAND GOODYEAR Mackinaws, Logger Shirts, Wet Weather I Flannel Shirts and Water- . Footwear .r Repellent Wear STOCK SALT Light Hardware, Tinware, Granite ware, Glassware HOOD'S CASH STORE Alwavs at Your Service . ... SENT IN BY OUR Wapinitia Items The ground hog certainly sow hi a sadow here Sunday, as the sun rose bright and clear and re mained so all day, and the old say ing that there will be six weeks more winter seems likely to be true, or at least has started out that way. as about three inches of snow fell Monday night, and Tiles day night six inches more, but the Chinook has struck, and it Cash at Jory's Maupin Fraley Shop Sold v. 'Blacky' James who has had the management of the blacksmith shop of the Maupin Garage, and Blucksniithing, owned by Fraley & Vauderpool, with Ray Aub ey have foinied partnership and pur chased the blacksmith tools and equipment." The deal was made Thursday morning. The young men have 6ince been butty moving their outfit to the location former ly occupied by A. F. Martin, having leased the same. They expect to be ready for business Monday. . seems likely that it will soon dis appear. 'lhursday night, about a soot deep. Mrs. Vesta White and sons who were visiting here last week left Friday night for Vancouver, Wn. where she has received employment Mr. and Mrs. Phil Molt were vWnic visitors the first of the week . Mr. 'and Mrs. Goodenough mov ed from Pine Groyeto tfieir home stead on the hills the last of the week. Mr9. Dorothy Maynard received some geese from the Morrow ranch in Wamio last Friday and will go into the goose business this yea?. Louis Woodaide received his discharge from the army and ar rived home Saturday from Camp Lewis. Mr, and Mrs. John Lewis were made happy Friday when their son Herbert who has been in the aviation corps and hu been in t) e east for about eighteen months, arrived home. Ho has been an instructor in that depnitment for months. , Mrs. H. N. Dodge left bore Fri day for an extended visit with r lativea in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Rice left here Thursday for Estacada. Mrs. Annie Smith returned to her home here Friday from Pine Grove where she has been helping care for the sick at the Weberg home. They are all able to be up again. Fred Pratt who enlisted in the National Guards last summer nt Salem, received his call Fii ay and left Monday for Salem wiier he will be Federalized into the army if he papses his examinations Miss Irene Doyle who recently graduated from Tim Dalles hob- pital left Monday for Chehalis, Wn., where she has accepted a position in a. hospital. Clyde Fhnn made a trip to Maupin Friday, bringing up a load of mill feed. Bill Maynard was a Maupin visitor Friday. : Alfred Weberg spent several days last week at his ranch on Smock. Mr. and Mrs. Frank flustin went to Dufur Friday remaining till Monday. They report that Bernard Hustin is still in a very critical condition. He has been congnod to his bed for the part nmit'i, first with' influenza and intumonia foliwed and y hen almost recovered from that, other complications set in which will keep him in his bed several wools more. Mrs. Rice received a letter from her son Arthur who has been over j seas, saying he had arrived at Camp Fremont, Cat., and was well and expected to be home in a few days. I I Charlie Cox has purchased the Stahl house of Chas. Walker mi 1 is preparing to move it on skids to his lace at Pine Grove, j The patrons of the Pine Grove Effective In arder tn avoid danger from ' flu" infection from the crowds which collect in the postotllce each diy while the mail is being dis tributed, the postmaster and teh -phone operators hit upon tie scheme of doing their daily disin f'Cting at this particular time, aid th eir method of iiMing the disin fectant is a novel one, thi.t of putting formaldehyde in a shallow, vessel on a hot stove. Most of the germs are either killed or driven from the room and most of the occupants of the room us well. Dufur Dispatch. district fumigated and cleaned their school house the lirst of the week, and it's reported that school will reopen there in the near fu ture, as the llu has disappeared from that section. ' Mrs. Cyr came up from Manpin Monday and remained here until Wednesday looking utter business. Word was received from Mrs. V. B. T.-ipp this week saying that they had all had the llu, but were all hble to be up again. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Mayfield returned home the first of the week after a week's Btay on Smock. Mrs. Geo. Iteebe is stopping- at the home of Mrs. Jake Tusehin r this week. Lyle Bigbe came up from Port land last week and is visaing his parents and relatives here. Ruby "Wilson came over from Wamio last Friday is visiting here this, week. Pearl Eviek who was thn latest victim of the tluun this vicinity. has recovered from it and is now well again. i Mrs. Geo. Sanders of The Dulles' whofe husband reccwily died in Frauce of typhoid feyer, is w. It known here, having taught in the schools here. Mack Hollman returned home from Maupin last evening, wh rJ he hat beon looking after business interests for several days. in order to H H IT Heal jj will sell a limited amount of 2, 2x4, 2x6 and 2x8, Shiplap and 1x12 boards for $15.00 per thousand. Will have for sale on the you want in on SOME OF THE THINGS 1 HAV Wt CAN DO FOR DO YOUR NOTARY WORK, SELL JCOUuYaKM tOrC 10u.' RENT YOU A SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX, BUY YOUR WHEAT. BARLEY AND OAJ3. TAKE GARE OF YOUR BANKING BUSINESS. DO YOUR UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER WORK. GIVE US A TRIAL. WE CAN AND WILL makh; guuu MAUPIN STATE BANK NEWS ITEM S OF LOCAL INTEREST Loop Highway The following is an exerpt of a letter received by O H. Derthh k in regard to our most direct mute to Portland in tho interest of which N.- G. Hedin is working: ' The State Highway Commis sion will hold a public hearing in Portlau February 8th in regard to the Hood River around Mt. Hood to Government Camp Highway Loop. They propose to buid it this season. In order to 1 e of service to Central Oregon travel it is absolutely necessary to build missing link from Wasco Com ty Plains to this loop highway to that travel may go direct to Port land over the Government can p route instead of going north fifty miles further in reaching Forth n I Estel Stovall has had consider able misfortune for one boy the past few months. After suffering u broken arm early in he fall, he had the flu a short tin e ago. While outplaying Monday he fell on a rock in such manner aa to break the previously afflicted arm in the same place. ' Fraley & Vanderpool are pre paring to renovate and ceil the n'erior of their building formerly occupied bv the hlacksmithing de partment. 10. J. Styer has rented the! building and will take posses sion about March 1st. Job Crab- true bus the contract for refiooring and completing the building. George Cunningham teceived li s discharge from Camp' Lewis and ai rived home January 23. He then enjoyed the mumps a week before getting out trt see his friends George is quite well acquainted wi h his little son, but thinks he argams make room for spring stock, a car load of 7 ft. cedar posts car at 18 cents. Get busy if ihis list of bargains On the Job Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Cyr are herefrom Wapinitia and entering enthusiastically in their' newly acquired business, the former Harphum confectionery. An in iroduclion by usis unnecesi-ary. as they are quite well and favor ably known already. Mr. Cyr is mi active member of the Galel & Cyrrchestra which has furnished music here for numerous occasions A hearty welcome is extended to them by the business circle of Maupin. As opportunity permits with continuance of regular rou tine, they are renovating, paint ing, etc., which will when complet ed give the place a new and attractive appearance. would be less expensive when it comes time for presents haj he " arrived the day previous. The new stock Ipom of the Maupin Garage is completed and adds much to the appearance and will give much better display lor (heir line of stock. When attempting to losen a bench by an under strike with a sledge hammer yesterday morning Mr. JameB slipped and the ham mer dealt him a severe blow on the nose. Snow fell Monday night and has been quite . wintery since. Three or four inches fell yesterday and remains. W. H. Staats is a business visit or in Portland tins week. Church Notice John G. Hessler, pastor. The usual church services will be resumed Sunday Feb. 9, 1919. Sunday School 10. Preaching 11. Class meeting 12:15 F.vening service at 7:30, All are welcome. ii 0