The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, January 10, 1919, Image 4

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PuLIishcd Every Friday
Mrs, W. L. Mokkison, Publisher
Subscription: One Year $1.50, Six
Entered as second class mail
post, office at Maupin, Oregon,
,' 1 .1: hi-., rMWsmm-
Cover up the Old
Cracked Walls and Ceiling
It's no longer necessary for you to put up
with old craelod walls mid dingy discolored
wall-paper you don't have to run the risk of
fulling plaster ceilings.
You con cover up all this trouble and danger
with Beaver Board.
Attractive, new sanitary rooms can be built-in
where the old rooms used to he. New partitions
can be made and useless waste space changed
into usable quarters. Beaver Board will make
the old home look young again.
This lrnotless, crack'ess manufactured lumber
can be nailed directly over old cracked walls or
to the studding of new partitions. You can saw
the big, sturdy, flawless panels of Beaver Board.
We carry a complete stock ready for imme
diate delivery. Drop in today and get some of
cur interesting literutuie.
tS I (Hi)
You mn't
fxp,rt ItlMV'T
llouiil rruull'J
ii n 1 1'
t Ii i
ink l
on t In- li.ii k nl
thp buMiU yuu
From France
Franco, I ii'remlier 15'. I
Dear folks at home:
I have not. wnltcn
Hoiut! time, but better
never thry say. Nor
cnived mi answer to
Inline for
l:il (ban
1 re-
nine' 1 left Kt. Hen Harrii-on, I
S. 1 do hope yon are all well and
li: yi'ii't kicked in wiili the llu or
Honielhing else of that mil ure.
Voll know, pi'i'hnps, llu; regula
tions governing Idlers have brim
modified so I now can tell you
Home of our doings since we hit
this country. i
To begin with, we were about
twelve days getting to the front
after we. landed at llrest on Sept
ember '21. 'e w ere thii teen days
coming over. When about "()()
miles from Ibo French coai-t tie
Hubs gave in i he v ry i!i yil T! v
were nfler us !. m tiii'lYim! In i .-.
Twice we were tired eu Willi tor
potlors, liul lmiwly no wtie mil
hit. V had u my strong con
voy of destroyers they gave
the subs but little lime for gdlinc
the range, etc. When thai pei i
hi'tipe showed tip lin y slarleil !
shoot right thru. It mho is " a
wonderful sight to see about '.'ll of
those speedy little ships go in,
nt'sion at the same tune. eil i
alter we landed we started l,i
wading invjd in France and we imo'
Ntill wading the mini. The sun is j
shining today the second nice!
iiuy I have seen in tour monllis
Out of the last W dnys it has
raineti ofs day-, not all day ! end visit in the While River see
always, hut rained tinting the day liion ami note the following:
Well we went up in the SI. We were entertaine.P S.-itnrd v
Michael section and look pin t in I
that tlrive, and it was some th iv f
loo, believe mo: one of the lierresi j
Irivestlml the Yanks nut over. :
We went over three times it
October ami went. nut. time af'lei
time lit night working betwien
the lines, we were, not over veil
long but we went th oute whiin.the most prtcine would be able lo
at Maupin, Oregon,
Months 5cts, Three Months 50c
matter September 2, 1914, at the
under the Act of March 3, 1879.
we were here. About the lsilh of
October we started to operate nar
row gage railroads. These are
lines that carry the men ami
munitions from the large railroad,
up to the front. J had tho wreck
ing crew and was ycry busy. We
had one in itlge on our line I ! al
tiie Fritz blew down eyery (lav
and sometimes oflener. lie would
j throw"
over a hundred or so of
high explosive s'hells ami then
wait a while until the wrecking
crew starlcd to rebuild itj then he
would send over a number of gas
shell; and he knew the range and
could put them where he wanted
to. P. was very hot work. 1 got
an over dose of gas at that plur-o,
but am now fully recovered with
no ill effects whatever, 1 have
been at Rulompost the last week
attendih" tom Melon. I nml .in, n,.
,i , , , ,
i on mi' iiiu iiiicK in my company
I " I - . , .....
iwhe:.i is stationed at Ceblcnco,
Jesmaiiv. mi the Rhine 1,0 or To
miles from Coloctoie 1 donM lini
any idea when wo will start lot
home but 1 think we will be home
by June or July, in fact 1 think
WM will be home hetnre that time
but I like to allow plenty of time
and then there w ill be no disap
po ntments.
Well this js all for this time,
f urn your loving son,
Serg. Fester K. MeCorkle,
'At White River
The Times force made a week
fu mo it the H. A Muil r
In, en. mr Mnllr n-.. .,r;.,..i!
to her bed with rheumatism but ,
ear. ! eare.l lor l,v lw,r aivt I
and twelve year-old daughter,
who also are keeping every item
"iiiii' home in pei feet cleanliness
and harmony
We do not thii.k
fin') fault Miss Thomas, the
district teacher, is making hi r
home there.
A loree of from six to twelve
mm have been floating' ice from
the bays of the White river power
plaid which has been giving con
siderable trouble. Jn clearing this
ice the workmen are running a
j.;r(;at risk, especially on the up
per bay, the plutform of which
has no railing and part of it con
vials of one twelve inch plank
between a sixteen foot embank
ment on one fide and that depth
of icy water on the other.
Mr. Burk, foieman of thin
branch ot the u. 1. section was
V ,, , . .
i'ii i i"d away lor a tew days.
Wlii In at the C. C. Conley home
Monday afternoon little 0-year old
I'ov iavirid uh with several fa
miliar numbers at the piano whiih
hi' plays very nicply by ear.
Mr and Mrs. Joe Chastain of
Winiii; spent the weekend with
I'm hitler's parents, Mrnnd Mrs.
C. C. Conley,
Mrs. M. E. Morrison made b
trip to The Dalles the first of the
w in. Morrison nas lust com
pleted cutting a crop of winter
wheat which amounts to four or
fiye tons of hay.
J on n Conroy made a trip to
t'lio Dalles ths first of the week
Church Notice
John 0. Ilessler, pastor.
The usual Sunday services will
lie held Sunday followed by
wi ek of prayer.
Sunday School 10.
Preaching 11,
Class meeting 12:15
ICvening service at 7:30.
W. U. Telegram
Portland, Jan. !), '19.
Editor Maupin Times:
Physicians of Portland aboul
treatment for flu cases at home,
I desire to tell all my friends tht
smijic remedies as tollnw:
- (in to bed; keep warm; keep
good spirits and hope, as fear is
ureal est enemy outside of germs
Take oil of salts for free bowel
act ion; eat lightly, broth, etc.,
rest and avoid any chill; if you
chill take hot hath in tub with
"2 ounces of mustard in water.
Cover well in bed; get proxide or
oilier antiseptic wash. Jiurn sheep
dip and sulphur. Above till have
1 1 list and keep cheerful.
N. G. Hedin.
At my place on Ridgewny, one
spotted heifer, no visible brand or
earmarks. Owner may have, same
by paying for this ad.
llert E. Davis.
Local Items
A Ft w winter
hats 011 special
"Ill IV .11 J VII Y P.
lMn Ju,V ,'av' 8
morning for her home in Salem
A new shipment of .player
pianos at the Muupin Drug Store.
Mr. nni( Mrs. L. C. Heniieghari
were business callers in town yes
terday. Large sheets of carbon paper for
embroidery stamping at the Times
William Stovall is visiting his
mother, Dr. Slovall this week.
It is now cold enough for those
l eiiolclon blankets, Uet them at
Don't forgtt that you can get
your groceries for less at Jory's.
J Mrs. Clark Richardson left yes
iterttav for Oakland' Oreuon. to
t - - - o -
visit her mother.
Kay Aubrey is convalescing
'0I" a l'i?ht attack of the flu
A. M. nd Ted Brandt of Shac-
' u "P"1 Si,(imly ' The Dalles.
l'"r "He-gentle pony, saddle
j aml l'rid,e 20- Inquire at this
j Cet a box of Purolla Influenza
.treatment, for sale at the Maupin
Drag Store,
A (laughter was born, to Mr.
and Mrs. John Foley Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Mott were
business visitors in town yesterday
Some of the farmers dont like to
be skinned, but Dad Coale still
buvs ekins and hides.
Mrs. Morgensen went to Mosier
yesterday to care for her mother
who has been ill tor some time. ,
Choice acclimated beans for sale
in sack lots at farmer's prices at
the Maupia and Hunts Ferry
Warehouse Co.s. D13 2 mp
Jiinmie Ilarpham writes that
the frost will be out of the ground
by the time he arrives, home.
J I y genie Tooth Paste, the best
in the world, a good propholnctie
for Influenza and Lagrippe. For
sale at the Maupin Drug Store,
The weather the past week has
been very much the same as the
previous one, with a little greater
variation in temperature.
Don't pay tug prices lor eye
glasses when we have guaranteed
to fit glasses for $1 to if 1.50 per
pair. Maupin. Drug Store.
For Said
Four choice young cows. In
piire this ollice, '
For Sale
Onff 3 1-4 wagon,
kciii8 and boxes. II.
new steel
L. Morris.
Are you using The Times linei
column when you have any thing
to sell or want to buy some article
that your neighbor may have or
wishes to dispose of? If not try
a want ad in that column. We are
sure that it will bring results.
Times, ifl.oO per year.
Wapinitia "Auto Stage
Leaves Maupin, 8 a. m.
Lf avf s Wuir.itia, 1! ( y.
I.O. O F.
Lodge No. 20!), Maupin, Oregon,
meets every Saturday night ii
Oonnldsons hail. Visiting mem
ners always welcome.
I). W. Tai.cott, N. 0.
W. II. Tai.cott. Secretary.
I,. B. Fox Ii, T. Yates
Makers of Abstracts That
Hooks Posted to Date Daily
Plant Second to None
First National Hank Building
Phone Black 2.S31,
The Dalles, Oregon
Hot Meals, sandwiches,
Shori orders at all hours,
Served at the Hazelu,ood
Ice Cream Parlor.
Maupin Qarag'e
Adyertisers please read over
your notices ami notify us immtdi
ately if alienor has occured.
Stockholder's Notice
The annual meeting of the
White River National Farm Loan
Association will be held at Smock
January 24, 1919, at 1 o'clock p.
;m. to elect directors to rerye one
year, and for such other business,
as may properly come before the
meeting. This a very .important
meeting. Please make it a point
to attend.
W. II. May field,
Date December 14, 15)1 8.
Department of the Interior,
United States I.and Office at The
Dalles, Oregon, December 31,
1918. ,
to Rudolph AWrnle of Wapinitia
Oregon, Co:itestee:
You-are hereby notified that
John A. Heckler, who gives Wapi
nitia, Oregon as his postofliee ad-
dresH, did on November Kl, 1918,
file in this ollice his du.y corrobo
rated application to contest and
secure the cancellation of your
homestead Entry No. Serial!
01(117.5. mudo July 5, 19 Hi. for
snl-4, Section 10, n1-2nk1-4, skL
4nk1-4, Section lo, swl-4.Mvl-l,
Section 14, Township (J Soulh,
Kange 13 Fast, Willamette Merit),
i an, and as grounds for his con
test he alleges that said Rudolph
Wernle has never established
resilience on the pluco and thai
Rudolph Wernle is not serving in
the military or naval forces t l the
I'nLlcil Slates, '
You are, therefore, further noti
fied that the said allegations'will
be taken as confessed, ami your
said enlry will be cenceled without
further right to be heard, tifher
before this olhce or on appeal, if
you fail to file in this ollice within
twenty days after the FOURTH
publication of this notice, is
shown below, your answer' unfit r
0:1.1 Ii , specificnlly responding lo
these allegations of contest, to
gether with due proof that you
nave served a copy of your answer
on I he said contestant either in
person or by registered mail. ,
You should statu in your answer
the name of the postofliee to which
yuu desire future notices to I e
sent to von.
. Frank Woodcock,
i. Date of first publication, J inu-
uary 3, VJFJ.
Date of second publication, Jan
uary 10, HH'J.
Date of third publication, Janu
ary 17, 191!.
Date of fourth publication, J u 1 1 -11
;ry 2t, 1911).
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles
Oregon, December 11, 1918.
Notice is hereby given that
Thomas Faherty
of Maupin, Oregon, ' who, on
March 8th, 1915, made Homestead
Kntry no. 014565, for SK1-4NW1-4.
S1-2NEI-4, WI-2SK1-4, ; Section 9.
SWT-4NWI-4, WI-2SWI-4, Section 10
Township 5 South, Range 14, Fast
! Willamette Meridian, has filed no
tice of ititetflion to make Final
three year Proof, to establish claim
:to the land above described, befort
I. Stuart, U.S. Commissioner
.it Maupin Oregon, on the. 29II
day of January, ' 1919.
Claimant names as witnesses
j Clark Richardson, James Doran
John Foley, Ray Aubrey, ulli.f
Maupin, Oiegem.
II. Prank Woodcock,
Department of the Interior
f. b. ijiiiiu vimce at. 1 ne wanes
Oitgon, December, 11th, 1918.
N'lTICli is hereby given thai
Daniel J. Conroy
of Shaniko, Oregon, who on July
20ih, 1915, made Homestead Entry
No. 015 171, for nl-2sVi-4. Section
10, sWi-4NWi-4, Section 14, EI-2X-
wi-4, v1-2NKi-4, SKI-4NKI-4, Sec
tion 15, Township 6 South, Range
j 15 East, Willamette Meridian
ihas filed notice of intention to
make Final three year Proof, to
establish claim to tTie land above
described, bofore F. D Stuart, U.
S. Commissioner, at Maupin, Ore
gon, ou the 29th day of January.
1919. v '
Claimant names as witnesses:
Roy Reynolds, James Doran,
of Maupin, Oregon, Ralph Buzan,
P. K. Conroy ofCriterion,- Oregon.
H. Frank Woocock,
Department of the Interior
U; S. Land Oflice at The Dalles,
Oregon, December, 12th, 1918.
Notice is hereby given that
Charles B. Doyle.
of Wapinitia, Oregon, who on July
9th 19131 "'aJe Home'ead Entry
No. 011865, for Nt-2NWI-4, SWI-
4NWI-4. NWI-4SWI-4, Section 6.
Township 6 South, Range u
East, Willamette Meridian, hat
filed notice of intention to make
Final Three Year Proof, to estab
lish claim to the land above de
scribed, before F. D. Stuart, United
States Commissioner at Maupin,
Oregon, on the 3rd day of Feb
ruary, 1919.
Claimant names as witnesses:
C. O. Mayaid, Carrie Kirkham,
Eeander Walters, Stillman II.
C,oi!euough, all of Wapinitia,
II. I'kank Woodcock,
Public Land Sale
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
November 8, 1918.
NOTICE is hereby given that
asMlnected by the Commissioner
of the General L.uid office, under
prr,v'..,iims of Sec. 2455, R. S
piiisiiaut to the application .of
tinny rsoiton, henal ISO. 019170,
we will offer at public sale, to the
highest bidder, but at not less
than 2. so per acre, at 11:30 o'clock
A. M. on the 14th day of Jauuaiy
next at Ihis office, the followinr
tract of land: NIU-4NWI-4, nwi
4NK1-4, Section 22, Township '3
South, Range 13 Fast W.- M.
(Containing 80 Acres).
The sale will not be kept open,
bill will be declared closed when
1 hose present at the hour named
have ceased bidding. The person
making the highest bid will be re
quired to immediately pay to the
Receiver the amount thereof."
Any persons claiming adversely
1 he above described land are ad
vised to file their claims, or objec
tions, on or before the time desm-
' na'ied for sale.
np L. A. Booth, Receiver.
(1751) The Dalles 335 Serial No.
w 020188
U. S. Land Office at The Dalle,
Oregon, November 25, 1918.
NOTUCIi is hereby given that,
the Northern Pacific Railway Com
pany, whose post oflice address is
SI. Paul, Minnesota, has this 25th'
(lay of November, 1918, filed in
this office its application to select
1 udiT the provisions of the act of
Cougiess, appioved July 1, 1898
(v Stat, 597, 620.) SK1.4 of nri-4
Sec. 18, Twp. -5 South, R 14 East
W. M.
'Hi;, and all persons claiming
adversely the lands described, or
rlesiiing to object because of the
Miuciifl character of the land, or
any other reason, to the disposa'
to iipplicant, should file their affi
lavits of protest in this office, on
or In fore the 14th day ot January,
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, November 29th, 1918.
notice is hereby given that
ii; ice Wilson, deserted wife . of
Jacob M. Wilson
of Shmiko, Oregon, who 011 Sept.
5, Uji2, made Homestead Eutry
.no. 010692, and 011 May 4, 1914,
made Additional Homestead Entry
No. 03105 for SI-2NWI.4, Section
i , st-2NEi-4, SE1-4NW1-4, Section
15, 'township 7 south, Range 15
Last, Willamette Meridian, has
filed notice of intention to make
Final three year Proof to establish
claim to the land above described
before Register anil Kec t iver, Unit
ed States Land Office' at The Dalles
Oregon, ou the.2tst day of January
Claimant names as witnesses,
Claml W ilson, Bakeoven, Oregon,
George K. Fine, Shaniko, Oregon,
A I;. Fine, Shaniko, Ore-gon, E.
E. Fine, Shaniko, Oregon.
H. Frank Woodcock,
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, December 4th, 1918. - '
Noticr is hereby giyen that
Wilbur E. Hurst,
of Maupin, Oregon, who on July
1st HUH, made Homestead Eutry
No. 011810, for se1-4nw1-4, swl
4.Nnl 4, wl-2sEl-4, Section 84,
l iHvniip 4 South, Range 14 East,
Willamette Meridian, baa filed
notice of intention to make Final
three year Proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
F. D. Stuart,. TJ." S. Commissioner
at Maupin. Oregon, on the 29nri
day of January, 1919.
Claimant names as witnesses:
r. A. Connolly, A. J. Connolly,
Asa M. White, John Foley, all of
Maupin, Oregon.
DP Rechiter.