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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1919)
Mail Orders Given Immediate Attention. Mat. FRAMCK i Violin) jfcEICHENLA UB Member of Extension uity of the University Oregon. From Begining to Studio Suite. Columbia Building. Phone Marshall 3841 Grace Adams Optometrist & Optician S wetland Building: Rooms 403-404-405 Edith I. Pbilll'pS, QPtometrist and -Optician 450-151 Pittock Block Washington at West Park We Will Rent You an Auto City Garage and You Drive It Yourself. FEARING & RQBNETT REASONABLE RATES. Also general garage business. 86 Tenth St., near'Stm-k. TIRES LONG WEARING Surprisingly high Mileage. Live responsible STANDARD TIRE & AUTO SUPPLY PAINT; We are manufacturers of mobile paints. Also, jobbers kind and amount of Daintmit reuuired and cost of same to local dealer. Write us. PAINT Direct factory prices. Give Our Standard C brand a trials In barrel lots $2.U0 per gallon. It's a jrood pnint. We manufacture all kinds of house paints, enamels, barn, roof, wagon and auto paints. Before buying write and get our prices. Agents wanted everywhere. OREGON STANDARD PAINT MANUFACTURING (0., 172 First Si., Portland, Ore. 'L' Cafeteria AUTO Parts The House of Parts and Accessories for Autos. We will send you Parcel Post anything you may want for the Auto if it can be secured in the city. LONG & SILVA, 462 Hawthorne, Portland, Oregon You Will Feel Right at Home. Beautifully Furnished Rooms. Safe Central $1.00 Without Bath $1.50 With Bath Rates Monthly Rates NORTONIA HOTEL llth and Stark, PORTLAND, ORE. Excellent Cafe and Roof Garden Technical and Practical Training. Autos, Trac jt tors. Auto h '',! Electrical bystems, Gas Engines ADCOX AUTO AND TRACTOR SCHOOL Union Ave. and Wasco St., . PORTLAND, ORE. Our big 100 page catalog full of. pictures of Adcox graduates Right on the Job, sent free. Address Department No. 1. HOTEL ALDER Rooms (1 per day and up. Special monthly rates. Out-of-town visitors made to feel at home. Southern Pacific electric train depot in same building. J. W. BUSHONG, Manager. 286 Alder SL, cor, 4th. - PORTLAND, ORE. EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE Office Furniture a Appliances PRINTING ;: ENGRA VING BOOKBINDING KARSHAU 6090 A6548 FIFTH I OAK STREET, PORTLAND. OREGON COMPLETE LINE OF STEEL FIUNG DEVICES AND SYSTEMS We Pay Cash for CREAM, EGGS, POULTRY, VEAL and HOGS. Writ (k Print no Tip. PORTLAND, ORE Hazelwood Co., Front and Ankeny Sts. BUHL MILK CANS Sanitary milking palls, strainers, etc., are standard with Northwest Dairymen. Burrell Milkers does the work of 10 men will save enough In 1 year to pay for its cost , We carry a full line of Dairy Supplies, Barn Equipment, Silos, etc. Write us for large catalog containing one of the finest assortments of Dairy Supplies in the N.W. MONROE & CRISSELL 91 Front St. Portland. Seashellt Instead of Glass. One curious thing noted by Ameri cans In the Philippines was the use by natives of seashells In lieu of window glass. There is a bivalve mollusk, na tive to the waters of that part of the world, which has a shell seven or eight Inches in diameter, so thin as to be transparent It Is plentiful and costs nothing.- Glass is expensive. It gives you self-respect and cour age. ' IK ! Ibbb l?m mm mm la weekly BrEm.'W if? iff w S jia 7 F. FRIEDLANDER & CO. Diamonds, WatcheB, Jewelry 'and Silverware. Estab lished 1870. Larjest Stock of Wrist Watches in Portland. . Best Diamond Values In the Northwest 310 Washington St., Between 5th and 6th. PORTLAND. OREGON. At HEILIG THEATER Every SUN., MON., TUES., WED. Daily, 10c to 50c; Nights, . 10c to $100 BEATRICE iPiano) Authorized Representa tive of Xaver Scharwenka Concert AnDearence. West Park and Washington Street Res. Phone, Tabor 8 Fifth and Washington Portland, Oregon Phone Broadway 1305 Portland, Oregon. TIRES; PURE RUBBER. STRONGEST COTTON FABRIC dealers. Write for exclusive territories. CO.. 84 Sixth St.. Portland, Ore. 11 kinds of house, barn. roof, waoron and auto of all paint sundries and tools. Write uh the you need done and wewill estimate quantity vou and arrange easy delivery throuirh vour TIMMS-UtESS & CO., 184-6 Second St. BEST PLACE IN TOWN TO EAT We especially invite out-of-town visitors to give us a trial. We will make you feel at home. Sixth and Alder Streets, PORTLAND, ORE. THE BEST EATS IN THE C1TV St. Nicholas Cafeteria 125 Sixth Street, Portland, Oregon. See what you want and pay for what you get. De Laval Separators Everything for the Daiiy, Creamery and Cheese Factory. Distributors of JAMES BARN EQUIPMENT ACME FEED CUTTERS ALPHA GAS ENGINES EMPIRE MILKING Machines Write for prices 'or informa tion. COLUMBIA DAIRY SUPPLY CO.. 1 Front St., Portland, Oregon I Cure! PILES, FISTULA and all other diseases of the rectum by an original Painless Method, Without Chloroform or Knife and with no danirer whatever to the patient. My treatment is no exyeriment, but the most success ful method ever discovered. Many canes have been cured by this method alter operation had failed. Consult me about your case. Dr. N. Claude Hampton, Dekum Building. Portland. Oregon. ACCORDION PLEATING We Cut, Hem and Pleat Skirts any Style for $1. Hemstitching, 10c per yard. EASTERN NOVELTY MFG. CO. 85j4Flfth St. Broadway 2000 K. Stcphan, hemstitching, scalloping, braiding, accordion side pleat, buttons covered; mail orders. 219 J?ittock block. AGATE" CUTTERS 6V MFG. "JEWELERS v"iWelry'valHT'swatc 166 Wash. St.. Majestic Theater Bldg. ARtrFICIAL LIMBS 0onArtif for Catalog. 426 Washington St., Port land, Oregon. AJUCJJONEERSZt Ford Auction Co. Auctioneers. We sell everything. 191 Second St., Portland. AUTOACC"ESS0Re8 Motors, gears, bearings, wheels, axles, and trailers. We wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at half price. David Hodes Co.. N. Broadway and Flanders. MotorPartB Mfg Co., S25 BurnBlae BL Parts for all cars at half price. LONG A SILVA 462 Hawthorne Ave. Auto Wreckers. We wreck cars and sell good parts list price. See us for En gines, Magnetos, Carburetors, etc. BILLIARDS. POOL AND LAVATORIES. MEET ME IN PORTLAND At one qf the most elegant Billiard Rooms on the Pacific Coast. Bowie & Caldwell's Second Floor Pittock Block BONDSjiOJJGhlT Come to 725 Gasco Bldg., 6th and Alder Sts., or mail Bonds to us. We remit by return mail. CELLARS-MURTON CO. TorurouTianoTplaster or lime fertilizer now. Ship later. Prices right P. L. CHERRY CO., Inc. 271 Hawthorne Ave. Portland CARDIO-VASCULAR -REN AL DISEASE wfHET?n2rtmErstTS Mnnre Sanitarium. An Institution de voted to doing one thing well. Office 908 Selllng Building, Portland. Oregon. DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN Rheumatism, Constipation. Nerve and Stomach trouble. Dr. Elna Sorenson, 60S Panama Bldg. " Write us for prices. Pioneer Paint Co., 186 First St., Portland. When It Starts. Not always, but almost always, the beginnings of mental and jnoral in feriority are in the home." Educate parents to the supreme Importance of home training of children and the problems of vice, crime and poverty will be far on the way to solution. Kerosene. To remove paint from the hands or wearing apparel wet in kerosene and wash at once. L 11 II f For Value Buy Our Special $100 Diamond It'a a beautiful Stone and iUUaiJ profitable investment This store is Headquarter for Military Wrist Watches. Write us! JAEGER BROS., (WBttft MR. BUSINESS MAN Are you wanting to sell. We have buyers for general stores, groceries, confection ery, cigars, restaurants, etc. Send me description. F. R1ERDON, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. CANAIANFAMLANDS Tli?'canSffiinP onlzing its land grant in Western Canada A great opportunity to get rich virgin prairie land very cheap, on exceptionally long and easy terms Farm land f 11 to 30, irrigated land up to $60 per acre, with 20 years to pay J2000 loan for lm Drovements on irrigated land Landseek- ers' Excursions with reduced rates. Fort- further Information write or call L. C. Thornton, District Representative, 208 Railway ExchangeBldg., Portland, Ore. CHIROPRACTOR DRUGLESS TREAT MENT DR. RAYMOND E. WAITERS Accute and Chronic Cases. Chi ropractic is the most Scientific method of treating disease. 806-6 Swetland Bldg., Corner 5th and ' Washington streets. FARM MACHINERY Ideal Hoists for unloading hay, stretch ing fences, driving fence posts, erect : ing buildings, building roads, clearing I land and other purposes. I U. S. IRON WORKS, SEATTLE, WASH. 'FINANCIAL MORTGAGE LOANS"1 For Mortgage. Loans see OREGON IN VESTMENT & MORTGAGE CO., 220-22 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 4th and Stark, Portland Oregon. HIDES, WOOLS CASCARA BARK We pay highest prices Write UB for quotation. Kahm Bros., 195 Front St. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD We pay cash for Bonds or partly paid contracts or loan 90 of their face value at 8 per annum. Deal with reliable licensed Brokers. Howell and Davis, 401 Board of Trade Building, Portland. OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN GLASSES AT A SAVING. Patronage solicited on basis of capable service and reason able charges. Thousands of sat isfied patrons. A trial will convince. Chas. W. Goodman, optometrist, 209 Morrison. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Dr. R. B. Northrup 808 Morgon Build ing. Catarrh, Catarrhal deafness and Rheumatism. Nervous aad chronic- dls- PAINTS AND, WALL PAPER Paints and Auto finishes. Wholesale and retail. BOLLS Wall Paper Co., 229 Morrison St. PHYSICAL THERAPEUTICS Dr. R. A. Phillips, 906 Broadway Bldg. Disorders of the stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, goitre, high blood pressure and female disorders. SANITARY BEAUTY PARLORS 400 to 412 Dekum Bldg. Everything to help the appearance of Woman. Largest stock of Hair Goods. Three separate stem switch made of combings 11.50. Twenty two Inch switch or transformation to match your hair 12.45. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES mim mmm oume Wants Men, Women to learn the trade; positions jwal ting; send for catalogue. MISS DECKER'S Private Business Col lege. Alisky Bldg., d & Morrison Hts. Hawthorne Auto & Gas Engine School. 462 Hawthorne Ave. Practical experience In overhauling and repairing every make of auto and gas engine. Oxyacetylene welding. Established 1907. SCHOOL SUPPLIES Noftfiwesfchool FurnTtureoTTSii'lrd SL Everything for schools. Also theatre chairs, church furniture. Folding chairs and seats. Tn-OREDSUITS Suits to orierTOoviaiSM per month. Unique Tailoring Co., 104 Fourth St., Portland. TALKING MACHINES Ieortytoo"pli?'celvr7lh and Columbia records. New and used. Satisfaction guaranteed. Write for cata log. Vern L. Wengcr. 1424 Second St. VIAVI (HomeJIemedy) Natural System of treatmen' Free formation; write or call 422 Pittock Blk. WALL PAPER AND PAINTS Wall pHper and paints. Wholesale and retail. BOLLS Wall Paper Co., 229 Mor rison St. 2 WATER SYSTEMS FOR COUNTRY HOMES Kewanee Water Systems to meet any conditions. Easily Installed. Easily op erated. Over 25,000 In use. Write for literature and details. M. D. SPENCER 641st St Portland, Oregon. Original "Gag Rule." "Gag rule" was a phrase applied to a resolution passed by congress in May, 1836, e that three-fourths of all petitions, memorials, resolutions, prop ositions or papers relating In any way to the subject of slavery or the aboli tion of slavery should lie on .the table without being printed or referred. The rule was abolished a few years later. Some Fish I ''In my entire piscatorial experl ence," said the truthful traveler, "I never came across a fish so accommo dating as the shovel fish of South America. It has a snout the shape of a shovel and it will jump out on the bank and dig bait for you to catch It with." A good judge will decide according to justice and right in preference to strict law. Heroism. Heroism is always the same, how ever the fashion of a hero s clothes may alter.- Every hero in history is as near to a man as his neighbor, and if we should tell the simple truth of some of our neighbors, it would sound like poetry. George W. Curtis. Aim High. If you hit the mark you must aim a little above it; every arrow that flies feels the attraction of earth. Long fellow. How to Get Rich. Some men would have no trouble In getting rich If they held on to the mon ey they earn as they do to the money they borrow. . CTATP TVTT7XT7C J IN BRIEF, Complete returns from the Red Cross membership drive in Douglas county compiled by W. C. Harding, show that a total of 653S Individuals subscribed to the fund. Senator Chamberlain, of Oregon, was 65 years old Wednesday. He spent the day quietly, devoting some time to opening letters and telegrams con gratulating him on his speech exposing conditions In the War department. Investments of Hood River county citizens in war securities total $766, 000. Hood River people bought a-total of $646,000 of the four liberty loan bonds. Sales of war savings stamps probably will exceed $120,000. The semi-annual examination of the books in the office of the state treas urer was made Wednesday, by Secre tary of State Olcott. The law requires an examination by the secretary of state on January 1 and July 1 of each year. The Marlon county grand jury, which a few weeks ago handed down an extensive report on conditions at the state penitentiary, will report soon to the circuit court and will return some indictments In connection with the prison. The State Textbook commission next June is to choose only books that give accurate information, and those con taining any matter savoring of Ger man propaganda will be eliminated. The commission is now preparing for the June selection. All employes of the Pendleton Wool en mills who have been on the payroll during the past year, will participate in extra earnings amounting to several thousand dollars, the management an nounced. The earnings will be based on wages. Changes in the school laws affecting the raising and distribution of money in school districts are proposed by the county superintendents of the state, who are now in session in Salem, and recommendations will be formulated for presentation to the legislature, County Clerk Brown estimates that 4000 Umatilla county citizens whose names appear ' on the registration books of the county have failed to vote at any of the three elections during the past two years. The office Is now engaged in eliminating these names from the rolls. In the Astoria justice court Jfrlday morning E. P. Bailey, as manager of the Pacific Power & Light company, was found guilty on a charge of per mitting crude oil to flow Into the waters of the Columbia river and fined $260. He immediately gave no tlce of appeal to the circuit court. Members of the Loyal Legion who essayed to help in the eradication of influenza in Marshfield appeared be fore the city council, claiming the re strictive measures are not adequate The appointed delegates told the coun- cllmen it was not proper to permit any assemblies. Laxity in quarantine and failure of one physician to report caBes were charged, At a mass meeting at Madras, the plan by which the government will extend aid to the North Unit Irriga tion district was explained to the set tlers, who for the past five years have been working to bring about irrigation by private enterprise. The govern ment has taken up the project with a view to disposing of the land to set tiers, and especially to the returning soldiers. Linn county will have an agricul tural agent again next year. In the recent election the people voted against the county making an appropriation for the maintenance of the agent, but committees of the Linn County Agri cultural council have raised a fund by popular subscription to pay the coun ty's portion of the expense of main talnlng the office. The year now end ing Is the first In which the county has had an agent. Hotel Albert, one of the leading hos tellies In The Dalles, and The Optlm 1st office, occupying the same three story building, are in ruins as the re suit of a fire which broke out at o'clock Friday morning In the furnace- room of the structure. The damage I estimated at $40,000. Hotel guestB and employes, scantily attired, were forced to grope their way through halls dense with smoke to the stairway leading to the street. Bend Is almost unique among cities of the northwest In offering Immediate employment to returning soldiers and sailors, according to Home 8ervlce Secretary Cadbury, of the Red Cross, who was there Saturday from head quarters in Seattle, to meet with the local chapter. No men returning from the service have been forced to remain Idle an hour longer than they actually wished, and the olive drab uniforms are becoming a common sight at the big mills. MORRIS BROS. , MORRIS BUILDING, 309-311 Stark St. Government and PORTLAND, ORE. Established Over Municipal Bonds Phone Bdwy, 2151. Twenty-Five Years VarkiiM Granulated Eyelids, II II IT Eyes inflamed by expd sure to Sun, Dust and Wind . quickly relieved by Murine HJj EycHemedy. No Smarting;, J w w just Eye Comfort. At Vour Druggist or by mail 60c per Bottle. For Book ol the fye free write wi Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. ATTENTION TO GRAPEVINES Some 8ort of Artificial Protection Should Be Given Where Winter Are Very Severe. Where the winter Is so bitter that grapevines must be given some sort of artificial protection in order to keep them from being killed by the cold, the vines will need to be pruned Just as quickly as they become dormunt. In mild winters this may be rather late in the season. On the other hand, the early coming of bitter weather may necessitate pruning early In the winter season. The system of pruning prac ticed In these localities should be such as to permit laying down the stalk, nnd canes to Insure growth and bear-! Ing next year. These are covered with leaves, rubbish, little mixed with earth, etc., in such a manner as to keep the zero weather nnd below zero weather from freezing and killing them. In the spring this covering Is removed just before the growth begins. All this makes It necessary to do the prun ing before the stalks and canes are put to bed for the winter. MAKING OVER OLD ORCHARDS Many May Be Well Worth Saving on Account of Growing Demand Pruning Is Urged. With the growing demnnd for fruit, orchards that have stopped bearing be cause of disease or old age may be well worth saving, according to the horticultural department at the Wis consin experiment station. Pruning is advised by way of making over the old orchard nnd restoring its useful ness. - Unless the fruit Is of good variety, it will not pay the orchardlst to bother with It, say the horticulturists. If the root system Is not strong and liv ing, then, too, the tree may as well be cut down. On the other hand, If the new growth Is vigorous, the tree has a chance for life. The .heart and trunk should be sound. In such a case, something may be done. j LOOK AFTER SLACKER TREES Pruning Is Needed on Most Farms . Better to Leave Too Much Wood the First Year. Uncle Sam expects that not only ev ery man, but every tree and vine shall do its full duty. On most farms are trees that need pruning. First cut out the dead wood. Then thin out the brunches that are interfering with the entrance of light and air. But don't overdo. Better leave too much wood the first year than take out too much, because the latter would throw the tree out of balance and wood Instead of fruit would be the result. Cause of Apple Canker. Apple canker Is caused by a fungus which develops in the growing layer and It should be cleaned out and the wound disinfected. Harboring Place for Insects. Dead and dying limbs are harboring places for many noxious insects, such as borers, pin-hole bark beetles. Cut Dead Llmba Closely. In cutting off dead or living limbs cut close to the tree and leave no iiiot. as it will not heal. Provide Continuous Trips. Immediate effort In Unking together the good roads to provide continuous trips is Imperative. Road Greatly Improved. By keeping a road drag and drag ging tho road along one's land after heavy rnlns the road may be greatly Improved. Maintain Those We Have. Not only should we build better roads, but we should take pains to "jalntaln those we already have. Brown Dyes for Leather. A brown dye for leathers may be made as follows: Boll half an ounce of Spanish saffron and a quarter of an ounce of annatta in water until the dye is extracted, to which . nfust be added some alcohol to set the color. Slightly Mixed. Mrs.llx There was a time whon you minded what I said, but now it's like water on a duck's back in at one ear and out at the other. - Watch Cutlcura Improve Your Skin. On rising nnd retiring gently smear the face with Cutlcura Ointment. WohIi off Ointment In five minutes with Cutlcura Soup ami hot water. It Is wonderful soiiiftlmt's what Cutlcura will do for poor complexions, dundruff, itching and red rough hands. Adv. hmms age OAIHT 'MMfS'" "Of Breaking all Records Right now when milk prices are break, insar all records is the time to make new hitrh records .in milk production. It is lur pminff how effectively this can be accom plished by rnisinff the health standard of your dairy cows. p The most prevalent cow ailments Abor. tion. Retained Afterbirth. Bunches, Lost Ap petite, Scouin, etc. b me from an impaired condition of the genital and iligeative or gans. Kow-Kure has remarkable medicinal properties that act directly on these organs, producing regular, healthy action. Feed dealers and druggist sell Kow-Kure, In 60c. and $1.20 packages Send for free book "THE HOME COW DOCTOR Dairy Association LysdoBvilUi Bronchial Troubles Sonilie tlie Irritation and you relievo the distress. Po li'illi quii'lily anil effectively by using promptly dependable remedy RelyOnCulicura ToClearPiniples Soap 2flc. Ointment 2.1 and SOc. Sure! High Heels Cause Corns But Who Cares Now You reckless men and women who are pestered w'th corns and who have at least once a week Invited an awful death from lockjaw or blood poison are now told by a Cincinnati authority to use a drug called freezone, which ' the moment a few drops are applied to any corn or callous the Boreness Is relieved and soon the entire corn or callous, root and all, lifts oft with the flngors. Freezone dries the moment It !s ap plied, and simply shrivels the corn or callouB without inflaming or even Ir ritating the surrounding tissue or skin. A small bottle of freezone will cost very little at any of the drug stores, but will positively rid one's feet of every bard or soft corn or hardened callous. If your druggist hasn't any freezone he can get It at any wholesale drug house for you. Adr. AI.I.EN'8 FOOT EASE FOU THE TKOOPS. Hhaken into the shims and sprinkled in the foot hnth it given rest and eomfort, taken the friction from the ahoo urn! prevent! lilinters and boi-o HpoU. Makes walking oatiy. Accept no aubHti tute. Hold everywhere, 2oc. Makes the Whole World Glad. Love "thlnketh no evil," imputes no motive, sees the blight Bide, puts tho best construction on every action, What a delightful state of mind to live in! What a stimulus and benediction even to meet with It for a day. Time's Balance. Things have a way of balancing themselves in this world. For in stance, In wintor snow comes down, and in summer ice. goes up. Times of Life's Deep Emotions, At certain periods of life we live years of emotion In" a few weeks and look back on those times as on great gaps between the old life und the new. Thackeray. , Are You Satisfied? BFHNKF.. WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGF. In the hlggent, most iicrfHctly ctinlnpacl IluHi iickm TralnlnE Hchoul In the North wcHt. Fit youraelf for a higher position with more mniify. Verinunent positions admiri-d our Graduate. Write for catalog Fourth and Yamhill, Tortland. Hides, Pelts, a Wool & Mohair Wt via! sN rs Ian. Write fsr Pins u4 Stipiwi Tils. THE H. r, NORTON COMPANY 16th and Johnson St., Portland, Ore Seattle, Wanh. llellinxham. Wash. ELECTRIC MOTORS Boutht, Sold, Rented and Repaired WALKEK ELKCTKIO WORKS Bumslda, cor. loth. Portland. Or. Br baying direct from us at wholesale prices and savs the plumber's proflta. Write us to day your needs. We will give yoa our rock bottom "dlrect-to-yoa" prime, f. o. b. rail of boat. We actually save yon from 10 to Hi per omit. All goods guaranteed. Northwest hoadquertera fol Leader Water Systems and Fuller 4t Johnson Erojinaa. STARK-DAVIS CO. 212 Third Street Portland. Oreeea a N. U. No. 2, 1919 vt. UYA PlSOli ir-jrjff jtm r at jot Do Your Own Plumbing 1