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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1919)
MPS i iilb Demoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County ' VOL 5. NO. 12 MAUPIN SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY. JANUARY i, I9f THE YEAR $j. 50 SEN! IN BY OUR CORRESPONDENTS Owing to fire my ofliee is under going repairs and will not be open for business until about tlie 20th of the present, month, farther notice will later appear in this paper. -Portland Painless Dentist, W. T. Slatten, ). D. S., Prop. Wamic Dec. 29. Corporal Ray ' Sharp arrived from Camp Lewis, VVn., a week ago Tuesday, spending the Christ mas holidays with his mether and sister. He returned Friday. Rev. G. E. Wood organized a Sunday School here last Sunday, HSHisted by a number of patrons who are deeply interested in Sun day School work. The minister was chosen superintendent. Prof. J, R. Ward, assistant superintend ent; Vernon 'Norvel, secretary; Mrs. Wood, treasurer; Miss Ertna Driver, librarian; Mrs, D. K. Miller, organist. The Sunday School meets at tO o'olock in the- morning. There was a good at tendance today. The Bnow which fell here a week ago Wednesday did not reraaiu It Pays to Pay Cash at Jory's R. C. Jory H. B. Jory Wish you a most prosperous New Year Your orders placed with us in 1919 will convince you that 'It Pays to Pay Cash at Jory's" E. J. FISCHER. Prop. ' Complete line of Tubes and Casings Automobile Accessories General repairing on all makes of cars All work guaranteed and prices reasonable We are at your service Fischer's Maupin long only in the low plaoeB. Much of this melted Wednesday when a Chinook wind spept here. The sun has been in hiding here the past week, only showing his face for a short time Friday and .Shin ing brightly today. Eniniit Zumwalt has resumed driving ' stage to Sherar, llousty Johnson having ruu the stage the past month. Harrison Johnson was taken very ill Christmas day with little improvement, lr. Johnson suf fered a partial stroke of paralysis a year ago on the same day. Several of the young people from here attended the dance at Maupiu Christmas, night. A num her of persons went from Tygh, Helvie Patison arrived Monday from Camp Lewis spending Christ mas with his parents. He return ed I'liday. Miss M. K. Compton went to Portland Thursday. Playing basket ball in the hall has boen amusement for the school Cuildrenjsiuce the closing of school Fka.Ing on t lift ire has been nmusement for the young people the past week. A party went to the Johnnie May field place Tues day night where a frozen pond was employed. Joe C'hastain took a wagon load of youngsters to the Wilbur Wing plane Friday night where a huge pond offered ample ice fur line skating. Frank Magill is able to resume : driving the rural stage altera ' siege, of the llu. j Kating Christmas dinners wilb i invited ' friends was indulged in Chri.stmas wheie turkey, slacken, jgoos and cranberry sauce adorn icd the tables. J. E. Kennedy went to Portland week before last where he is taking medical treatment. Guy Harvey took Mrs. Harvey .reached a temperature of ten de giees above, ' IT .... . . uarvey Martin was ' here, filmi Tygh Tue day. Little Carmel Woodcock has so far recovered as to be able to sil up In a chair today. Shu has been confined to her bed three weeks Lee Wapinitia Items School commenced again Mon day after a week's vacation. The teacher, Mrs. Callie Bigbee ie turned from Portland Monday morning. - Dr. Shannon was called Tues day to see Veva Bronner whpis quite sick. She came heme from The Dalles last Tuesday to spend the vacation. Inna Smith returned" to The Dalles Monday. Alice Webnrg came home from Dufur this week, the schools there oeing closed on account of the (hi. Tommy Kingsley came out from the mountains last week where lie is spending the winter trapping. He reports some fine catches of coyotes and Martins this winter. Frank Batty arrived home from The Dalles Thursday. He report ed Mrs. Batty much improved. Mrs. Sharp of Wamic has been visiting her son Walter of this place. A dance was given at the home of Oswald Bronner last Friday night. A largo crowd was present The Sunday school here elec.ed ofliaers Sunday for the routine year, Lincoln Hartman, Superin tendent; W. J. Pratt, assistant superintendent; Josie O'liiien, secretary; Vivian Barzee, libraiian Mrs. Celia Brittain, organist. Ruby Hardy who has been visit. ing her sister Daisy returned to her home in Kalem. Ruby Wilson came over from and baby to Maupiu a week ago mro M - Chester Brittaiu writes from Camp Mead to Lis wife here that he spent Christmas at Ca.5 1 7 : . . i ... Virginia, and while mere, bv Clyde Oliver, Klmer Dahl, John Cliastain, Uaymond Doerinit ami Harry Brown, all from this section of the country. He says thev arc all hoping to be home soon. . Mr. and Mrs. N. (1. Hedin and daughter Nova left today, Thurs day, for a ten days' visit,. This section is still in the grip of the cold wave which struck here some ten days ago. Ttie mercury hovers around the zero point every night.. The ice is almost six inches deep on tht ponds and creek. -The roads are getting good again. Mr. and Mrs. Will Maynard were Maupin visitors Wednesday. Herbert Lewis writes to xhoine folks here that be expects to be mustered out of seryice in about throe weeks. iNEWS ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST The millinery display window of Mrs. U. C. Jory hail contained an article of head dress the past week which has caused the men as well as women to stand and v gaze. The subject is the metalic hat of a private Herman warrior. White River (last week) Word has been received here that F,d Graham, formerly of ihie place, died at Kansas City on his way home to North Cnrolinia. Thud I'ptou, formerly of White River, died in North Cnralinia. A ten pound boy arrived at the home of Mr. a'ul Mrs. Hardin Wednesday the lSth. JoeMullef ent, to Salem to visit relatives. Miss Thomas ac eoiillianied linn as tarns l'nrllmwl to spend Xmas with her parents. Church Notice John (1, Hesslcr, pastor. The usual Sunday services will be held Sunday followed by a week of prayer. Sunday School 10. Preaching 1 1. Class meeting 12:15 livening service at 7;."0. Mrs. K. J. Fischer is spending a few weeks in Purtlaud. Farms Sold Two importaut real estate chang es took place here this week. John McCorkle puichased the 240 acre Ltrm of J. S Fraley at $50. Mr. Fraley and family will move in the spring to Tjgh Ridge. Dee Taloott bought the E Met place consisting of 240 acres Tuesday. The continued cold weather has" created ice at the elect rirv nnwpr plant nn White river and a force of men is emp'oyed heading it off from .the intake. Yesterday morning's down pas senger ran into a land slide iust this side of tunnel two and was lerailed. The afternoon train ar rived on the 0. T. track. The message came by telephone that the Albert hotel in The Dalles was destroyed by fire yesterday morning at 5 o'clock. Particulars, liter, The niaaiiuerade was well at tended, many coming from the various surrounding sections. The costumes were handsome Th two young ladies disguised as soldiers were very popular. tBut Orrin Parhnv thinks his lmlv n master nn the floor. F. C. Butler was the most spry old man there. Louis Woedsid. left fur Louis Tuesday night. Camp HOOD'S CASH STORE GENERAL MERCHANDISE I PREFERRED STOCK TRU-CLU BISCUIT CO S i Staple and Fancy Cookies, Crackers and GROCERIES CONFECT'.ONS ROSE CITY BRAND ' GOODYEAR Mackinaws. Logger ShirH. Wet Weather Flannel hirta and Water- Footwear Repellent Wear STOCK SALT Light Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware. Glassware HOOD'S CASH STORE Always at Your Service Saturday where they took the train for Hood River. Little Carmel Woodcock was the recipient of a pleasing surprise Chiistmas when Miss Crystal and Mrs. Julia Pratt prepared a Christ mas lee. laden with gifts from her school mates and other friends which was carried to her home and placed in the room where she was conhuml to her bed. Prof. J. R. Ward who made the Christinas drive for the Red Cross enrolled 157 names. Christmas evening Mr. and Mrs Eugene Pratt received a letter from I heir sou Carl from whom they had not heard for nearly two months, saying ho was well ami anticipate.! returning home soon. Mr. Pratt participated in the last battle of the war which I accounts for hi long delay iu writing. Ho heard lh la-t gun lire i .,,1 her i ,i,e Ku i . .Our architectural depertment is 'rearen to do I the signing of peace, . O Mn. Annie Pratt received a let ter from Mrs. Annie Gilmore tell ing of her former tetchcr here, t Mrs. Ma Phillip, being down! with the tin. Mrs. Phillips bo I was Miss Ma ( iilmore, taught 'here many years ago when a log' k .1.. l: n.1 .1... .v.- i .i l jll"ii9 mmm tuir kimu Mist tue lull! dren received their schooling in. i Mrs. Howard Bl.ickeiby relum ed from Vancouver a m ngo Monday accompanied by her sitrr Mr Whilo and tuo'-nmll nous ho will remain till spiing. Atlie Pratt rame out (nun Tin Dalles Monday and spent Christ' mas with his home folks. Konrad Usurer came up from Trgh TliurwUy and i a guet i f llxiMty Jobi."n. Now is the time to do your planning for buildings that you are going to build in the opnng. We haVe lots of time to help you do this work. Our list of plans for Houses, Barns, Sheds and all kinds of Buildings are at your disposal What we don't have we can get. Think this over. Tum-A-Lum Lumber Company we. CAN DO TOR YlV SOME OF THE THINGS 1 HA I DO YOUR NOTARY WORK, SELL YOUR FARM Hm iin-. RENT YOU A SAFETY DEPO.TT I'.OX, BUY YOUR WIIKAT. KARLKY AND OATS. TAKE CARE OK YOUR IHNKIN'G BUSINESS DO YOUR UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER WORK. GIVE US A TRIAL. WS CAN AND Wll.l, MAKri UUti MAUPIN STATE BANK M The rold n ! of la-t k 1 1