The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, November 22, 1918, Image 4

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    The MauDm Times
I'uLIif.licJ J'every Friday at -Maupin, Oregon,
Mrs, W. L. MoKKISUN, Publisher
.Subscription: One Year $1.C0, Six
Cntored as second class mail
post officii ut Maupin, Oregon,
Wapinitia Items
Veva Brnnner and Krma Smith
returned Monday in their school
ut Tli" Dalli'H. Mth. A rm i Sinitli
iiccompiBiicd lliiiin tetiirni ri(4 Tics
(lay. Mih. liruiilier Look them lo
Maupin ill her Studebaker.
I), WoodHidf received I wo cms
ol alfalfa liny ul Maupin Sitiirday
and baa been quite busy hauling
it here.
Mrs. D. Wi'i'lit arrived hem
iiiHl week on a visit f rum Wash
ington where they have spent ilic
past HIIIIIIIH'I', Slut Will I'clllj'll
Ihin wi ck.
A little hoii arrived ut llie 1 1 1 1 1
r,f Mi. and Mih. Virgil Mali dd
Mi.iiil.ttr Att ui't' 1 1 i i 1 1 1 line
, , ,, ... , ,Repoit of the Condition of (he
Mr. und Mrs. J. I. Alihollaid,
Hon Jamie and Bufim Aid o t w. te, Maupin State Dank
called In The Dalles Monday In he No. 221
with Joseph Ahlintt who wm in' at Maupin, in the state of Ore
the hospital.
Mi'H. Fayo Woodside returned,
to her liomi! hern lust week from
Camp Lewis where nh ban spent
the pimt summer with her husband
A. I.. Danieln was ('ailed lo
I'orlland on liUBincHH the lirul of
lid DaviH Iianled a four-horse
load nf cement from M.iopin Mon
day for W. H. Keen who in Having
hiH house plastered, v
J. H. Brown's new residence al
I'ino Croye in cninpleted anil re
ceiving a coat id (mint.
' The flu eases ho far ns is known
nil flew away mid unless some
thing new develaps the hnn will
he lifteil Sunday and the church
and school will he opened again.
Hill Maynard Iihh erected a
water tank on llie 'J'a pp ra nidi mid
in piping the water lo his Iioiihc
which he Iihh also been fixing up,
having laid new Honrs, and other
Johny 1'ictle's wife, an Indian
woman who lived ii 1 unit three
mi lea from here died bet week i f
consumption, leaving a live-day-old
baby boy. Vhe was a grand
daughter of Indian Spencer and a
daughter of Keo who was lost anil
died in the mountains near Mi.
I rood a few years ago,
Mrs. 1), Woodsiile was host, as
at, an afleruoon tea at her home
Tuesday in honor of Mrs. 1),
Wright who is visiting here, Mrs
li. A. llailinan, Mrs. J e Ora
liani, Mrs. May Barzee, and Mrs.
Righee were, present Mild enjoyed
thi) occasion.
0. I.. l'Mlpiet let lined from
Portland Tutu !a tiigl'l, ,lu. v in
wold a car of hoes thi.t day bo
$ J7S;i.(.l;!, at 17) cents a ootid.
Hogs .Wanted
Fifty head to ship Dee. lTito'.M. me k now at onre. 11. I,, Mun i.-
All families reeeiviiig Christ mas
labids from boys acioss the water
call I'.lla Confer for informal im
and cartons.
Wapinitia Auto Stae
Leaves Maupin, 8 a. m.
I.etivt s 1 1 ii itiji, 1 .1 1 p.
I.O. O F.
l.ooue No. 20!, Maupin, Urcoo.
meet every Saturday nii;ht. ie
Doniildson'H bail. Visitini; mciu
bers alwaya welcome.
C. H. CrofooT. N..O.
V,'. H. Talcwt. tecietarjr.
Months 5cts, Three Moulds 50c
matter September 2, l'Jll, at the
under the. Act of March !i, ;.V!)
For Sale
Niliw head of choice heifers,
good (i'iry "lock, will he fresh in
spring. Inquire this (ilhee,
Church Notice
John (i, He-slor, paalnr.
Sunday sorvioci;
f-'ililday School 10 A. M.
Pleaching mtv ice 1 1 ,
Clam meeting I L': Fi.
A Thank'-giving day F" rvico it
being arrang'-d for Thursday at II'
a. in. All are fiirt I i it I ly invited '
gon, at the close of Miusiii-sH
November 1, 1918
Loans and discounts $1 10, 1 17.17
Overdrafts, Secured and
unsecured 4!) r,f)
Bonds and warrants 8, ".HI 54
Banking: house 2, J()().Jt)
Furniture and fixtures ,!). Gf.
Due from approved re-
serve banks I8,'1bl. 10
Checks and other cash
(items 212.81
Cash on hand 1 1,371.71
Bonds borrowed 2, B 0.O
Over and short
United States Certificates
of indebtedness 21 Of 10 01
Total au5.253.2ti
Capital stock paid in- $ 15.00UUO
Surplus fund ,2,200 00
Undivided profits g.'tj-'i.l
Dividends unpaid
Individual deposits sub
ject to check 172,272.21
Demand certificates of
Cashier checks out
standing Certified checks
Time and Savings De-
lincit J 11 OCi! OO ,
p',,, , ,v .. ;
livni l n il I in ,111 Lt. I I. Ml illHl
Other liabilities
Bonds borrowed 2,100 00
Total 20j),2b::.i'8
State of Oregon, i
County of Wasco ss
1, F. D. Stuart, Cashier of the
above named bank, do solemnly
swear that the ;bove statement
is true to the best of my knowl
edge and belief.
F. D. Stuakt, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to lie
fore me this llth day of Nov
ember, 1018..
.1. M. Conklin Notary Public
My coniinii-sion expires April, 1
J. M. Conklin,
D. M. Shattuck,
ill r. and Mrs,
I.. D. Kelly were
hosts to a very cii)oyable di'nner!
p.irlv at the Hotel Kelly Sunday j
I'veuiiij;. They entertained Mr.!
i ml Mrs. Harold Joiy and Mr.
urn All-, itoue, Mrs. Jury s pur
eels from Seattle wfco are visit inj; ,
iieie. .uer oinner Uie cvcnini;
v;u spent, in sinking, Mr, .lory
rending seueral numbers after
wdiich the entiro conipany sail;:
'ouie old favoriti'S.
b I'.. Fox U. T. Yale
W A S ( , (V C O V N T Y
M.iki is of Ahsti.icts That
Hooks Posted to Date Daily
Plant Second to None
First National Hank Building
l'hone Black sS.ti,
The Dulles, Cliegou
It's a feat to keep the feet from KettiiiK cold, without the
"Home Fires liuininu".
How are you tfoing; to keeithe .fires burning, with that big,
mpty space in your wood shed? ,
You better size up the fuel conditions.
('all in and place your orders. Do it now.
A II kinds and prices.
See us about this matter at once.
F. J. FISCHFH, Prop.
CiMiiplefe line of Tubes and Casings
Automobile Accessories
General repairing on all makes of cars
All work guaranteed and prices reasonable
We are at your service
Local Items
I. X. Crabtrei) was a business
.i-ilor in Maupin yesterday,
Mrs. Iiriinirer Was a business
filler from Wapinitia yesterday.
Ford touring car for sale, 1IM8
uni.lel. Inquire Frank Maill,
V iinie, ()re.
Mr. Gmklin w as a I'oitlanil vis
ilnr few days the first of the
W. If. I'urliain is expected
iionic the first of the month.
The lied Cross lias received a
diipmeiit of yarn. Call and get
your wm k.
Mrs. liay.Kaleris at the home,
of her parents siifferini; with lieu-
i:i liia in licr bliiuildcr.
Little Jack Shutlfick is very ill.
Miss Selleck is unahle to aticnd
scliid this. wick, and Miss Vera
Caiilield is I liking aer place.
Y. Ilurk of Daioii, formerly
0. T. section foreman here drove
in last night.
Mr. McCiassen is sick and Mr.
Si u va 1 1 has ehari;e of the hij;h
school this week.
Mr-. IF B. Joiy was quite ill
Vc.-I i'day, 11. B. hiiiij; delained
hull lil i dulies at the stole,
Portland l'ainlessvl)cnlist,, oOfi
Second St., The Dulles, Oie. I'orl
land prices. Phone Main liSId. V.
T. Shilten, D. I'. S., proprietor.
Mrs. Slants is attending rhutd
nrs: in Portland this week.
Mi. Hatfield i in (tie metropo
li;i lliis freek.
Willie Fraley is assisting in the
St.ials uiercanlile establishment
after banking bouts.
Some of the farmers dent like to
kinned, but Dad Coale still
Im vs skins and hides.
Dnrinf the presence of so much
sickness, lb" medical skill -and
physical endurance of lVs, Slova'.l
and Hatfield and the few nurses
I of this M-clion is taxed to to the
Don t pay nif! prices lor eye
j; lasses when wo have guaranteed
lo III glas-es lor II to 11.50 per
pair. - Maupin I'm;: Store.
Mr. and Mrs. Krestus Swift of
iHainie weie guests of Mr. and
Mrs .1. II. Woodcock Wednesday
DI7 Model Dodj'e car for nile
Good run iiing older.
Incjurie of
l.tihttUuck Bros.
For sale gentle jiony, Hadni
and bridle, if'JO. Inquire at lios
F. V. Duly was ill the fore pail
of the week.
Oct a box of Purolbi Inllueiii
treatment., for pale at the Maupin
Drue; Store.
John Dellelia is repairing h a
building opposite the holel ai.d
will "Tno vp into it this winter.
J' Ben Cook ia pulling up a email
bam hack of the I. O. O. F. lull
Ninas presents arriving dailv al
the Maupin Drugstore, Do your
Clr. istnms shopping early.
Mrs. Arthur Henderson and
b ilm w ho died of pneumonia a I
Criterion were buried 'sdne",da y .
The ladies of Maupin sen! some
large, boxes of cut Mowers for the
funerals Wednesday.
llygenie lootli I'aste, I lie lit si I
ill llie world, a good propholacl e
for I iilluenza and I.agrippe. Km
sale at (lie Maupin Drug Store.
Many i the farmers sh pp d
hogs to Fori land Snturday night
School was restin.e.l again Mon
day. A crew of men and learns have
lieent w iilening and improving li,.
Maupin grade-recently.
Henry Holland is drilling for
water on the Chaslain place above
Maupfn. Mr. and Mrs. J. D.
Chaslain will uiovc there in ho
Dr. and Mrs. Slovall and Ceo.
Ay res went to Jim McCoy's aloe
Wamic Monday night to vaccina c
for a case (if diphtheria.
Dr. Jackaon of Dufur whsn very
low with pneiiinonia a couple davs
ago, but is now better: Dr. Dodds
came by urgent request from Camp
Lew is to remain until Dr. Jackson
s aide lo resume dulv.
Dl'. Dodds was a professional
cailer in Maupin lids morning.
Dr. Shannon went to The Dalles
hospital Saturday where he is a
pneumonia patient. Mrs. Shannon
yvent to The Dalles Tuesday.
Mrs. O. II. Derlhiek and Louis
have been ill the past several days
but some better now.
Mrs. F. O. Butler has been as
sielidg operate switchboard this
For Sale
new ttcel
L. Morrie,
skeins and boxes. H.
Bargains in Lumber
I own all the hunm-i- noni the
old giain warehouse. Ben 1'. Cook
or Meals, sandwiches.
Short orders at all hours,
Mrved at the Ilazelwood
Ice Cream Parlor.
Mr. H. B. Jory
.Teacher of I'iauo
Will receive a limited number ol
pupils, p"or ai rangeineui s see pet
al lier hoini- ttie Moad house.
Li the County Court of the Stale
of Oregon for Wasco County.
In llie. M alter of the Fstiite of
Kin ma M. licatlie,
' Deceased,
Notice is hereby given that, the
undersigned has been appointed
ad uiin iterator of the estate of
Kid III H, M. Belittle, deceased, by
the Honorable County Court of
niiH ni are oi wregon lor v a.-cu
(Jonnty. A" persons luiving claim.'
; against said estate are hereby
; notified to present the Hiime, prop
erly vcrilied, lo me al Hie olliee of
; uy attorney, (ieorge I). ,rodie,
iDifur, Oregon, within six months
i from I he date of this not ice.
j s Rnheit lieatlie,
I Adminislrati.r.
i Dated this 2I)rd day of October,
i BIB'S.
We prefer men who have sold
slock, insurance, real estate. In uks
or who have had no sales expel i
enee, but Would like to develop
iiito salesmen. We, train even
a plieant nccepte.l and. provide a
sy'ein that will enable awvone
who works to make froni7r).00 to
.-jili'l 00 per week, tlan also ue
viiiiieu of excepl ional ability.
I'i'sitioii ienijnnei)t. Jn applying,
stale age, oast business experience
number of years you have lived
in community, and references.
Address in confidence. Kane Mlg.
Co., Ki-2fV-2T B. C. Smith Bldg
Sal.lle, Wash.
School Meeting
Copy of Notice of Special School
N il ice is hereby given that the
legal voters of School District No
HI of Wasco County, State of (lie
g m, that a special meeting oi
siid district will be held at 1,1.
Maupin school' house, lit 2 oldoct
in lc afternoon, November iWrd,
If IS. for the purpose of votim;
levy ing a Special District 'tax.
The purpose , for which the
money raised by this levy shall
lie expended is by the f..i
lowing itemized budget, wb'ch i--hereby
made a. part of this Notice:
F"liinated 'expenditures
Te.irheis' salaries - !f:'.300,li(i
ApparUis and. supplies (illO.ut)
Library books
Repairs on aehnol house
J iiiilol 'ti w ages
i'lll I.IK)
BM 1. 00
Bi on
01 elk's salary ..
Postage and stationery
Tola! estimated amount of
money to be expended for all
' l""'P"sw '''" 'og the year 47tW.f,0
Fstiniated Receipts
From Connly School Fund
during the coining school
year ' $ f,2G.oii
From Stale. School Fund
dining the coining school
''!ir 151.70
l a- h now in hands of the
Dist net Clerk 2.".0.i()
Hstimated amount to be re
ceived from all other soiire
es during the coming
school year ' lB7,"i.0u
Tol.iil estimated expendi
tures for The year if t7:iS.'u
Tola I estimated receipts
not including tax to be
'"teJ 210.V2O
Balance, Amount to be
raised ny district tax $2i!i,.;iu
Dated this 2,'Ird day of October,
Attest: Lawrences. Stoyall,
Mist. Clerk.
O. W. Vanderpool,
Chairman Board of Directors.
DepartiiUMit of the Interior
U. S. Baud Olliee at Tin) Dalles,
Oregon, rpieinbtr23, ioit.
Notice is hereby given that
Waller I. Driver
of Mjinpin, Oregon, who, on Aug
ust 5th, lois, made Homestead
lOitty no. 015313. a"d on August
3", I 'J 1 5. mane Additional Home
s.lcad Fnt 1 y no, 01537. 1. forsM..p;K
l-., Section 23, WI-2SWI-4, Section
24, W I-2NW 1-1, Section 25, UI-2NK- .
.., n Ki-si-.l -4 , Section 26, Town
ship -5, Sou III, Range Iiast
Willi He Meridian, has hied no
lice of intention to make Final
three year Pioof, to establish claim
lo the land above described, before
K. I). Stuait, U, S. Coniinissioner
al Maupin Oregon, on he nth
day of November, 191 S. '
claimant names us witnesses:
C. K Matthews, B. li. Driver, II.
li. Holland, A. J. Connolly, all of
Maupin, Oregon.
II. Frank Woodcock,
Department of I he Interior
F. ii. Land Office at The Dalles
Oregon, October tsth, 10,18.
NOTICIC is hereby given that
Arthur Hemk-rsou
of Criterion, Oregon who on No
vember 19II1, 1913, made Ilomc
slcad lyntry Vii, 012259, for k1-2n-"
NWi-., SWl-NKl-4, ,nhi-4.hWI-,
.-eeiiuo 17, Township fi South,
If hi; e 15 HicJ, Willanitlte Merid
1 11 has filed notice of intention to
1:1. ike Final three year Proof, to
establish claim lo the laud above
described, bofore F. I) Stuart, U.
S Commissioner, at Maupin, Ore
gon, on the 2jidday of December,,
Claimant names as witnesses:
J. II. Kidder, L. B. DeCamp, H.
M. d'R-fii, C. G. Skogsberg, all of
Ciiieiioii, Oregon.
II. Fkank Woocock,
, 1 ,
Department of ihe Interior,
U. S. Land Office at 'I he Dalles,
Oieg.jn, September, 28th,, 1918. iud
" Notice is hcieby given that .
Arthur (i. Harvey,
of Wamic, Oregon, who on June
21 l, 1915, iiiadcjlomestead Kutry
Nu. 0145.(9., and on April 3, 1917,
111 ide additional Houieslead Kntry
.v 1. 011910, for NWI-4, NI-2SWI-4,
Svi-4swi-4, SWI-4NE1-4, ' Seclisn
20, Township 3 South, Range 14
ICa), - Willamette Meridian, has
liled uotiue of intention to make
Final Three Year Proof, to estab
lish claim to the land above de
scribed, before F. D. Stuart, United
S'aies Commissioner at JMaupin,
Oregon, 011 the 21st day of Nov-
eliiin.r, I918,
Flainiant names as witnesses:
!!. A. Stow, ot.Tygh Yallev, Ore
gon, A. Hull, of Tigh 'VulTey,
iiiegou, B. U C.ervais, of (Jrass
Valley, Oregon, Kmi Anderson of
Glass Valley, Oregon.
II. Frank Woodcock,
Departnifiit of the Interior,
1 uited Slates Land Office at The
Dalies, Oregon, September 23rd,
1 y 1 A,
NOTICE is liereoy given that'
Saiah A. Oaniber,
of Maupin, Oregon, who on March
4111, i9H, made Homestead Entry,
NO. oiljdS, for Lots 2, 3, SM-4NW
1.1, Seciion 30, Township 4 South
Range 15 liast, Willanielie Me
ridian, has tiled nolTce of intention
10 make Final three. year Proof,
to establish claiiuto the land above
icciibvd, In-fore lf. 1). :',tnarl, U.
S. Commissioner, al. Aiaupin, Ore
gon, on the 14II1 day of . November
Oi " ' . .
Ci.iiiuant names as witnesses;
leronie Kiran, 'ern Tunison, A. .
1'. Bindley, A. A. Canlield, all of
Maupin, Oregon,
II. Frank Woodcock, ;"
. P Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S Land Olliee at The Dalles,
Oregon, September 2MI1, 1918.
Notice is hereby given that,
Crover L, Webb, ;
of Tygh Valley Oregoji, who on
October, nth, l!ll., made Home
stead Kntry No. 01o028, f'orNEi-4,
SK1-4NWI 4, N1-2SWI-4, NWI-4SKI-4
Sect 1011 28, Township 3 South,
b inge 1., hast W lllamlte Merid
ian, has tiled notice of intention to
make Final three year Proof, to'
establish claim to the land above
described, before Kegister and
Receiver, United States Laud Office
The Dalles, Oregon, mi the 22nd
da? of November, 1M8.
Claimant names as witnesses
K. L. Hauser, Jandy Ross, M. F.
Coberth, Emil Meit, all of Tyg '
Valley, Oregon.
11 P Register