MAU MES T7 T7 TTN Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL 5, NO 5 MAUPIN SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 15 , 1918 THE YEAR $1.50 w air o. SENT IN BY OUR Criterion Mr. and Mraf P. J. Kirscb are the proud parents of a fine eon born November 9th. 'Mr. and Mre. H. Kramer an nounce Ihe arrival 'of a son bora Sunday morning. Mrs. H. 0. Todd is visiting at the borne of D. D." WiUoa tbis week. Mrs. J. Singer is quite sick wltb the flu. , ( L.- B. DeCamp'.e family have been sick with taco has bad pneumonia, but is better at this writing. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Winifree was buried at the Duus cemetery Sunday. Mrs. Winifree is yery low at present. It Pays to Pay Cash at Jory's" n i R. C. Jory H. B. Jory Just Received A Shipment of Dried Italian Prunes Direct from the Grower OUR PRICE IS THREE CENTS PER POUND LESS THAN THAT QUOTED BY PORTLAND MAIL ORDER HOUSES - THE QUALITY IS EXCELLENT, , THE SlZi I)Ar,!-5)i Take Advantage of This Special "It Pays to Pay Cash at Jory's' HoodV Cmh Store Prefered Stock Tru Blu Biscuit (Vs. Staple and Fancy Groceries Cakes and Cookies 0 "Paul DeCanip bas been confined to bis bed the past week with the flu, but is out of danger at this writing. . Mrs. C. A. Duus and little son Bonnie are sick with tba flu tint week. ; A. A. Bounty's family are also on the sick list. ffm. Snellaon was in Shaniko Monday for his winter 'eupply of coal. ' ' Bum I.ase is. working for D. B. Appling this week. ' Mrs. Orcutt of Kent is visiting her daughter Mrs. E. J. Miller this week. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. G. Fiue are the proud parents of a little eon born November 1st. D. B, Appling lost a good horse last Suaday. She has spent the past two week? at the Mike Kennedy home. Word readied this place that Wio'f"'d iCiibson, eon of Mrs Mary Gibson of Toppeninh, Wn., bad arriven in France aud that hie brother in-law, Claud Ferguson of that place was on his way there Mr. Gibson was a former .resident of this place, hating lived here when a small child with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gibson. Wamic New: Get a box of Purolla Influenza treatment, for tale at the Maupin Drug Store. ' A young man traveling from Goldendale, Wn., to Harney eoun ty was taken sick at the Maupin hotel with the flu the first of the week aud is being cared for there. m md Bys9 Winstar Wear Better Come and Get Yours Now While the Sizes are in Tact Special ftMs Week New Crop Nevada Comb Honey Also Large Shipment of Cabbage for Kraut Fancy Baldwin Apples Call or Phone for Yonrs at Hoodls Gash StoT "At Your Servke" Nov. 11. Tuesday, election day, passed quietly here. W- F. MagiH took the election returns to The Dallee Wednesday . Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Woodcock took their little daughter Carmel to Maupin Tuesday for medical treatment, Percy Driver going with them for medicnid,"" Rev. G. E. Voo.d was a Dalles visitor Wednesday. Komad and Harry Hauler pass ed through town Thursday with a email baud- of sheep they had pur- chasedsfrom the End brothers, Miss Pearl Thompson who re mained in town the former part of the week to vaccinate for Spanish influenza was compelled to raturn to her home Wednesday, having a severe cold. Dr. Hatfield came over from Maupin Thursday, vaccinating the people here. A. J. Swift accompa! died him on his return as fur as the Jake Davidson place. ' Jake Spath came out from The Dalles Wednesday, remaining two days, looking after the interests of his farm. ' ' We were misinformed in regard to Vernie Norval not paseiug the! draft examination. Mr. Norval passed, , Mrs. Laura Bmlingame and little daughter Marian arrived the former part of the wek from Top peniah, Wn. Mr. and Mr. Geo. Wing have moved to the Ernest Geeh place. Floyd Joho3"n has moted his family to his mother's house on the corner of Main and Pine street I. D. Driver has purchased the Mart New place, paying $-100, Dr. Jacksoij was called from Dufur Svnday to see Mrs. Laura Driver who bas been ill the past two weeks- -Konrad Haueer, Jim Kistnpr and Clyde Flina were visitors here Sunday from Tygh. Frank Wing has moved into the Fred Chandler house. j Win Hull is etill improving i from an attack of !rifluen!a he con i traded while at his homestead on ; the Deechutes river. I Dr. . Shannon wis here again Saturday to complete the vaccin ating. Mrs. Martha Dean has so far re couered from her long illness as to be able to return to her home. Wapinitia Items A light rain is falling here to day after two weeks of warm sunshiny weather, The influenza eases in this sec tion are all reported as greatly improved. The Powell family are all up except Mrs. Powell and she is improving fine., So far as in known jio ganea-re present-, the ban is still on though. It is slill raging on the Reservation, five having died since 'election day They have a doctor and a Red Cross niiise there now caring for them. ReV. and Mrs. Matthews of Sim nasho were viniting at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Chapman Wed nesday. A little daughter arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Me-1 Coy Wednesday night the 13th. Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Flinn visit ed in Wamic Wednesday. Mrs. Ctslia Brittain came, home with them, The cattle men rode the range Friday and succeeded in rounding up about SOU head. A number ot the men left here Monday aud are camped at Bear Creek this week riding the range there. Ollie We burg took their supplies in with his truck. J. S. Brown has his new resi dence at Pine Grove neariug completion. G. E. Wood came over from Wamic Monday to ride for cattle. Mrs, L. A. Rice received the sad news Monday that her mother, Mrs. Fanton of Bend had passed away at that place. Mrs. Fanton was quite well known here as she had visited at the Rice home here a number of times, and had just left' here the first -of August. Mrs. W. B. Keen arrived home from Portland Friday where she has been caring for members of her family who had the flu. Mr. V. B. Tapp wrote from Portland to friends heie that their ion Vincent had been quite sick with pneumonia at Camo Lewis, liutwas improving. They ha been there tv see him, -but were not allowed to go in where he was Mrs. N. G. Hedin in on the sick lint this week. Miss Vivian vBarzee got a cro chet Hook fastened in her side last week, hut with the help of Mrs. D Wnodeide - they succeeded in removing it. The'news of the signing of the NEWS ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST 4 Mrs. Russel Dead Mrs. A. F. Russell died at her home in east Portland Saturday, a victim of the epidemic. She was a former resident of this place and leo of Smock. She leaves her husband and on ion, parents and a number of brother! and sisters. The night operator of. the local ewitchb'oad was taken sick thia week after only two night's work. For the present the night service has been discontinued. Hygenio Tooth Paste, the best in the world, a good propholactio for Influenza and Lagrippe. For sale at the Maupin Drug Store, Mr, and Mr. Ray Auhry have discontinued the hotel business and erected a temporary residence near the spring. J-R. Fleming was quite lick last wek. armistice was received here as elsewhere with great joy. At first the people were slow to realize oi to believe, having received the false r, port a few days before, but when they finally began to believe it, and each one was anxious to tell someone else, anil our joy knew no bounds. A celebration will be held soou but the day ba not been yet set. THE WAR IS OVER Building Restrictions are Cancelled Now is your chance to Build The world needs your stocli and grain i ... Cover that Harvester and the rest of your machinery. We have a nice stock of all Kinds of building ma terial. See us Now Tum-A-Lum Lumber Company SOME OF Tilt: THINGS THAI wn CAN DO FOR YOU DO YOUR NOTARY WORK. HELL iOUK FARM FUR 'U;J, RENT YOU A SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX, BOY YOUR WHEAT, BARLEY AND OATS, TAKE CARK OF YOUR BANKING BUSINESS. DO YOUR UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER WORK. GIVE US A TRIAL. WE CAN AND WILL MAKE uuua maupin state: dank 1 1 I i ) Jf