The Maupin Times Published every Friday at Maupin, Oregon Mas. W. L. Morrison, Publisher Subscription: One year, ft. .10; six months, 75 cents; three months, 50 Entered as second class mail matter September 2, 1914, at the postoffice at Maupin, Oregon, un der the Act of March 3, 1879. Local Miss Selleck's sifter from Port- land visited ber this week. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Henneghan made a trip to Dufur Wednesday. Mrs. Hatfield returned Saturday from a visit with relatives in Idaho Considerable work is waiting at the Ked Cross room for more help 1917 Model Dodge car for sale. Good running older. Inquire of bbattuck Bros. Mr. and Mrs. Gill of Dufur were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Staats. For sale gentle poiiv, saddle and bridle, $20. Inquire at this office. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Butler re tprned home Monday after a two weeks' vacation at the coast. J. 0. Thompson and W. H. McAtee were over from Tygu Tuesday. G. W. Bargenholt and W. II. Mayfield were in from Smock Tuesday. Little Ivan Donaldson tell on a hot Btove the first of the week, burning his face and one hand quite painfully. Cleo Kinzie of Eugene who has been a guest at the 0- B. Derthick was quite ill the first of the week witn pneumonia, but recovering and past fever. Some of the farmers dont like to be skinned, but Dad Coale buys skins and hides. Portland Painless Dentist, 805 Hecoud St., The Dalles, Ore. Port laud prices. Phone Main 8881. W. T. Slatteu, 1). D. S., proprietor Senator McNary and other mem bers of the Oregon delegation are on the job at Washington attend ing to their oftioial duties while contenders for their seats in Con gresj are actively campaigning here at home. Votorg will do well to, retain in Congress the men who are now faithfully representing the Interests of the state and loyally standing behind the Preai deut and hiB prosecution of the war. This is no time to send new and untrained men to Congress. Twenty head of Rambonlett ewes for Bale, bred to thoroughbred Shropshire bucks. Inquire of Ktn Batty or Lit Hmmcglmu. Honest with all, sttictly upright in bis every act. a man of the people and for the people, Govern or Withycombe brought into the exeeutivd office of the state of ore goo a personality of strict account ability to the people not heretofore known in the state. He has giv en to the state of Oregon one of the best, if not the best, adminis tration of public affairs in the history of the state. Loyal in a degree beyond question, "first in peace and first in war,'1 ever ready to do the right thing at the right time, he has won a following among the people of Oregon that unquestionably places him first in llieir choice to succeed himself as chief executive of the state. Leb anon Criterion. Bargains in Lumber I own nil the lumber from the old grain warehouse, Ben F. Cook For Sale One 3 1-4 wagon, new 'steel skeins and boxes. II. L. Mori is, Wapinitia Auto Stage Leaves Maupin, 8 a. m. Leans Vn iritis, MC p. m. V. ROBERTS, Prop. I .O. O. F. (WAPINITIA Lodge ho. 209, Maupiu, Oregon, meets every Saturday uight in lmaldsou'i hall. Visiting mem bere always welcome. C. H. Chofoot, N. G. W. II. Talcott, Secretary. WE WANT SALES REPRE SENTATIVES IN EVERY TOWN IN OREGON We prefer men who have sold stook, insurance, real estate, books or who have bad no sales experi ence, but would like to develop into salesmen. We tram every applicant accepted .and provide a system that will enable awyont who works to make from $7o.00 to $150.00 per week. Can also use women of exceptional ability. Position permanent. In applying, state age, past business experience number of years you have lived in community, and references. AddreBS in confidence. Kane Mfg Co., 1626-27 L. C. Smith Bidg., Seattle, Wash. School Meeting Copy of Notice of Special School Meeting. Notico is hereby given that the legal voters of School District No. 84 of Wasco County, State of Ore gon, tbat a special meeting of said district will be held at the Maupin school bouse, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, November 23rd, 1918, for the purpose of voting on levying a Special District fax. The purpose for which the money raised by this levy shall bo expended is shown by the fol lowing itemized budget, which is hereby made a part of this Notice: Budget Estimated Expenditures Teachers' salaries $3300.00 Appartus and supplies 000.00 Library books 200.00 Repairs on school house 325.00 Janitor's wages 180.00 Fuel 150.00 Water 13.50 Clerk's salary . 25 00 Postage and stationery 5 uO Total estimated amount of j money to be expended for all j purposes during the year $4798.50' Estimated Receipts From County School Fund during the coming school year $ 020.50 ! From State School Fund during the coming school year 151.70 Cash now in hands of the District Clerk 250.00 Estimated amount to be re ceived from all other souro es during the coming school year 1075.00 Recapitulation Total estimated expendi tures for the year $1798.50 Total estimated receipts not including tax to be voted 2103 10 Balance, Amount to be raised by district tax $2695. 'lO Dated this 2ord day of Oc tobe. , 1918. Attest: Lawrence S. Stoyall, Dial. Cleik. G. W. Vauderpool, Cbairuiau Board of Directors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS lu the County Court of the State of Oregou lor Wasco County. In the Matter of the Estate of Emma M. Beattie, Deoeased. Notice is hereby giveu that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the estate of Kin in a M. Beattie, deceased, by the Honorable County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco jCininlv. All persons having claim I against said estate are .hereby j not i tied to present the sumo, prop jerlv verified, to me at the .flice of j my attorney, George D. , Brodit, 1 1) tin , Oregon, within six mouth? ft on 1 Hie date of this notice. Robert Beatitie, Administrator. D ited this 23rd day of October,, l'JIS Hot Meaht sandwiches, Shan order$ at alt hours. Served at the Hcgzelwood he Cream Parlor. v O, YOU COLD FEET It's a feat to keep the feet from getting cold, without the 'Home Fires Burning". How are you going to keep the empty space in your wood shed? You better size up the fuel conditions. ? Calvin and place your orders. Do it now. All kinds and prices. See us about this matter at once. ' '? - TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. W. H DURHAM Jeweler and WatchmaKer m Maupin, Oregon All Work Guaranteed OPTICAL WORK E. J. FISCHER, Prop. Complete line of Tubes and Casings Automobile Accessories General repairing on all makes of cars AH work guaranteed and prices reasonable We are at your service Fischer's Pine Grove Pine Grove farmers are opening tbe Cox-Endersby post road this wiek. This needed road will add much to the traveling convenience of the upper flat as well art make the long sought rural route possi ble end practical. Leonard Weberg who returned from O. A. C. is working for lledin Lumber Co. oi m01.fl of the hnn, ; locvd mnnv vet remain lost as nrev -1 j - - t -1 for coyotes and bean. The frosts have been very heavy of late. The pumpkin and melon yines do not seem damaged as yet Sam Brown is installing a 5000 gallon concrete reservoir and wat er system from the canal to his new buildings. Alice Weberg and Agues Wal ters lire home from Dufur high school. lnna Smith and Vira Bronner returned to The Dalles although the school is still closed. Mrs, W. B. Keen went to Port land to nurse her son and daught-u'-in-l.nv it-ported severely ill with W. B. Keen is lathing and plas tering his bouse. Fiank McCoy brought out about 50 head of tine young stock from The Dalles to feed on shares. Fischer is hauling wood and alfalfa hay from this section lately Mr. Lindley returned for a few days to his homestead. He reports that someone has burglarised his cabiu since he left. The president of the United States has made a call for the largest budget in the history of the world for the allied benevo hmces, nationally recognized as useful and needed factors in the present war crisis. He has ret November llth for the opening I date of the drive. Aschairman of I Wi pi 11 1 tin precinct for said cam paign I urge the public to make their contributions to these worthy cuii bis 111 I he tame spirit that the Ortgcn iioys are now showing in Blgiuin and France. To be Ameri can today dematids to be willing cheerfully to sacrifice if need be to Li!p cur army in France and our uoble allies. Waninitia niwinrt nuota is leas thac the last Ked Crora drive, be - fired burning, with tbit big, i Maupin ing only 1660. Saturday, Novetn ber 9th the Commercial Club urg es all citizens of Wapiuitia precinct to attend a mass meeting at the Wapinitia school house to start the drive. A patriotio program will be given with speakers who have a live up to the midute mes sage for the people. Mrs. H. B. Jory Teacher of Piano Will receive a limited number of pupils. For arrangements see hei at her home the Moad house. Governor A few of the many reasons why Governor Withycombe should be re-elected : He is loyally, patriotically American. He baa faithfully Co-operated with the President in eyery w; 1 time activity. He was foremost of Governors for preparedness and baa earnest I v supported a vigorous prosecution of tbe war. He has stood for and insisted upon a fqrare deal for both luboi and capital, industrial develop ment of the stale and suppression of I. W. W. ism. He haB tor more than 20 years earnestly supported and vigorously advocated woman biiffrage and prohibition and has stood for a better and cleaner state. He did uot assist in organizing the Noti-Partisan League in Ore gon, ueither was be ever a worship per at the shrine of Populism and other organizations of doubtful purpoEe and loyalty. He has conducted bis office pa triotically, fairly and economically always has he placed patriotism and efficiency in the public service above politics. He has given his earnest con sideration and substantial effort in promoting the happiness and comfort of the boys in the service of their country, and, lastly, . He has a record for a sound business administration and loyal and earnest in the nation's present crisit that should command the approval and support of the whole 'pple. Re-elect Withycombe why ex periment? Paid Adv. U. S. Senator "While a want of time precludes any elaboration of the various matters that may engage my en endeavors' said Senator McNary at the time of bis appointment to the Senatorship, ''I shall advocate and enlist my efforts in behalf of National Equal Suffrage and Na tional Prohibition, as each of these measures have been adopted by the people of the state which I am selected to represent. I shall co-operate immediately with any movement which has for its purpose the suppression of gambling and speculation in the necessities of life to the end that the consuming public shall pay a fair profit to the producer only. On the same day Oswald West said: "If the pledges be (Senat McNary) has made to the people are kept, and I am sure they will be, he will unquestionably be re turned to the Senate at the next general election.'' Senator McNary has kept his every pledge. He voted for sub mission of the National prohib: tion amendment to tbe Legisla Hires of the seyeral states. lie also voted for National Equal Suffrage and has introduced a bill fixing the prices of many essential commodities. Besides he has 100 per cent recotd for supporting the President's war program. Senator McMary should be re. eiooteu tor trie increased service he will be able to render his state and nation. Paid Adv. For State Senator j To the voters of Wasco and Hood Piver counties: My name will appear on the official ballot Navember 5th, as an independent candidate for State Senator from the Sixteenth Sena torial District. The great things that are gip piug us at this time make the differences which hitherto have separated the voters into political pnrties seem trival and inconse quential. For all such old condi tions there is no place now and by this time should have passed en tiiely out of our consideiatioi How small they seem when the A'alion is battling for the princi ples on which it was establishes. Only this great present business really counts with us now. There is a tremendous obliga tion resting upon-us to put out whole weight into the scale in behalf of the Government and the civilization to which we are in debted for all we have and all we uie. The immediate task of win nit.g tbe war is so great and absorbing that it is entitled to our whole attention, leaving other matters to receive later considera tion. Civilization is being battered out of recognition wherever the G"irnan armies and boats reach and thia greatest conflict of man kind must be fought to a righteous conclusion at all costs. The con quest of Tiussianism is a grim business, that must be put through to thn end, however long and bitttr tbe way, and fqrthis pur pose the nnconquored spirit of a free people is getting back of our government with all they have, ready at the call. Not only the resources of the individual, but also the resources of the State of Oregon should be conserved aud placed at the dispo sition of the Government, for the winning of the war and such legis lation as will effectuate this end should be immediately enacted. io person should be elected to any representative cfiice at this lime who is not enthusiastically loyal and who will not support the National Administration in prosecuting tne war to a success ful termination and in opposing a premature peac JAMES n. fliXETT Hood River, Oie., Sept. 3, 1918. Paid Adv. ' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the iiiterior U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, September, 1918. Notice is hereby given that Walter I. Driver of Maupin, Oregon, who, on Aug ust 5th, 1915, made Homestead Entry no. 0153 13, and ou August 30, 1915, made Additional Home stead Entry no. 015374, for Si-4SB i-4, Section 23, W1-2SWI-4, Section 24, wi-2Nwl-4, Section 25, EI-2NE-1-4, NEI-4SEI-4, Section 26, Town ship 5, South, Range 14, East Willamette Meridian, has filed no tice of intention to make Fiual three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before v. I). Stuart, U. S, Commissioner at Maupin Oregon, on the nth day of November, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: C. E. Matthews. R. B. Driver, H. B. Holland, A. J. Connolly, all of Maupin, Oregon. H. Prauk Woodcock, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. s. Land Office at The Dalles Oregon, October 8th, 1918. NOTICE is hereby given tbat Arthur Hendsrson of Criterion, Oregon, who on No vember 19th, 1913, made Home stead Entry No. 012259, for e1-2n- NW1-4, swi-nei-4. NEi-48Wi-4, Section 17, Township 6 South, U.mi 15 East, Willamette Merid ian has filed notice of intention to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, bofore F. D Stuart, U. Commissioner, at Maupin, Ore gon, on the 2nd day of December, 191a. Claimant names as witnesses: J. B. Kidder, L. B. DeCamp, H. M. Green, C. G. Skogsberg, all of Criterion, Oregon. H. Frank Woocock, . Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U.S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, September, 28th, 1918. Notice is Hereby given that Arthur G. Harvey, of Wamic, Oregon, who on June 2P t, 1915, made Homestead Entry No. 014549, and on April 3, 1917, mnde additional Homestead Entry N 1. 014910, for nwi-4, Nr-2SWl-4. SW1-4BWI-4, swi-4nei-4, Section 25, Township 3 South, Range 14 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notiee of intention to make Fiual Three Year Proof, to estftb. lish claim to the land above de scribed, before F. D. Stuart, United Stales Commissioner at Maupiu, Oi 'goti, on the 21st day of Nov em bs-i", 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: U, A. Stow, of Tygh Valley, Ore gon, I. A. Hull, of Tygh Valley, Oregon, B. B Gervais, of Grass Valley, Oregon, Emil Anderson of Grass Valley, Oregon. II. Frank Woodcock, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, 1 "oiled States Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, September Jjrd, 1918. NOTICE is hereby given that Sarah A. G amber, of Maupiu, Oregon, who on March 4th, 1913, made Homestead Entry, no. 011368, for Lots 2, 3, SE1-4NW 1.4, Section -30, Township 4 South Range 15 East, Willamette Me ridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the laud above described, before F. D. Stnart, U. S. Commissioner, at Maupiu, Ore gon, 011 the 14th day of November lylS. Claimant names as witnesses; Jerome Bnzan, Veru Tuuison, A. T. Liudley, A. A. Canfield, all of Maupin, Oregon. H. Frank Woodcock, P Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, September 28th, 1918. Notice is hereby giveu that, Grover L, Webb, of Tygh Valley Oregon, who on October, nth, 1915, made Home stead Entry No. 015028,'forNBi-4, SEI-4NWI 4, Nr-2SWI-4, NWI-4SBI-4 Section 28, Township 3 South, Kiiiicp 13 East Willamette Merid ian, has filed notice of iuteution to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver, United States Laud Office The Dalles, Oregon, on the 22nd day of November, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: K. L. Hauser, Sandy Ross, M. K. Cobenh, Emil Mertz. all of Tyg Valley, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, np Register,