The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, October 18, 1918, Image 4

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The Maupin Times
Published every Friday at Maupin,
Oregon ,
Mrs. W. L. Morrison, Publisher
Subscription: One year, six
months, 75 cents; three momus, 50
Entered as second class mail
matter September 2, 1914, at the
postoffice at Maupin, Oregon, un
der the Act of March 3, 1879.
'Clown Quince' to Kaiser
The following was taken from a
newspaper published in France
aod sent to Nevada relatives by a
Nevada doughboy, who is now
fighting in France:
"On the run, Somewhere in
France, al the time.
Dear Papa:
I am writing on der run as der
prave und glorious soldiers under
my command have not seen der
Rhine for so lond dot dey have
started hack dot vey, und of course
I am going mit dem. Oh, papa,
der has been some offel tings hap
pened in France. First, I started
in my big offensive, which was to
crush der fool Americans, but dey
know so luttle aboudt military
(laotics dat dey vill not be crush
joost like I want dom. I sent my
men in der h'g vaves, and ven dry
t;ot lo (te Aiinl icuiis dev all by HI L
"Boo" as loudt as dey could
Veil, according to vut you haf
alvays saidt de Americans should
haf turnt and run like blazes.
But vat you tink? Dem fool
Amerieaus don't know any ting
about var, und instead of running
de odder vay, dey cams right
toward us. Some of dem vas sing
i tig about 'Ve von't come bock till
it's over, over dere,' or some odder
foolish ting, und some of dem vere
lading like fools. Dey are so
ignorant But dey are awful rwk
less mit dere puns, und (ley come
11- i di'ii n ua- mv nil n
loou del iiullou Uey Valued lo no
buck to de dear oldt Rhine. Ve
don't like der dirty Marn river
anyhow. Und oh papa, der A:neri
cans use such offel lunguage. Dey
know noddings of kultur und say
such offel dings right before us.
Und dey talk blasphemy, too. Vai
you (ink dey said right in front of
my face? Von big husky man
from a place dey cull Missouri, he
suid oh pnpa, I hate to tell you
yat on offel ting lie saidt but 1
can.t help it; ho said, ''To hell
with the kaisei !'' Did you ever
hear any ting so offt'l t I didn't
link anybody vould say such a
ting. It made me so mailt. 1
vouldn't stand und hear such on
off el ting so ! hurried und turned
around und run mit der hove,
Vas I light? Nat? Und, oh papa,
you know dem breastplates vat
you sent us can yjuu gel some to
put on our hacks? You know we
are going de odder vay, now, und
der breastplates are no good, for
lor lie cowardly Americans are
shooting us light in der back.
Some of der hoys took off dcir
breastplates and put dtin on be
liindt, but der Americans are
playing "Der Starspangied Ban
ner" on dem mit machine guns.
Can't you help us? You remember
in your speech you saidt nothing
could stand before the brave Ger
man soldiers. O papa, I don't
belief dese ignorant Americans
ever read your speech for dey run
after us joost like ve vas a lot of
rabbits. Vot you tink of dot?
Can't you solid, dem some of jour
speeches righ away? Dey don't
ee how terrible ve are. Can't yon
send my army back to Belgium
ere ve von all our glory? Mv
liii'ii can vip all der vimnien und
children yut dem Belgians c n!
bring us. But dese rough Auieri-j
u.ius me so ignorant. e can t
make dem understand dat ve are
the greatest soldiers on earth, und '
veil ve try to sing; "Deutschland
..1..,. h;.. 11 ,1.,.. 1..1-C 1:1. .. 1 .
111x1 autre, urj Kill Jtltc n ll'l 0 '
Putve are eettinu d. ,-'
best of der Americans. Ve
ran -
out run dem. Pupa, if ve are not
der heat fihters 011 earth, ve me
ler best runners. Nobody can
keep up mit us ven ve tink of dor
dear oldl Rhine, und my army
jievir did tink so much of der deer
oldt river. Lot me know vat 1o
do by return postoflice.
Shuly 20 days.
Crown Prince Willie.
The Home Service
The American Red Cross, the
"greatest mother in the world" is
trying to justifiy the trust placed
in her. From the worthy begin
ning of succoring the wouuded and
dying of the battlefield, thM asso
ciation, which now numbers the
greatest membership of any organ
ization ever known, has during
the present upheaval, or the
nations, expanded her usefulness
to cover all manner of suffering,
whether of tue battlefield, of civil
ized life, or more recently throi gh
its newly inaugerated department,
the Home Service Section, the
finer, more subtile and undmi in
ing suffering of lowered morale of
the families and friends of soldiers
Those brave at home who with
aching hears and lessening energy
must meet new and surpii-hg
conditions of life brought about by
changing world conditions, some
times find themselves facing situa
tions which 110 person's experience
helps to meet, and in the maise of
affairs they know not where to
turn for help.
This has been recognized as a
serious state 01 annus, wincn
needs to be met, and in organizing
the Home Service Section the Red
Cross Society is trying to put its
immense facilitees for securing
knowledge and help at the dispos
al of those in need of it, And any
one who is in need whethur of
financial assistance, or work, or
some particular knowledge that
does not come th.ough the regular
channels, or just a quiet unburden
ing of an over loaded heart, if you
are in need of any of these the
Hume Service Committee is ready
to render assistance. Not that
to . mi-hIImi iwmg or nil puuei'
full. Far from it. But t hoy a: e
tue medium for reaching the im
mense resources of this great'
organization, which has its hand
011 the puke and its sympathetic
ear to the throbing heart of the
world. It is backed by our piesi
1 .
aent and me great men 01 our
own nation, and bowed down to
by the kings of the world.
A Word Aboat the Flag
'J here has been so much said
about an Ame.ican's duly during
these trying times and so many
big issues to meet that the little
cmirtesies due our national Flag
have nftimes been neglected. Do
you remember when (he United
States llrst entered the war how
every home and place of business
brought forth the colors? There
were flags of all t,ues every placo.
It showed that the people were
wide awake, that they love their
flag, that it hold a meaning for
them and they were proud of .it.
Where are your flags today?
(lone? Yes. Frayed by the wind,
worn and discarded and they have
not been replaced. Are you loos,
ing interest in the flag? Areu"t
you proud of it any more? Citn
you expect the boys over there 10
carry our colors to Berlin when
you tiout eyen display them l
lome? Think about it. Talk
about it. Do something.
Subscribers Good P?;y
In the hist few days the check:
fur ll.t I'it.ino I .
"",co "' oeu .'coming
111 quite rapidly. Yesterday re
mit'nnc(s were tnadu hy (.;. E
I VwhkI, a. F. Kvick, tj. L. Em
J-U.IIgzlett, J. p. Abbott,
,"hi wo are eo pJe-jed with the
!irnio tendered us Vint we append
1 1 he following liitlccji:
I'K.i lv.ll... ,v . . . .. .,
m, ' oci, , 10, i.
Kind cheek- for 2.25 for 1he
. ,."VBIin J1Ke lm
t'. l .t M. 111 t" i
1 Me "a e a mce no" d
here mi. .:.,. i i... '
Vl'ri' U m II 1 '
1 Dalles is shut this evening,
schools, churches, a 111 1 every place
h"r a crowd
Times i like a Mter from
1 like to read, tthe Daner.
Mrs. Evick sends h ltt-isbes
It's a feat to keep the feet from getting cold, without the
"Home Fires Burning".
How are you going to keep the fires burning, with that big,
empty space in your wood shed?
You better size up the fuel conditions.
Call in and place your orders. Do it now.
All kinds and prices.
See us. about this matter at once. ',.
Jeweler and Watchmaker
Maupin, Oregon
All Work Guaranteed
Fraley (EL Vanderpools
Maupin Garage
All Kinds of Automobile Accessories
First Class
Gasoline and Oils
Fire Proof Phone
Wapinitia Auto Stage
Leaves Maupin, '8 a. m.
Leaves Wspir.ilia, LcO p. m.
Hot Meals, sandwiches
Short orders at all hours,
laved at the Hazelwood
Ice Cream Parlor.
I.O. O. F.
Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Oregon.
mi'eU every Saturday liight ir
Donaldson's hall. Visiting mem
beis always, welcome.
0. II. Crofoot, N. G.
W. II. Taixott. Secretary.
to you and your babe.
A. F. Evick.
Prosser, Vn., Oct. 16, 18.
lnclostd, please find cheek for
year's subscription to the Times.
We cam t do without it. All well
ami the weather is fine. Print all
the news and send it to us.
Y'ours truly,
H. L. Emmons.
Bargains in Lumber
1 own all the lumber from the
old grain warehouse. Ben F. Cook
Church Notice
John G, Ileseler, pastor.
Solidary School 10 A. M.
Preaching service 11.
Class meeting 12:15.
WML Aldridge will have charge
iu the aVsente of the pastor and
will announce concerning the
otiening service. All are invited.
For Sale
One 3 1-4 wagon, new steel
skeins and boxes. II. L. Morris.
G. W. Eargeuholt, W. H. May
field and Tom Farlow were over
from Smock yesterday.
O. L. llarpbam is in Portland.
Mrs. 11 aipham left last night for
- .
Those having accounts at the
HoUl Man pin, please call at tie
Mud; in State Bank and fettle.
For State Senator
T the votara of Wasco and Hood
and Blacksmithine
Cars for Hire
Free Air
River counties:
My name will appear on the
official ballot Navember 5tb, at
an independent candidate for State
Senator from the Sixteenth Sena
torial District.
The great things that are pip
ping us at this time make the
differences which hitherto havt
separated the voters into political
parties seem trival and inconre
quential. For all such old condi
tions there is no place now and by
this time should have passed en
tirely out of our consideration.
How small they seem when the
Nation is battling for the prim
pies on which it was establithn
Only this great present huBinesi-
really counts with us now.
There is a tremendous oblig
turn resting upon us to put 0111
... L. A I - ! . .1 .
nuuia weigni into me scale in
behalf of the Government and ihf
civilization to which we aie in
debted for all we have and all we
are. The immediate task of win
uing the war ia so great am!
absorbing that it is entitled to our
whole attention, leaving other
matters to receive later considei.t
tiou. Civilization is being batteied
out of recognition wherever tb
German armies and boats reach
and thia greatest conflict of man
kind must be fought to a righteous
conclusion- at all costs. The con
quest of Piuesianism is a grim
business that must be put through
to the end, however long and
bitter the way, and for this pur
pose the uncoiiquored spirit of a
free people is getting back of our
government with all they have,
ready at the call.
Not only the resources of the
individual, but also the resources
of the State of Oregon should be
conserved and placed at the dispo
sition of the Government for the
winning of the war and such legis
lation as will effectuate this end
should be immediately enacted.
No person should be elected to
any representative office at this
time who is not enthusiastically
loyal and who will not support
the National Administration in
prosecuting the war to a success
ful termination and iu opposing
a premature peace.
Hood Riyer, Ote., Sept. 3, 1918.
faid Ad?.
For sale gentle pony, saddle
and bridle, $20. Inquire at this
Misses Ruth and Dorothy Mc-
Corkle are home from The Dalles
on account of the schosls closing.
The Crabtree sale Saturday was
well attended and everything sold
John Stovall left Monday for
home and will attend Pacific Uni
versity this winter.
The rains os the fore part of tl e
week left the river muddy,- White
frost Wednesday night and bright
warm days.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kistner are
home from Dee where they spei t
the summer.
Nell Harpham was a visitor
with home folks Sunday.
N. G. lledin was in from Pine
Grove Monday.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office al The Dalles
Oregon, October 8th, 1918.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Arthur Henderson
of Criterion, Oregon, who on No
vember 19th, 1913, made Home
stead Entry No. 012259, Ior e!-2n-
NWi-4. SWI-NK1-4, nei-4sWi-4,
Section 17. lownship 6 houth.
Range 15 East, Willamette Merid
ian has filed notice of intention to
make Final three year Proof, to
establish claim to the land above
described, bofore F. D Stuart, U.
S. Commissioner, at Maupin, Ore
gon, on the 2nd day of December,
Claimant names as witnesses:
J. B. Kidder, L. B. DeCamp, 11.
M. Green, C. G. Sltogsberg all of
Criterion. Oregon.
H. Frank Woocock,
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, September, 28th, 191?.
Notice is hereby given that
Arthur G. Harvey,
of Wamic, Oregon, who on June
2ibt, 1915, made Homestead Entry
No. 014549, and on April 3, 1917,
made additional Homestead Entry
No. 014910, for nwi-4, N1-2SWI-4.
SWI-4SWI-4, SW1-4NEI-4, Section
20, Township 3 South, Range 14
Itast. Willamette Meridian, has
filed notice of intention to maVt
Final Three Year Proof, to estab
lish claim to the land above de
si ribed, before F. D. Stuart, United
States Commissioner at Maupin,
Oregon, on the 21st day of Nov ember,
19 1 8 .
Claimant names as witnes .;e: :
R. A. Stow, of Tygh Vallev, Ore
gnn. I A. Hull, of Tygh Valley,
Oregon, B. B Gervais, of tir.v
Valley, Oregon, Emil Anderson 1 1
Glass Valley, Oregon.
II. Frank Woodcock,
Department of the Interior,
United States Land Office at The
Dulles, Oregon, September 23rd,
NOTICE is hereby given that
Sarah A. Gamber,
of Maupin, Oregon, who on March
4U1, 191.1, made Homestead Entry,
No. 011368, for Lots 2. 3, SE1-4NW
1.4, Section 30, Township 4 South
Range 15 East, Willamette Me
ridian, has filed notice of intention
to make Final three year Ptoot,
to establish claim to the land above
descubed, before F. D. Stuart, U.
S. Commissioner, at Maupin, Ore
gon, on the 14th day of November
Claimant names as witnesses:
Jeiome Buzan, Vern Tunison, A.
T. Lindley, A. A. Canfield, all of
M tupiu, Oregon,
II. Frank Woopcock,
t Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, September 28th, 1918.
Notici is hereby given that,
G rover L, Webb,
of Tygh Valley Oregon, who on
October, nth, 1915, made Home
stead Entry No. 015028, forNKi-4,
SKI-4NWI 4, NI-2SW I-4, NWI-4SEI-4
Section 28, "Township 3 South,
Range 13 East Willamette Merid
ian, haB filed notice of intention to
make Final three year Proof, to
establish claim to the land above
described, before Register and
Receiver, United States Land Office
The Dalles, Oregon, on the 22nd
day of November, 1918.
Claimant names as witness?:
K. L. llauser, Sandy Ross, M. F.
Coberlh, Emil Mertz, all of Tygh
Valley, Oregon.
" op Register,
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Uallea,
Oregon, September, 12th, 1918.
Notice is hereby given that
James B. Knight,
of Criterion, Oregon, who ou May
13th, 1914, November 4th, 1914 and
December 26th, I9i4,made Home
stead Entries nos. 013188, 014013,
014292, for Lots 2, 3, 4, and si-2
of ni-2, Section 5, Township 6
South, Range 15 East, Willamette
Meridian has filed notice of inten
tion to make Final three year
Procf, to establish claim to the
land above described, before F. D.
btuart, U. S. Commissioner, at
Maupin, Oregon, oh the 22nd day
of October, 1918.
Claimant names as witnesses:
H. M. Green, Criterion, Oregon,
K It. Crabtree,. Criterion, Oregou
H. F. Sinclair, Criterion, Oregon,
David Donaldson, Maupin; Oregou
II. Frank Woodcock,
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oreiion, September l4, 1918.
Notice is hereby given that
Edwin A. Thomas
of Bakeoven, Oregon, who on Oct
ober nth, 191s, made Homestead
Entry No 015409, for WI-2SWI-4,
Sec. 15, NK1-4, Sec. 21, WI-2NWI-4,
Sectiou 22, Township 5 South,
Range 15 East, Willamette Merid
ian has filed notice of intention to
innkc Final Three Year Proof, to
establish claim to the land above
desciibtd. before H. C. Rooper. U.
S. Commissioner at Antelope, Ore
gon, on the 26th day ot October,
Claimant names as witnesses:
William H. Womstaff, Geoge R.
.ticClellan, Alfied P. Jones, George
Lee, all of Shaniko, Oregon.
H. Frank Woodcock,
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The'Dalles,
Oregon, September, 1918.
Notice is hereby given that
Walter I. Driver
of Mnupin, Oregon, who, on Aug
ust 5th, 1915, made Homestead
Entry no. 015313, and on August
3. '9'5. made Additional Home
stead Entry no. 015374, for SEI-4SE
i- i, Section 23, WI-2SWI-4, Sectiou
2 , vi-2Nwl-4, Section 25, E1-2NB-1-4,
NE1-4SEI-4, Section 26, Town
ship 5, South, Range 14, East
Willamette Meridian, has filed no
tice of iutention to make Final
three year Proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
b D. Stuart, U. S, Commissioner
at Maupin Oregon, on the nth
lay of November, 1918.
Claimaut names as witnesses:
K. Matthews, R. B. Driver, H.
B Holland, A. J. Connolly, all of
Maupin, Oregon.
II. Frank Woodcock,
utpartment of the luterior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon. September 5th, 1918.
Noi'iiE is hereby giyeu that
Jesse R. Fleming
uf Maupin, Oregon, who on Oct
ober I7U1 1915, made Homestead No. 015155, for El-2svl-4,
oecliuu 15. kI-I'nwI-4, Section 22,
Township 5 South, Range 15 East,
Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make Final
threw tear Proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
F. D. Stuart, U. S. Commissioner
at ftUupin, Oregon, on the 25th
day "f October, 1K18.
Claimant names as witnesses:
James McCowu, of Wamic, Oregon.
F. S. Fleming, of Maupin, Oregou
E W. Fleming, of Maupin, Oregou
Arnold Wyss, The Dalles, Oregon.
up Register.
Department of the Interior,
U, S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, July 18, 1918.
notice is hereby given that
Eoin McGillivray
of Shaniko, Oregon, who ou July
20th, 1914, made Homestead Entry
no. 013683, for SEI-4SW1-4, swi-4-SEI-4,
Section 23, SWI-4NWI.4,
Section 25, SI-2NEI-4, NW1-4NEI-4,
Kl 2vwi-4, Section 26, Township
6 South, Range 15 East, Willam
ette Meridian, has filed notice of
intention to make Final three year
Proof to establish claiifi to the
laud above described, before H. C.
Rooper, U. S. Commissioner, at
Antelope,- Oregon, the 4th day of
November, 1918.
Claimant names as witnesses.
Douald Morrison, of Shaniko, Ore
gon. Teter E. Conroy, of Maupin,
Oregon, Berry Wilson, of Shaniko,
Oregon, Frauk Fine, of Shaniko,
Oregou, James Robertson of Ante
lope, Oregon.
H. Frank Woodcock,