The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, August 09, 1918, Image 3

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Any Size.
None Too
Small; None
Too Large.
lanitlgale Coulroctioi it IonOre and Miltw, On.
Lewis Building
The complete Electric Light and
Power Plant
Self-starting. Stops automatically.
So simple a child can operate it
Uteres t dealer in your territory, Please write is.
Withoul Bath
With Bath
Weekly Rates
Monthly Rates
Central Location, Beautifully Furnished
Excellent Cafe. 11th and Stark.
Liberty Six Premier Six
522 Alder Street, PORTLAND, ORE.
Are -You In Trouble?
The Problems of Life:
Fear, Worries, Sorrows, Love, Domes
tic and Business Affairs, SOLVED;
Nervous, Mental and Psychical Dis
eases, TREATED; and
Your Natural "Place" Vocation
on Earth, FOUND by the
Psycho-Analyst and Vocational Director.
538-9 Morgan Building.
Write your troubles or wants. Enclose 3 cent
Btamp. Address P. 0. box 667, Portland, Oregon.
aKe more rioney
1 hi stumps
Clear your stump land
cheaply no digging, no
expense (or teams and
powder. One man with a
K can rip out any stump
that can be pulled with the
best inch steel cable.
Works by leverage lame
principle at a jack. 100 pound
pull on the lever givet a 48-ton
pull on the stump. Made of the
finest iteej guaranteed against
breakage. Endorsed by U. S.
Government experts.
( eaiylioit jntk
J A v On II o
Write tndav for aoeclal
offer and free booklet on
(.and Hearing.
Walter J.Fttzpatrick
181 Fifth Street
San rrancisco
Why He Hadn't Slumbered.
"I'm surprised at you, Mr. Twobble.
You fell asleep right in the middle of
Professor Diggs' lecture." "Don't
blame me for that, my dear." "Why
not, sir?" "I would have fallen asleep
Booner, but the person seated imme
diately behind me kept coughing on
the back of my neck." Birmingham
Cheerful Conservation,
Be cheerful. Mental depression
checks digestion.- Poor digestion
wastes food. Cheerfulness is conser
vation. For the use of physicians" and den-
tists a toneue depressing instrument
has been Invented that switches on an
electric light to illuminate a patient's
mouth when it Is used.
1 "Ml
Bif'IaSS Kit
12-15 f jHjTRACT1'',
Pilot Generators Installed. All kinds of
SuppliesJ.JV. Clancy 833 RMorrtson St
Jewelry and watch repairing. Miller",
35SWaahBU Majestic Theater Bldg-.
Motors, gears, bearings, wheels, axles,
and trailers. We wreck all makes of cars
and sell their parts at half price. David
rioqeg uo., Broadway and Flanders.
Motor Parts Mfg Co., 325 BurnsldeTt.
Parts for all cars at half price.
LONG & SILVA 462 Hawthorne Ave.
Auto Wreckers. We wreck cars and sell
good parts list price. See us for En
gines, magnetos, carburetors, etc.
Accute and Chronic Cases. Chi
ropractic is the most Scientific
method of treatinir disease. 305-6
Swetland Bldg.. Corner 6th and
Washington streets.
Dr. G. H. Huthmnn, Veterinarian Hos
pital, 416 East 7th St. Phone East 1847,
Rheumatism, Constipation, Nerve and
wtomach trouble. Dr. Elna Sorenson,
608 Panama Bldg.
Drs. MacPherson & Williams. No. 1224
Grand Ave. Acute and chronic diseases,
rheumatism, goiter and female troubles.
treated oy electricity.
For Mortgage Loans see OREGON IN-
Exchange Bldg., Third and Yamhill
Streets, Portland, Oregon.
Dr. O. O. Fletcher. 612 Morgan Bldg.
Corns, Bunions, Ingrowing toenails, and
arch specialist.
Mrs. Hoffman, midwife. $60.00 Includes
everything. t4z uantenDein ave. m. anus.
MILK AND REST CURE To build health
and strength and cure diseases. The
Moore Sanitarium. Office 908 Selling
Jiunumg, Portland, Oregon.
Dr. R. B. Northruo 308 Morgon Build
lng. Catarrh, Catarrhal deafness and
nneumausm. nervous ana cnromc ais
Dr. R. A. Phillips, 906-Broadway Bld.
Disorders of the stomach, liver, kidneys,
bowels, goitre, high blood pressure and
female disorders.
East Side Sanitarium, 869 Hawthorne
Ave. Modernly equipped. Professional
care. Medicated Baths and Massage. Diet,
Medical and Maternity cases. Home sur
Will teach you the trade In 8 weeks.
Pay you while learning, get you a posi
tion. 234 Burnslde St. B
Fuller's Telegraph School, Panama Bid.,
qualifies you for $65 to $85 positions In
short time. Write for catalogue.
MISS DECKER'S Private Business Col
lege. Alisky Bldg., 3d & Morrison Sts.
Hawthorne Auto & Gas Engine School,
462 Hawthorne Ave. Practical experience
In overhauling and repairing every make
of auto and gas engine. Oxyacetylene
welding. Established 1907. .
Northwest School Furniture Co., 244 8rd
St. Everything for schools. Also theatre
chairs, church furniture. Fpldlng chairs
and seats.
Dr. Hasselstrom, 612 Dekum Bldg.
Medical Gymnast. Treats every kind of
stomach trouble and nerve disorder satis
factorily. Portland's Leading
Eyesight Specialist
Best Equipped
and Laboratory. All work
Dr. Wheat
207 Morsran Bldg., Wash
ing at Broadway.
Truck, Automobile
and Touring
Double Your!Efficiency at a Single Cost.
IU1TT omnn TD III CD rrt State St..
nmi onirr ih-ullp. tu., Salem, ore
Save a Dollar Every Time You
Fill the Gasoline tank.
Fortv to Sixtv Der cent more mileatre on jraflolene.
The Petete Combination Manifold will do this or
more frequently more. For Ford and Maxwell
cars. Burn distilate successfully winter and sum
mer. Write for particulars. Agenta Wanted.
62 Sixth St., Portland, Oregon.
Clearing House.
I sell all makes of cars. Low prices; easy terms.
Liberty bonds taken. Every Car Guaranteed.
Lewis E. Obye, Gen. Mgr.
Grand At, and Eait Stark St.
Office Furniture a Appliances
Printing Engra ving :.- Bookbinding
4ARSHAU 6080
Jellies Make Good Drink,
With la grippe and feverish colds,
cooling drinks are In demand. Chilled
fruit juices are always acceptable,
whether it is the juice of raw fruits,
such as lemons, limes, oranges or
grape fruit or the cooled liquids
around cooked dried fruit or preserves.
Mix the water, sweeten slightly, and
put in a teaspoonful of shaved ice,
Tart Jellies make a refreshing drink,
especially currant jelly. A nourishing
drink Is made by mixing the water off
boiled rice with orange Juice or cur
rant jelly and water. Lemonade
made tasty with a dash of nutmeg.
Men no longer scratch matches on
, their trousers, because It leaves a
I mark. It ill occur to the men some
. day that matches will do the same
1 thing on a wall Kansas City star.
Ages From 18 to 45 Inclusive Decided
Upon-Effects 13,000,000.
Washington, D. C. Under the pro
visions of the draft bill introduced in
congress Monday increases in regis
trations are estimated as follows in
northwestern states:
Oregon, 101,110; Washington, 174,-
267; Idaho, 66,570.
The new man-power bill which
would extend draft age limits to 18
and 45, inclusive, was introduced in
both houses of congress.
Provost Marshal-General Crowder
urged the immediate enactment of the
administration's man-power pro-
gramme apd suggested September 5
as registration day for the 13,000,000
men between the ages of 18 and 45,
whose names are not already on the
nation's selective service list.
Unless immediate steps are taken
to provide additional men, General
Crowder said the weekly registration
of men as they attain 21 years of age
will be necessary to fill the draft
quotas September 1, when only 100,000
of the 1918 registrants will be avail
The bill would amend the present
selective act so as to require the regis
tration of all men between 18 and 20
years and 32 and 45 years inclusive.
While the whole number of men in the
latter classes would total 10,028,973,
General Crowder estimates the total
number who would be eligible for class
1 would be only 601,236, owing to ex
emptions for dependents for Industrial
and physical reasons.
Between 18 and 20 years, his esti
mates show that 3,171,771 would reg
ister, while 1,787,609 men would be
eligible for class 1.
l n II r annilflftirt
Washington, D. C. Names of Amer
can soldiers who have fallen in the
great Franco-American drive which
turned the German offensive on the
Marne into an utter defeat have be
gun to come in from overseas. They
swelled to 706 the total casualties
made public Tuesday by the war de
partment in two separate lists.
Although nearly three times as
great as the largest number heretofore
announced in a single day, tne total
represented only a part of the lists
which have been accumulating since
the great battle began July 15. It is
not to be assumed that it represents
the losses for one day.
No estimate of the American cas
ualties in this continuous fighting has
been received from General Pershing
and it was said authoritatively that
none Is expected.
In that connection, Acting Secretary
War Crowell deprecated any
guesses as to casualties in the over
seas forces, saying that publication
which would exaggerate or minimize
the total would create unnecessary
anxiety among the relatives and
friends of American soldiers.
Acting Secretary Crowell told news
paper correspondents tnat General
Pershing would simply complete and
verify casualty lists as rapidly as
they can be transmitted and that they
would be given to the press and speak
for themselves as to numbers.
Of the American soldiers wounded
in the Marne-Aisne offensive, proba
bly less than one in 20 will die from
their wounds, more than four-fifths
will be returned to service and only
14 per cent will be discharged for dis
ability, according to a statement of
the chief of start based upon the
officially attested experience of the
allies during the four years of war.
A British Port The torpedoing
early Sunday morning of the British
ship Warilila was one of the most
harrowing disasters in the history of
submarine warfare. The number of
dead is variously estimated from 105
to 130 and upward and includes several
women nurses.
The ship carried 600 " sick and
wounded. Among them were seven
Americans two officers and five en
listed men all of whom have been
accounted for.
More than 650 survivors, brought
here shortly after 6 o'clock, were given
first-aid treatment, food and clothing.
The patients were placed aboard spe
cial trains aim sent iu iiuspiiaiB.
The torpedo struck the after part
of the engine-room, killing the third
engineer and two other members of
the engine-room force. The dynamo
was destroyed, plunging the vessel
into darkness.
Just over the dynamo was the ward
room, which contained more than luu
patients. Most of these were killed
outright by the explosion, and the
others, many of whom had been fresh
ly injured by the torpedo, found them
selves trapped.
43,300 Men Sent Abroad.
Victoria, B. C Statistics compiled
at headquarters of military district
No. 11 show that since the war began
there have gone overseas from British
Columbia and the Yukon 43,300 sol
diers of all ranks. The actual number
of men recruited in the district from
August 4, 1914, to July 15, 1918, has
totaled 52,202, showing that 8902 must
still remain in the district.
The number returned to British Co
lumbia wounded or disabled is said to
be approximately 10,000, of whom
some 8000 have been discharged as
unfit for further service.
Three Aviators Rescued.
An Atlantic Port Towing astern a
hydro-airplane and carrying three
American aviators who were picked
up 25 miles off this coast, a British
freight steamship arrived here from
Liverpool. The aviators had been in
the water three hours, having been
forced to descend because of engine
trouble. They were unhurt.
tis aim ueep aeaieu i.vuuo
is arrested by Doctor
Pierce's Golden Medical
In those scrofulous con
ditions of the blood which
invite Consumption; in
severe, lingering Coughs,
and Weak Lungs, which
threaten you with this fa
tal disease, and when oth
er help has failed this
medicine is a proved rem
edy. As a blood-cleanser, strength restor
er, and tonic it is sure to benefit In
all lingering Bronchial and Throat af
fections, and in every disease that
can be reached through the blood, it
never fails to benefit or cure. In tab
let or liquid form. Tablets 60c.
The machinery of the body needs to
be well oiled, kept in good condition
just a9 the aut0mobile, steam engine
or bicycle. Why should the human
neglect his own machinery more than
that of his horse or his engine? Yet
most people do neglect themselves.
Clean the system at least once a week
with Dr. Pierce s Pleasant Pellets.
Lumber in New Zealand.
Most of the better furniture and in
dustrial lumber used in New Zealand
is imported, such as oak, ash, hickory,
etc., and comes largely from the Uni-
ted States, United Kingdom and Japan
Dr. Pierce's Pellets are best for liver.
bowels and stomach. One little Pellet
for a laxative three for a cathartic.
"u numuugi AUJ curu, wueiuer
hard, soft or between the toes, will
i i .
loosen rignt up and lift out wltnout
a particle of pain or soreness.
This drug is called freezone and is
a compound of ether discovered by a
Cincinnati man.
Ask at any drug store for a small
bottle of freezone, which will cost but
a trifle, but is sufficient to rid one's
feet of every corn or callous,
Put a few drops directly upon any
tender, aching corn or callous. In
stantly the soreness disappears and
shortly the corn or callous will loosen
and can be lifted off with the fingers
This drug freezone doesn't eat out
the corns or callouses but shrivels
them without even irritating the sur
rounding Bkln.
Just think! No pain at all; no sore
ness or smarting when applying it or
afterwards. If your druggist don
have freezone have him order It for
you. Adv.
The Real Test.
"Don't conclude that a man is a pa
tient mortal because you've watched
him sitting on a log fishing," said the
milk toast philosopher. "Watch him
while he's waiting for his supper."
Early-Day Buttons.
The ancients lacked buttons one
wonders, indeed, how they got along
without them, but evidently they pos
sessed Btuds of modern pattern, such
as those with which we fasten our
cuffs and collars. And, in truth, they
did even have a kind of button (though
not sewn on), which fastened gar
ments with a pin and hook exactly in
the way our brooches and clasp pins
operate. Exchange.
Optimistic View.
There is more happiness in retire
ment than In ruling an empire.
Cutlcura Stops Itching.
The Soap to clennse and Ointment to
soothe aud heal most forms of Itching,
burning skin find sculp affections.
Ideal for toilet use. For free samples
address, "Cutlcura, Dept. X, Boston
Sold by druggists and by mail. Soap
25, Ointment 25 and 50. Adv.
'Jever notice that when a girl is
pretty men expect her to be silly?
And then she goes and acts up to ex
pectations. Memphis Commercial Ap
inf iir. i aar Kit 1 9
DilOUlcl Keaa Mrs. monynan t
Letter Published by
Her Permission.
Mitchell. Ind." Lydia E. Finkham
Vegetable Compound helped me so much
during tne time i
was lookinprforward
to the coming of my
little one that 1 am
recommending it to
other expectan
mothers. Be for
taking it.somodays
I suffered with neu.
ralgia so badly that
1 thought 1 could
not live, but afte
taking three bottles
of Lydia K. rink
ham s Vegetabli
Compound I was en
tirely relieved oi
neuralgia, 1 had
trained in strength
and was able to go
around and do all
my housework. My baby when seven
months old weigneu i pounus ami i xc
better than i have lor a long time,
never had anv medicine do me
much good." Mrs. Pearl Monyhan,
Mitchell, Ind.
Good health durinpr maternity is
most important factor to both mother
and child, and many letters have beer
received by the Lydia E. Pinkham
Medicint X;o Lynn, Mass., telling of
health restored during this trying period
by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound.
ommittee Agrees on
Levy Schedule.
Jewelers Say That Collections of Im
posts on Basis of Sales to Consum
ers Willjle Most Productive.
Washington, D. C Heavy increases
In the present war tax on tobacco,
cigars aud cigarettes were agreed to
Saturday by the House ways and
means committee as part of the new
$8,000,000,000 revenue bill.
The tax imposes three times the ex
isting rates on some items of the
schedule and is expected to raise ap
proximately $340,000,000 In compari
son with the present $168,000,000 rev
enue from tobacco.
Members of the committee said all
danger of delay is over and the bill
will be in form to report when the
house reassembles on August 19. The
committee went back to th) income
surtax paragraphs and, while there
was no definite action, it was evident
there will be heavy increases in sur
tax rates.
There was also some discussion of
two plans to superimpose a strictly
war profits tax on the excess profits
tax, one of the plans being for
complete supplemental tax, every
dollar of which would be additional to
the excess profits revenue, and the
other an alternative proposition under
which the treasury would impose
either the excess profits tax or the
war profits tax, but not both of them,
the tax to be imposed being that which
would bring the larger revenue in
each individual case.
The action as to war taxes on tobac
co was independent of the special
license tax on manufacturers of to
bacco, in which double the present tax
was imposed on the basis of the annual
Chairman Kitchln made this state
"The committee reached the follow
ing tentative decision as to the tobacco
Cigars weighing not more than
three pounds per thousand, tax in
creased from the present $1 per thou
sand to $2 per thousand.
"Cigars weighing more than three
pounds per thousand, and retailing at
not more than 4 cents each, Increased
from $3 to $5 per thousand.
"Cigars retailing at more than
cents and not more than 7 cents, in
creased from $4 to $10 per thousand
Cigars retailing at more than
cents each and less than 15 cents each
increase from $6 to $15 per thousand
between 15 and 20 cents each, increase
from $8 to $20 per thousand; and those
retailing at 20 cents or more, increase
from $10 to $30 per thoi and..
"Cigarettes weighing not more than
three pounds per thousand and retail
ing at less than 2 cents each, increased
from $2.05 to $5 per thousand.
"Cigarettes of same weight retailing
at 2 cents or more, increased from
$2.05 to $8 per thousand; those weigh
ing more than three pounds per thou
sand Increased from $4.80 to $10 per
'Tobacco tax increased from 13 to
30 cents per pound.
"Cigarettes and tubes tax doubled.
"Experts estimate that the revenue
for the 12 months period from these to
bacco taxes will total $340,000,000
against a present revenue of $168,000,
000 from the same source."
The ways and means sub-committee
on luxuries held a hearing at which
jewelers' committee contended that by
collecting the tax on the basis of sales
to the consumer $150,000,000 more
might be raised than if imposed on the
lesser wholesale price.
Huns Ship Wheat Home.
With the French Army on the Sois-
sons-Rhelm8 Front, Saturday. Thou
salds of bushels of French wheat have
been shipped home by German sol
diers. The French and Americans,
during their advance of the last few
days, have discovered that systematic
plans had been laid by the Germans
for reaping the harvest In the country
from which they have been driven.
The allies have found large stacks of
small canvas bags to be distributed
among the soldiers to be filled with
Pursuit Tires Yankees.
With the American Army at the
Aisne-Marne Front, Aug. 3. An indi
cation of the stern chase the allies are
forcing upon the Germans was con
tained In a message which came over
the field wires to headquarters from a
commander leading an American unit.
"My men must rest," he said..
"Must rest?" exclaimed headquar
ters. "Yes," was the answer. "Our men
are absolutely tired out running to
keep up with the Germans."
Coast Flour Price Fixed.
Washington, D. C. Flour prices for
Pacific coast mills are announced by
the Food administration as follows:
Portland, Or., $9.95; San Francisco,
$10.15; Los Angeles, $10.35, and San
Diego, Cal $10.27 a barrel. Schedules
have been furnished to more than 7500
mills. The price fixing is in line with
the Food administration's policy to
control flour milling profits during the
present crop year.
The mill price of $9.95 per barrel
leaves flour quotations at Portland
Just where they are at present.
Owing to th increased
cost of all kind of ma
terial the retail selling
price of
has been advanced to
$l2the Suit
Excellence of quality and
worknuahip gtaarulMai
a herttolor.
Look for
this Red
Lavi Strauaa it Co, Saa FrandM
Awardid GRAND PRIZE at P.P.I.L
- Wrol "Fr..Jom.AU$"
die D.w aarmeat let weoMS
RISE Granulated Eyelids,
r.yes, nyes innameti Dy
DuMt&nd Wind' quickly
relieved bv Murine. Trv it in
VZ. "'''UQyourEyesandinBaby' Eyes.
TOUR LlLJNoSmartini.JuitEyeComforl
Eya Salva, in TuliM 26o. For Hook of the Kite - rraa.
Ask Marine Eye Kcmeay t-o., tmcogo i
kud uanaruu aim
Itching -with
xCutiaira Ointment
Shampoo with Cuticura Soap
Sold rwlim. Soap 23f0mlmmt25t50
Stropping Razor on the Hand.
It is claimed that the finest strop
for a razor is the fleshy part of one's
hand below the little finger. If it is
a safety razor blade grasp it between
the thumb and first finger of the
right hand and strike finger nail and
blade at the same time on the fleshy
part of the left hand. If you will do
It slowly at first the motion becomes
automatic, A little vaseline qn the
cutting edge is said to keep the blades
constantly In first-class condition.
Allen'a Foot-Ease, the antiaeptic powder. Makei
tig-ht or new Bhoes feel eaay, Kflievea Coma,
tiuniona. Hot, Swollim, Tender, Achinir Feet. Sold
everywhere, 26c, Don't accept any BubHtitute,
Sample FKEE. Addreaa, Allen S. .Olmsted, La
Roy, N. Y.
Keep Smiling.
Happiness of heart and soul can be
willed. It Is psychologically true that
the laugh which is at first forced may
later be made genuine. Try it. Try
reading the joy column of the papers
and magazines. Treasure the good
ones and pass them on to friends.
Don't destroy a play because it is for
laughing purposes only. Hunt such
comedies and tell others of them.
Start every day In good humor, with
a smile. It will help brighten the day
for others.
Australia's Artesian Basin.
The artesian basin of Australia
measures 669,000 square miles in ex
tent, and is said to be the largest
known in the world, comprising 876,
000 square miles In Queensland, 90,000
In South Australia, 83,000 in New
South Wales and 20,000 in the north
ern territory.
Rule Without Exceptions,
People differ In their opinion about
Jokes, but here's a rule that can be
depended upon; A joke you tell your
self is always a good one. Boston
Holderless Pen,
A European inventor has devised a
metal blank with four clamps which
carries a pen at the end. This device
clamped around the forefinger is said
to make writing much easier than
when a penholder is used.
BEHNKE-WALKER, at Portland, North
weHt's biggest busineHH college over
whelmed by calls for trulned young men
and women. Enroll now. Take a course
and a position assured. Stenography tele
graphy, accounting, shorthand, bunking,
secretarial etc. Write for catalogue.
MEN, WOMEN Young" or old. Make big
money. New article for home cunning. Sells
without talk. Write now. Mutual Novelty
Mfic. Co., Tucoma, Wash.
Bought, Sold, Rented and Rpalrd
BurnBlde, cor. 10th. Portland, Ore.
Hides, Pelts, Wool & Mohair
Wl wttf til jtt lun. Wrhe for Prion wOaiwaf TiL
Portland, On., Seattle, Wn.. Belllngham, Wn.
Veal, Pork, Beef,
Poultry, Butter, Egg!
and Farm' Produce,
to the Old Reliable Bverding house with a
record of 46 years of Square Ueiilinirff, and
be aaaured of TOP MARKET PRICES.
46-47 Front Street, Portland. Oregon
Do Your Own Plumbing!
By buying direct from na at wholesale price
and aave the plumhnr'a profits. Write ua to
day your needs. We will give you our rock
bottom "direct-to-you" prices, f. o. b. rail or
boat We actually save you from 10 to 86 per
cent All goods guaranteed.
Northwest headquarter foi Leader Water
Systems and Fuller & Johnson Engines.
212 Third Streak Portland, Oracoa
P. N. U.
No. 32, 1918