The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, June 28, 1918, Image 4

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    The Maupin Times
Published every Friday at Maupin,
Mks. W. L. Morrison, Publisher
Subscription: One year, f 1.50: six
months, 75 cents; three momus, 50
Entered as second class mail
matter September 2, 1914, at. the
postoffice at Maupin, Oregon, un
der tbf Act of March 3, 1879.
Wamic News
Mrs. Emma Cbastain, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Chastain, John and Lib
erty arrived last week from Mal
huer. John is in the present call
and left Tuesday for The Dalles.
Orange Britton, Wilbur Wing
and Vernie Norvel were looking
after cattle in the mountains early
this week.
Mrs. Ethel Duncan arrived Tues
ilm of last' week from a two
months' stay in Tacoma.
Terry Jones, Miss Dorothy Mc
Corkle, Mrs. C. S. McCorkle and
Mrs. Nancy Jones and Miss G.
Kibber went to The DalleB Mon
day, Mr. Jones taking the exam
ination for the army.
Callie Duncan has purchased
the John Howell place.
J. 15. Kennedy, W. Hull, P.
Diiver, M. Wing and J. 'II. Ku
bunks shipped a car of fat hogs to
Portland Sunday. Mr. Kenued
sold some beef cattle also.
Miss Hilda Lake arrived Satur
day from Davenport. Wn.
A dance was given Saturday
night for the boys leaving for the
army and Don Miller who was
here n a furlough.
A. Crahtree, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Crabtree, Mrs. Ida McCoy and
Ellis Doughton came over from
Juniper Sunday to visit with Don
W. A. McCullock arrived Satur
day from Gilliam county and is a
guest at the John Eubanks home.
Ruff M''Oorkle and family of
Juniper visited at J. H. Eubanks'
Three car loads of people from
Grass Valley were here Saturday,
staying overnight on Badger creek
This place experienced a thun
der storm Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Illingsworth,
J. P. Illingsworth and Maurice
Colwell were Dalles visitors Friday
Allie Pratt assited with the
work at the Eugene Pratt home
lust week.
E. C. Pratt is engaged in car
penter work at the Harth place in
lower Tygh. Mr. and MrB. O. C.
Wornisdorf and Everett Elliot ar
rived Saturday from F.lum, Wn.
Two bauds of sheep passed
through here last week enroute to
the mountains.
Dr. Shannon was called last
week to see little Val Miller who
was very ill,
Lewie and Delbert McCoy went
t) The Dalles Tuesday to enter
I'm army. Yemie Norvel took
them to town.
1). A. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs.
Don Mill ir were Maupin visitors
Dave Crabtree came from Ante
lope lust week.
F, M. ami Willis Driver and
"to. Craw lord were Dulles visitors
hist Wednesday.
Einniit .mmvrtlt hauled several
In ids of freight from the depot
lust week for the Lake Store.
For Sale
lied Durham Bulls, from year to
year Hiid one-half old. Mays
ranch, Tygh Valley.
son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
0.-icr Butler of Shaniko the 2(Uh.
Persons having wheat to mar--u
litis spring will please see u.
. Woodcock at the Maupin mill
before making sales.
Books and Magazines
it (be HsrelwoodConlectioiiery.
Local Items
Ice Cream served at Cyr's Ice
Cream Parlor.
A son was born to Mr, and Mrs.
Willie Aldridge June 16th.
Good hack for sale inquire W.
H. Staats & Co.
John Donaldson went to Port
land Thursday.
When in Wapinitia stop at
Cyr's for icecream and cold drinks
Jas. Abbott whs in town Wed
New alfalfa hay for sale. J. O.
Thompson, Tygh Valley.
Davis Bros, are hauling lumber
to Criterion to build a granary.
Pure distilled water for your
storage batteries. Maupin Drug
Tom Muir left Monday morning
for I'rineville. from there to the
training station.
Sheep have been passing throng!
here for the past week gome to
the mountain range.
A big assortment of Kodaks and
Kodak supplies. Maupin Drug
The new residence of It. John
son near the parsonage is nearing
Some of the farmers dont like to
be skinned, but Dad Coale still
buys skins and hides. .
Mrs. Grover Slasher brought
Mrs. It. S. home ftni the hospital
Rod Shorthorn hulls, yearlings
and 1 1-2 year oIiIh at Mays,
ranch, Tygh Valley.-Mays Bros.
Miss Grace Muir was over fioin
Moro the first of tho week visiting
imr coiiHin, Mrs. Fern Jory.
Portland Painless Dentist,
Second 8t., The Dalles, Ore. Port
land prions. Phone Main liHiil. W.
T. Slatten, 1). D. S., proprietor.
Scott Beatv and 'family from
Haitland, Wn., have been visiting
J. M. MeCorkk and family several
Found Ladies' gold watch.
Owner may have by calling at this
office and describing property.
Mrs. fstaats received the f 11-
nnuiicement of the arrival of a son
at the Brentnn Slusher home
Tuesday evening.
Two Studebaker Sixes for sale
at bargains. Une I'JIS series
brand new. Fischer's Garage.
Church Notice
Rev. John 0. Hessler, PaBtor
Church services will be held 8un
day as usual. Sunday school 10
., followed by preaching and
class meeting,
as usual.
Evening services
Pine Grove
Pine Grove Sunday School will
hgld a picnic at Pine Grove as a
windup to the attendance contest
that closed last Sunday. The
girls and women defeated the bo
ami men in the general attendance
and are to be entertained at lunch
eon and other social entertainment
next Sunday, 10 a. m. to 3 p. in.
A basket ball game is scheduled
fur the afternoon. The men are
to furnish the dinner without the
help of the. ladies. All who come
are requested to bring nips and
spoons. Komemyer the date, June
Mth. N. (1. Ileilin, Supl. Pine
Grove Sunday school.
(1731) The Dalles 333 List No.
U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles,
Oiegou, June 41 h, 1918,
NOTICE is hereby given that,
the Northern Pacific Railway Com.
pauy, w hose post office address is
St. Paul, Minnesota, has this 4th
day of June, 1918, filed in
this office its application to select
under the provisions of the act of
Congtess, appioved July I, 1898
( V Slat, 507, 620.) ssvi-4of nwi-4
Sec. n, Twp. 6 South, R 15 East
W. M. ,
An;, and all persons claiming
adversely the hinds desctilied, or
desiring to object because of the
Mineral character of the land, or
any other reason, to the disposal
to applicant, should file their affi
davits of protest in this office, on
or In-fore the ?qth day ol July 1918.
np Register.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, April 29th, 1918.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Augusta M. Mahaffey, widow of
Vern H. Mahaffey, Deceased, of
Wapinitia, Oregon, who on March
21th, 1914, made Homestead I'.nlty
No. 012707, for NI-2NWI-4, Section
9 lowuslnp 6 c-outb, Range 12
East. Willamette Meridiau, has
filed notice of intention to make
Final three year Proof to establish
claim to the land above described,
before F. J). SlTiart, U. S. Com
missioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on
the 26th day of July 1918.
Claimant names as witnesses
Orris kellar, Marcus Arnett, John
R. Lewis, K. A. Cyr, all of Wapi-
uitia, Oregon.
II. Frank Woodcock,
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dulles,
Orecon. May 6, 1918.
Notice is hereby given that
Guy C. Haynes
of Shaniko, Oregon, who, on March
Kth Kiis, made Homestead Entry
No. 014O04, lor Kl-2 rvasi-nanj
e I T- . I. I 1' .
Section 20. Township 6, Soul I
Range u, East Willamette Merid
ian, has tiled notice of intention
to make Final three year Proof, tu
establish claim to the land above
described, before II. 0. Rooper, U.
S, Commissioner at Antelope, Ore
gon, on ihe--27th day of June, 1918.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Walter Byers, Fred D. Brown,
William II. Wornstaff, of Shaniko
Oregon, Guy L. Haskinson, Kent,
II. Frank Woodcock,
Public Land Sale ,
'Department of the Interior,,
"V. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
May 20, 1918.
NnTlCK is hereby given that
as directed by the Commissioner
of the General Land office, under,
provisions of Sec. 2455, R. S.,
pursuant to the application of
George L Brown Serial No. 018745,
we will offer at public sale, to the
highest bidder, but at not less
than $2.00 per acre, at 9:30 o'clock
A. M.- on the 15th day of Julv
next at this office, the following
tract of laud: Lot 3, Section 4,
Township 4 South, Range 14
East W. M. (Containing 39.16
The sale will not be kept open,
but will be declared closed when
those present at the hour named
have ceased bidding. The person
making the highest bid will be re
quired to immediately pay to the
Receiver the amount thereof.
Any pet sons claiming adversely
1 he above described land are ad
vised to file their claims, or objec
tions, on or before the time desig
nated for sale.
up I A. Booth, Receiver.
lX-pailmtnt of the Interior
U. s- Land Office at. The Dalles
Oregon, May 14th 1018.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Joseph P. Lindley
of Wapinitia, Oregon, who on Mar.
4th, 191?, made Homestead, En
try No. 0100(15 tor NKi-4 (n1111'
east font th Section, 29,-Township
5 South, Range 11 Kast, Wil
lamette Meiiduin has hied no
tice of intention to make Final
five year Proof, to establish
claim to the land above described,
bolorc F. D Stuart, U. S. Com
missioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on
the 8th day of Julv, 191s.
Claimant names as witnesses;
W. A, Dane, (). W'ebetg, J. T
Hume, J. Cox, all of Wapinitia
II. Fkank Wuocock,
Department of the Intel ior,
U. S. Land Office at The tJ.ills,
Ouguii,.June 12lh, 1918.
Notice is hereby given that
Clateiice C. Davis
of Shaniko, Oregon, who on April
olh lyl.(, made Homestead Entry
No, 01207(1, and on May 1, !mi.
made additional Homestead Entry
no. oijqqs for m:i-4svi-4, wi-iski-4,
Sec. 27, KI-2SKI-4, bwI-4.se1-4,
Section ,'S, WI-2NWI-4, Section
34, Township 7 South, Range is
Fast, Willamette Meridian ha
bird notice of intention to make
final three year Proof, to establish
claim to the land above desciibtd,
befoie H. C. Hooper, U. S. Com
missioner, at Antelope, Oregon,
on the .stir day of August, igiS.
CU'iuani names as witnesses.
Bert U. Davis, Orvel L. Davis,
Silas C. luchardsoti, Kal Kich
ardson, all of Miamko, Oregon.
H. Fran k YooraxK,
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, May 27 1918.
Notice is hereby given that
Alonzo E. Fine
of Shaniko, Oregon, who on March
25th, 1914, made Homestead Entry
No. 012735 al'd May 22, 1914,
made Addtional Entry No. 013250
tor swi-isEi-4, EI-2SE1-4, Section
11, SI-2SW1-4, Section 12, NI-2NW
1-4, Section 3, NEI-4NEI-4, Sec
tion 14, Township 7 South, Range
15 East. Willamette Meridian has
filed nonce intention to make Final
Three Year Proofl to establish
claim to the land above described,
before H. 0. Rooper, U. S. fiom
missioner at Antelope, Oregon, on
the 20th day of July, 19.18.; -
Claimant names' as witnesses:
David ft-. Wilson,' Eben E. Fine,
Charles G. Grey;-George B. Fine,
all of Shaniko, Oregon.
, ,-. II. Frank Woodcock,
Department of the Interior,
United States Land Office at The
Dalles, Oregon, June 3, 1918.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Grdyer Franklin. Douglas
of Kaskela, Oregon, who on Janu
ary 12th, 1915, made Homestead
Entry, no. 014351 and on June 23,
191 s, made additional Homestead
Entry No. 01 si6i, for Swi-4, wi-2
SE1-4, Section 28, NE1-4NWI-4,
NW1--4NK1-4, Section 33 Township
7 South, Range 14 East, Willam
ette Meridian, has filed notice ol
intention to make final three' year
Pi oof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before F. D.
Stuart U. S. Commissioner, at
Maupin, Oregon, on the 25th day
of July 1918.
Claimant names as witnesses;
Louie Larson, Warnie Ward, Bar
nit:' Marx, Willis W. Brown, all of
Kaskela, Oregon,
II. Fkank Woodcock,
p Register.
Department of the Ijitenor,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
regon, June Mil 191s.
NOTICE is hereby given that
" Orris Kellar
of WapinitiaOiegon, who on May
4th, 11)11, made Homestead Entry
No. 0i:50Vl and on April 1, 1915,
made additional Homestead Entry
0HH82, for ke1-4nT-4, ne1-4sw-
1-4, sI-2ne!-4, Sec. 7, si 2nwi-4,
nI-L'nwi-4, Section 8, Township 6
South. Ranee 12 East Willamette
Meridian, has riled notice of inten
tion to make Final three year
Proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before F. D.
Stuart. U. S. Commissioner, at
Maupin, Oregon, on the 26th day
of July, 1918.
Claimant names as witnesses:
David Mahaffey, Marcus Arnett,
G. T. Teschner, E. A. Cyr, all ol
Wapinitia, Oregon.
p Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Ortgun, luue tit ii . 1918.
Noiic; is hereby given that,
Marcus L, An ett,
of Wniiiuitiii, Oregon, who on No-
veinbei, 21, 1914, made Homestead
Lntry No. (114141, for sw1-4sei-4,
Section 10, vI-2nki-4, Lot 3,
Section 15, Township 6 South,
Range 12 Kast Willamette Me
tidiuii. has filed notice of inten
tion to make Final three year
Proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before F. D.
Stuart, U. S. Commissioner, at
Maupin, Ongon, on the 27th day
of JulyHHS.
Claimant damps as witnesses:
Orris Kellar, John K. Lewis,
David Mahaffey, K. A. Cyr all ol
Wapinitia, Oregon.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Origou. June 6th, 1918.
Notick is heieby given that
David Mahaffey
of Wapinitia, Oregon, who on
March 17th 1914, made Homestead
Entry No. (U2KSI.S, and April 27,
ioi.s, made Additional Homestead
Entry No. 014790, for Lot 4, skI-4swl-4.
.Section 6, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4,
nkI-4nwI-4, se1-4swi'-4. Section 7
Township t Sruth, Kange 12 Kast,
Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make Final
three vear Proof, to establish claim
to the bind above described, before
F. D. Muart, U. S. Commissioner
at Maupin, Oregon, on the 27th
d.iv of July, 1918.
Claimant names as witnessed:
Orris Kellar, Marcus Arnett, 0. T.
Ten liner. K. A. Cyr all of Wnpi
nitia, nreiion.
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Kelly start
ed a week ago on a motor trip to
Reno, Nevada.
Get vou a uew piano now and
pay for it after harvest or by the
month. The best grades for sale at
The Manpin Drug Store.
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. .. Morris
were Maapiu visitors - Wednesday.
Glass jars Eeouuniy, . Schram,
Mason, three sizes, several -dozen
for sale-1-Inquire Times office. ,
Mr. Butler of Redmond, a broth
er of Mrs. W. ti. Durham was
here visiting her this week.
Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Steers were
oyer from Tygh Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. tymier
were in from Wapinitia yesterday.
Sheridan Glass of Sunflower
Flat is at the Maupin hotel sick.
F. E. Spoor was over from
Smock yesterday,
, W. K. Hunt equipped his car
yesterday with a new set of tires
Much interest was shown in the
missionary program on Tuesday
eyening at the island, was much
.. .
Quota $10,000
for Maupin
More than half was
raised by last night
Palace Hotel
Washington Street & Twelfth
the Cleanest Rooms in the City
Modern in Every Detail
Large Grand Floor Lobby
Close in to Shopping and
Iheatre District
f inely Furnished
Fraley (EL Vanderpools
Maupin Garage and Blacksmithinrz
All Kinds of Automobile Accessories
First Class Mechanics
Gasoline and Oils
Fire Proof . Phone
Jeweler and Watchmaker
Maupin, Oregon
All Work Guaranteed
From the Interior Warhous
there is still some left. For prioei
see Mr. feter Kiiourg at tut
Maupin Warehouse.
Between twenty and thirty wert
present Wednesday at Red Cross,
Ptftich was served. Eighty shirts,
several sweaters and a number ol
other articles are ready to ship. '"
For sale 14ft. Deering header,
horses and hogs for sale. Edwiu
Mays, Maupin.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Goetjen re
tuaned Saturday from Warm
Cold Boiled Meats
t the Hazelwood Confectionery.
Wapinitia Auto Stage
) Leaves Maupin, 8 a. m.
Leaves Wapinitia, 1.30 p.
Hot Coffee, sandwiches,
Light Lunches Servea at th
Hazelwood Ice Cream
Parlor. Vj
I.O. O.F.
Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Orego(iy
meets every Saturday night if
Donaldson's hall. Visiting inentf '
bers always welcome. 1 ""
F. A. Covky, N. G. :
W. H. Talcott. Secretary.
I Want.Your Wool
I will contract now or when
ever you are ready to sell.
Large clips wanted particularly
See me before you sell
R. C. Jory
Cars for Hir
Free Aif