HAPPENINGS CURRENT WEEK Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. COMPILED FOR YOU Events of Noted People, Governments and Pacific Northwest and Other Things Worth Knowing. Turkish troops have occupied Tabriz, next to Teheran the largest city in Persia, according to a Turkish official statement dated June 14. Six submarines built for thc(Chilean government in the United States ar rived Sunday at the port of Ballenita, Ecuador. They left an Atlantic port in the United States May 25. All new crops have been ordered requisitioned by the Hungarian gov ernment, according to a report from Budapest. All flour mills have been put under government supervision. The entire estate in this country of Mrs. Lily Busch, widow of Adolphus Busch, late millionaire brewer, of St. Louis, has been taken over by the gov ernment under the alien property law. Major General Leonard Wood' lost his fight to go to France in command of troops, temporarily at least, when orders were issued Wednesday re assigning him to traintroops at Camp Funston, Kansas. Award of the French cross of war to Private W. J. Guyton as the first American soldier to be killed on Ger man soil, is announced by General Per shing. Guyton belonged to the Amer ican force operating in the Vosges. Because of an unprecedented short age of water in the Okanogan reclama tion project in Northern Washington, the department of the Interior has asked congress for an appropriation of $125,000 to pump water from a dis tance. The senate by a vote of 61 to 11 adopted a house resolution authorizing the erection in a public park in Wash ington, D. C, of a statue of James Buchanan. Senators opposing the resolution attacked the loyalty of the former President. What is claimed to be the world's record production of marketable pota toes on one acre, 49,531 pounds, or 825 bushels, has been made on an acre tract of land near Kanab, in the south eastern section of Utah, just a few miles from the Arizona state line. E. P. Fry, a Goulding'Creek, Mont., farmer, has been sentenced to serve six months in jail on his confession that he sold seed wheat he obtained from the county to assist him in spring planting. Fry was arrested on com plaint of his father, who knew of the act. A movement is afoot in Germany for the organization of strikes because of the decreased bread ration,, says a dispatch to the Central News from Amsterdam. I he situation, it is said, is so serious that Socialist trade unions have considered it necessary to wnrn the workers, but the latter have taken no notice of tho warning. Arrested in Bethlehem, l a., on u charge of violating the trading-with the-enemy act by conspiring to smug glo a mysterious message into Den mark, Charles Strangeland, a widely known political economist ami until re cently second secretary of the Amer ican embassy in I-ondon, was held in $10,000 bail by the Federal authorities, The capture of Jeremiah O'Leary, Irish-American leader, under indict ment in New York, on a chicken ranch near Portland, Or., will be followed soon by arrest of a number of other Jrisn agitators in the united Males on charges of treason or espionage. The government hag considerable undis closed evidence against O'Leary and his companions, it is said. William O. Russell, of Lubbock, Tex., was found guilty of the murder of Charles Qualey and sentenced to 10 years In the state penitentiary. ItuHsell is a banker and cattle man of Lubbock. Ivan nradhurjr, a 14 year-old boy, of linker Or., by reaching Nadie and Manlcy Strayer, daughter and son of Seoul. ir W. H. Btmvsr, with a raft after they hail gone beyond their depth In a slough whore thoy were bathing, saved the lives of both children. Sarah Ilornhardt, the actrees, has arrived In Seattle to rest before her engagement at Camp Lewis, Tacoma, next week. According to her manager she will stop In the city during the week and make the 120 mile lo the camp and back dally by automobile. First Lieutenant Ray E. Schlckor, quartermaster's department, V. 8. A., committed suicide In Chicago by shoot ing. In his hand was a note addressed tit Miss Evelyn Rao, Morrison hotel, inicago. Unofficial estimates by naval ex purls show that in excess of 600.000 tons of shipping sunk by submarines may be re-floated as a result of sal vage operations conducted by Great Britain and the other allied govern ments. American naval engineers are to be sent to assist In this work, tak Ing with then) a fleet of powerful seagoing tugs, scows and other equip meut WWW fTTTfTTT TTTWfTT fWTWT : STATE NEWS IN BRIEF. I $ General crop conditions in Polk county are bad and unless rain falls- soon all harvests will be cut at least one-half. Aphids have destroyed all vetch and pea crops and have mater ially damaged the wheat. Fire, believed to be of incendiary origin, completely wiped out the plant of the Rice-Kinder Lumber company at Lents, near Portland. The loss is estimated at between $60,000 and $70,000, covered by $15,000 insurance. Physical connection between the Oregon Electric and the Southern Pa cific at somewhere near Jefferson street in Portland is ordered by Re gional Director Aishton in a letter to the Public Service commission. Sim ilar physical connection also is ordered at Albany. A. E. Shuster, the North Bend jus tice of the peace who was convicted of appropriating $800 of county and state money to his own uses, was sentenced by Judge John S. Coke, of the Circuit court, to spend from one to seven years in the state penitentiary and pay a fine of $1300. Although crops about Sheridan are fairly good on an average this year, the amount of rain for the spring sea, son has been very small. At the pres, ent time it is feared the grain will not come up to the standard. Farmers are cultivating the soil as much as possible to keep the wet subsoil near the roots of garden stuff. So excellent has been the work of the women, girls and boys who volun teered to go into the berry fields near Hood River that many of the growers feel that the problem has been met to their entire satisfaction and have de clared their intentions to continue to grow berries rather than plow up their fields as planned in case their berry crops were lost. The sale of 4,190,000 feet of western yellow pine and 380,000 feet of other timber was authorized by District For ester Cecil to the Baker White Pine Lumber company, of Baker, Or. The timber is located on the Burnt river watershed, Whitman national forest, in Eastern Oregon. The prices range from $2.25 to $3 for the yellow pine to 50 cents per 1000 for the other species. Indians from Warm Springs and Celilo take the myriads of brown, green and black aphids found sucking the life from plants in gardens adjoin ing the strawberry fields of Hood River as a forewarning of the ap proach of a severe winter. The warn ings of the red men are having a bet ter effect toward securing an advance ordering of winter fuel than the olH cial advice of the fuel administration. A second order granting a franchise has been granted to the Siuslaw Boom compay covering a part of the Siuslaw river and streams and tributaries in Lane county. Under the new order Knowles, Hadsell and Sweet creeks- which were covered by the first order- are eliminated. The order is also amended to provide that the streams covered by the franchise are navigable to logs and provides that private oper ators along the streams shall not in terfere with the rights of the com pany. The first order provided that the company should not interfere with the rights of private owners. Portland's most novel demonstration of what the Red Cross can do will be furnished by the opening of a Red Cross salvage bureau which will han dle junk old Iron, old metals of every possible description, rags, bones, pa per, discarded material of all sorts ranging from tubes that once held shaving cream or tooth paste to the remains of great pieces of machinery. The posslblo construction of a rail road by the federal government from Yaqulna bay, through the Waldport country and Into Lane county for the purpose of reaching valuable spruce tracts, is Indicated by the presence of surveyors who aro working on the west coust of Lane county near Heceta Head lighthouse. The engineers have been working between Yaqulna bay and Waldport for several weeks. To have his right arm shot away and suffer other serious Injuries while ho slept In his bunkhnuse was the un fortunate fate of It. T. Cornelius, an employe of tho Pelican Bay Lumber company, when a hlghpower rifle In the hands of C. E. Lusk was accidental ly discharged. Lusk was cleaning his gun In the room adjacent to that of Cornel Iub and It Is believed that the muzzle of the gun was not over two feet from the victim when it was dis charged. Total fire loss In the state outside of Portland for May Is estimated at $261, 000 by State Fire Marshal Wells, In his monthly report. This Include ine on 69 buildings. Including 33 dwell ings, 24 mercantile buildings and stocks, seven barns, four sawmills and one school. Two of the fires were from overheated atoves, three from ex plosion of gasoline, six from the ex plosion of lamps, six from electric Irons and defective wiring, eight from exposures, 21 from defective fluee, and 23 were Incendiary or of unknown causes. After L. O. McDonald, aliaa George Thompson, alias George Van Buren, pa role Violator, had been apprehended by Dot Molues authorities and Oregon au thorities were about to go after him news reached Salem that Thompson had been turned loose at Dea Molnee. The recent hot day have caused a steady rise of the Columbia river, which now aland at the hlghrnt mark this season. Bottom land gardens are submerged. Trohably the greatest loss will be to George U Davenport, of Port land, who had hi foreman plant a choice variety of potatoes In the land north of the Moiler depot last week. HI I I Drive Extends From Plateau of Asiago to Sea in Italy. RESISTANCE STRONG Advance Into Defensive Area Draws Smashing Blows From Defend ersAttack Seems Failure. Rome. The Austrians began a great offensive at 7 o'clock Saturday morn ing on the front from the Asiago Plateau to the sea. This announcement was made in the chamber of deputies by Premier Or lando, who added: "Our troops are everywhere resist ing magnifioently. "Nearly the whole of our front is engaged, as the offensive extends with extreme violence from Astico to the Brenta, from the Brenta to the Plave and along the Piave everywhere, in volvlng the Astico Plateau, the Mount Grappa sector and the Plain." The Italian and allied armies are bravely sustaining the weight of the Austrian forces which are attacking along the front of the Italian theater from the northwest of the Asiago plateau eastward to the Plave river and thence along that stream to where It joins the headwaters of the Adri atic sea, a front of nearly 100 miles. Thei Austrians are striving to de bouch from the mountain passes and cross the Piave river and gain the Venetian plains. In the initial struggli the enemy succeeded in capturing several front line positions in the mountain region from the British and also in crossing the Plave. Counter 8'tacks, however, have re stored all the positions in the moun tains, including territory to a depth of 1000 yards along a 2500-yard front captured from the British. At last accounts the allied troops everywhere were strongly holding the enemy and King Victor Emmanuel's men were gallantly striving to throw back the invaders across the Piave. The Italians have taken more than 3000 Austrian prisoners, among them 89 officers. The Vienna war office announces that up to noon Sunday more than 10,000 Italian, English and French s.l- diers and a considerable number of guns bad been captured. CREW 15 DAYS IN OPEN BOAT Schooner Crescent, With Copra Cargo, Burns in Mid-Ocean. San Francisco. After having been 15 days at sea in a 24-foot boat, the crew of the burned schooner Crescent, 12 men, with Captain T. Olson and his wife, calmly tied their craft up at a pier here late Sunday and climbed stiffly up a ladder to shore and safety. The crew had pulled at the oars Bteadily since the burning Crescent was abandoned at 3 a. m. June 1. Cap tain Olson navigated, and Mrs. Olson had portioned out their food stores with Buch precision that two days' full rations yet remained. Not a craft was sighted, Captain Ol son reported, from the tlnio they set out In the small boat until they were well Inside the Goldou Gate. This was considered the more remarkable by the seafaring men who took charge of the party, because a steamship which arrived here Juno 9 reported that It had sighted tho still smouldering hulk 400 miles off Bhore on June 2, and had kept a sharp lookout for survivors. The Crescent, a five-masted wooden vessel of 1443 tons, left Sidney, Aus tralia, March 23, for San Francisco with copra. A small fire which broke out in the galley at 8:30 p. m. May 31 defied the efforts of the ship's com pany to quench it, and seven hours later Captain Olson ordered the ship abandoned. Mine Point to Hun Plot London. The British admiralty an nounces that the area within five miles of where the Dutch hospital ship Ko ningln Regentes was sunk has been searched and no mines have been found. But between June 2 and 7 nine newly moored German mines were swept up In the track used only by Dutch ships engaged In repatriating British and German prisoners. "It seems clear," say the statement of the admiralty, "that the mines were laid to catch repatriating vessels on their pannage west" Parla Bolster Defense. Paris. General Gulllaumat, who has been transferred from the post of com-mandcr-ln-chlcf of the al led operations In the Balkans to that of military gov ernor In Paris, In succession to General Duball, ha arrived here from Salonlkl and ha taken up hi new duttea the preparation of the defenses of Paris in co-operation with tho newly organ I ted defense committee. These defensive mensurea. Premier Clemenccau ex plained, are of a precautionary nature. for the safeguarding of the capital. Dutch Helped Boch, Charge. I.ondon. The direct charge that the Dutch government sheltered a German vessel at a Dutch port to ave her from being raptured by tho British I made In a British dispatch which has just been mado public. The ship wa the Maria. 4000 tons, which entered the harbor of Tandjonc Prink. Java. Dutch Fast Indie. In May. 1916. She was flying the German mercantile flag, but Is believed to have been a cruiser. in GREA OFFENSIVE "OVER By An American SoldierWhoWent EMPEY GETS INTO THE FRONT LINE TRENCH AND WISHES HE WERE BACK IN JERSEY CITY. Synopsis. Fired by the sinking of the Lusltanla, with the loss of American lives, Arthur Guy Empey, an American living In Jersey City, . goes to England and enlists as a private in the British army. After a short experience as a recruiting officer in London, he is sent to train ing quarters in France, where he first hears the sound of big guns and makes the acquaintance of "cooties." CHAPTER II. Continued. The greatest shock a recruit gets when he arrives at his battalion in France is to see the men engaging in a "cootie" hunt. With on air of con tempt and disgust he avoids the com pany of the older men, until a couple of days later, in a torment of itching, he also has to resort to a shirt hunt, or spend many a sleepless night of misery. During these hunts there are lots of pertinent remarks bandied back and forth among the explorers, such as, "Say, Bill, I'll swap yon two little ones for a big one," or, "I've got a black one here that looks like Ealser Bill." One sunny day in the front-line trench, I saw three officers sitting out side of their dugout ("cooties" are no respecters of rank ; I have even noticed a suspicious uneasiness about a certain well-known general), one of them was a major, two of them were exploring their shirts, paying no attention to the occasional shells which passed over head. The major was writing a letter ; every now and then he would lay aside his writing-pad, search his shirt for a few minutes, get an inspiration, and then resume writing. At last he fin ished his letter and gave It to his "run ner." I was curious to see whether he was writing to an Insect firm, so when the runner passed me I engaged him In conversation and got a glimpse at the address on the envelope. It was addressed to Miss Alice Somebody, In London. The "runner" informed me that Miss Somebody was the major's sweetheart and that he wrote to her every day. Just imagine it, writing n love letter during a "cootie" hunt J but such is the creed of the trenches. CHAPTER III. I Go to Church. Upon enlistment we had Identity disks Issued to us. These were small disks of red fiber worn around the neck by means of a string. Most of the Tom mies also used a little metal disk which they wore around the left wrist by means of a chain. They had previous ly figured it put that if their heads were blown off, the disk on the left wrist would Identify them. If they lost their left arm the disk around the neck would serve the purpose, but if their head and left arm were blown off, no one would care who they were, so It did not mntter. On one side of the disk was inscribed your rank, name, number and battalion, while on the other was stamped your religion. C. of E., meaning Church of Eng land; R. C, Romnn Catholic; W., Wes leyan; P., Presbyterian; but if you happened to be an atheist they left It blank, and just handed you a pick and shovel. On my disk was stamped C. of E. This is how I got It : The lieuten ant who enlisted me asked my religion I was not sure of the religion of the British army, so I answered, "Oh, any old thing," and he promptly put down C. of E. Now, Just Imagine my hard luck. Out of five religions I was unlucky enough to pick the only one where church parade was compulsory I The next morning was Sunday. I was sitting In the billet writing home to my sister telling her of my wonder ful exploits while under fire all re cruits do this. The sergennt major put his head In the door of the billet and shouted : "C. of E. outside for church parade I" I kept on writing. Turning to me, In COMMUNICmcrij TRENCH ...&jSpilgTTAVERSfe 3 toS FT.TNJrviofSSST V KSJjS WA U'Vn SSfcrSS WWi .MMMrw4 lJOlL Diagram Shewing Typical Front-Lin THE Arthur Guy Empey Machine Gunner, Serving in France CopyrlcM HIT, tj Arthur Qui ESJJ a loud voice, he asked, "Empey, aren't you C. of E.?" I answered, "Yep." In an angry tone, he commanded, "Don't you 'yep me. Say, 'Yes, ser geant major.' " "I did so. Somewhat mollified, he ordered, "Outside for church parade." I looked up and answered, "I am not going to church this morning." He said, "Oh, yes, you are I" I answered, "Oh, no, I'm not!" But I went. We. lined np outside with rifles and bayonets, 120 rounds et ammunition, wearing our tin. hats, and the march to church began. After inarching about five kilos, we turned off the road Into an open field. At one end of this field the chaplnin was stnndlng in a limber. We formed a semicircle around him. Overhead there was a Wack speck cir cling round and round in the sky. This was a German Fokker. The chaplain had a book in his left hand left eye on the book right eye on the airplane. We Tommies were lucky, we had no books, so had both eyes on the air plane. After church parade we were marched back to our billets, and played football all afternoon. CHAPTER IV. ! ' 1 t - "Into the Trench." The next morning the draft was In spected by our general, and we were assigned to different companies. The boys In the brigade hod nicknamed this general Old Pepper, and he cer tainly earned the sobriquet. I was as signed to B company with another American named Stewart For the next ten days we "rested," repairing roads for the Frenchles, drill ing, and digging bombing trenches. One morning we were Informed that we were going up the line, and our march began. It took us three days to reach re serve billets each day's march bring ing the sound of the guns nearer and nearer. At night, way off In the dis tance we could see their flashes, which lighted up the sky with a red glare. Against the horizon we could see numerous observation balloons or "sau sages" as they are called. On the afternoon of the third day's march I witnessed my first airplane being shelled. A thrill ran through me and I gazed in awe. The airplane was making wide circles in the air, while little puffs of white smoke were burst ing all around it These puffs appeared like tiny balls of cotton while after each burst could be heard a dull "plop." The sergeant of my platoon Informed us that it was a German air plane and I wondered how he could tell from such a distance because the plane seemed like a little black speck in the sky. I expressed my doubt as to whether It was English, French1 or Ger man. With a look of contempt he fur ther Informed us that the allied anti aircraft shells when exploding emitted white smoke while the German shells gave forth black smoke, and, as he ex pressed it, "It must be an Ailemand be cause our pom-poms are shelling, and I know our batteries are not off their bully nnppers and are certainly not strafelng our own planes, and another piece of advice don't chuck your weight about until you've been up the line and learnt something.'' I Immediately quit "chucking my weight about from that time on. Just before reaching reserve billets and Communication Trench, we were marching along, laughing, and singing one of Tommy's trench ditties : I want to go home, I want to so home, I don't want to go to the trenches no more Where sausages and whlzs-bangs are ga lore. Take me over the sea, Where the Aile mand can't get at me, Oh, my, I don't want to die, I want to go home" when overhead came a "swish" through the air, rapidly followed by three oth ers. Then about two hundred yards to our left In a large field, four columns of black earth and smoke rose into the air, and the ground trembled from the report the explosion of four German five-nine's, or "coalboxes." A sharp whistle blast, immediately followed by two short ones, rang out from the head of our column. This was to take up "artillery formation." We divided Into small squads and went into the fields on the right and left of the road, and crouched on the ground. No other shells followed this salvo. It was our first baptism by shell fire. From the waist up I was all enthusiasm, but from there down, everything was missing. I thought I should die with fright. After awhile, we reformed Into col umns of fours, and proceeded on our way. About five that night, we reached the ruined village of H , and I got my first sight of the awful destruction caused by German Kultur. Marching down the mnln street we came to the heart of the village, and took up quarters in shellproof cellars (shellproof until hit by a shell). Shells were constantly whistling over the vil lage and bursting in our rear, search ing for our artillery. These cellars were cold, damp and smelly, and overrun with large rats big black fellows. Most of the Tom mies slept with their overcoats over their faces. I did not. In the middle of the night I woke up In terror. The cold, clammy feet of a rat had passed over my face. I immediately smoth ered myself in my overcoat, but could not sleep for the rest of that night. Next evening, we took over our sec tor of the line. In single file we wend ed our way through a zigzag com munication trench, six inches deep with mud. This trench was called "Whisky street." On our way up to the front line an occasional flare of bursting shrapnel would light up the sky and we could hear the fragments slapping the ground above us on our right and left. Then a Fritz would traverse back and forth with his "type writer" or mnchlne gun. The bullets made a sharp cracking noise overhead. The boy in front of me named Pren-. tlce crumpled up without a word. A piece of shell had gone through his shrapnel-proof helmet I felt sick and weak. In about thirty minutes we reached the front line. It was dark as pitch. Every now and then a German star shell would pierce the blackness out in front with Its silvery light. I was trembling all over, and felt very lonely and afraid. All orders were given In whispers. The company we relieved filed past lis and disappeared Into the blackness of the communication trench leading to the rear. As they passed us, they whispered, '"The best o' luck mates." I sat on the fire step of the trench with the rest of the men. In each traverse two of the older men bad been put on guard with their heads sticking over the top, and with their eyes try ing to pierce the blackness in "No Man's Land." In tills trench there were only two dugouts, and these were used by Lewis and Vlckers machine gunners, so It was the fire step for ours. Pretty soon It started to rain. We put on our "macks," but they were not much protection. The rain trickled down our backs, and It was not long before we were wet and cold. How I pnssed that night I will never know, but without any unusual occurrence, dawn arrived. The word "stand down" was passed along the line, and the sentries got down off the fire step. Pretty soon the rum Issue came along, and It was a Godsend. It warmed our chilled bodies and put new life Into lis. Then from the communication trenches came dixies or iron pots, filled with steam ing tea, which had two wooden stake through their handles, and were car ried by two men. I filled my canteen and drank the hot tea without taking It from my lips. It was not long be fore I was asleep In the mud on the fire step. My ambition had been attained I I was In front-line trench on the west ern front and oh, how I wished I were back In Jersey City. Empey takes hi first turn en th firing itep of the trtneh while the machine gun bullet whit ever hi head. H toon learna why Tommy ha adopted th motto, "If you're going to get It, you'll get It, o never worry." Don't ml th next Installment tTO BE CONTINUED.) No one can kill time In these strenu ous day without aura slaying his own opportunities. .