l ic -J i ii i i 1 i 1 1 ii l u. ii 1 1 . am,.i,M xsmm. 1 1 more people demand ot themselves the more they value a car. - The more people demand of a ear, the more they value the Overland. This car is as beautiful, comfortaJte and desirable as it is efficient and thrifty. How much time are you losing? , Ag'gmWf, Performance, Comfort, Service and Price Fischer's Garage m mL-.I Jt- 1?-..' tST.I .:J , f,J L.-J rV1 ..' 1 WapinitiL Items i Mr. Mvrtle tfiojeerson of Bend was visiting reuiUyeg and friend here last week and letumed to Bend Saturday, her brother John tnking her to Maupin. She is the youngest daughter ot I. J, Powell ; Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Foreman, Mrs. E. A. Hnrtmau und daughter made the round trip to The Dalle? Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Tee Graham were in The Dalles Tuesday. Miss Irene Doyle who is n muse in the ''hospital came out witb them and visited a day with home folks. She returned Wednesday night. Miss Doyle recently took the state examination in Portland for nurs es anp passed with the highest pf r cent of any of the nurses ever graduated from The Dalles hospit al, and her three years of training vtill not I completed until August Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Win Sherman county called on the llarlman family here Monday ight. P.ev. G. E. McDonald, confer Mice superintendent arrived here Wednesday eyening and held quai lerly conference. Lincoln Hart luati n elected delegate to the annual confeience which convene lit Vancouver in June. N. V Flinn was elei'ted alternate. V. B. Tapp returned 'last We.ek fiuin Warm Suriil". He r'iorled the weather very cold there dur iua hi Hay. N. U Hedin has a crew of ntn yiLiiig n the water ditch below here, they are opuiiug up the cmal. putting in miverts and WtJces. '1 be water was turned in the ditch some time and U ;'iow nsar Wapinitia. The boy i have already visited the ewinituing holes the past few day s. V. B. Tapp delivered a h ad of ' heat and hof to Maupiu Sat.ir- ' Several r.ew cases of u.eashs , have developed lately, but are in j vry 'light farm. ! D.. Voodide spent he weekend jnThe Dalit, returning Sunday evnit g. Mrs. D. U still at the h spital rec"ivi!n medical treat- omul. The little daughter of Mrs. Cbas Gabel was quite aiuk last week. Mr. and Mr. G. K. Wood made i trip to Maupin Tuesday evening taking Mr. and Mrs. D. Wright to the train. Mr. Wright goes to receive medical tiratinent. Lik'oln llmtmati and Fred Pratt etitertained the vonnir people l this community at the church Wednesday night. Shaniko First Over Pass the remainder of our trip to Camp Creek on shies. A censored Shaniko from written en his land and nostei letter arrived in Eweii McLennan way to New Zea at Honolulu con taining some interesting informa tion, so blurred by the censor's ink that some imror'nnt item? could not be read, hut a few ite:i b we note: Star tobacco ie worth H AO cent a pound, and so:m women oti the steamship Kingra enjoy themselves sniokinj cigar ettes like a man. Mr. Keeiler ami fun.ily were business visitors al Kent Saturday Miss l.ee of Albainy is waitresr at tee hotel. Girl S.'outs has been orgunh ed here by Mrs, Si'hileler. Mrs. lingart's mother, Mrs. Lee is visiting her. Mrs. Jones rt turned to Shanikd :ifter a visit tit Wasco, A surprise party was given in honor of Mrs. Hees ut h-r home rviturdav evening to celebrate bet birthday. About el .lei n ladies were present mid weie entertained wit h curds anil music. Dr. Van Wallers held services at t'ie school home Monday night. Mr An.licw s daiiihter, Cleon, of The Da I Is visited here Satnr day. The Uv'd Cross ladirs are mak ing inask, cap- anddactor robes Twelve pupibof Gbauiko belonj to the Ji.n'.or lUinbow Fei.ment. hiving 'old 130 worth of thrift and war sv,nt; btanips. They are Adelbeit Hces. T.ay Logan, Nellie Gott, M 'ron 1 i ie, Miles Ilorbnek Harry Pcs Margaret Lcson, Oren Liihy. Lvelyn IL nton. Fearl AiUn.r. funis Worr.staft and Ril(iti Kecd.T. M.lr Uerbacekis rllii'i; thrift stamps trying to win ihi Ua'.tvJ Stake? I5.y cout medal We Eir.tern Oregon boys being employed by a forest ranger, Dee Wright on some county work be tween Wapinitia and Caniaa Pra rie aftr completion of same were aligned a limber planting join across the mountains. Prepara tory were made by Dee Wright ami Joe Graham to move our camp as far as possible by mule hack which proved to he only five or six miles, we nail no skics and did not wish to be bluffed 0 took two blankets each and a lunch and proceeded. We were the first one to cross the Oat Grove pass this year and a9 the snow was very deep anu uruieu jetween the top of the hill east of Frog lake and the Summit bouse. VVe bad some tio b'e in finding the road. We had only one ac- ideivt, which was not serious. One of tin party, Mao. broke hrough the mush ice at Frog lake vhile looking for a better fool path or cut off. We arrived at lovernment Camp April 13. Jack Whaite, Clyde Oliver, Win. Smith Mac Holloinau, and Elmer Munier all of Wamic, Tygh Valley and A'apinitia, arriyd at 5 o'chek p. .n , having made the entire trip across tbo mountains from Camas Praiie to Government Camp in the r nijikably short period oi twelve hours, a distance of nine teen miles all of which was cover ed with suoiv to a depth of from thre inches to ten feel. On arr'v al we were very wet and tiled, but we had good luck and nude it tine considering the condition cf the snow. There was from three to 5..T inches of new snow ii the old snoT was .very rrushy. We will proceed to hike it on further west as ioon as the weathr permit:. Apr.! 10th Twenty inches cf new snow ha? (alien since onr sr rival and it is still snowing. Ow iuc to the liuspitulity shown us by Mr. and Mrs. Fr.dmcrs, we are perfectly contented to stay here indet'.nitelr. Mr. Fridemere furn ished each of us with a dandy pair of skies and we went up the slope toward Mt. Hood, where hs civ? N i im I - II IM White Rivei f L. B. yoriland Haines returned from land last Saturday where he purchased a home and will move thre next week, having sold his property in Maupin to R. Johnson Mrs. I.ucore who underwent an operation last week at The Dalles hospital is still improving at last report. Emma Morrow is working at the homo of W. T. Clark cf near King de v. Quite a number from White River attended services at Tygh Snuday night. P.ev. lievier of Wapinitia preached. Mr, and Mrs. Coberth are mov iug on their homestead this week. Mr. , Augee who was seriously injured by bis auto coing off the grade was cperat?d on at The Dalles hospital aud is improving nicfiv. Herman Gesh and EusJ Patison of Wamic had a runaway on the turn below the school house yester day when the brake Cave way. Mr. Oesh juuipcd and was unhurt, but Faticu fell on bit bead and alo sust-iined a sprained ankle. i W.H.DURHAM Jeweler and Watchmaker . Maupin, Oregon All Work Guaranteed OPTICAL WORK V Carload Just Arrived s harrows, drag harrows, disc harrows, wagons, drills, plows, walking plows, sulkey plows, gang plows, plow shares, mole boards EVERYTHING in the Oliver line CALL ON W. H. STAATS & CO. for your wants Dr. StoTiill dsed the wounds and u cai? lessees. W will continue he was ablo to return honv Ice Cream at Harpbarn's Satur dav and Sunday. ' Portland Fainloss Dentist, 305 Second St., The Dalles, Ore. Port land prices. Fhone Main 3S81. W. T. S bitten, D. D. S., proprietor. The annual Industrial Club pic. nic will e held at the Sounthern Wa:co cijanty fait grounds May ( 11. All come. The dp 0g store ii being painted' this week.