.1 T7 MES 1 Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL 4. NO. 28 MAUPIN- SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1918 Maupin f ' FT! (contributed) There it stands for your inspection With the green hills all around You see the river in the distance Maupin tbe coming town, A railroad running on each side Deschutes flowing down the center The residents point to it with pride It's a pleasant place to enter. All roads lead to Maupin Everywhere you go No one there ia knocking Just watch this Maupin grow. Beautiful should be its name With its cattle, sheep and wheat Plentiful in letters big and plain Is seen on every street. So throw away your little hammer Don't knock your home town 'Tia not the best of grammar But the logic is good and sound So le a booster, a Maupin toaster Asd give the town its due. Crow it loud jnst like a reciter It's not the town, it's you. . Discontinued The exchange between Maupin and the Tygh Valley switchboard will be discontinued on and after May 1, 1918, by oder of the presi dent of Tygh Valley swithboard and Maupin switchboard, O. B Derthick, Mgr. Sheepmen Take Notice We have all kinds of branding paint assorted colors, Bed, Block and Green. The best at reason able prices. Maupin Drug Store. Local Items A new shipment of hats just ar rived at Jpry's. It Pays to Pay Cash at Jory's' R. C. Jory F. M. Jory We carry a full line of KOYAL CLU Fancy and Staple Groceries NONE BETTER It Pays to Pay Cash at Jory's" Fraley (L Vanderpools" Maupin Oarage and Blacksmithin All Kinds of Automobile Accessories First Class Mechanics Many were in from the country Saturday. ' ' Mrs. Morgfinsen and Mrs. Jas, were visiting here Saturday. There was a large attendance at the dance Satmday night. Mr, and, Mrs. A. Q. Moad are home this week, but will return to Portland. A nine-pound son was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. liller Satur day the 10th. All are- doing fine. Mrs. J. L. Confer contracted the measles while at Camp Lewis vis i ing her son Ernest., . Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wing were over from Watnic Saturday visi -i ig Mr. and Mrs. Jory. Take a Kodak with you on your pleasure trips. Nothing like it. Eastman Cameras and Kodaks for sale at the Maupin Drug Store. W. B. Keen hafl moved back to Wapinitia and says that they will s ay until the people run thiin off. j ' A reception will be held Satur day evening in Shattuck's hall in honor of the local hoys v ho ar named for tbe text draft. Hon, F. W. Wilson has been engaged to speak. Ice cream and cake will be served free. Ralph Kaiser made a trip to The Dalles in an 'airoplane' Wed nesday to secure a Bpeaker for the meeting Saturday night. j A fire was started in the Frahy ; blacksmith shop Thursday uiorn ( ing when the gasoline engine back ; fired and caught iu gasoline and j oil on the floor.' It was quickly extinguished with chemicals) kept for that purpose. j For sale-Oue 250 egg Cypress incubator complete, reasonable prioe if sold in 10 days, 1 good 4 hole cook stove. Alviu Philmlee. If you have pointing to do get only the best grade and a kind that will stand the cliu ate. Phoenix Guaianteed paint at the right price Maupin Drug Store. Are you iibiug The Times liner column wheu you have any thing to sell or want to buy sorue article that your neighbor may have or wishes to dispose of? If not try a want ad in that column. We are sure that it will bring results. , Gasoline and Oils Fire Proof Phone Cars for Hire Free Air BATTERIES CHARGED Don't send your battery away and wait a week or ten days when w6 can charge . your battery here in one day , ' SHATTUCK BROS. Church Notice Rev. 'John G. Ilessler, Pastor This is the beginning of another conference year. We solicit your cooperation in making this a suc cessful year. Come to the servic es and bring your friends. Preach ing by the pastor Sunday. Tue day, singing class 8 p. m. Thurs day, May 2nd at 1 1 a. ru. w.l'. be the annual business meeting of the Missionory society. A baekst lunch will be served and in the afternoon th, ladia will sew. Please brine needle and tnimble, Hazelwood Ice Cream served at Etyei's Satur day and Sunday. Farm for Sale It's not what the BOYS are doing on the firing line. We know wjiat they will do it's what you are doing to help hack them up. There will be a held in the M .n t .ma for the purpose of organizing a Branidhi Qnkpter of the Mad- Gross Meeting will be called at ; , ?dbdk There will be lots of work required of this Branch so be sure and come out and help put this great work ''over the top". A. L. ANDERSON, Temporary Chairman AUTOMOBILES Fordi Paget Overland Republic Truck AUTO SERVICE LEAVE YCUR ORDER FOR THE NE'A' rORP WITH Fi5CHER ICO arrrj, 9 miiei southwest of Wamic; in cultivation; boute, Lain, water right: 20 per acrt; outide range. B. V. Morjan. Larse ihceti of carbon paper for embroidery stamping at tbe Timet tb'andler& Pric p.Jot jobber, nlmtm cew, 12 tpailicg filler unJ a gasoline lacp for aale it th;i oilke. SOME OF THE THINGS THAT WE CAN DO FOR YOU DO YOUR NOTARY WORK, SELL YOUR FARM FOR YOU, RENT YOU A SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX, ... BUY YOUR WHEAT, BARLEY AND OATS, TAKE CARE OF YOUR BANKING BUSINESS, DO YOUR UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER WORK. , i GIVE US A TRIAL, WE CAN AND WILL MAKE GOOD MAUPIN STATE BANK THE YEAR $1.50 AUTO ACCESSORIES Complete Ent of TW ftd Cauur If. - I