The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, April 19, 1918, Supplement, Image 5

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    feppfemssi it Tin Mmplnn Times
Vol. 4, No. 2J, Maupin, Oregon, F.iJay, Apiil 19, 1918
4,n ,mirm iMIwmfl l m I MWi n iiit'i n i imnii P2'' jW!-v.13..j . Jo i ' w j
Pine Grcv
The Wo initia Plains Coiimier
cial Club met Saturday ni;;ht at
the Wpiniti sciniiil Inline. Aii
open mee J was (.hi n and a
large audience was in alleinlam'-..
Cou it y Agriculture agent A. K.
Chaa ol The Dalits,' limb I I'g
bert and Prof. O. D Center, .1 ix.
tor of xt n ion 0. A. C, wv.e he
epeakera of Ibe evening. N. G.
Hedin acted iia chid man in Prtf.
W'od'a absence, spirited rnticf.
.and Third Lit ert L an tupies fill-
I the evening with fcutliu:-i;tsn
ni pep.
The Third Liberty Loan di i'.t
was given in impetus by 1 1t i
cbalmmn'd firey speech. Manx
pledges were taken Saturday- nigln
T.w distibl'a q'l'.tn of if5,0(.0 U
OQW mowed under ,by $12,000 ii,
-subscriptions and the financial
. t - ?jr ike iliMt Cat?
Pvfet ' f ' 1 J) ,
bave 1 ime Get
Tlie incrcasiii;? lemr.ivl i.c
quick pcrsohal traii.sjKuti
tion causes thoi:naricIs io
adopt tliis time-savin;1; Mtxli 1
l() tor inofc- cliici.'nt l-iviii:V.
They had thf.uht it nec
essary toSpcntiiMure iu order
,to have beaut, room ;iiid
iricw It; r n cot i vc i i i i i. cs.
They nn:i) know this
Model DO has all of these es
sentials l'of Coiiipleie Salis
fection at a laf;;e :;::vin ia
They )tmv know if i.-; eco
nomical with spruiniT ci
tires -ind iz cir to !.riu!i i
mercury ii t t i ! I lising.
Toe r reeinet iij liflii; env.'rril by
L, C. Ui-iiupIiuii. J. S. ISnivu',
I. 1). Woo.l.i in, (). I,. I'aqmt,
0. V. Wood, F. A. Haitma , as
a-i iifli?i Ms tn the id. a innaii, N. G.
Hmliil. Eveiy ) ers-in in tin- south
:in 1 xxesl yaits bus lit en feen. I..
C. Ilenne .In n has ti rt ye r po t
ed full; , i'n Ike the pre' inet will o
a'J per cent over the top. t
A ''c.atl er g'.M" rally of the.tion las', veek. The snow, thot;ih
fie school diitrict 'for Friday ' very nnieh le:3 than Uoiial was
n:f;!if iruiiii.-ef1 to be a vxliirl wind
in clean fwiepiiif, the finish ! all
the i ids. and ei ds that were mi stV. '
3 speakers are provided, n.usic, j
bonfire, cannonading and whoop-
'I he Fore: try service has a rial
e.'ew working the mountain mid were vii-ible. At a point sonth of
from l'i'ne Grove to Oak Grove , Clcak Lake the txxo travelers
b alge over the c '.nal. Icmilil distinguish Iho lockout cabin
A patty of fishermen -attempted of E!ij i Coleman on the
to go to Clear Lake by auto Thurs-1 of Mt. being 15 miles.
Vxdi cannot p;(t for les.s
.nil of the tidvi: ill ayes of this
Mod.! 00.
It has Auto-Lite starting
coid 1 editing, vacuum fuel
r.ystciu, roar cantilever
T.i.rin;rs and knife tires, non
.'.kid rear.
One salesman with it is
worth two without ik For
professional men it is an
of f ie oil w he c 1 s. 1 1 ouf.e -wives
are able L hrin? fresh
j.rodik-e direet fu.m farm to
tal i!c.
Mure than KO.OrtO already
r:ol.:l c,ae tlt-it; e.wners tim.
and mency. hy no t for
fippeara ncs, Pc,
'nTj'i, .
li;t Fcur Xoi ' (? S-it: fv.
T.kdo T:x P-c- ' r'.-r i lo.X-n
Fischer's Garage
day tie '11th but- bud to xxa:k
over tfir mow nine tni'e?,
I). Marl lias erected the b del
h ill boniii iog boards aid barkits
at Tine drove school and the chi
dren are practising with the'r n "v
Stindai'il ball. The new eet if
encyclopedia and other new le o" 8
are also being tuial.
Graham and ITedin toik a trip
Clack it t: as Meadow ranpei sta
frm and .the skieing good'. Th
s'.irs were lett and they walked
over laud ,5 miles the round krip
taking in the head gate and upper
cinal re; i m region enroute. Sev-
e.rel Iric'ts of coyote, wolf, martin
reiver, lynx and cat, but no dter
I tie oi. - -i
1 V XpO-fteafeB fcww- x- i Ai J
yillTliffif'riTiil& H f?' )HofAx J') Kfi
The Oregon)
eonlalti n vast amount of tnterillni
and valuable intormation ovtrin tlial
Breat tUta ,mjw
it you are trjinKino of farming.
are iuklne tminest location, in tdt
vtC ou should certainly have thai
book. I will land a copy of It to yoj.
absolutely FREE Write to ma today.
Ycu are corfltally invited to cat) 4
Room 112. Union Pacific Bulldlna, t
tut our excellent and extensive exhibit
cl produoti aroMA In the Union Ptdflf
country .wwiMaWJiiaBwtrf
B. A. SMITB, Coloaualloi ellitfulriUiV
ur.ica ritinc system
' 1 3
(AboveSsmple of Advsrtlstf
merit Used in Eastern New.
Oregon fruit world-famous
for quality, beauty and d
llcioua flavor,
Fishing Industry ranks high',
especially salmon, but It also
produces cplcndid soa fish, as
well as oysters, clams, crabs,
etc, ,
Furnishes finest wool In AmeN
lea, and Is a leading sheep
Large production of cattle and
hogs, having abundant native,
forage, , ,
Oregon flax equals that grown
In Ireland and Belgium,
Claims highest yield of gralltj
and potatoes per acre,
Oregon Is one of the wonder com
munities In the guinsy (if I'avitic
stntw. It Is an cinplio In lt.lf.
llerctiifniu it lins bicn noted fur its
fruits ntul Oregon fruits are xvorM
fiiinous fur quality, beauty mid deM
I'lutis fliivur but iliversllle'l fanning
Is rnpiilly being wintered. Tliu ell
iiiatic eonillltoiis are being understood
and the future of Oregon Is One of
the most promi ;lnof.
No oiin thinks of Oregon' without
thinking of ils li-bliig Industry, espe
elnlly the sulmun Industry, but Ore
gon also furnishes splendid sea fl.h,
us xvell n oysters, cluuis, orabu, etc,
This ftute Ik one of the lnrgi'st
producers of sheep iu tin) country,
and Oregon wool Is recognized aa the
finest produced in America. Aa abun
dance of native forage crops has re
sulted In a large production pf cuttle
and ling,
Flax a Profitable Cron, .
Orgon flax Is another profitable
rrop, this product being equal to tUat
groxvii In Ireland aud ilelgliim. Hop"!
Is another of the luiportuut yields of
OreK'in. und It Is estimated tlmt B0
per cent of I he bops ral'ed In tlie
t'ulted States Is. grown here. The
productivity of tiio land Is unusual
and its state aulu ri;k'S claim that It
produce the highest yield of grains
and potatoes per acre. Whether cr
not the esact fiiurcs would suhjtnnti
ate this claim, the mere fact that pro
duction In this stuto is so great as to
n.cfce such a claim plausible instires
that its land is among the 'richest,
Orcjm has uncut timber la an
unmcasurable amount, running
liito the hundreds of. bllll"n3 of board
f'.ct. both on private lur.ds and In na
tional forests, national parfcf and
In'lian lands.
Water Power Meant Much to 6(at.
One of the most important fea
ture cf prcjon's future lies In the
fact tl.iit thore is available, thongh
BndcTcIcpcd. (tjprcTimntely ono-thlrd
rf t." wr.tcr pexver of the
v v. v v j ; rut wv'-vS
7, Grows 50 of the
in the United States,
8, Has 281,302,578.000 board
' , measure fect of timber on prl
r vato lands.
5, Was 100,335,531,000 hoard
!v measuie fect of timber In na
)tional forests and larrjo quan.
t tity in national parks and
" " indian lands.
.iO.1 Jremendouc Inductrial 'tfj.
elopment possible through the
ract that one-third of undc.
P eloped water power In thj
Wixited States Is available; )H
""' Columbia P.lver basin.
Ctiltel Stales to be fmitul In the
Coluuil.ta River liasln. 'J'hls fact ho
c.omes imperially liiiiortMiit hi vleAx of
the recent reeiiiiinmiKlHiliin nf Presi
dent YVlMin, Hint Ktep.s Khouhl be
taken to aonnervu i, ml develop and
bring into usu the wonderful possibil
ities of tide water lower.
Million of Acres Available,
Jlilll.Jiis d( acres (,f i,irnl Ui( b;1ve
mrver laiown the feel of I lux phuv are
x rutins for the luiine-secLcr in tie'
great Empire flutes of llie Tine-- Ml--suiiri
VV'rtst, fliud in tho stab.) II. ut
face IliU Paitifie f.leeuti.
Many of thoe ,nv ts are in the iliy
faiaiilngi millions, ;mu:y of iIhi.i can
be broiltC)it iXjiih-r iirL'.itioil illUhes.
In ad.litioir to Um.s "wilil" laud,
there ar,i uuii.jr acref. in 1lo"ie sluli-H.
now cullivf tul in Isiy.? Iiael", xxhi'h
with the tv-er w.slw:i. -d pn-hinsc of
those XX ho s,-ek new lan.1'5 will, In Iho
nest few yeiU's, lf cut nj) Into snmllur
When the Jreiin-ndniis tivigedy of
the woild now iu !i enarlnl )n blood
and SulTerlii' u)X m the fttde of
France, comes ilintOy to an end, the
louglng for the npe.i country xxill tdte
an even greater hoK I upon the hearts
of luauLlad. Then ll'l ermit country
In the Wcit ahmild b' In position to
respond to thU l.iin-ii. H should be
ready to receive those 'ho will sock
Its wulcuiue.
Oregon must in t, tt. Tx-ory
agency In the stale sliiaild lix' iWreeted
to this end. in pi ( prulivn f'T tli!)
day every facility,l be 1'.,d to
acquaint th.iso le i.w nr. in.oMin;
for a new honm in Hi" West and
every orgnnixati'Ti ii, ft is wmklni' to
SOiri iho npttnM.inr f't thl W-.'t
l-shntild be pneinir.T;ed.
Union Pacific System Ory tho Job.
One of the innft arf.v.l or;nnli
tiotn especially ti:.-.!n!iuiicd for work
of this ilir.racnr. nri m .nrji.-iitnti ad
mirably lKllpp-,.l V. fill iv-rili-ee ni'd
tacked with -n ttnMiii knowleilc"
and sylcm, is i fi! ;.,.n nxr.iion aed
Industrial IJiircnu (,f tie. fnhn I'a
ctn System.
This Knt-An Is un li r t i direction
of It. A. Smith, who hi t b't mnr)J
yeara' ctjrienc in st ich work. Re
cently tin-re k-. b?rn Inst rllod on the
ground floor of the I V?a4inaH"rs
building of the Union n uiOc Railroa-3
In Omaha, a most crtr! dci and rt-
manent Pthlblt rrf ti-j arH'-ultnrn!.
horticultural end l;v A ovi P lulerestn
H 'l ill
. 1 rX- CJl
nl'-W ' 7
hope raised II - s
of the slnlee whi. h are served by thi)
Union 1'acilie S.xuiein,, Kun
sns, Colorado, V uniin;;, t'lah, Idaho,
Wushiiijflon, Oregon, Califernlii and
Nevada. This exhibit, xvhieh was pre
pared and Insiaiied tlirnU"h co-operation
xxilli the public iiiithoililes Iu
each of thcKo sluU's, Is to lie main
tained and kept cie.lanlly renewVi
1 9 The i;ibm 1'neiiie System at the
foundation of the xvnik whh-h It enf
rles on fur tle iiiipo'-e nf 1 n-i Hurt n
lieV Selllorsi und home .-eekel.s Into
thrt We-I.
Bureau H.ia Co Land for Sile.
The (.u!..i;I,-..iii..ii & inilnsliral l'.u
renu has no l..n. In n;ll, and Its only
Internet In the sale of lanil by IIiom
vho hare it, h; ihe building up of
:!ie te;-i iln: y wl.h h il si'i-ves. In
.nle r words, Its Interest Is the bring-
Mi Ineiher of the land find thosn
xlin xvi.uM i.m!:e new linhe s imoll the
land. I'.
that reason expert ageitH
f Ibis I: m
an Invesilaie llioi'nUi;lily
-,t Is offnivd for sale and
all laid lie
II I, .11. 1 a:
' iil-i. 'I iiese experis satisfy
thai Ihe hind Is suitable
thai the elimnlle cotnll.
il'l and lb-, l the price at
tte lie. !e:
fi.r fiireiii
thins are
XX hi. h II is offered h I
II, rr srill-fy thein-elvi
M"onuhle ; next
' that the land
aeiit I.-; honed and reliable. There Is
no need to find men In order to get
them to si'ltlo In Iho We',1 Iho truth
in 51 run? eneu;.h.
Ads Carried in Eastern P.apers.
A very extenvlvn advei ti.- lng cam
palgn In tlo rnsterii slates, the
Southern atiJce and the .Slates of the
Mississippi Valley enables this fin
rcntl to get In touch xxlili tliose
who wants facts about the West, nnd
aii noon as Its representatives learn
what pecthm of the country most np
poaU to tho propei-t ho l.-i torned
over to Iho tnistxvortliy land a;ents
npcrattn.'f In tbnt seeliun.
Tln'Sif land agents take up the work
front there on sad tho records of the
riurenn '.ie.-.y tbnt Ihe work Ins been
most S'fffs fn!.
Piiriaj f!n last year tho adverllslnt;
! y tin T'tilrx Pneir.e Pysteiu leie hid
a rir, utrtion of more Unn five million
r?d-r a notli. There were ti eeind
nearly f.irt thousand ' Inquiries iunl
tli"t-e am refolds of 2.11! rnrlnaiN of
household coods moved Into and
tbron-h lb" Tarioin states llv'cd
alnvr, durinf Mt months of this prr
This doc? not Include those who
er.nni ttil-i tiio Wet wiihnut ph'pplt.
their !iou. linld g'si l;, at.d there are
many who fell out nil such psopeity
befefx nmvlr?. Nultlter de It in
clude theso who xrent nreilur.d In au
tomobiles and there are ro"ny if
them, feo. Po It xvou'd se'Ui tlo-t here
! proof r.f 1h eToctlveiie. ,.f the
Tdnn worked o':t by the I'nlott I'actfle
System. '