AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJ t STATE NEWS ?' J t IN BRIEF, The Astoria Carpenters' union, No. 917, at its meeting April 6, voted $300 more for Liberty bonds, making a total of $500. Mark J. Hindman, one of the oldest residents of Baker county, died at the age of 93 years at the home of his son, Albert Hindman, at Durkee Saturday. His death resulted from a complication of diseases due to his advanced age. Fifty citizens of Wendling Wednes day forwarded a petition to Adjutant' General John M. Williams asking for authorization of a Home Guard at Wendling. Most of the men who signed the petition are employes in the mill and camps of the Booth-Kelley Lumber company. County Judge Miller and Commis sioner V. Hurt, who returned to Toledo from Salem and Portland Saturday night, stated that Lincoln county will receive a total of $20,000 in addition to its road fund from the forest reserve fund and the State Highway commis sion on a 50-50 basis. In a communication to the Salem school board, the state board of health criticizes the manner of handling con tagious diseases in the Salem schools. The letter says that children affected with mumps and German measles are merely required to remain at home and are not placed in quarantine. A suit was filed in the Clatsop county Circuit court this week by the United States National bank of Salem, against the Western Paving company to recover $8229.61, and interest on a chattel mortgage given by the defend ant to the Arena Construction company and later assigned to the plaintiff. After 18 days spent in the Marshfield city jail, Nestor Junkala, sentenced to 50 days and fined $100 for I. W. W. activities, Tuesday night tied his neck tie to the steel frame of the berth above him, fastened the other end of the tie about his neck, and lying face downward in his bed, strangled him- Belf. Robert Banks, of the Kruse & Banks Shipbuilding company of North Bend, announced during the flag-raising exer cises Sunday that the firm had re' ceived a telegram from the Shipping Board asserting that additional govern ment contracts for wooden hulls would be awarded their yard as fast as the ways were cleared to accommodate them. All teachers in Oregon will hereafter be required, when signing their con tracts to subscribe to the oath of alle- giance to the government of the United States as a part of their contract. Superintendent of Public Instruc tion, J. A. Churchill has prepared a new form of contract and has incorpo rated as one of the provisions an oath similar in form to that required of all government officials. In speaking of this contract, Superintendent Churchill said: "The teachers of Oregon as a body are doing an immense amount of patriotic work. They have assisted the government materially in the Hoover pledge card campaign, in the thrift stamp sales, in the Liberty loan campaigns, in the clerical work of classifying the registrants, and in general by arousing every home repre sented in the public schools of this state to deeds of self-sacrifice and pat riotism. Unfortunately throughout the state, there have been two or three unpatriotic teachers, and before they could be removed their influence has to a certain extent discredited the work of their associates. Through this loyalty oath it is hoped that the employment of disloyal teachers may be effectually checked." At a recent meeting of the Rose burg city council it was voted to invest $2500. now in the city (treasury, in Liberty bonds. The measure carried without a dissenting vote and without debate. The State Board of Control has ta ken action in increasing wages of in- stitution employes to the extent of ap proximately $27,000 a year. These increases cover only the Oregon State Hospital and the Soldiers' Home at Roseburg. Superintendents of other institutions under the board were in structed to prepare such schedules of wage increases as they deemed neces sary and present them for further con sideration of the board at a special meeting called for this week. The increases which will bring the pro posed by these superintendents will bring the total up to several thousands of dollars more annually. The Astoria school district will hold a special election in the near future to vote on the question of issuing $115, 000 in school district bonds to raise funds with which to purchase a site for a building. M. N. Crow, of Roseburg, was sen tenced to serve from 10 to 20 years in the state penitentiary for a statutory crime against his 16-year-old daugh ter, who he took to Eugene about 10 days ago and spent the night at a lodg ing house. Governor Withycombe has received telegraphic word from his daughter, Miss Mabel Withycombe, at Washing ton, D. C, that his son, Earl Withy combe. ill in a hospital there, is much improved and that chances for his re covery are bright. The state of Oregon, for the year 1918 on the 1917 assessment roll, has levied $23,203,140.66 for all purposes, including state, county, school, road, cities and towns and miscellaneous taxes, according to a statement com' pleted Friday by State Tax Commis sioner Galloway. BAGS IN BIG DEMAND Washington Applicants Ask for 3,748,- 675. While But 850,000 Are Avail able at Penitentiary Mill. Walla Walla Applications for 3,- 748,675 grain bags were received at the penitentiary Thursday, with but 850,000 available. A few counties did not take all their apportionment, and this left 70,000, which were distributed among other counties. . The heaviest demand .came from Walla Walla county, where, with an allotment of 112,200 bags, applications asked 1,662,130. A pro rata increase from other counties not taking bags gave Walla Walla 148,548 for distribu tion. This means that Walla Walla gets but 9 per cent of its demands, or one bag out of every 15 sought. Whitman county got 24 percent. Her allotment was 916,700, and this was increased to 212,930, while appli cations totaled 876,615. Columbia county obtained 12 per cent. The allotment was 28,000 and was increased to 33,327, while applica tions totaled 259,650. Garfield county had 27,700 allotted, and this was increased to 29,720, while applications were for 112,624,. This was 26 per cent. Prison bags were sold for 19 cents, while the same grade bag is bringing in the open market from 25 to 26 cents. If more bags are made than were contracted for they will be sold later Women Petition for Bridge. Yakima Four women of the Naches district bearing petitions for the con struction of a bridge across the Naches river at a point half way between Nel' son's bridge and the South Naches bridge appeared before the county commissioners Thursday. Those head ing the petitioners were Mrs. Irene Eschbach, Mrs. M. E. Burge, Mrs. Ida Kandle and Mrs. Claude Smith. All are residents of the south side of the Naches and were backed by petitions containing the names of all the resi dents in that section. Use Road Funds to Buy Bonds. Hoquiam No road tyork is to be done in Grays Harbor county this year, except what is absolutely neces sary, and any money the county can spare is to be invested in bonds of the Third Liberty Loan, according to an nouncement of the board of county commissioners. It is expected from $190,000 to $200,000 of the county's funds will be invested in Liberty Bonds. NORTHWEST MARKET REPORT Wheat Bulk basis for No. 1 grade Hard white, $2.05. Soft white, $2.03, White club, $2.01. Red Walla Walla, $1.98. No. 2 grade, 3c less; No. grade, 6c less. Other grades handled by samples. Flour Patents, $10; whole wheat, $9.60; graham, $9.20; barley flour, $1313.25 per barrel; rye flour, $10.60 12.75 per barrel; cornmeal, $5.75 per barrel. Millfeed Net mill prices, car lots: Bran, $30 per ton; shorts, $32; mid dlings, $39 ; mixed cars and less than carloads, 60c more; rolled barley, $77 79; rolled oats. $76. Corn Whole, $77; cracked, $78 ton, Hay Buying prices, delivered, East ern Oreogn timothy, $27 per ton; val ley timothy, $2425; alfalfa, $24 24.50; valley grain hay, $22; clover, $18; straw, $8. Butter Cubes, extras, 47c pound prime firsts, 46c; prints, extras, 49c cartons, lc extra; butterfat, No. 1, 51c delivered. Eggs Ranch, current receipts, 35c per dozen; candled, 3637c. Poultry Roosters, old, 2022c per pound; stags, 2426c; springs, 27 28c; broilers, 35c; ducks, 3235c geese, 2021c; turkeys, live, 2627c dressed, 8537c. Veal Fancy, 2020c per pound. Pork Fancy, 2121c. Vegetables Tomatoes, $2.75 per crate; cabbage, 34c per pound; let tuce, $22.25; cucumbers, $1.25 1.75 per dozen; cauliflower, $1.50 1.75 per crate; artichokes, 85c$l per dozen; garlic, 7c; celery, $3.75 per crate; peppers, 40c per pound sprouts, 21c; rhubarb, 10 12c; aspar agus, 15 17c; peas, 17c per pound spinach, $1.25 per crate. Sack Vegetables - Carrots, JI.Zd 1.50 per sack; turnips, $1.50; pars nips. si.zb. Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, 90c 1.10 per hundred; Yakimas, $1.25 1.35; sweet potatoes, 8c per pound. Onions Jobbing prices, Kgljc per pound. Wool Eastern Oregon, 4465c per pound; valley, 5055c; valley lamb, 45(ffi50c: mohair, lone staple, full year, 50c; six months, 4050c; burry, 3540c Cattle April 9, 1918. Med. to choice steers $11.5012.10 Good to med. steers 10.50 11. 60 Com. to good steers 8.6010.00 Choice cows and heifers. 9,7510.75 Com. to good cows and hf 6.00 9.50 Canners 3.00 5.00 Bulls 5.00 9.00 Calves 7.5012.00 Stackers and Feeders . . . 6.60 9.50 Hogs Prime light hogs $17.2517.50 Prime heavy hogs 16.7517.00 Pigs 14.7515.75 Bulk 17.25 Sheep Western lambs $15.00rtil5.60 Valley lambs 14.50015.00 Yearlings 13.0013.60 Wethers 12. 50 13. 00 Ewes 9.0012.00 Swift It shows steer A If' 1 m Will positively wm a ST WW THE THOMAS ENGINEERING WORKS M"ker:d ".I'mS."'"1 Western T1ujck Attachment Over 1000 Satisfied Owners in Washington and Oregon. The most vital point of a truck attach ment is the bearing!. The Western is the only truck attachment made with a Two-inch Timben Bearing. Other spe cifications in portion. Why Buy an interior maKef A. J. LORMOR, Factory Distributor. 533-35 Alder Street, Portland, Oregon. Too Valuable. 'That prima donna didn't seem at all angry." "How eld you get that Impression.' inquired the weary manager. "She never once raised her voice. "Well, you don't think she'd waste a high note on me, do you?" "And now, children, we come to that Important country, Germany, that is governed by a man called a kaiser," said the teacher. "Can any one tell me what a kaiser is? Yes, Willie!" "Please, ma'am, a kaiser is a stream of hot water springin' up in the air and disturbin' the earth." Life. And There It Ended. Policyholder I nearly had my skull fractured on the icy sidewalk yester day. Don't I get something for that? Adjuster If you can produce a doc tor's certificate we may nearly give you something. Boston Transcript. Hides, Pelts, W Wool & Mohair We wilt ill yet bare. Write Fir Prices tee1 Statute Till. THE H. F. NORTON COMPANY, Portland, On., Seattle, Wn., Bellingham. Wn. ni Iff) Veal, Pork,' Beef, .Hlr Poultry, Butter, Eggs ttJl and Farm Produce, to the Old Reliable Everding house with a record of 46 years of Square Dealings, and be assured of TOP MARKET PRICES. F. M. CRONKHITE, 45-47 Front Street, Portland, Oreion FRED DUNDEE MOTOR CAR REPAIRING MACHINE WORK MAGNETO SERVICE STATION ALL KINDS OF WELDING CYLINDER GRINDING PROMPT ATTENTION rro ALL ORDERS Broad way at Flanders, Portland, Or. P. N. U. VS ONF. vt TWO TON JsaPffll No. 15, 1918 Send & Company's that Swift & Company sells the meat for less money then the live steer Proceeds from the sale of the hide, fat, and other covered all expense of dressing, refrigeration, freight, expense and the profit of $1.29 per steer as shown by Company's 1917 figures as follows: Average price paid for live cattle per steer Average price received for meat . . Average price received for by-products Total received This leaves for expenses and profit Of which the profit per steer was . There are' many other interesting and instructive facts and figures in the Year Book. We want to send our 1918 Year Book, to anyone, anywhere free for the asking. Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago. Swift & Company, U. S. A. THE New Thomas PORTABLE All Steel and Iron WHEELED FRAlE K 1 GASOLINE DRAG SAW lasflonKer'andMo a wider" ranee of work than any other portable power sawing machine made. Write for particulars. 125 E. Water St., Portland, Ore. Something .Sinister. Dr. William H. Crawford, president of Allegheny college, said on his de parture to do war work at the front: "Don't ask me for an Interview. There is something sinister about an interview. It suggests that I'm never coming back. "Yes, you make me feel almost as blue as the rich old fellow whose little nephew said: " 'Uncle, will you please make a noise like a frog?' '"Why, Willie!' said the rich uncle, laughing heartily, 'Why on earth do you desire me to make a noise like a frog?" " 'Because,' said Willie, 'whenever I ask papa to buy me a pony or bicycle or anything, he always says : 'Wait till your uncle croaks. Exchange. Perhaps She Meant It. Willie Jones had been giving his teacher a good deal of trouble that morning. At the close of the first study period she said: "Now we will take up the subject of natural history, and you may name in rotation some of the lower animals, starting with Willie Jones." Ex change. Edith Well, If she accepted your flowers, your bon-bons, your bracelet, your caresses, she must have accepted about everything of yours. Jack She did; she even accepted my rival. Boston Transcript. His Real Worth. "Did you see the widow of our late friend?" "Yes, but when I told her I had called to extend my condolences, she asked my congratulations Instead She had just received his insurance money." Baltimore American. LOSS OF POWER and vital force fol low loss of flesh, AaV. 0 r emaciation. These come from 1 m p o v e r 1 s bed blood. Dr.Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery en riches the blood, stops the waste of strength and tissue, and builds up healthy flesh. Thin, pale, puny and scrofulous chil dren are made plump, rosy and robust by the "Discovery." They like it too. In recovering from "Grippe," or in convalescence from pneumonia, fev ers, or other wasting diseases, it speedily and surely Invigorates and builds up the whole system. As an appetizing, restorative tonic, it sets at work all the processes of digestion 'and nutrition, rouses every organ into natural action, and brings back health and strength. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure constipation. Constipation is the cause of many diseases. Cure the cause and you cure the disease. Easy to take as candy. Adv. .-a- for 1918 Year $84.45 fj L L E It's Grandmother's Recipe Restore Color, Gloss and Attractiveness. to Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly compound ed, brings back the natural color and lustre to the hair when faded, streak ed or gray. Years ago the only way to get this mixture was to make it at home, which Is mussy and trouble some. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sul phur Compound," you will get a large bottle of this famous old recipe, Im proved by the addition of other In gredients, for about 60 cents. Don't stay gray I Try It I No one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, as It does It so naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair disappears, and after another ap plication or two, your hair become: beautifully dark, glossy and attractive. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound Is a delightful toilet requisite for those who desire dark hair and a youthful appearance. It is not Intend ed for the cure, mitigation or preven tion of disease. Adv. An Explosion. "Well, darling, here Is some conso lation," said the impecunious lover to the pretty little heiress, "there is one ship that can never be torpedoed." "What ship is that, Harold?" asked the sweet young thing, shifting her chewing gum. 'Court-ship, he replied, and just then her father came in and gave him a blowing up. Florida Times-Union. Grandpa. "I got a funny parent, I must say." "How's that?" "He used to whale me, but he won't let me lick my own kid." Exchange. A Unique Suggestion. A constable in a Vermont town re cently rounded up a number of ho boes. "Come along," he said to them. "You have all got to have a bath." This announcement was, of course, received with considerable perturba tion, especially by the eldest of the men.1 , "What!" he exclaimed. "A bath! A bath with water?" "Sure thing," said the constable. "Look here, Mr. Constable," said the apprehensive one. "Couldn t you man age it with one ot them vacuum clean' era?" Case and Comment To keep clean and healthy take Dr. Pierce s Pleasant Pellets. They regu late liver, bowels and stomacn. He Wouldn't Work. Mistress So your matrimonial life was very unhappy. What was the trouble? December wedded to May? Chloe Johnson Lan' sake, no mam! It was Labor day wedded to de day ob rest. Life. - Anxious Days. "Both my wife and I are praying that it will be a girl." "Why, I thought" "Yes, I know, but the other day our cook remarked that she doesn't like boy babies." Boston Transcript. Heat Baby Rashes That Itch, burn and torture. A bot Cutlcura Soap bath gives Instant re lief when followed by a gentle appli cation of Cutlcura Ointment. For free samples address, "Cutlcura, Dept. X, Boston." At druggists and by mall, Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50. Adv. 68.97 24.09 93.06 8.61 1.29 AND SULPHUR DARKENS GRAY HAJR Book from cost! by-products selling Swift & 1 Heard on Summer Street "Hallo! What's your rush?" ' "I want to catch the 5:40 train."' "But you've got twenty minutes." "I know, but I've got to count on being held up this way by three or four Idiots who want to know what's my rush." Boston Transcript. No Valentines. "Have you received any valentines?" "No." replied Miss Cayenne. "And I'm really glad of It I have very little respect for a man who Is afraid to give personal expression to his con victions and writes an anonymous let ter." Exchange. LISTEN TO THIS! SAYS CORNS LIFT RIGHT OUT NOW You corn-pestered men and women need suffer no longer. Wear the shoes that nearly killed you before, says this Cincinnati authority, because a tew drops of freezone applied directly on a tender, aching corn or callous stops soreness at once and soon the corn or hardened callous loosens so it can be lifted out, root and all, with out pain. A small bottle ot ireezone costs very little at any drug store, but wdll positively take off every hard or soft corn or callous. This should be tried as It is Inexpensive and is said not to irritate the surrounding skin. If your druggist hasn't any freezone tell him to get a small bottle for you from his wholesale drug house. It Is fine stuff and acts like a charm ever; time. Adv. MONEY FOR YOU. Thousands of trained young people needed. Behnke-Walker Business College. Portland, places students In positions. Enroll any time. Free Catalogue. tOORoosm 100 Baths Near Both Depots Absolutely Fireproof Hotel Hoyt Corner Sixth and Hoyt Sts.. Portland. Or. LOU H1MES. Manager. RATES: 76c to (2. SPECIAL Week or Month 5MA Granulated Eyelids, SDl C inflamed by expo sure to San, Dull and Win EJ-ea r4an. 9u'ck,y relieved by Murlof CYCS EyeBemedy. No Smarting, w Just Eys Comfort. At Druggists or by mail 50c per Bottle. Harlot Eye Salve in Tubei 25c. For Book tl the Eys riEB ask Marios Eye Remedy Ce., Chksis BIG, STRONG CHICKS Is the result of using- Peta luma Incubators and Brood ers. That's the kind you want. Write for our big Free Catalog No. 60. PETALOUA INCUBATOR CO. Petaluma. California Clear Pimples ,With Cuticura And Be Happy WE WANTYOUR BEANS Call at 206 Alder street or mall samples. We buy sll the time and pay ths highest market price. Don't fail to get In touch with us before selling. We are the Only Exclusive Bean Dealers In Oregon. We want more agents at country points. Cleaners snd dealers please write for our agents' terms. S. C. D ALTON CO., MS Alder St., ' PORTLAND, OBE. IS t J