The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, April 05, 1918, Supplement, Image 5

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    Vol. 4, No. 25, Maupin, Oregon, Friday, April- 5, 1918-
Wamic News
March 81
Giant Ledford had a rnn-a-way
while plowing in his Held and was
in town Monday to get his! plow
repaired. Mrs. Led ford accompa
nied him to town.
Parlies were here Monday get
ling a load of lumber for 0. Conley
-nygi... . ... .
This place has received earlier
mail service the past week. Jim
uiie Johnson has changed the
wagon for the auto nnd js now
able to do i he driying of the car.
While Brenton Slusher was descending-the
grade on the other
-ide of Tygh with a big road en
gine on bis way to Maupiti and in
passing Jamie Abbot t of VVapinitia
she windshield of the' latter's car
was broken,
Andy Kails went to The Dalles
Monday taking his sister, Mrs.
Laura Kennedy who went on to
Hood River where .she will' visit
Charley Lake cam) from P in
land Thursday to spemJ . Easter
with home folks.
Erraa and Alma Driver came
out from 'Ibe Danes Friday spend
ing a lew days ui their home.
Mis. Georgia iorvel ana Mrs.
Myrtle Swii'l were, Tygh visitors
C. T. Bonucy, A. R. Chase, L.
J. Allen and Exie Morgan were
here Friday nigliu '',,'
Mrs. J. U. Woodcock and Mrs.
Ethel Duncan arrived Sauirdav
from a two weeks' stay in Port
land. .
One of the most charming events
of the season was the four act
drama given by the school under
the. able management of Prof.
Morley. "Playing 'Fair'" was a
good play and well acted. The
Woodcock orchestra furnished
music. ' Two patriotic pieces wr ;
numbers that thrilled the audience
The attendance gaye a good door
receipt, which will go to the aid of
j the .school work. Dancing follow-,
ed in the hall below.
J. Rev. G. E. Words of Wapinitia
preached an Easter sermon in the
church here today. Mrs. Woods
accompanied him here.
Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Flinn and
family were over from Juniper
Sunday attending services. .
A boy baby was born the28th
to Mr. and Mrs. James McCowan.
Miss Hilda Lake carne
Portland Monday, and after spend
iiig the week at home 'left Satur
day ftr Davenport, , Wn., where
she haB accepted a position in the
cf)iint.y superintendent's office of
her brotber-iu-law, J. A. Ward.' '
. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Crabtree
were over from Juniper today.
. Guy Harvey was up from Lick
Skillet today. ,
J. L. Maddion of Mutton Moun
tain was here Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Davidson
and Mis. Ella Louisignol were
guesis at the A. J.Switt home today
. . Mssers Bonney, Allen , Chase
and Mqran yisit'ed the schopl
Friday moaning and lectured on
Industrial Club work, ,
Mr. aDd Mrs. J. W. Hoech were
visitors in The Dalles Friday to
An Easter piogram was given at
the school house Sunday morning,,
W. W. Siiodgmss returned
from the Valley and brought back
twelve head of yearling cattle for
hi homestead.
Mr. iiamnioud gave Easter pic
tures here Monday night.
( Alonzii Morgan arrived last week
from Kentucky and will work for
,r. E. Hintonon the Imerial ranch
Mi's. Keiger returned from an
extended visit, at Dayton and oth
er Washington points.
Bert Salnavy has moved from
Antelope to the Sumpner house in
Shaniko. '
A J. Holt Made a business trip
to Wamic Monday.
Mrs. Feston and daughter Gene
vieVe srjent Easter iu Portland.
Miss Bechen and Mr. Upton .'
spoke at the school house Friday
night on gardening and poultry ,:
Mr. arid ' 'Mrs. ' Espirig moved to
their homestead last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson mov
ed to their homestead Monday.
j'Vf'. Hoech, local chairman of
the Third, Liberty Loari attended
the county meeting in The Dalles
S,at-urday'.night and 1b prepared to
instruct his committee1,' W. Bolton
and John McLennan ot Ante"lope
and Wm. Rees and Thomas Gavin
of Shaniko,. The drive begins
April 6th and continues for three
necksi ''.
Walter Ledford of Wamic has
been sent to the' Moody McReach
as a government trapper. Mr.
Ledford passed through here today
with a trapper outfit consisting of
Government Sure Death capsular
traps and fire arms, etc. Such
services will be appreciated by the
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wheeler were
visiting iu The Dalles last week.
J. F. Hood has returned from a
combined business and pleasure
trip to The. Dalles and Walla
Walla. Mr. 'Hood has repainted
the interior of the Lake store and
is preparing to open the 15th with
a new line of general mefchanSise.
Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Patrick
came in from Ridgeway Monday
bringing their daughter," Mrs."
Chas. Still wel 1 and infant sun to'
trke the train for their home in