The Maupin Tmts Published every Fii'.l.iy at Mini pin, Oregon L1k!J, V. I.. Mdkhisujj, I'ubli.liir Piay Ball Snbiciiption: One tur, fi.VK si months, 75 ctiits; three mumim, 50 Kutei frcj as second class nuiil mutter September ?, IVM, at the posloffirc at Maupiu, Oregon, un der the Act of March 3, 1K70, Candidates' Notice ! ' o ' County Treasurer ' To the republican voters of Wasco nullity:' I wish to announce myself as a candidate for the nomination of county treasurer, subject to. the will of the republican yotefs ot the primary election, May 17, KM 8 m8 Oliver R, Krier. Sheriff I hereby desire to announce my self a candidate, for the noniinii tiun for county sheriff, subject to the will (f republican voters, at the coining primary nominating election, Should I he nominated and later elet ted to said cilice, 1 will continue, as in the past, to enfuice the laws uiid conduct the ollice in a courteous and economi cal manner. Levi Chrismon. Comity Treasurer To the republican voters of Wa'Cu con ut y : Local Items I ' .1 v b:i!l goods on t'i-qihiy at the M.ilijjif) Di'iig Store, Good fluff for I he money. NOTICE FUR PL PLICATION )i-paiiini:nt o the Interior, (J, S. Laud Olliw i.l 'I he Dalles, Oregon, Maich 1, i,iti. tio'i icH is licieby given that Kaiiholnia li. Gervais of Grass Valley, Oregon, who on December 26, 19J4, made Home stead EulryNo. 01427S, for K1-2 swi-4, N1-2SE1-4, SEt-4SKi-4, Sec lion 21, EI 2NWI-4, EWI-4NKI 4, Section 28, Township "3 South, Range 15 East, Willamette Meridi an, has filed notice of intention to make Final three year Proof to establish claim to the land above described, before' J1, 1). Stuart, U. S. Commissioner, at Maupiu, Uie gou, on the 24th day of April 1918 Claimant names as witnesses, C. W. Steed, Irwin A. Hall, John M. Brown, James U. Brown, all of Grass Valley, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, up Register. - ! Cream at Harplinnj's Salur cfa v and Sunday, A. A. Dei-thick, wan over from Dufur Sunday, Monday Maupin experienced a brbk hail florin, Renewals to the Times this week are K. Both well, W. W- Davis, P. L. Foreman, A. A. Derlhiek. The high school is preparing to put on a piny next month, entitled Dr. Dick. II, E. Crofoot is very sick at the lioiiM of his son, C. I, Crofoot. Mrs, Morgeusfln arrived home yesterday after a visit with Ler mother at Mosier, Several have complained of at taeka of measles, however the trouble seem3 to last only a day or so. olley lindersby and fainily were in from Wnpsnitia Sunday to got V. A. Whaile to paint their residence. Mr. Whaite does ex cellent woik and is kept busy. Mr. and Mrs. Wehgrg and Mrs, Smith were down from the upper end of the Flat yesterday. Are you figuring on painting yeur house or. barn this Spaing? If so, when in Maupin get prices at the Maupin Ding Store, Only 1 inaii ne n camuusie, ie,r u:c year republican nomination for county treasurer at the primary election, May 17, and shall be grateful fur your fioppoit. If elected I will conduct th ollieo to Ihe best of my ability and acenrning to law. Ernest Willerton. Circuit Judge In June, 1017, the appointment was given me to succeed the late Judji.e W. I,. Bradshaw as Circuit Judged Under the law this ap pointment bold only until the next general elect inn nnd Ibis of fice is ono of those NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Intetlor, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, regon, February 271 h, njtS. NOTICE is hereby given that Bsesie Smith Aubrey, formerly Bessie Smith, of Maupin, Oregon, who ou May 2, 1914, made Homestead Entry no, 013042 and ou February 8, 1915, made additional Homestead JlCntry no. 014417, for wi-2';ki-4, SEI-4SEI.4, Sec. 14 v.i-jnkI-4, ei-4nk1-1, ni-2 KKI-4, Seiiou 23, Township the best at reasonable prices. 5 isoiith, Kange 14 hast, illam elte Meridian has ril'd notice of intention lo make Final thiee Proof lo establish claim to the land above described, before K. D. Stuart, U. S, Commissioner, at Maupin, Oiegon, on the 24th day of April, 191H, Claiinant names as witnesses:. J bonus Kaherty, V. 0. Richard son, John Foley, T. A, tit. Dennis, all of Maupiu, Oregon. II. Fkank Woodcock, Register, Republican Candidate for County Treasurer Vote for trie and release one more man for war service Frances It. Harris Hazelwood Ice Cream served at Styer's Satur day and Sunday. New 'Store Announcement to the Public 1 ON S mm NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Departmtnt of the Interior U. S. Land Office at The Dalles Oregon, March 27th 1 918. NOTICE is hereby given thai Roy R. Crabtree of Maupin, Oregon, who on Jure which Ihe 31".. '9'4. "ade Ikuies'ead, En- 1.. r.ii ly iNo- 013.5I4 and ou j ul y 20111, .......A ;n 1 ....ii.,.i ........ 1.. en fi.miD mil 1. I I IT II II 1 M III III J , 1 1 1 , 1 11 . I ' ' In . . 1 Hi i m i l nun 1 li-itiiutpoH next November. Dining the last j,j,ury No. 013679, for EKI-4NWI-4, nine moiitlm 1 have endeavored tolswi-1 Sec, 4, ei-4ski-4 Sec. s fulfill the duties of Circuit Judrje faithfully and justly, without any fear and without any favor. If il is agreeable to Ihe voters ot the Seventh Judicial District, I should Pike lo be elected as Judge Brad shaw's successor and therefore an nounce my candidacy for thu republican nomination for Circuit J mips, 1 can premiss nothing more for the future than I havo tried to do since last June, except that added experience 1 bould bring greater efficiency. Fred W. Wihon. For Representative After much consideration I have decided to become a republican Nl-:, NWI-4, Section, y, township 0 South, Range 15 nast, Wil lamette Meridian has filed no lice of intention to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land aboye described, bofoie F. D Stuart, U. S. Com missioner, at Maupiu, t regou, ou the 2jnd day of May, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: M. P. Miller, 0. Skogsberg, J. B. Knight, John Donaldson, all of Maupin, Oregon. II. Fkank Woocock, Register. F L B 1918 Winnie, Oregon, March 8 Federal Land Hank 1-2 per cent Farm Loan Bonds Redeemable at par and accrued candidate fur repiesenta'ive from ' intcrert on any interest paying Wasco ami Hood River counties, ; date after 5 yean srom date of is in which district I have lived for sue. Denominations iflOOO, sff.00, 40 years. I feel acquainted with'jlOO, $511 and t'Jft, Interc.-t pay. the needa (if the ticonle. and , able semi-annually al anv Federal payable in gold should he glad of to serve the lust two counties. (Paid Adv.) the oppoitnnilv interests of the c. n.d r Some of the fanners dontli);e tu Lo skinned, but Dad Coale still Liivs skins and bide,' I.O. O F. (ttJ"0',VAriNJTlA ' i.(idre No. iKUl, i.;llpin, tbegon Metis every Salui'diiv night in .innl.lsnn's ball. Wiling mem ers always welcome. ' F, A. Cocky, N. 0. W, 'H. T.M.roi r. Secretary. Wapinitia Auto Stage Leaves Maupin, 8 a. m. .eaves napinitia, 1 tu p. I ROBERTS, top. I. anil MaiiK, payalile in gold or lawful money, netting about 4,40 per cent. o Ihe ledeemable daU-, UI22, and 4 1-15 per cent so long efl they may veniain outstanding thereafter. The Farm Loan Bonds issued under the provisions of this Act idiall be deemed and held to be insirumentalitics of the Govern ment of the United States, and as such, they and the income derived therefrom, thill he exempt from f )d. ra!, slate, municipal and local taxation. Hake your application to W. IL Mayf.eld. Sfc'ty, White Liver N. F. L. A., Wamie, Orecon. For setting, full blood Plymouth Rock eggs, 75c a setting of 15. Ira Grishaivi, Wapinitia. p Portland Painless Dentist, 305 Second St., The Dalles, Ore. Port land prices. Phone Main 38!U. W T, Slatten, D, D. B., proprietor. Two Studebaker Sixes for sale at bargains. One 1918 series brand new. Fischer's Garage. Mrs. Jury has a complete line of spring millinery. Fishing tackle, the kind that gets the fish, for sale at the Maupin Drug Store. Some young horses for sale, one yearling rnule, one plow" animal. II, L. Morris. 3tp Used car for sale at Maupin Oarage. Inquire of Fraley & Viindeipool. For sale Practically new trac tor and automatic lift plows. Farm ouilit for sale. List later. Edwin Mays, Maupin. p2 Call on W. H. Staats & Co., for all kinds of garden seeds. For Sale New Rock Island two hnltom 14 inch steel walking gang bargain. T. J. Senfert, Jr., Box liO, Waiuie, Ore, 3np Farm Tor Sale j 160 acres, 9 miles southwest of ; Wamio; 23 in cultivation; house, bam, water ri-ht; 120 per acre; .outiide range. B. W. Morgan. STATEMENT of the ownership, management, circulation eto., required by t)ie Act of Congress of August 24, 1912 of the Maupin Times published weekly at Maupiu, Oregon, for Ap 1 1, R118, State of Oiegon, county of Wasco Before me, a notary . public, in and for the county afore said, per sonally appeared Mrs. W. L. Mor rison, who having been duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that she is the owner of ihe Maupin Times, and that the fallowing is, to the best pf her knowledge and belief, a true state ment of the ownership, manage ment, etc., of the afore said publi cation for the dale shown in the above caption, required by the Act of August 24, 1912, embodied in Section 443, Postal Laws and Hegulations, printed on the reverse side of this form, to wit: That the name and address ot tho publisher, editor, managing editor and business manager and on-,er ia Mrs. . L. Morrbon, M tnpin, Oc gon. That the known bondholders, ni'Utaaees, and other security holders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of tolal amount of beards' mortage., or other securi ties are none. Mrs. Y. L. Morrison. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 23.-d day 'of March, 191S. V7. M. Morrison. Mr, and Mrp. R, C. Jory have opened with a general merchan dise stock in the corner building recently vacated by the pharmacy 'Jorys' are well known throughout ! a ah I I.i rt And f lii! t mnnu f 1 1 ani iiiid 1 i'jii iiiiu 1,11 i7ii mint 7 iin tiiira believe they will meet with success as ib already appearing ns custom ers are hardly letting the goods be placed on the shelves An as sortment of Pendelton blankets is ilso being put iu. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Harpham, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cowdeil and Mrs. A, L, Anderson and daught er leave tomorrow for a two weefce stay a I the Warm Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley J. Harris were in from Bakeoven Tuesday, taking home a load of wood. Large sheets of carbon paper for embroidery stumping at the Times I will open with a line of IN THE FORMER J. A. Lake Store FARMERS I will pay the best market prices at all times I? H TO J. IF. HOOD, Proprietor lirs ifli s rtji mm, mm For home consumption means more meat for the boys '.'over there" cm if you have chickens by stimulating their production through more sanitary poultry houses and unit operation Call in and let us tell you about belter poultry houses. TUEtfloA-LU.Vi LU VOTE FOR ERNEST WILLERTON The Dalles For the nominee of County Treasurer at the Republican Primary, May 17,1918 Fifteen years experience in clerkical wok I will appreciate your worthy support P!-.i(l ... ft? . 1 1 fry T. ! el i A L,