The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, April 05, 1918, Image 3

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    New Houston Hotel
Sixth and Everett Sti., Portland, Ore.
Four block! from Union Depot Two blocks
from New Postomce, Modern and fireproof,
Over 100 outside roomi. Kates 7 60. to 12.00,
CHA9. G. HOPKINS, Manager.
Hotel Rowland
One hundred and slxty-flvs Rooms, all Modern
Improvements: free phonea on every floor.
Rateii 75c to $1.50 per day: $2.50 to
$5.00 per week.
Oppoilte CourthouM, 2 blocks from Postomce,
Fire Proof. S. P and Oregon Ulectrie pssa door.
" Are made from your OLD CAR
PETS. Rag Ruga woven all sizes.
Mail orders receive prompt and care
ful attention. Send for booklet.
E. 8th and Taylor St. Portland, Or.
Bouiht, Sold, Rented and Repaired
Burnsldo, cor. loth. Portland, Ore.
Will guarantee you t ip market prices at all times
for your Veal, Hogs, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Hides,
Etc If you have not shipped to us, try us.
113 Front. , PORTLAND, OR.
Veal, Pork, Beef,
Poultry, Butter, Eggs
and Farm Produce.
to the Old Reliable Everdinir house with a
re roni of 46 yean of Square Dealings, snd
be assured of TOP MARKET PRICES.
M7 Front Street Portland. Oresoa
Hides, Pelts, c Wool & Mohair
We wut all yea hire. Write for Prkei and Shippiag Teat,
Portland, Ore.. Seattle, Wn., Bellingham, Wn.
They Always Do.
The druggist died and face to face
With Peter at the entrance stood.
Bald Peter: "Try the other place;
"You'll doubtless say It's 'Just as
good.' "
Load, Aim.
If every one has his war aim cor
rectly, let's shoot New York Sun.
Natural Obstacle.
"Thare can't be many rumors In the
air at this place,"
"Why not?"
"Beiause the atmosphere Is too
The Howler.
Mrs. Exe They sometimes call to
cal lessons "voice placing."
Exe That so? Well, I wish you'd
ask that girl downstairs to please place
her voice across the street instead of
In our alrshaft." Brooklyn Citizen.
la the result of using; Peta
luma Incubators and Brood,
era. That's the kind you
want Write for our big
Free Catalog No. 60.
Petaluma, California
We Want Immediately
Prices are higher than ever.
Send for Raw Fur price list today,
Dept. K
Raw Fur Dealers and Fur Manu
facturers 149-151 Broadway, Portland, Or.
' We Pay the
Highest Market Prices
Guarantees quick returns; charge
no commission. Make trial shipment
and get the most for your FURS.
191 Broadway,
-7? - -r
Do Your Own Plumbing
Br bnylnar direct from os at wholesale prices
and saw the plumber's profits. Write us to
day your needs. We will arive yoa our rock
bottom "direct-to-yoo" prices. Lab. nil or
boat We actually asve yoa from 10 to W per
eeeit. All roods guaranteed.
Northwest headquarters fat Leader Water
System and fuller dt Johnson Enctnee.
21 Third Street, PortUad. Oretjoa
P. N. U.
No. 8, 1918.
Lenlne and Trotzky Make Abject Sur
render to Kaiser Germany Get
Lithuania, Poland and Riga.
The Russian Bolshevik! government
hag capitulated and announced Its read
iness, although protestingly, to sign a
peace compact under the hard terms
imposed by Germany.
Notwithstanding this fact, Teutonic
troops are advancing eastward into
Russia over a front of 400 miles, from
Riga in the north to Lutsk, a scant 60
miles from the East Galician border,
on the south. Apparently, thus far
the operation has met with no opposi
The northern reaches of the Dvina
river have been crossed by the enemy;
the important railroad town of Dvinsk,
whence roads fun northeastward to
Petrograd and eastward to Smolensk,
has been captured and LutBk, one of
the famous fortresses of the Volhynian
traingle and forming the gateway
leading eastward to Kiev, has been
entered without the Russians attempt
ing to stay the force.
The only indication that the enemy
will meet with hinderance comes in an
announcement by Ensign Krylenko, the
Bolshevik commander-in-chief. In his
order he instructs the Russians when
they encounter German troops to en
deavor to persuade them to refrain
from hostilities. "If the Germans re
fuse," he adds, "then you must offer
them every possible resistance."
As yet there is no indication from
German sources concerning the full in
tentions of the invaders, but it has
been assumed that in the north the
capture of the provinces of Livonia
and Esthunia is contemplated, and that
in the south, in Little Russia, aid is to
be sent the Ukrainians in stemming
the tide of the Bolshevik government
against them.
Apparently all is still chaos in Rus
sia, with civil war in progress at var
ious points, and the food situation
daily grows worse. So serious has
become the latter factor that Trotzky
has been appointed food controller and
given unlimited powers. Already he
has ordered the arrest of speculators in
Berlin, via London The official
communication issued by the German
War office Tuesday evening Bays that
from Riga to as faT south as Lutsk,
German armies are advancing east
ward into Russia.
London Rumors are current in
Stockholm, according to a dispatch
from Copenhagen to the Exchange
Telegraph company, that the Germans
intend to intervene at once in Finland,
The belief prevails at the Swedish
capital that the German action will be
directed against the unoccupied dis
tricts of Courland and Esthonia in con
junction with a great naval attack in
the Finnish gulf.
Chamberlain Operated on For Append
icitisCondition Satisfactory.
Washington, D. C Senator George
E. Chamberlain, of Oregon, was oper
ated on for appendicitis at Providence
hospital, this city, at 2 0 clock Tues-
day afternoon. The operation was
performed by Drs. Thomas J. Kelly
and J. A. Gannon, both of Washing
ton. The senator is reported to have stood
the shock of operation in a favorable
manner and his condition is pronounced
very favorable by the attending physi
cians. They look for his complete re
Since Sunday Senator Chamberlain
has been suffering more or less from a
recurrence of appendicitis, with which
he was first afflicted last fall, but until
Tuesday evening he refused to place
himself under a doctor s care.
The senator finally consented to an
operation, was taken to Providence
hospital and was on the operating
table between 2 0 clock and 2:45.
The physicians found the appendix
greatly inflamed, and had the opera
tion been much longer deferred, they
believe there would have been fatal re
Chinese Take Over Land.
Chicago Two big Chinese farming
colonies have been established in Wis
consin, it became known Thursday,
with the announcement of the signing
of leases on 1480 acres of land in Ju
neau and Rusk counties by Chicago
Chinese. One hundred Chinese will be
sent to the farms from Chicago early
in March. It is planned to have many
more follow, some from Chicago, and
some from Stockton, Cal. Options on
6400 acres of land have been taken and
backers of the plan say 900 Chinese
will be ori the farms by next fall.
Strike Situation Clears.
Washington, D. C With striking
carpenters in all affected districts re
turning to work Thursday and William
L. Hutcheson, president of the Broth
erhood of Carpenters and Joiners, due
here to take up the situation with gov
ernment officials, complete settlement
of the recent trouble in eastern ship
yards seemed assured.
In effect, President Wilson's inter
vention has terminated the shipbuild
ers' strike.
Man-Power Plan Loses.
London The Amalgamated Society
of Engineers, according to a statement
issued Wednesday by the secretary of
the society, has rejected the govern
ment's man-power proposals by 93,647
The figures were: For the govern
ment proposal, 27,470; against, 121,-017.
Flush the Kidneys at once when
Back hurts or Bladder
No man or woman who eats meat
regularly can make a mistake by
flushing the kidneys occasionally, says
a well-known authority. Meat forms
uric acid which clogs the kidney pores
so they sluggishly filter or strain only
part of the waste and poisons from
the blood, then you get sick. Nearly
all rheumatism, headaches, liver trou
ble, nervousness, constipation, dizzi
ness, sleeplessness, bladder disorders
come from slugglaih kidneys,
The moment you feel a dull ache In
the kidneys or your back hurts, or if
the urine Is cloudy, offensive, lull of
sediment, Irregular of passage or at
tended by a sensation of scalding, get
about four ounces of Jad Salts from
any reliable pharmacy and take a
tablespoonful In a glass of water be
fore breakfast for a few days and
your kidneys will then act fine. This
famous salts is made from the acid of
grapes and lemon Juice, combined
with llthla and has been used for
generations to flush clogged kidneys
and stimulate them to activity, also
to neutralize the acids In urine so it
no longer causes irritation, thus end
ing bladder disorders.
Jad Salts Is Inexpensive and can
not injure; makes a delightful effer
vescent lithia-water drink which all
regular meat eaters should take now
and then to keep the kidneys clean
and the blood pure, thereby avoiding
serious kidney complications. Adv.
Strict Regulation
Freeman was visiting at his grandpa's
home, and as he was a mischievous
little chap, was constantly being told
"Don't do this," and "Don't do that."
Finally, with a look of disgust on his
face, he climbed up into a chair aud
asked seriously, "What can a fella do
in this house, anyway?" Exchange.
Winter Skepticism. -
When touched by frost, the waters
The ice, at least, should be quite cheap
Yet human faith has failed a lot
And something tells us It will not
Washington Star.
Good Training.
"How very fluent your parrot is."
"Yes; I always hang his cage up in
the room when my wife's lub meets
here. Baltimore American.
WHEN IT LOOKS DARK to any weak
or ailing woman,
Dr.Pierce's Favor
ite Prescription
comes to her help,
For "female com
plaints," pains, In-
ternal inflamma
tion or ulceration,
bearing-down sen
sations, and all
chronic- weak
nesses and de
rangements, this
is the proven remedy. It's the only
one so Bure that it can be guaranteed
"Favorite Prescription" will benefit or
cure, in the case of every tired- and
afflicted woman.
An easily procured vegetable pill is
made up of May-apple, the dried Juice
of the leaves of aloes, and the root of
jalap, made Into a tiny pellet and coat
ed with sugar. It was first put Into
ready-to-use form by Dr. Pierce nearly
60 years ago. Almost every drug store
in this country sells these vegetable
pellets in vials for 25c simply ask for
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They
have Dr. R. V. Pierce stamp. Adv,
Pawed Over.
"Are these hats felt?"
"Frequently, mum, but we don't Ilk?
it, I can tell you." Louisville Courier
Journal. Cuticura Stops Itching.
The Sonp to cleanse and Ointment to
soothe and heal most forms of itching,
burning skin and sculp affections,
Ideal for toilet use. For free snmples
address, "Cuticura, Dept. X, Boston."
Sold by druggists nnd by mall. Soap
25, Ointment 25 and 50. Adv.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets are best for liver,
bowels and stomach. One little Pellet
for a laxative three for a cathartic.
His Statua.
"The tenor who sang last night re
minded me of a pirate."
"Why so?"
"Because he did murder on the high
C's." Baltimore American.
Whenever there is a tendency to
constipation, sick-headache, or bilious
ness, take a cup of Garfield Tea. All
druggists. Adv.
A Dangerous Guest.
"That fellow prides himself on being
thorough. Wherever he goes he gets
to the bottom of things."
"Then please don't invite him on
our yachting trip. Baltimore Ameri
Son or Brother In camp or training- for defense?
If so. mail mm a packag-e of Allen s Foot bane,
the antiaentic Powder for Tired, Aching-, Swol-
len Feet, and prevents blisters and sore spots.
Makes walking easy, Mold everywhere, roc,
A Fine Example.
To keep a smiling we are told
And that is good advice, I hold.
The Jack-o-lantern is in style;
You can not beat his cheerful smile,
Lousvllle Courier-Journal
Spot Cash we will Pay!
We do Not Charge Commission.
We arpayinf as fellows fsr fst produce:
Dressed pork, 20e.
Small dreesed Vf-al, 18e.
Bis; dressed veal up to tOO lbs., 140
Live chickens, 22c
Live roosters, 18c.
Small dressed goats, 12c
"Fightinar the Beef Trust."
War Recipes
Cut out the following recipes and
paste them in your cook book to help
you Hooverize. They have been
thoroughly tested by instructor! and
special lecturers in the department
of home economic! at the University
of Washington.
Washington Shrimp Salad 1 tb
granulated gelatine, 1 c cold water 1
c vegetable broth (water from cooking
celery or peas, etc. ) or meat broth, 1 c
shrimps, 2 tb lemon juice, 1 c cooked
peas. Soak gelatine in cold water.
Dissolve in hot broth and cool. Add
shrimps, lemon juice and peas. When
set turn out on lettuce leaf, and serve
with mayonnaise. The meat broth Is
improved if cooked with bay leaf, 2 or
3 peppercorns and slice of onion, and
Btrained before being used for the
jelly. Chopped celery may be molded
with shrimp in place of peas.
Rissoto i c rice, 2 ts fat, 8 c canned
tomato or 3 c broth, 1 ts salt, i ts pep
per, i e chopped meat may be added.
Turn the rice Into a pan which con
tains the hot melted fat. Stir the rice
until it assumes a golden tinge. If
the rice is stirred with a fork the
grains will not be broken. Add the
broth or the tomato, which has been
pressed through a sieve. Add the salt
and pepper. Cover the pan. Cook the
rice for twenty minutes. When well
cooked it will be tender and all the
liquid will be absorbed.
Italian Polenta 2 c corn meal mush,
1 c grated cheese, 1 ts salt, i ts pep
per. Make the corn meal mush in a
double boiler. Add the salt and pep
per. Add the grated cheese. Cook it
until it melts. Pour the mixture into
a greased pan. When it is cold cut
it into two-inch squares. Fry the
squares in a small amount of fat.
Another method: Arrange a layer
of the seasoned mush in a greased bak
ing dish. Cover this layer with one
half of the cheese. Arrange a second
layer of mush and cheese. Cover this
layer with bread crumbs. Brown in a
hot oven.
Cheese Fondue 1 c grated cheese,
1 c bread crumbs, 1 c milk, 1 egg, 1
tb fat, 1 ts salt, J ts muBtard, ts
paprika. Mix the cheese, bread
crumbs and milk in a double boiler,
Cook this mixture until the cheese is
melted. Add the beaten egg, the salt,
mustard, and paprika. Cook till thick
and perfectly smooth.
Potato Breads Shown.
Portland Potato breads! cakes and
muffins were shown Friday in an ex
hibit held in the Girls' Polytechnic
School. . The loaves and cakes were
made from recipes that have been
evolved after much trying and testing
on the part of the teachers, Mrs. Bat-
terson and Miss Laura Riley. In a
contest among the girls to get as many
families as possible to use their form
ulae the seniors reported 114 and the
entire school 834 families that have
tried the recipes in the past few
iiAiaTutifccT uinirr nennrvr
JlT mrtnm.1 M.runi
Wheat Bulk basis for No. 1 grade
Hard White Bluestem, Early Bart,
Allen, Galgalus, Martin Amber, 2.05,
Soft White Palouse bluestem, forty-
fold, white valley, Gold Coin, White
Russian, $2.03. White club Little
club, Jenkins club, white hybrids, So-
nora, $2,01. Red Walla Red
Russian, red hybrids, Jones fife, Cop
pel, $1.98. No. 2 grade, 3c less. No.
3 grade 6c less. Other grades hanledd
by sample.
Flour Patents, $10.
Millfeed Net mill prices, car lots
Bran, $30 per ton; shorts, $32 per
ton; middlings, $39; mixed cars and
less than carloads, 60c more; rolled
barley, $66f63; rolled oats, $66.
Butter Cubes, extras, 48c; prime
firsts, 47Jc. Jobbing prices: Prints,
extras, 52c; cartons, lc extra;
butterfat, No. 1, 65c delivered.
Eggs Ranch, current receipts, 48c;
candled, 60c; selects, 62c per dozen,
Poultry Hens, 25J26c; springs,
24; broilers, 2930c; geese, 1618c;
turkeys, live, 2425c; dressed, choice,
Veal Fancy, 20c per pound.
Pork Fancy, 20J c per pound.
Sack vegetables Carrots, $1.60 per
sack; beets, $1.50 ($ 2.00; turnips,
$1.50; parsnips, $1.50(22.00.
Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, $1(3)
1.25 per hundred; Yakimas, $1.50;
sweet potatoes, 65ic per pound.
Onions Oregon, buying price, $1.75
per hundred.
Green Fruits Apples, $12.25
pears, $2.25; cranberries, Eastern,
$17.50 per barrel.
" February 19, 1918.
Med. to choice steers.... $10.35(311. 50
Good to med. steers 9.85(i 10.35
Com. to good steers 8.0n10.00
Choice cowb and heifers. 8.00 9.60
Com. to good cows and hf 6.75(3) 8.15
Canners 4.25 6.25
Bulls... 6.00(81 8.00
Calves 7.60(12.00
Stackers and feeders. . . . 6.50 9.60
Prime light hogs $16.60(16.60
Prime heavy hogs 16.40(16.60
Pigs 14.00rfil5.00
Bulk 16.0016.60
Sheep .
Western lambs $15.00(16.60
Valley lambs 14.60(315.00
Yearlings 13.00(9)13.60
Wethers 12.60ffll3.00
Ewes 9.0012.00
Thousands of thoughtless people neglect colds every winter.
A cough follows; they get rundown then stubborn sickness sets in.
Sickness can be prevented easier than it can be cured and if you
will give your system the benefit of a few bottles of
you will find your whole system strengthened. It will fortify your lungs
and throat and enrich your blood against rheumatism. It is
powerful concentrated nourishment without alcohol or opiates.
Don't neglect taking Scott's -commence today,
The Imported Norwegian cod liver oil always used In Seotl's Emulsion la now
refined in our own American laboratories which guarantees it free from impurities,
Scott & Bowne. Bloomfield, N. J. 17-17
Here's Grandmother's Recipe to
Darken and Beautify
Faded Hair.
That beautiful, even shade of dark,
glossy hair can only be had by brew
ing a mixture of Sage Tea and Sul
phur. Your hair is your charm. It
makes or mars the face. When it
fades, turns gray or streaked, Just an
application or two of Sage and Sul
phur enhances its appearance a bun
Don't bother to prepare the mix
ture: you can get this famous old re
cipe Improved by the addition of other
Ingredients for 60 cents a large bottle,
all ready for use. It is called Wyeth's
Sage and Sulphur Compound. This
can always be depended upon to bring
back the natural color and lustre of
your hair.
Everybody uses "wyetn's tsage ana
Sulphur Compound now because It
darkens so naturally and evenly that
nobody can tell It has been applied.
You simply dampen a sponge or soft
brush with it and draw this through
the hair, taking one small strand at
a time; by morning the gray hair has
disappeared, and after another appli
cation It becomes beautifully dark and
appears glossy and lustrous. This
ready-to-use preparation Is a delight
ful toilet requisite for those who de
sire dark hair and a youthful appear
ance. It is not Intended for the cure.
mitigation or prevention of disease.
The Final Reason.
Officer (wearily) Now, Smith, you
have already had leave because your
wife was ill, because your little girl
had measles, and because you had to
attend the christening of your young
est son. What er what is it this
Private Smith (briskly) P-please,
sir I I'm going to get married.
"Who's that you're waving at?"
"An old flame of mine."
"I suppose your father has to put
him out whenever he calls." Brook
lyn Citizen.
Acts Like It.
"There is one force which always
wears a fatigue uniform."
"Who are they?"
"Messenger boys."-BaltImore Amer
ican. Garfield Tea, by purifying the blood,
eradicates rheumatism, dyspepsia and
many chronic ailments. Adv.
On His Dignity.
"Whnt'll vnii hav. nP man. If vnur
wife asks if you've been drlnkln' "
"I sh'll treat the queshun with (hie)
dignified shllence." Brooklyn Citizen.
As we grow more sensible, we refuse
drug cathartics and take instead Na
ture's herb cure, Garfield Tea. Adv.
Release of Energy.
"So you approve of the govern
ment's action In taking over the rail
roads?" .
"Yep," replied Mr. Growcher. "I ap
prove of that and prohibition for sev
eral reasons, one of them being that
now a lot of people can quit lecturing
on the subject and go to work." Ex
No humbug! Any corn, whether
hard, soft or between the toes, will
loosen right up and lift out without
a particle of pain or soreness.
This drug Is called freezone and is
a compound of ether discovered by a
Cincinnati man.
Ask at any drug store for a small
bottle of freezone, which will cost but
a trifle, but is sufficient to rid one's
feet of every corn or callous.
Put a few drops directly upon any
tender, aching corn or callous. In
stantly the soreness disappears and
shortly the corn or callous will loosen
and can be lifted off with the fingers.
This drug freezone doesn't eat out
the corns or callouses but shrivels
them without even irritating the sur
rounding skin.
Just think! No pain at all; no sore
ness or smarting when applying it or
afterwards. If your druggist don't
have freezone have him order it for
you. Adv.
Cuts 20 Cords in 10 Hours
BUT NO EQUALS.W rite foe Information.
Vaughan Motor Works,
Westehn TrucrAttacbment
Over 1000 Satisfied Owners in
Washington and Oregon.
The most vital point of a truck attach
ment is the bearings. The Western is
the only truck attachment made with a
Two-inch Timben Bearing. Other spe
cifications in portion.
Why Buy an inferior maker
A. J. LORMOR, Factory Dis'rikor.
533-35 Alfa Street. Portland, Ornoa.
Why Pay Hlh Pricei tor Soaps?
Send us t2 and receive by return mail t3 worth at
retail price of Wash and Hand Boeps, together
with Auto and Furniture polishes and for a prem
ium, the Formulas to make at home at very low
ooat. Write today.
R. & F. MF'G., CO., Inc.,
94 Eleventh St., PORTLAND, ORE.
Are your mares or sows troubled
with Abortion? Overcome thedif
nculty by feeding:
Dr. David Roberts'
It acta on the organs of reproduc
tion and put the animal In better
breeding condition.
Head the Fractal Hose Vrteriaaraa. Seas'
hr ate eeslilel sa AtwHea Is Csat If aa
sealer n roar taws, write.
Dr. David Roberts' Vet. Co., 1 00 Grand Hie,, Waukesha, Wit.
far out-class others of similar prices: f . o. b. Chl--cas-o.
Distributor, 1. Schlutter, Box 711. Twin
Falls, Idaho.
falfa plants 14.00 per KM prepaid. Also Dakota
grown Grimm seed. D. R. Ruble. Salem, Ore.
Very Close.
First College Student He's fond of
his books.
Second College Student Is he a
close student?
First College Student I should say
he Is. He never spends a penny he
doesn't have to. Brooklyn CltUen.
Not Pushing the Matter.
Indignant wife What on earth do
you do to your clothes to keep me sew
ing buttons on this way?
Apologetic husband I don't know,
my dear. I merely touch the button
I can't Imagine what does the rest
Exchange. No Reason To.
"Are you conserving food in your
house, Mrs. Comeup?"
"Don't have to; nobody in it likes
conserves." Exchange.
Natural Humor
"I was in time to hear only the tail
end of the joke."
"But that was the waggish part of
It." Exchange.
Thousands of trained younir people needed.
Behnke-Walker Business College, Portland, places
students in positions. Enroll any time. Free
WEEKS' Wfiltf
VL" 25o 11
(3. .
Write for Mce list
WRINE Granulated EyeHdi,
t 5-aw0' aorB r-yes, eyes innameu oy
Xy,M5an' Cu,,and tVinef quickie
VL jjt-C your Eyes and In Baby's Eyes.
TOUR Ll UJNoSmsrtinf.JustEreCossisrt
Murine Eye Bemedy $fiL mVZ
(y. !.. In Tnhee ZSe. For Hook of fc'vs - .
Ask Murine Eye Bemedy Co., CMeagoa
Save Your Half
With Cuticura
Soap 25c
may be checked, and more serious condi
tions of the throat will be often avoided
by promptly (Wins the child a dose of
(p, m ssssa,
Vj CM m TWO TON J3t -l
KkNU KM Mi NMU 0 CAfX P. .Jfjl
nini A Clear Your Skin