The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, March 29, 1918, Image 3

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    OO Roomt
100 Bath
!Nwr Both
Hotel Hoyt
Xwrnar Sixth nd Hoyt 3u., PortUnd, Ort. '
ILOU 11IMES. Manairer. l . if
RATES: 76c to 12, SPECIAL Week lor Month
Western Ti?uck Attachment
UNI. vu wu Itli
Lsun,' rv ii Hoik g vty
Over 1000 Satisfied Owners in
Washington and Oregon.
The most vital point of a truck attach
ment is the bearings. The Western is
the only truck attachment made with a
Two-inch Timben Bearing. ' Other spe
cifications in portion.
Why Buy an Inferior make?
A. J. LORMOR, Factory Distributor.
533-35 Aider Strut,
Portland, Oregon.
Thouaanrls of trained younjr people needed.
Rehnke-Walker rlutrine0 ColieKe. 1'urtlftnd, place,
tudenta in portilron.. Enroll any time, i'ree
Example, ,
"Wealth doesu't always bring happi
ness." "No," replied Cumrox, "sometimes
Its the means of landing him in tight
shoes and a high collar at an ice
cream party and making him perfectly
Necessaries First.
"Why doesn't that poet have his
hair cut? I don't like this long-haired
"You don't understand. He has to
eat. He has something more import
ant to do with his money." LoulBville
What ths Teacher Sent.
Little Mary started to school on her
second year last Monday.
When she came home her mother
"Well, Mary, what did the teacher
say to you alter the lung summer va
cation?" "She said, 'Hello Mary,' " the child
'""And what else?" asked the mother.
"She said, 'When you go home please
tell your mamma that I sent her my
rewards,' " was Mary's second reply.
It takes Congress to settle a strike,
but an unruly stomach Is subdued by
Garfield Tea. Adv.
Is no more necMsary
than smallpox. Army
experience has demonstrated
the almost miraculous effi
cacy, and harmlessne, of Antityphoid Vaccination.
Be vaccinated NOW by your physician, you and
your family. It Is more vital than house insurance.
Ask your physician, druenist, or send for "Have
you had Typhoid?" telling of Typhoid Vaccine,
results from us , and danrf from Typhoid Carriers.
C A-V i lift J-k V.WM
l.rhinrf Sir in
J With Cuficura
g Granulated Eyelids,
Evei inflamed by expo-
(ure to Sun, Oust and Wind
quickly relieved by nunna
a EyeBemedy. No Smarting,
just Eye Comfort. At
Druggists or by mail 50c per Bottle. Murine
Eye Salve in Tubes 25c. For Book (I (he Eye
FBEB ask Murine Eye Beaiedy Co.. Chicago
demamtai'KOMl'l attention. Keep
one or two bottles of
Colic Drench p7re
in your medicine chest all the time.
It relieves in the shortest jioihle
. time. Head the Practical Home
1 Veterinarian. Send tor t ree book
let on AliOKTION IN COWS. If
no dealer in your town, write
Dr. David Roberts' Vet. Co,, 100 Grand Ave., Waukesha, Wis
Call at 206 Alder street or mail samples.
We buy all the time and pay the highest
market price. Don't fail to p"t in touch
with us before sollintr. We are the
Only Exclusive Bean Dealers in
Oregon. We want more agents at
country points. Cleaners and dealerB
please write for our agents' terms.
206 Alder St.. PORTLAND, ORE.
War Recipes
Cut out the following recipes and
pasta them In your cook book to help
you Hooverize. They hav. been
thoroughly tested by instructor and
special lecturers in the department
of home economics at the University
of Washington.
Fresh Mackerel Baked in Brown
Sauce FreBh mackerel is Inclined to
be rather dry and therefore should be
basted frequently while cooking; or
should be baked in a sauce. The fol
lowing method Is good: Fresh mack
erel, salt, pepper. Baste with 2 table
spoonfuls fat, 4 cup hot water, 1 tea
spoonful lemon juice.
Clean mackerel, removing head and
tall. Rub with salt, and sprinkle with
pepper. Cook in dripping pan until
nearly done, basting occasionally.
When almost done, cover with brown
sauce and buttered crumbs and bake
until crumbs brown.
Brown Sauce Two tablespoonfuls
fat, 1 slice onion, 3 tablespoonfuls
flour, 2 cups meat sock or water, Vi
teaspoon salt, teaspoon pepper, 3
drops kitchen bouquet.
Cook onion In fat until slightly
brown. Remove onion. Add flour
mixed with seasonings and brown
flour and butter. Add stock gradually,
stirring constantly. Add kitchen bou
quet last.
Baked Red Snapper and Lemon
Sauce Slices of red snapper 1 inch
thick, salt, pepper, bread crumbs, 2
tablespoonfuls fat, cup hot water,
1 tablespoonful lemon Juice.
Wipe fish dry and rub with salt and
pepper. Cover with crumbs and dot
with fat. Add a little water and cook
until tender (about 30 minutes). Baste
with a mixtures of fat, hot water, and
lemon juice. Remove and serve with
Lemon Sauce 3 tablespoonfuls but
ter, 2 tablespoonfuls flour, 1 cup hot
water, yolk of one egg, teaspoon
salt, speck of cayenne.
Melt the butter, stir in the flour and
add water gradually. Pour slowly over
beaten egg and return to fire until it
Broiled Grayfish One lb. fresh gray
fish, skinned; 1 cup bread crumbs, 1
egg slightly beaten. Marinade: 1 cup
vinegar, Vi cup salad oil, 1 tablespoon
ful chopped onion, 1 tablespoonful
chopped parsley, 4 peppercorns, 4
whole cloves, 2 bay leaves crumbled,
Vi teaspoon thyme, Vi teaspoon pa
prika, 1 teaspoon salt.
Put fish for one hour In dressing
made of above Ingredients, turning
several times. Dip in egg, bread
crumbs, and then egg; broil under a
gas flame until brown.
Rheumatism Yields
Only rheumatic sufferers know
the agony of its darting pains,
aching joints or twisting cords.
But some few have not known that
has been correcting this trouble
when other treatments have
utterly failed.
Scott's is essentially blood-food
in such rich, concentrated form
that its oil gets into the blood to
alleviate this stubborn malady.'
uet a bottle ot ocott a Emul
sion or advise an ailing
friend. No alcohol.
The Norwetrton cod liver oil In
Scott'. Emuliion Is now refined In our
own American laboratories which
xunkea it pure and palatable.
Scott & Bownc, IlloomficM, N. J. 17-22
Sheep Shearing Under Way.
Shearing is now quite general in the
Yakima wool sections. Sheepmen are
taking advantage of the favorable
weather and pushing operations. There
have been no shipments of wool as
yet, but a large quantity is expected
to go to Portland by the end of the
month. The market is holding steady
and there is every indication that the
Oregon and Washington clips will
bring as good prices as ruled last sea
son. The wool produced in the United
States furnishes only about 50 per cent
of the amount used in peace times.
Is the result of usinj? Peta
luma Incubators and Brood
ers. That's the kind you
want. Write for our big
Free Catalog No. 60.
Petaluma. California
Hides, Pelts,cra Woo! & Mohair
We wait all rw nan. Write for Prices air) Scipnme Tags.
Portland, Ore, Seattle, Wn.. Bellingham, Wn
Broad way at Flanders, Portland, Or.
Veal, Pork, Beef,
Poultry, Butter, Eggs
and Farm Produce,
to the Old Reliable Everding house with a
record of 45 years of Square Dealings, and
be assured of TOP MARKET PRICES.
45-47 Front Street, Portland, Oreaon
unnTutircrr iiniCT ncnnivr iMimu laruni
Wheat Bulk basis for No. 1 grade:
Hard White Bluestem, Early Bart,
Allen, Galgalus, Martin Amber, $2.05.
Soft White Palouse bluestem, forty-
fold, white valley, Gold Coin, White
Russian, $2.03. White club Little
club, Jenkins club, white hybrids, So-
nora, $2,01. Red Walla Red
Russian, red hybrids, Jones fife, Cop
pel, $1.98. No. 2 grade, 3c less. No.
3 grade 6c less. Other grades hanledd
by sample.
Flour Patents, $10.
Millfeed Net mill prices, car lots:
Bran, $30 per ton; shorts, $32 per
ton; middlings, $39; mixed cars and
less than carloads, 50c more; rolled
barley, $6668; rolled oats, $66.
Butter Cubes, extras, 51c; prime
firsts, 60c. Jobbing prices: Prints,
extas, 52c; cartons, lc extra; butter-
fat, No. 1, 55c delivered.
Eggs Oregon ranch, current re
ceipts, 3535ic per dozen; candled,
37c; selects. 39c.
Poultry Roosters, old, 2022c per
pound; stags, 2426c; springs, 27
28c; broilers, 35c; ducks, 32 35c;
geese, 2021c; turkeys, alive, 26
27c; dressed, 35 37c.
Veal Fancy, 2020Jc per pound.
Pork Fancy, 2121Jc per pound.
Sack vegetables Carrots, $1.50 per
sack; beets, $1.60 (r 2.00; turnips,
$1.50; parsnips, $1.50(5:2.00.
Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, $1
1.25 per hundred; Yakimas, $1.60;
sweet potatoes, 55ic per pound.
Onions Oregon, buying price, $1.75
per hundred.
Green Fruits Apples, $12.25;
pears, $2.25; cranberries, Eastern,
$17.60 per barrel.
March 25, 1918.
Med. to choice steers.... $11. 00(all. 80
Good to med. steers 10.00(&11.00
Com. to good steers '8.60(510.00
Chnicfi rows and heifnin 9W)r31nnn
j Com. to good cows and hf 8.00 9.50
! Canners 4.25(5) 6.25
! Bulls 5.00 9.00
Calves 7.50(S12.00
Stackers and feeders.... 6.50 9.50
Prime light hog $17.0017.20
Prime heavy hogs 16.75(6,17.00
Pigs 14.75(ai6.75
Bulk 16.9017.00
i Sheep
Western lambs $15.00 15.50
Valley lambs 14.50(315.00
Yearlings 13.0013.50
Wethers 12.5013.00
The Wealth of the Ukraine
The states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois,
Michigan, and Wisconsin have a com
bined area about equal to that of the
new Ukrainian Republic. Putting it
in another way, Ukralnia, according to
a native writer, Is as large as the
German empire with the state of Illi
nois annexed.
Mere area in Itself signifies little,
but the extent of land surface com
prised within the limits of the new
republic of Ukralnia contains the most
fertile parts of the old Russian empire,
It is known as the "Black Earth Belt"
and has been not only the granary of
Russia but the greatest granary of
eastern Europe. In 1914 one-third of
Russia s total farm products came
from this "Black Earth Belt," which
Ib really Russia's wheat belt. Ukralnia
produces 80 per cent of Russia's crude
sugar and 59 per cont of her reflnod
sugar. The tobacco production of the
region is relatively as large as that of
sugar. The Ukrainian supplies about
60 per cent ot the Russian live-stock
Not only is the Ukraine a great
source of agricultural wealth, but in
mineral resources it has been to Rus
sia what the northern provinces of
ranee, now overrun by the Germans,
have been to that republic. Of coal,
it has produced 70 per cent of the total
Russian product, an equivalent pro
portion ot pig iron, and ot steel nearly
as much. Manganese, mercury, pe
troleum, peat, phosphorite, and kaolin
are other important mineral products
of the Ukraine. From "The Urainlan
Republic," In the American Review of
Reviews for March, 1918.
Take tablespoonful of Salts if
Back hurts or Bladder
Truly Modest.
He Let's see, what is the slang
name for illicit liquor peddling?
She (blushing) Boot-limbing, I be
lieve. Farm Life.
We are a nation of meat eaters and
our blood is filled with uric acid, says
a well-known authority, who warns us
to be constantly on guard against kid
ney trouble. '
The kidneys do their utmost to free
the blood of this irritating acid, but
become weak from the overwork; they
get sluggish; the elimlnatlve tissues
clog and thus the waste Is retained in
the blood to poison the entire system,
When your kidneys ache and feel
like lumps of lead, and you have sting
ing paius in the back or the urine is
cloudy, full of sediment, or the blad
der is irritable, obliging you to seek
relief during the night; when you have
severe headaches, nervous and dizzy
spells, sleeplessness, acid stomach or
rheumatism in bad weather, get from
your pharmacist about four ounces of
Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a
glass ot water before breakfast each
morning and In a few days your kid
neys will act fine. This famous salts
Is made from the acid of grapes and
lemon juice, combined with lithla, and
has been used for generations to flush
and stimulate clogged k'dneys, to neu
tralize the acitiS in urine so it Is no
longer a source of Irritation, thus end
ing urinary and bladder disorders.
Jad Salts is Inexpensive and cannot
Injure; makes a delightful efferves
cent lithia-water drink, and nobody
can make a mistake by taking a little
occasionally to keep the kidneys clean
and active. Adv.
Won Her Over.
First Suffraget So you succeeded
in convincing Mrs. Fickle?
Second Suffraget Yes; I designed a
periectly fetching campaign costume
and showed it to her. Brooklyn Citizen.
It Won Him.
Frances I'm afraid you don't like
my game of bridge.
Francis I am bound to like any-
thing that costs me as much as that,
Spring drops in now and then to see
if the country is as green as it's paint
ed. Atlanta Constitution.
Nice Little Job For Him.
She Oh, Jack, dear, I'm so glad
you've come! Father is so excited
ami disturbed. Do go in and calm
He Very well. But what's the mat
ter with him?
She Why er I just told him you
wanted to marry ;ne. Boston Tran
No Older Than Your Face.
Is true In most wises. Then keep your
face fnir mid young with Cutlcura
Soap nnd touches of Cutlcura Oint
ment ns needed. For free samples ad
dress, "Cutlcurn, Dept. X, Boston.'1
Sold by druggists nnd by mull. Soap
23, Ointment 2! nnd 00. Adv.
Plunkville Society.
"Do you want a bit of society news?1
"i gezzo."
"You know the lady you stated was
coming to visit me last week.
"Yes, madam."
"She's gone." Louisville Courier-
To restore a normal action to Liver,
Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels, take
Garfield Tea, the mild herb laxative.
All druggists. Adv.
A BAD WRECK of the constitution
may follow in the track of a disorder
ed system, due to impure blood or in
active liver. Don't run the risk! Doc
tor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
cures all disorders and affections due
to impure blood or inactive liver. The
germs of disease circulate through the
blood; the liver is the filter which per
mits the germs to enter or not. The
liver active, and the blood pure, and
you escape disease.
When you're debilitated, and your
weight below a healthy standard, you
regain health and strength, by using
the "Discovery. It builds up the body
Sold in Tablet or Liquid form. If
your dealer does not have it, send 60
cts. for the Tablets. Dr. V. M. Pierce,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regu
late and invigorate stomach, liver and
bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules,
One Look Enough.
"Didn't you feel .homesick some
times, Dennis?"
'Sure, but I used to look at your
photograph, and then I didn't feel
homesick anymore! Bystander.
"What do you think is the best test
of realism in a play?
"The real money they take In at the
box office." Exchange.
New Thomas
All Steel and
tlflll !.! 1 . 1 1 ,1
ti '" posiiiveiyiHBc longer ana ao a wmer range
y i :;, of work than any other portable power sawing
--" machine made. Write (or particulars.
M"&t'"1'" 125 E. Water St., Portland, Ore.
I .1
ni. .''"v; 'n " V 4-.
Tou set the highest mlces and aulck returns
when you ship to this old established and
tollable Fur House. It's your nearest market.
Raw Fur Dealers- Fur Manufacturers
149 Broadway, Dept O PORTLAND, ORE.
& CO. Z
How to Bring Them Up.
Mrs. Domestlo Tabby People don't
know how to raise children nowadays.
They let little ones have their own way
lar too much.
Mrs. Brood Hen That's very true.
Now, look at my chickens. They
wouldn't have amounted to a thing If
they hadn't been sat on. Peoples
Home Journal.
Left Standing.
"Mrs. De Style got a shock today."
"She got on a car followed by a
nurse maid carrying her baby, and
somebody gave the nurse maid a seat"
Hurrah! How's This
Cincinnati authority says corns
dry up and lift out
with fingers.
Ouch 1 ? 1 ? ! ! This kind of rough
tlk will be heard less here in town if
people troubled with cornB will follow
the simple advice of this Cincinnati
authority, who claims that a few drops
of a drug called freezone when applied
to a tender, aching corn or hardened
callous stops soreness at once, and
soon the corn or callous dries up and
lifts right off without pain.
He says freezone dries Immediately
and never inflames or even Irritates
the surrounding skin. A small bottle
of freezone will cost very little at any
drug store, but will positively remove
every hard or soft corn or callous
from one's feet Millions of America's
women will welcome this announce
ment since the inauguration of the
high heels. If your druggist doesn't
have freezone tell him to order a small
bottle for you. Adv.
The New Diet.
"Why Is it that man always wants
to get up and spout after dinner. Is
Proof of Hunger.
"Really, you should feed your hounds
more, brother Johnson," mildly chided
the presiding elder. "They look halt
"Aw, them dogs Is nacher'Iy lank,"
replied Mr. Gap Johnson, of Rumpus
Ridge, Ark. "I don't consider 'em
hungry till they begin to bite the
children." Kansas City Star.
Its Class.
"What is that list hanging up there?"
"It is a catalog of articles not sub
ject to tariff duty."
"Then It ought to be the free -list
suspended." Exchange.
he training for a speaker?"
"No, but he's been eating this new
dish of whale steak." Exchange.
To keen clean and healthy take Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They regu
late liver, bowels and stomach.
Hard to Choose.
"We hunch players have our trou
bles. Last night I dreamed about a
'That ought to be easy. Play the
horse whose name suggests a hat."
"Well, here's Chapeau, Turban and
Hatteras, all in the same race."
Louisville Courier-Journal.
She Kept Her Locks Dark and
Glossy, with Sage Tea
and Sulphur.
When you darken your hair with
Sage Tea and Sulphur, no one can tell,
because it's done so naturally, so even
ly. Preparing this mixture, though,
at home is mussy and troublesome.
For 60 cents you can buy at any drug
store the ready-to-use preparation, im
proved by the addition of other ingre
dients, called "Wyeth's Sage and Sul
phur Compound." You Just dampen a
sponge or soft brush with It and draw
this through your hair, taking one
small strand at a time. By morning
all gray hair disappears, and, after an
other application or two, your hair be
comes beautifully darkened, glossy
and luxuriant.
Gray, faded hair, though no disgrace,
is a sign of old age, and as we all de
sire a youthful and attractive appear
ance, get busy at once with Wyeth's
Sage and Sulphur Compound and look
years younger. This ready-to-use pre
paration is a delightful toilet requisite
and not a medicine. It Is not Intended
for the cure, mitigation or prevention
of disease. dv.
Garfield Tea is Nature's laxative and
blood purifier; it overcomes constipa
tion and its many attendant ailments.
"I hear that Burrows has come in
for some money."
"Then he'll have to go out without
It as far as I am concerned." Exchange.
No need to let that cough persist. Stop tf
irritation, and remova tickling and hoanw
neas, by relierlng the inflamed throat with
To The
American People
There is no foundation for the alleged
violations of law attributed to our Com
pany by agents of the Federal Trade
Commission and I want to say emphatic
ally that Swift & Company is not a party to
any conspiracy to defraud the Govern
ment. Nor has Swift & Company been
guilty of improperly storing foods or of
making false entries or reports.
Conferences of packers, where prices
have been discussed, have been held at
the urgent request and in the presence
of representatives of either the Food
Administration or the Council of National
Defense. And yet the packers have been
accused of committing a felony by acting
in collusion on Government bids 1
We have done our best, with other
packers, large and small, to comply with
the directions of the United States Food
Administration in all particulars, including
the furnishing of food supplies for the U. S.
Army and Navy and the Allies, now be.
ing handled through the Food Adminis
tration. We will continue to do our utmost,un-
der Government direction, to increase our
production and assist the Food Adminis
tration. We consider that the opportunity
to co-operate whole-heartedly and to our
fullest powers with this branch of the
Government is our plain and most press
ing duty.
The Trade Commission Attorney has,
by false inference and misplaced empha
sis, given to disconnected portions of the
correspondence taken from our private
files and read into the Record, a false and
sinister meaning with the plain purpose
of creating antagonistic public opinion.
The services of the packers of the
United States are most urgently needed,
and I regret exceedingly that we should at
this time have to spend our efforts in
defending ourselves against unfounded,
unproved, and unfair assertions such as
are being daily made public.
ed)?. QUrilr. President
Swift & Company, U.S. A.
P. N. U.
No. 13, 1918
Ewes 9.0012.00
easy to take as candy. Adv.