The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, March 15, 1918, Image 4

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    The Maupin Times
Published Eevery Friday
Mrs, W. L. Morrison, Publisher
Subscription: One Year $1.50, Six
Entered as second class mail
posi office at Maupin, Oregon,
Candidates' Notice
To t lie republican voters of Wasco
I wish to announce myself as a
c.ndidafe for the nomination of
county treasurer, subject to the
will of the republican voters at
the primary election, May 17, 1918
iii8 Oliver It, Krier.
(Paid Adv.)
I hereby dnsiieto announce my
Bt'lJ a candidate for the nomina
tion for county shersff, subject to
t be will of republican voters, at
the coming primary nominating
tied ion. Should 1 be nominated
and later elected to' said utiice, 1
will continue, as in the past, to
enforce the laws and conduct the
office in a coniteous and economi
cal inauner.
Levi Chrisman.
newly enrolled.
E. A 'Harlman is transacting
business in Portland this week.
Pearl Evick was a visitor at The
Dalles last week.
G. E. Woods moved back to
.1 i Til 1
xneir mini iiiurnuuy.
The school here is doing consid-l
eruble Red Cross work. They are -
.. , , ,. , .1 Farmers getting ready to sow
making several different kinds of, uee gQod Jua,. o
quilts, also making gun wiperBFormaldebyde or filue stoQe to
anu touib urt) Kiiiiung ui.u me
doing it on their own time, Tues
days and Fridays being they: regu
lar work time.
TheC. E. study class which was
organized somo time ago met at
the parsonage Tuesday night and
commenced the study book "The
Lure of Africa", which proves
very interesting. The' class will
meet every Tuesday evening and
all are invited to attend. John
I.O. O. F.
Lodite No. 209. Maunin, Oretron.
meets every Saturday night in
Donaldson's hall. Visiting mem
bers always welcome.
F. A. Covkv, N. G.
W. II. Tai.cott, Secretary.
Wapinitia Auto Stage
T.pavpb Mnimln Ham
Leaves Wapjnilia, 1 .30 p
j V. ROBERTS, Prop.
Proof ,
Palace Hotel
Washington Street & Twelfth
the Cleanest Rooms in the City
Modern in Every Detail
Large Grand Floor Lobby
Close in to Shopping and
fine Furnished
at Maupin, Oregon,
Months 5cts, Three Months 50c
matter September 2, 1914, at the
under the Act of March 3, 1879,
Lewis is the teacher.
The Intermedirte and Junior
Society met with their superin
tendent, Miss Holland, Monday,
and held their business meeting.
For Sale
A McCormick Header in good
condition. Diapers are all new.
Terms. Shattuck Bros.
If a sweet tooth cries for sweetness
And the finest you desire,
Your joy will know compleness
If you buy of E. J. Styer
At the Hazelwood Ice Cream
Parlor, Maupin.
For Sale
One lot with house and barn
adjoining parsonage. L. B. Haines
Gateway, Ore.
A new shipment of pianos in
this, week at the Maupin Drug
(tore, Cull in and see the pretty
models. If you are a musician
try them out.
Time to Sow Wheat
treat the grain. The best on the
market can be had at the Maupin
Drug Store.
Wamic News
A card party was given at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Marion
"Iluilingame Mcuday night. Many
wvti in attendance, Lunch was
The hard freezing at night the
former part of last week caused
some delay in plowing.
W. E. and T. II. Woodcock did
some road work on the Gray hill
the former part of last week.
A card party was given at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, J. R. Wood
cock Saturday night.
The spelling contest held at the
school house Friday night was
won by the pupils. A short pro
gram wns rendered after the spell
ing match.
Mr. and Mrs. Frestns Swift
went to Maupin Friday return
ing by way of the Klmer Snodgrass
place wtiero an auction salo was
being held.
Word has reached this place
that Sammy Douglas is much im
proved from bis recent attack of
pneumonia. He is in a hospital
in San Francisco..
The Red Cross workers met at
the church Saturday afternoon
and took steps towards organizing
an auxiliary to the Red Cross So
ciety. Plans will be perfeetod the
next meeting.
Mr. and Mis. J. II. Woodcock
of Maupin visited at the T. A.
Seufert and D, A. Harvey homes
J. Still well of Tygh was a visit
or here Sunday.
T. 11. Woodcock succeeded I.
D. Driver as secretary of the Rock
and Gate creek ditch company
and W. E. Johnson was elected
. County Commissioner F. C,
Clausen of The Dalles was a visit
or here Sunday,
T. H. Woodcock, accompanied
by Mi a. Woodcock and son Vern
on, his mother, Mrs. Nan Wood
cock, and Mrs. Lena Woodcock
and daughter Carmel were Tygh
visitois Sunday.
Mrs. Henry Miller, Geo. and
Fred Miller went to Miupin Sun
day taking Mr, Miller who went
to Hood River.
Everything it white with enow
here at present.
A car load of posts was shipped
here for Dayis Bros, at Ridgeway.
Edward Schmeltzer and family
left Frinay morning for their new
home in Portland.
Mrs. Golt arrived home Tues
day night from Washington where
she has been staying with ber
mother who is very ill.
Mrs. Belts left here Tuesday
Air. JNelson, tne brakeman. is
off duty for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were vis,
itors at Bakeoven Thursday.
The school girls do their Indus
trial Club sewing at school every
Friday afternoon. They are now
hemstitching guest towels.
Nathan Wilson is tearing down
the old bouse back of Mr. Card
inal's blacksmith shop.
Bishop Paddock passed through
here Thursday enroute to Antelope
Walter Mnnsell of Orchard?
Wn., purchased Edward Schmelt-
zer's feed stable and is attending
business in town at present. He
expects to move his family to
Shaniko in July or August.
A St. Patrick's party will be
given by the children of the large
room at the school house, Friday
night, March 15th.
The Red Cross society at Shani
ko have made the following since
December: 148 pillow slips, 115
hand towels, 63 Bheets anil 23 pair
of pajamas. Six sweatees have
been knit and others will bo finish
ed soon. Mrs. Altermatt was
elected chairman and Mrs. Ilenton
secretary. They meet every, Wed
nesday tnd Thursday at the Red
Cross rooms at the nepot.
A masquerade dance will be
given at the hall March 16.
Eltna Rehder and Alice 'Olsen
sold $40 worth of Smileage books.
The allotment for Shaniko waa
HO. The books arrived here Fri
day night.
P. J. Olsen was in the lower end
of bis district Wednesday and
Thursday and Blurted rond crewa
to work.
J. IS. Davis has sold bis proptr
ty iu Shaniko and moved to Klon
dike, Sherman county Saturday ,
where he will be employ el as a
seefiou bos.
P. J. Olstm was a business vis
itor at Antelope Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson left Fri
day morning for a visit in Port
land. Mr. Hammond held a Eoj Scout
tueetiug at the school liouso after
s.i.ool Monday.
Mrs..lliukle and eister ariived
bom? Sunday from a visit in Tort
land, .While there tley taw'iheir
brothpr Ernest Schthidt whor is in
the army.
' Mr. Hammond, the Methodist
minister from Grass Valley held
services at the school house Mon
day night
Dick Kinney is home after a
long visit iu Missouri.
Let E.- A. Cyr mend and oil
your harness. Bring your shoe
repairing also.
Local Items
Call on W. II. Staafs SL Co.. for
all kinds of garden seeds.
-The Maupin Garage received a
coat of black paint this week,
Mrs. Mayme Smith was here a
few days this week.
Henry Richardson and son were
down from Pine Grove Wednesday
Mrs. Mnrgensen lef. on the tiain
tin's morning to visit ber mother
in Mosior.
Fresh Salmon and Halibut at
itaats' Friday and Saturday.
Mr. C'liilclers of Wamic com
menced work in the blacksmith
shop far Fraley it Vanderpnol
A. J, Conroy was over from
Shaniko and called in and renew
ed his subscription to the Times
Ira Grishnm was iu town Tucs
Jay and renewed bis subscription
to this paper.
For setting, full blood Plymouth
Rock eggs, 75c a setting of 15. Ira
Grisbam, Wapinitia. p
The 10-month'B old child of Mr.
and Mrs. C. K. Hall suffered an
attack of pneuuienia this week.
Portland Painless Dentist, 305
Second St., The Dalles, Ore, Port
land prices. Phone Main 3S31. W.
T. Slatten, D. D. S., proprietor.
W. E. Hunt is the first man to
leave his subscription with the
Maupin State Bank for bonds of
the Third Liberty Loan. Who
will be the next.
Two Studehaker Sixes for sale
at bargains. One 1918 series
brand new. Fischer's Garage.
Prof. Reiber held his last meet
ing bore until May Sunday night
He expects to atteud the general
conterence of Seventh Day Adven
tists which convenes in San Fran
cisco in a few days.
For Sale New Rock Island two
bottom 14 inch steel walking gang
bargain. T.J. Seufert, Jr., Box
CO, Wamic, Ore, ,'inp
John Cnnroy was over from
White River Wednesday. He re
ceived a card from Lee Jackson
who is at a resting station in Eng
land, telling of his escape from the
Tuscania by sliding down a rope
to a destroyer.
Some of the farmers dont like to
tie skinned, but Dad Coule still
buys skins and hides.
Why take a bath in a wash tub
when you can get a real bath at
Styer's barber shop in the Post
otlloe building, Maupin.
Wamic, Oregon, March 8, 1918
Federal Land Bank
4 1-2 per cent Farm Loan Bonds
Redeemable at par anil accrued
inteiert on. any interest paying
date after 5 years srom date of is-
su Denominations if 1000, $50(1
$100, $50 and !f'25. Interest pny.
able semi-annually at any Federal
Land Bank, payable in gold or
lawful money, netting about 4.40
per ent to the redeemable date,
1922, find '4 1-2 per cent so long
es they may remain outstanding
The Farm Loan Eonds issued
under the provisions of this Act
shall be deemed and held to be
instrumentalities of the Govern
ment of Hie United States, and as
jsnch, they and the income derived
therefrom, thall be exempt from
fxb ral, state, municipal and local
Make your application to
W. H. Mayfield. Sec'ty,
White River N. V. L. A.,
Wamic, Oregon.
Horses Wanted
Dr. Stovall has made arrange
inents with the War Department
to buy horses at Mauuin April 8th
for the U. S. Government. Cav
alry horses 15 hands or over in
height and wtigbing from 1000 to
1200 pounds, free from blemish
and broke to ride and drive will
bring $140 each.
Mules 15 3-4 to 10 1-2 hands
high and weighing 1200 to 1100
pounds will bring $215 each.
This u an exceptionally good
price and everyene who has horses
or mules to sell will do well to get
them in shape as this will proba
bly be the only chance soon to
furnish Uncle Sam with hordes for
,vur purposes.
Any other information desired
can be furnished by Dr. .Stovall at
The Munpin Drug Store
Alfalfa Meal, Maupin Wbse.
Report of the Condition of the
Maapin State Eanh
No. 224
at Maupin, in the state of Ore
Kon, at the close of business
March 11, 1918
Lans and discounts $97,874.45
Overdrafts, secured and
unsecured H3 38
Bonds and warrants 13,080 00
Banking house 2,000.00
Furniture and fixtures 2,000.00
Due from approved re
serve banks 25,801.73
Checks and other cash
items 2 03
Cash on hand. 7,040 86
Other resources
Total 147,912.45
Capital stock paid in $ 15,000 00
Surplus fund 2,000.00
Undivided profits 856.48
Dividends unpaid
Individual deposits sub
ject to check 122,071.47
Demand certificates of
Cashier checks out
standing 1,915,58
Certified checks
Time and Savings De
posits 5,763.20
Reserved for interest and
taxes 325 12
Other liabilities over and
short .60
Total 147,942.45
State of Oregon, )
County of Wasco ) ss
I, F. D. Stuart, Cashier of the
above named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement
is true to the best of my knowl
edge and belief.
F. D. Stuart, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to be
fore me, this 11th day of March
D. M. Shattuck Notary Public
My commission expires Jul v 10,
1919. ,
Correct Attest:
D. M. Shattuck,
J. M. Conklin,
L. D. Kelly,
Plaintiff, ")
M. F,
Coble, )
hereby reu'.iired to appear and
answer the Complaint filed in the
above entitled suit on or beforf
six weeks from the 1 St h day of
January, 1918, the date of the first
publication of this summons and
it you run 10 so appear and. an
swer said complaint plaintiff will
apply to the Court for n, decree
foreclosing the mortgage described
in said complaint and executed by
you on the 4lh day of August
Kil t, to secure a promissory note
for the sum of Three Hundred
and Fifty Dollars (?350), together
with interest thereon from said
date at the rate of eight per cent
per annum until paid.
That the El-2 of swl-4, Sec. 3,
Twp. 6, S. R. 12 E. V. M., con
taining eighty acres, be sold in
the manner provided by law and
that the. proceeds ef such sale be
applied in payment of the costs of
such sale, the costs of Ibis suit,
principal and interest and attorn
ey's fees.
You are hereby notiGed that
this summon? is served upon you
by publication in accordance with
an order of the above court made
on the 11th day of January, 1918.
Faul W. Childers,
Attorney for riaintiff,
Residing at The Dalles, Oregon.
if the ownership, management,
circulation elo., required by the
Act of Congress of August 21, 1912
of the Maupin Times published
weekly at Maupi::, Oregon, for
October 1, 1917.
State of Oregon, county ot Wasco
Before me, u notary public, in
and for the oouuty nfore said, per
sonally appeared Mrs. W. L. Mor
rison, who having been duly
sworn according to law, deposes
and says that she is the owner of
the Maupin Times, and that the
following is, to the best of ber
knowledge and belief, a true state
ment of the ownership, manage
ment, etc., of the afore said publi
cation for the dale shown in the
above 'caption, required by tho
Act of August 24, 1912, embodied
in Section 143, Postal Laws and
Itrgulations, printed on the reverso
side of this form, to wit:
That the name and address of
the publisher, editor, managing
editor and business manager and
owner is Mrs. W. L. Morrison,
Maupin, Or gon,
That the known bondholders,
mortagecs, and other' security
holders owning or holding 1 per
cent or more of total nmourit of
bonds' niorlages, or other securi
ties are none.
Mis. W. L. Morrison.
Sworn to and subscribed before
me this 13th day of March, 1918.
F.' D. Smart.
Wood for sale Inquire at Times
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
regon, Febmary 27th, 1918.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Bsesie Smith Aubrey,
formerly Bessie Smith, of Maupin,
Oregon, who on May 2, 1914,
made Homestead Entry no. 011042
and on February 8, 1915, made
additional Homestead Jliintry no.
014417, for WI-2SEI-4, SKI-4SEI.4,
Sec. 14. wi-2ne1-4. rei-4ne1-4.
ni-2 sEi-i), Section 23, Township
5 South, Range 14 East, Willam
ette Meridian has fhVd notice
of intention to make Final . three
year Pror.f, to establish claim
to the land above desciibed, before
F. I). Stuart, U. S. Commissioner,
at Maupin, Oregon, on the 24th
day of April, 1918.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Ihonias Faherty, W. C. Richard
son, John Foley, T. A St. Dennis,
all of Maupin, Oregon.
IL Frank Woodcock,
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, March 1, 1918.
notice is hereby given that
Bartholina K. Cervais
of Grass Valley, Oregon, who on
December 26, 1914, made Home
stead EnlryNo. 014278, for E1-2
SW1-4, N1-2SE1-4, SEi-4SEt-4, Sec
tion 21, EI-2NW1-4, SWI-4NIU-4,
Section 28, Township 3 South,
Range 15 East, Willamette Meridi
au, has filed notice of intention
to make Final three year Proof to.
establish claim to the laud above
described, before F. D. Stuart, U.
S. Commissioner, at Maupin. Ore
gon, on the 24th day of April 1918
Claimant names as witnesses.
C. W. Steed, Irwin A. Hall, John
M. Brown, James E. Brown, all of
Grass Valley, Oregon.
up Register.
Department of the Interior
U. s. Land Office atffhe Dalles
Oref-on, January 31, 1918.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Charles II. Higgius,
of Shaniko, Oregon, who on May
3rd, 1913, made Homestead, En-'
try No. on 633 and on Oct. ith,
1914, made additional Homestead
Entry No. 013945, for West
Half, (wi-2) Section, 24 Township
7 South, P,ange 15 East, Wil
lamette Meridian has filed no
tice of intention to make Final
three year Proof, to establish
claim to the land above described,
bofore Register and Receiver, U.
S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon on the 18th da of March,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Joseph T. McClellan, of Kaskela,
Oregon, John Thomas of Shaniko,
Oregon, Orville E. Higgins, of
Shaniko, Oregon, Edmond Herr
ing, of Criterion, Oregon, Charles
E. Wilsou of The Dalles, Oregon,
H. Frakk Woocock,
Register. .