Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County r : VOL 4, NO. 22 MAUPIN. SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. MARCH 15, 1918 THE YEAR $1.50 I Church Notice Rev. John G. Hessler, TnMor The subject of the morning ser vice will be The Two Witnersc. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. The pastor will be away at night and there will be no service in the church. The annual society and circuit meeting will be held in the church March 30, 1918, ot 2 p. m. One trustee will be elected at that time. Play Ball Base ball goods on display at the Maupin Drug Store, Good stuff for the money. SENT IN Bf OUR CORRESPONDENTS Tygh Valley A. A. Bouncy puiehascd the R I). Hewitt Ford car and VeralJia traded his chapps off for a pair oi goggles and is learning the car a few new tricks, Ju''g(! Harper and John Mi Cor kle made a swap last week in transportation lines; John got the Ford and the Judge is the owner of a fine pair of 'mules. Dale Bonney and family of Cri- 4A ii will be served at the upin Hotel, First Class Waiters 30th I 2S rerion were visiting at the A. A. Biiuieg home the past week. Geo, Woodruff went to The Dalles Friday to see bis father who is seriously ill with -pi, eu niubia. The switchboard has been moved to the postofhee. Miss Stakily and Miss Jones aie the 'hello' skirls now, E. V. McOorkle and family bare moved to the R. W. Mc Corkle place on Juniper where E. V. will work this season. Geo. Woodruff, K. L Hauser, Dr. Shannon and Z. A. Watkins were Dalles eallers Friday. County Commissioner F. C. Clausen was a business caller here Sunday. F. C. Euller, W. H. Staats and Mr. and Mis. Wallace Kellogg were Sunday callers at this place. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Morris were visiting at the Beckwith home Sunday, Evans Fairish of Maupin was a Tygh caller Sunday. On March iQih at 1:30 p. ni. Miss Martha Bechan will hold a Home F.conomicu clnb meeting in the I. 0. O, F, ball at this place and will be pleased to see as many , of the ladies of the community on AUTOMOBILES Fords . Pages Overlands Republic Trucks AUTO SERVICE LEAVE YOUR ORDER FOR THE NEW FORD WITH FISCHER AUTO ACCESSORIES Complete ' line of Tubes and Casings SOME OF THE THINGS THAT WE CAN DO FOR YOU DO YOUR NOTARY WORK, SELL YOUR FARM FOR YOU, -RENT YOU A SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX, BUY YOUR WHEAT, BARLEY AND OATS, TAKE CARE OF YOUR BANKING BUSINESS, DO YOUR UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER WORK. - GIVE US -A TRIAL, WE CAN AND WILL MAKE GOOD MAUPIN STATE BANK ble Six" Oakland "Sensi that date as can come. Topic, i. e., The npes of the new flours and their substitutes. On Friday last the deal was closed whereby A. A. Bonney be comes t ie owner of the McAtee ranch and town property, Mr. McAtee has an option on a grain ranch in Willamette valley near Salem, but is undecided as yet whether to become a web-footer or hot. He has .moved his family in the house he formed A owned here and will be with us tins summer. E. M. Hill and family of Dufur were visiting their daughter Lois at Geo. Young's 'Sundify. J. Isabel! has put a sign on his mill, 'Don't take but one sack at a time', Someone slipped it over on Hoover and went up through the floor and took eight faeksot' flour at one time. Jim says that he knows the party who did it is not very patriotic or Hooverizing dthear. J. Boen and W. Sharp of upper Juniper were callers here Sunday. The annual stock holden' meet ing of the Southern Wasco County Fair was held here Monday. V. H, McAtee, F; C; Butler and J. T Harper resigned as president, sec retary and treasurer, respectfully. A. A. Bonney was elected as presi dent, and the secretary and treas ury office was combined in one and F. A. Morrow was elide! to serye in that office until Jui e 2nd, the next meeting, Mrs, Win. McFarland has I een visiting her sister, Mrs. Oliver for a few days before her departure for New York to visit her husband who is serving iu the navy. Joe Graham of Wapinit'a w. s a Tygh visitor Saturday. Elmer Munier who is following agriculture on the Arthur Morris lanch was calling on friends here Sunday. ' Z. A. Walkius left Tuesday for the John Day country to hoid for K. L. Hauser, CLOTHING 10 BE SHIPPED MAR. 25 Help Belgium These allies of ours b"hind the German lines, with their, native stocks of raw materials long since exhausted, and. no commercial imports since the 'first devastation of their country, need, and need promptly, this relief in their des titution. The quantity of raw materials which we have been per mitted to import for manufacture into clothing in these parts of Belgium and France has never been sufficient. Even the well-to- do are short of necessities; the poer are in diro need. The Red Cross is calling for used and surplus clothing fur the relief work ol the Commission in France and Belgium and will ship from The Dalles, March 25th. Mrs. A, L. Anderson is local com mittee representative and 300 pounds is the quota for Maupin. Nearly everything of substantial material is listed as wanted except straw and rubber goods. This uot the regular work of ti e ' Red Cross but until the 25th they are collecting for the Belgium Re lief Commissisn, Contributors le prompt. Farm for Sale i j. j I4O acres, 9 miles southwest of Waniio; 25 in cultivation; house, iiarn, water right; $20 per acre; outside range. B. W. Morgan. Mrs. G, L. Ilarpham gave a party at the confectionery Monday night for Mrs. Mayme Smith. )ancing was the order and after oloasing refreshments, tho guests enjoyed playing pool on the con venient tables in the adjoining room. Mannin Orpornn All Work Guaranteed OPTICAL WORK Model C-34 Don't fail to see this wonderful little Car Costs lass to own and operate than any car on the road today 8000 to 10000 mJes on a set of tires 20 to 25 miles on a gallon of gas We Can Show You Why (Ask for a demonstration if you are interested) F. O. B. Maupin $1225.00 With 5 Wire Wheels $1300.00 Wapinitia Items March 12 Snow has fallen here oil day, but n.elts as it falls, and the good roads are spoiled for the present. W. O. Wilson has rented the farm that J. S. Brown sold recent ly and has commenced farming it. W. E, Foreman is transacting business iu The Dalles this week. Quite a number from hero at tended the sale at Elmer Snod grass' Suturday. A very large crowd was present. J. T. Harper auctioneered and everything sold at good price Lester and Chester Crabtren are riding around in a new Oakland C which they recently purchased. N. W. Flinn and family visited relatives in Wamic Sunday, and on their return home broke the axle on their car and had to leave it there, Geo. Magill , brought ihem over Monday in his car, Mrs. Winnie Wilson left here some time ago for Camp Lewis to visit her husband, Sidney W'bon who is stationed there. W. R. Maynard made a busineis trip to The Dalles lard week, some one having forged a on him, and he went to look after the1 nutter. ' Ben Fjchardson who was called to Portland some time ago by the death of his mother returned bom last week accompanied by two ol his sinters who will vir-it here 11 while. Mrs, E. M. Hartman's brother, Mr. Marquam visited at the Hart man home last week. Ernie Endersby is among the (concluded on last pnge) Fraley G& Vanderpools Maupin Oarage and Blacksmlihing All Kinds of Automobile Accessories First Class Mechanics Gasoline and Oils Fire Proof Phone Cars for Hire Free Air c rload Just Arrived harrows, drag harrows, disc harrows, wagons, drill?, plows, walking plow?, sulkey plows, gang plows, plow shares, mole boards EVERYTHING in the Oliver line CALL ON W. H. STAATS & CO. for your wants