The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, March 08, 1918, Image 4

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    Right Now Isjthe
Greatest Time In
History to Build
Not since the Civil war have the prices of farm
products been so high wheat, corn, alfalfa, rye,
barley, oats, hogs, cattle, sheep, have doubled in
price, and in some cases trebled. It's time to make
permanent improvements. A new house or barn
at half price !
te XVI
. s4:"- r" fc""!
. -fS,...'-.. L ""-I . ' .-.S.!', ST...
It tcol;
710 biiflitlu of lifiit (o buy thlo borne in IftU. II tafccs 100
b;i:.l.ol'j of wheat to Ij.ij ii la 1!)18,
.sum m-" t.Tistim
V'Crr -Wmhij
Clop from 1 Kica would buy Hum Immt in H Oop horn 10 acre)
v. :u iij- it in ion.
lould lu.y (his gaittj,
will hay tiii;) gntagc
l!ll) do.fii egjs in 11)1 i would hi.y ilis ganij.o. KO dnii'li cjji in 1018
?-- :-vCl u, -r. ,f?rZ
... -
Ii luck !; !;: ( buy il.i; liuns-.!w in Mllt Ii ; iif,.;f to lu.y
tliss L'uu.:u;.nv in U!l.
High Priced Crops
Low Tric'd Lumbr
The average ri;e In price? of bulkl-ing materials has amounted to about
30 per cent. The rije ia prices of farm an J many manufactured prod
ucts has amounted to from 100 to 300 per cent.
Thitik of it! With the same quan tlty of Vvheat, com, oats, alfalfa,
hogs, etc. as before the war, you an build two houses, two barns, two
chii len sfcc(l:j, two anything your farm products will buy tvice as much
honest, cervieeabK vorUablo
" Turn-A-Lum Lumber"
aa they roulil three years ago wouldn't it be the part of wisdom to
build or remodel NOW whatever may be needed. A new house; a barn, a
E;aragp, a grain bin, a corn crib, an implement shed, a hog house, a Tum-A-Lum
$ilo, a chicken house? The best investment one can make is in
better buildings means more and greater profits.
Prices Will Not Drop for Years
unless there is a general panic and you would be the last to want them
to drop! But the chuncija are build-lug materials will rice. Reconstruc
tion, higher costy resivndue' Indus-tries forced out by war will do it.
More Building Now Per Dollar
Why Wait?
Thcr.o arc prospermia times BIL-I, ION'S Ijeing spent with greater
times comliip,. Bulldlnr, needed now will produce a rental proportionate
to their rnr.t,
Build Better Buildings for Less Money
liiilldlug by KUHsa is now practlr-ally a thing of the past we can work
jc,;r building out on paper and gave you a good bunch of money. You
pay the lowest possible price and in addition you get the service of ex
perts, architects and engineers who have made building their life work.
Our architectural department pre pares plan and estimates. We tell
yon 10X.U TLY how much your build lng will cost before you spend ouo
cent - lilue prints and material lists furnished showing where every piece
nf material f oes no guesswork no extras our guaranteed material
pi t; o cuvcrs ALL the material neves sary.
Wo have prepared books of plans for all buildings, containing many de
td;:ns recommended by leading North-west authorities, most all of which
have beou built one or more times. A.-.k for our special hIIii, elevator and
ftti iu ginmiiy Ii.I.Iits. You can save money now putting it off elmply
means that the material you are go-lag to need will cost more money
planning will have to be done in a rush material .will have to be
hauled when teams and railroads are worWag overtime. Hundreds lost
money last year by not buying In January and February.
Come in Today. Talk it Over With U3
T"' our picture", plan, cert c?ti- no obligation to buy, as "ira
are lad to ba of service.
Lumber Co.
Xfifit- piaster f iLO
1914 price 220 bushels corn.
1018 prlce110 bushels com.
1914 price Sfl tona alfnlfa.
1918 prit e 18 tons uliali.i.
i.-,, . . --.' ....... ..........
I ha? ; 4 ; v- g ' LtjJ&lf il
nnn.K roof rarx
1914 piic& 15 tons barley.
1918 price 10 tons barley.
GAiicrri. r.oor 1; rn
1914 price 1000 ba:hels whrnt.
1813 price CC0 burhels whe-it.