The Maunin Times Published Erery Friday at Maupin, Oregon, Mrs. W. L. Mokrison, ruLlihher Subscription: One Year $ I. CO, Six Months 5cts, Three Months 50c Entered as second class mail matter September 2, 1914, at the post office at Maupin, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879. ' Shaniko Frank Wnguer arrived here Feb ruary 28 from a visit in Wisconsin County School Superintendent Clyde T. Bonney was booked for Shaniko, February 28, but due to the vast amount of office work it was impo9sibfe for him to e The railroad company has had the stock yards cleaned out and cinders put on them. A mulligan supper was held at the depot Friday night for Bishop Padock that he might become ac quainted with llie men of the com munity. After the supper at 8 p. in., all met at the school house where services were held, lie talked of Camp Lewi?. Several persons were confirmed. A large crowd attended. Road Supervisor P. J. Olson cf Road District 84 was ever on Ash vrood rond Inst Thursday ai.d ap pointed J. T. Wa'l:er as sub-supervisor for new Ashwood roiid, als hired Ike Dudley to do some nad drawing. T. J. Williarus of Anlelepe wt s nt Shuniko Saturday purchasing a load of wood. A crowd from Shaniko attended the masquerade dance at Antelope Th irsday night. William Wornetaff, Frank Wag ner and Mr. Adams of Shaniko attended the I. 0. 0. F. lodf,e at Antelope Saturday night. L, P. Harrington addres el the school tlnldrui here Thursday afternoon. A program was held at the kc'iotl house Thursday night. The Boys, and Girls industrial Club of Shaniko conducted the meeting. A. R. Chase and I.. P. Harring ton spoke and gave steirerpticon views throughout the state. A dance will be giveu in the lull ou the evening of thu 10th of -9faca I.O. O. F. Lodge, No. 209, Maupin, Oregon, meets every Saturday night in Donaldson's hall. Visiting mem bers always welcome. F. A.'Cuvkv, N. !. W. II. Talcott. Secretary. March, Miss Martha Bechen was intend ing to cpeak at the school btuse Thursday night, but a break do in of the auto prevented her. Mi'- Wornsa'f had a runaway Sunday. The horses ran with the hack and returns with the two front wheels. The ladies of Shaniko have been busy working for the Red Cro-.c. They meet on Wednesday aud Thursday in the Pied Cross rooms at the depot, Mr. Moody lost one of his fine sheep. - Sunday school meets at 10:30 every Sunday. All are welcome. For Sale A MeCormick Header in good con.lition. Drapers are all new. Term?. Shattnck Bro?. If a sweet tooth cries for sweetness And the finest you desire, Yonr joy w ill know complenes3 , If you buy of E, J. Styer At the Hazelwood Ice Cream Parlor, Maupin, For Sale One lot with hou?e and barn adjoining parsontige. L. B. Hain g Gateway, Oro. Wapinitia Auto Stage Leaves Maupin, 8 a. m. Leaves Wapinitia, 1 .0 p. m V. ROBERTS, Prop J A new shipment of pianos in this week at the Maupin Drug store, Call in and see the prett) models. If you are a musician try them out. White River Mrs. Nelson at Sherar hotel is very sick. Miss Pearl Thompson is taking rare nf her. J"hn Turiison and (Veil made a trip to Wapinilia last Tuesday ac companied by Mr. Swigart of Portland. H. A. Muller is moving his house from Tygh Valley to his ranch. Hugh Ashley is helping;. Mrs. Tunison and Cetil ami (Iraco Head motored to C. E. Tunison's Saturday, returning to this place Sunday afternoon. The telephone company of White River held a meeting last Saturday night and decided to re tain their switchboard in Tvgh V.,lley. Fire Proof Free Phones WHEN IN PORTLAND MAKE YOUR NOME AT THE Palace Hotel Washington Street & Tvvelflh the Cleanest Rooms in tru Citf Modern in Every EMail Large Grand Ffcor Lobby Close in to Shopping and Itaatrj District Gcod Service Vtne Famished Steam Heat SMI YTHE 1MSTH A patriotic address given by one of the best speakers in Wasco county, a home taleut play entitled "The Case of Smith vs. Smythe" and an old fashioned dance are features cf the program which will be given in Shattuck's hall, Maupin, Oregon, March 8, 1918. Proceeds will be given to the Y. M. C. A. and Smileage associations. Reserved seats for the play and speech 35 and 50 cents. Dance tickets 11.00 Following is the cast of characters Judge V'isehead a very profound legal light W. H. Staats Lawyer Pro-for-it - - Wallace Kellogg Lawyer Con-agiuit - - J. R. Woodcock Widower Plentiful Smith, the defendant O. B. Derthick Widow Rebecca Smythe, the plaintiff Mrs. G. L. Harpham Officer of the court - , - The Book Agent Hiram Hoecake, a farmer THE JURY The Deaf man The Cripple Dutch Sourkrout Maker Stuttering Man ' ... The Tramp Man with the hair lip ... Strong minded Woman - Muldoon, an Irishman Rev. Tbusly, a colored preacher Ajax Mosely, a colored chicken thief Farmer Taterpatch Editor of the Weekly Cfeeper Leu Anderson W. H. Talcott Job Crablrte F. D. Stuart F. A. Covey W. H. Williams H. F. Styer J. L. Harpham Burton Thurber Ethel Kellogg W. H. Durham John Stovall L. S. Stovall Clarence Cowdell Ralph Kaiser pnngf Let E. A. Cyr mend and oil your harness. Eriug yonr shoe repairing also. For Sale New Rook Island two bottom 14 inch steel walking gang bargain. T. J. Seufett, Jr., Box CO, Wamie, Ore. 3np Alfalfa Meal, Maupin Whse. Chandler & Price pilot jobber, almost new, 12 mailing galleys and a gasoline lamp for sale at this office. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, December 20th. 1917, NOTICE is hereby given that, Murdina A. Rutherford, formerly Murdina A. McLeod, of Criterion, Oregon, who on July 5th, 1911, made Homestead En try No 09226 and on July 2d, 1914 made additional Homestead Entrv No. 0135G8, for s1-2ne1-4, seI-4 nwI-4, sl-2swl-4, n1-2se1-4, seI-4 seI-4, Section 20, Township 6 South, Range 15 East Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of inten tion to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before F. D. Stuart, U. S. Commissioner, at Maupiu, Oregon, on the 11th day of February, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: II. M. Green, R. H. DeCamp, C. A. Dims, D. L. Rutherford all of Criterion, Oregon, H. Frank Wqodcock, Efgister. a ucki 1 9rt. i --l L-J .imij-ijiill. Notice O. B. Derthick has started in the real estate business in connec tion with a Portland firm who are in a position to send prospec tive buyers tbis way, and is listing land for sale. He already has a number of bargains to show prospective?. Wood hr sale Inquire at Times office. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, ' U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregou, Maick I, 1918. notick is hereby given that BarAholraa B. Gervais ot Orasv allev. Orezon, who on December 26, 1954, made Home' tend RntrvNo. cd::S. for hi-? Ti-4, ;.vi-:3t:i-4, Et-4SSt-4- cc- ,!"U 21, EI 2N-7TM. SWI-4NFI-4. cctiou 2?, Town-Aip 3 fouth, Rtngeii5En;t, Willntuette Meridi an, Ii; filed notif-'e of inteutu n tr makje Final three year Proof to Ptablisf: claim to the land above ,Wtscribt d, before F. D. Stuart, U. ',J. CoiO mtssioner, at Maupin. Ore fcon, et) the 24th da;.' 3f April i?:S Claimant namen 1 as '-.witnesses, C. W: Steed, Irwin A. Plall, John !.M. trewn, James E. Brown, all of NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles, Oregon, January nth, 1918. Notice is hereby given that Fred L. Stradley of Grass Valley, Oregon, who on October 5th 1914, made Homestead Entry No. 013918, for Lots 2- 3, sr-2Nvt-4, Section 5, Township 4 South, Range 15 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of inten tion to make Final Three Year Proof," to establish claim to the land above described, before F. D. Stuart, U. S. Commissioner at Maupiu, Oregon. 011 the 18th day of February,. 191S. Claimant names as witnesses: John Wray, David Jones, James Erowu, C. M. Eaton, all of Grass Valley, Oregon. H. Frank Woodcock, Register. Seeds Call at this office for flower and vegetable seeds, compliments of Congressman N. G. Sinnott. Are you using The Times liner column when you have any thing to sell or want to buy some article that your neighbor may have or wishes to dispose of? If not try a want ad in that column. We are sure that it will bring results, Some of the farmers dont like to be skinned, but Dad Coale still buvs skins and hides. Why take a hath in a wash tub when you can get a real bath at Styer's barber shop in the Post oflice building, Maupiu. Large sheets of carbon paper for embroidery stamping at the Times NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Iuteiior, U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles, reeon, February 27.I1, 1918 NOTICE is hereby given that Bsesie Smith Aubrey, formerly Bessie Smith, of Maupin, Oregon, who ou May 2, 1914, mads Homestead Eutry no, 013042 and on February 8, 1915, made additional Homestead ! Entry no. 014417, for WI-2SEI-4, SEI-4SEI-4.' Sec. 14, " -WI-2XE1-4, sf!.4xe1-4, Ni-2 SEt-4, Section 23, Township 5 South, Range 14 East, Willam ette Meridiau ha f.l-d notice of intention to make Final three! year Procf, to establish claim to the land above described, before F. D. Stuart, U. S. Commissioner, at Maupin, Oregon, ou the 34th day of April, 191S. (5 .trass Vallev, Orea-w. np ! Rejister. IN' THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR WASCO COUNTY L. D. Kelly, 1'luinlirT, ") vs. SUMMONS M. F. Goble, ) Defendant IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and answer the Couiplaiut filed in the above entitled suit on or before six weeks from the ISth day of January, 1913, the date of the first publication of this summon? and if you fail to so appear and au swer said complaint plaintiff will apply to the Court for a decree foreclosing the mortgage described in said complaint and executed by you on the 4th day of August, 1914, to secure a promissory note for the sum of Three Hundred and Fifty Dollars (fSbO), together with interest thereon from said dato at the rate of eight per cent per anutlrn until paid. That the El-2 of sl-4, Sec. 3. Twp. ( S. R. 12 E. W. M., con taining eighty acres, be sold in the manner provided by law and that the proceeds cf such sale be applied in payment of the costs of such sale, the costs of this suit, principal and interest and attorn ey's fep?. You are hereby notified that this summons is ?ervel upon you NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon, January 16, 1918. Notice is hereby given that M. Goldie Fryman of Maupiu, Oregon, who, on Decmbr 31st, 1914, made Homestead Entry no. 014299, for SWI-4-SWI-4, Sec. 21, WI-2NWI-4, SEI-4NWI-4, wr-2 , NEI-4, SHI-4NEI-4, NWI-4SEI-4, Sec. 28, T'p. 4 South, Range 15 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed no tice of intention to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the laud above described, before F. D. Stuart, U. S. Commissioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on the 25th day of February, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: F. S. Fleming, A, W. Fargher, Jerome Buzan, F. H. Fryman, all of Maupin, Oregon. H. Frank Woodcock, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, ' United States Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, January 23, 1918, NOTICE is hereby given that Ralph Chandler of Waniic, Oregon who on March 28,. 19 13, made Homestead Entry, no, 911486 for W1-2NE1-4, SI-2NW14 Section 35th Township 4 South, Range 12 East, WiHani ette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before F. D. Stuart U. S. Commifsioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on the 4th day of March 1918. Claimant names as wituesses; Mike Urban, Ed Chaudler, W. E. Zumwalt aud Frank Wing all of Wamic Oregon. H. Feanc Woodcock, P Register. NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S- Land Office at The Dalles Oregon, January 31, 1918. NOTICE is hereby given that Charles H. Higgins, of Shaniko, Oregon, who on May 3rd, 1913, made Homestead, En try No. 011633 a"d n Oct. 13th, 19I4, made additional Homestead Entry No. 013945, for West Half, (1-2) Section, 24 Township 7 South. Range 15 East, Wil lamette Meridian has filed no. lice of intention to make final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land aboye described, bofore Register and Receiver, U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles, Oregon on the iSth da of March! ihS. Claimant names as witnesses: Joseph T. McClellan, of Kaskela, Oregon, John Thomas of Shaniko' Oregon, Orville E. Hiscins. of 1 :.. J uaunani names as wuuees: , -r . " ,7 Shaniko Oregon TMnm,H TWl - t?.i 1.. w ii t:. 1 a oraer vi lue iwn coun inaae ; . :. ' C. Richard son, Johu Foley, T. A. St. Denuis, all of Maupiu, Oregon. H. Frank Woodcock, Register, Taul W. Child-re, Attorney for Plaintiff, Rsaidinj at The Da"es, Ore4on. ing, of Criterion, Oregon, Charles h. ilou of I He Dalles, Oregon. H. Frank Wcocock. Register.