The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, March 01, 1918, Image 3

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    vtsTERN TbucR Attachment
Over 1000 Satisfied Owners in
Washington and Oregon.
The most vital point of a truck attach
ment ii the bearings. The Western is
the only truck attachment made with a
Two-inch Timben Bearing. Other spe
cifications in portion.
Why Buy an Inferior make?
A. J. LORMOR, Factory Distributor.,
533-35 Slav Stttel. Portland, Oregon.
Why Pay Prices for Soaps?
Stnd a $2 and receive by return mail $3 worth at
retail price f Wash and Hand Soaps, together
with Auto and Furniture polishes and for a prem
ium, the Formulas to make at home at very low
cost. Writ today.
R.&F. MF'G., CO., Inc.,
94 Eleventh St., PORTLAND, ORE.
200 Rooms
100 Baths
Near Both
Hotel Hoyt
Comer Sixth and Hoyt Sta., Portland, Ore.
LOU HIMES, Manager.
RATBS:-76c to S2. SPECIAL-Week or Month
Broadway at Flanders, Portland, Or.
We Pay the
Highest Market Prices
Guarantee quick returns; charge
no commission. Make trial shipment
and get the most (or your FURS.
191 Broadway, PORTLAND, ORE.
CTflTi? Ktmrra X
A telegram received recently by
Mrs. L. Jackson, of Celilo, officially
announced the rescue of her son, Lee,
from the Tuscania.
Fears of lack of ice for Baker county
are over. The weather for the past
few days has been sufficiently cold to
freeze ice to a sufficient thickness for
harvesting and large supplies are now
being gathered.
A shipment of 16 boxes of candy
was last week sent to the Klamath
county boys in France by the Women's
Kenei uorps or Klamatn r ails, ac
cording to Mr. Clyde K. Branderburg,
who is at the head of the movement.
Try Grandmother's Old Favorite
Recipe of Sage Tea and
l3 V IVTDrllT
Write for Price Lit
An animal with werms cannot
thrive. Keep your livestock free
from worms by giving them Dr.
David Roberts'
WORM POWDER. Price 50c.
Hogs wiii fatten quicker, horses
, will look sleeker, poultry will be
healthier. Read the Pnctical Uasw
Vrterinriia. Seti for Irec stskltt m Astnisi
Cowl If st staler itsr tew, writ.
Ir. Davie Robert! Vet. Co., 100 Grand Ave., Waukesha, Nit
OCHOCO Irrigation Project land; owner offers
1M actea, part irrigated, for $23(10; easy terms; 6.
Write bam ttllia, Prineville, Oregon.
Wife Furnished It
Mrs. Jinks My husband was a con
firmed smoker when I married him,
hut today he never smokes.
Mrs. Binks Good! To break off a
lifetime habit like that requires a
strong will.
Mrs. Jinks Well, that's what I've
got! Ideas.
Precise Figuring.
"So you get a dollar a year for work
ing for the nation?"
"To be financially exact," replied
Mr. Dustin Stax, "I don't get a whole
dollar. I have to pay a little back as
Income tax." Washington Star.
Rural Finance.
Road Commissioner But who is to
pay for such a fine road as you pro
pose? Citizen The motorists. It will
tempt them to break the speed laws
and their fines will pay for the road.
At The Show.
"Hera wa are all ready to begin the
performance, but where is the Human
"He can't come, sir. His wife's been
swatting him." Baltimore American.
Is the result of using Peta
luma Incubators and Brood
ers. That's Um kind you
want. Write for our Dig
Free Catalog No. CO.
Petal uina. California
Thousands of trained roans' peopl needed.
BehnJte-Wolker Business College. Portland, places
students ia positions. Enroll any time. Free
Hides, Pelts, W Woo! & Mohair
ft not J mem Vrfc W rricn mi See Tib.
rertlaae. Ore., Seattle, Wa., Belli nsham, Wa.
Veal. Pork. Beef,
Poultry, Butter, Efts
and Farm Produce.
to the Ok! Reliable r!Trdtn house wttk a
record of tt rw V rVo.r Dealings, sod
kassnnd of TOP MARKET "RlUJ. .
e-dT Freed Street PerlWd.Oie.eei
P.N. U.
No. t, 1918,
- Within two hours after a Bend news
paper had printed a request for volun
tary pledges of 50 cents a month to
pay the rent of the room used by the
Red Cross chapter, 11 of the 12 pledges
needed were received over the tele
phone and by personal call.
The Salem Kings Produce company
has received telegraphic advices that
the government has awarded it a con
tract to furnish 600 tons of dehydrated
potatoes for the army. This repre
sents 6,000,000 pounds of potatoes
in their original state.
The Klamath Falls Municipal rail
way has now reached Klamath avenue,
the present terminus there, and train-
loads of dirt for the grade are being
hauled daily to the spot in that city,
where the dedication exercises were
held in the big celebration on July 3
last year.
M. S. Stockwell, of Canyon City,
has filed an application with State En
gineer Lewis for the use of 22 second
feet of water from Canyon Creek to
irrigate 1800 acres of land on the
branch above Canyon City. He states
the main canal will be about eight
miles long and cost about $10,000.
An epidemic of rabies at Union, fol
lowing the rampage of a mad dog, was
reported this week to State Veterinar
ian Lytle by Dr. A. G. Paddock, of
Union. He said the stricken dog bit
half the dogs in Union, compelling
large numbers of them to be killed,
and also attacked a man and some cat
Three fatal accidents are included
in the total of 481 reported to the In
dustrial Accident commission for the
week ending February 22, inclusive.
The fatal accidents reported were
Mike Huntley, logger, Coquille; Wil
liam Murphy, steel worker, Portland,
and J. B. Altman, shipbuilder, Portland.
For the first time in about two
weeks the Southern Pacific company
again reported a car shortage to the
Public Service commission. The re
port was a shortage of 27 closed and 24
open cars. The Spokane, Portland &
Seattle reported a shortage of 85 and
the O.-W. R. & N. company a short
age of 409.
Warden Murphy reported Wednesday
that the work of threshing the 1917
flax crop has started at the state peni
tentiary and it is expected retting will
begin soon. The crop last year was
very light. There are still about 90
tons of flax from the 1916 crop to ret,
Warden Murphy stating that the dila
tory methods of ex-Superintendent
Crawford, of the flax plant, had result
ed in delay in retting the balance of
that crop.
It is up to the farmers of the North
west, says a dispatch from Pendleton,
to decide immediately the way they
will handle their grain crop this year,
If they are to continue to sack it, they
muBt place their orders now, despite
the high price prevailing. If they are
to bulk their grain, preparation must
be made immediately.
As a means of doing what she can in
aid of our country's success in the war,
Mrs. Curt Muller, of Bend, has started
a French class, open without charge to
all who may be called to serve in
France. A room for the class has been
provided by the local school board,
Mrs. Muller is a native French woman,
She already has a number of pupils
who are taking this means to fit them
selves for service abroad. ,
Doris Drinkhard, a Brownsville
school girl in the primary grades, re
cently found some ground glass In the
peanut butter sandwiches she had tak
en to school for lunch. Teachers,
mothers and merchants were told of the
peanut butter, and when the butter
was examined under a microscope it
was found to contain quantities of
broken glass, two spoonfuls of the but
ter yielding 12 pieces.
Fred Nevis and Joseph Schrader,
self-confessed I. W. W., are being
held in Hood River, to await action by
the Federal grand jury in Portland.
E. Watkins, from the United States
district attorney's office in Portland
examinted the prisoners. He spent
some time at Cascade Locks, where the
men were arrested for L W. W. agita
tion, gathering evidence against
Schrader and Nevis, both of whom, as
is attested by papers found on them,
are I. W. W. organizers.
The memorial services for the late
Elmer Alfred Huston, who lost bis life
on the Tuscania, were held at the
Methodist church in Prineville Sundiy.
Elmer Afred Huston was born in High
land, N. C. He moved with bis par
ents to Oregon 14 yean ago.
I ...
I David Enselman, who resides on
Canyon Creek, was arrested last week
By District Game Warden I. B. Hazel
tine, for killing deer out of season.
About half a venison was confiscated
Iby Warden Hazeltine, which was sold
and the money given to the Red Cross.
Enselman was fined $25.
ru vi 1 1 in nrnriMro
Almost everyone knows that Sage
Tea and Sulphur, properly compound
ed, brings back the natural color and
lustre to the hair when faded, streak
ed or gray. Years ago the only way
to get this mixture was to make It at
home, which Is mussy and trouble
Nowadays we limply ask at any
drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sul
phur Compound." You will get a large
bottle of this old-time recipe improved
by the addition of other ingredients for
about 60 cents. Everybody uses this
preparation now, because no one can
possibly tell that you darkened your
hair, as it does it so naturally and
evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft
brush with it and draw this through
your hair, taking one small strand al
time; by morning the gray hair dis
appears, and after another application
or two, your hair becomes beautifully
dark, thick and glossy and you look
years younger. Wyeth's Sage and
Sulphur Compound is a ielightful toll
et requisite. It Is not Intended for the
cure, mitigation or prevention of dis
ease. Adv.
Nut Loaf With Orange Sauce 1 c
English walnuts (ground), 2 c bread
crumbs, 1-3 c butter (melted in 1 c hot
water), 1 egg, 1 tb melted butter (sub
stitute) and c hot water for basting.
Add nuts to bread crumbs. Pour melt
ed butter over well-beaten egg, and
mix with nuts and bread. Form into a
loaf, and bake on buttered pan for one
half hour. Baste with butter and
water. Serve hot with sauce.
Orange Sauce 1 tb butter substi
tute, 1 tb flour, 2 tb ground nuts, 1
orange (diced pulp and grated rind),
1 c water. Blend butter substitute
and flour. Add ground nuts, orange,
and water. Boil until well mixed, and
do not strain.
On Condition.
"What do you think of this idea of
getting next to the soil?"
All right, if you can strike pay
Do you believe in the power of
mind over matter?"
"What matter?"
"Oh, never mind, what matter."
A Good Reason
"Why don't they put the national
flag on postage stamps?"
Don't suggest such a plan.
tongue would be against it."
Very Much 8o.
Those German sea commanders
seem to be getting themselves In deep
"I should say so at the rate their
crews are drowning them." Baltimore
To keeD clean and healthy take Dr,
Pierce's re isant Pellets, ihey regu
late liver, bowels and stomach.
Force of Habit
De Quiz I wonder why tkat nan
walking ahead of us continues to look
down at the pavement as he mopes
De Whiz Don't you know him?
That's Highup, the professional aere-
naut. Brooklyn Citizen.
of Consumption,
Scrofula, Grip,
Malaria, and
many other dis
eases means
fight or die for
all sf us. These
germs are every
where in the air we breathe. The odds
are in favor of the germs, If the liver
Is inactive and the blood Impure.
What is needed most Is aa increase
n the germ-fighting streagth. Te do
this successfully you need te put on
healthy flesh, rouse the liver to vigor
ous action, so it will threw off these
germs, and purify the blood so that
there will be no "weak spot" or soil
for germ-growth.
We claim for Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery that it does all this
In a way peculiar to itself.
It cures troubles caused ay torpid
liver or impure blood.
The Common Sense Medical Ad
viser," latest edition, in French cloth
binding, will be sent free on receipt of
five dimes or Btamps to pay the cost
of printing and mailing only. Address
Dr. Pierce, Prest. Invalids' Hotel, Buf
falo, N. Y. Adv.
was your old
"Where was your old man weuad-
"In the abdomen,
"Where's that?"
"Don't know somewhere in France,
I suppose." Cassell'a Journal.
With the Fingers!
Says Corns Lift Out
Without Any Pain
You reckless men and women who
are pestered w'th corns and who bare
at least once a week Invited an awful
death from lockjaw or blood poison
are now told by a Cincinnati authority
to use a drug called freezone, which
the moment a few drops are applied
to any corn or callous the soreness
relieved and soon the entire corn or
callous, root and all, lift oft with the
Freezone dries the moment It la ap
plied, and simply shrivels the corn or
callous without Inflaming or even Ir
ritating the surrounding tusue
skin. A small bottle of freezone
cost very little at any of the drug
stores, but will positively lid one
feet of every hard or soft corn
hardened callous. If your druggist
hasn't any freezone he caa get It
any wholesale drug house for you.
Bhlp us your teed, fat prodoea. N. ooraraii.kffl
Immediate permenta. We will pay yea:
Drone ad perk. We.
proud Teal, email. 1 Se.
Rie- Trel uo te ) Ibe.. lie
Liv chickens, 22c Lire looolais, ISe.
Dmerd turkeys 30c. Lies tarkers 20c
Live duck. 72c Drewd geeeo 20e
UngeeeolSe. Dressed snail seals. 12c.
"Fighting the Beef Treet"
War Recipes
Cut out the following recipes and
paste them in your cook book to help
you Hooverixe. They have been
thoroughly tested by instructors and
special lecturer in the department
of home economic at the University
of Washington.
In Perfect Aoeord.
Buttonholed by an overinquteltive
'journalist, a British cabinet minister
.administered a neat rebuke.
"How long do you think the war will
i last?" was the final question of a long
'series, asked the interviewer.
I Very promptly the minister asked:
"How long is a piece of string?"
The interviewer stared at him In as
"I I don't know," he gasped.
"Neither do I." said the minister.
cordially. "I'm glad we've agreed about
something. Good morning." Exchange.
For Pimply Faces.
To remove pimples and blackheads
smear them with Cutlcura Ointment
Wash off in five minutes with Cutlcura
Sonp and hot water. For free samples,
ndilress "Cutlcura, Dept. X, Boston."
At druggists and by mall. Soap 25,
Ointment 25 and 50. Adv.
Proof of Perfection.
"They say Smythe has a wonderful
knowledge of women."
"He must have. He can match a
sample to satisfy his wife." Exchange
Garfield Tea, by purifying the blood,
eradicates rheumatism, dyspepsia and
many chronic ailments. Adv.
Princeton Cheese 1 c canned toma
toes, i ts soda, 2 tb butter substitute,
ts made mustard, few drops onion
juice, 2 tb cornstarch, 1 c milk, 1 lb.
grated cheese, 1 egg beaten. Cook the
tomatoes five minutes, add soda and
strain. Cook butter substitute and
cornstarch together. Ad d tomato.
Remove from fire, add milk, cheese,
mustard and onion juice. Add egg.
Do not stir much. Serve on toasted
graham bread for lunch.
Shrimps a la Creole 1 c shrimps (or
salmon or tuna fish) 1 c, boiled rice, 1
heaping tb butter substitute, 1 c
minced celery, 1 onion minced, 1 can
pimento, 1 c milk, f c catsup (not too
sweet). Boil all together for few
minutes. Add f c catsup, and boil
again. Serve hot in pattee shells or on
Peanuts and Onions 2 qt cooked
onions (steamed or boiled), J c pea
nuts, roasted and chopped, 2-3 qt white
sauce, salt, pepper. Put one-half the
peanuts into the white sauce and mix
this with the onions. Sprinkle the
remaining half of the peanuts on top,
Quantity: 10 servings.
County to Vote on Road Bonds.
Olympia The county commissioners
have adopted a resolution setting
March 26 as the date for the county
election to determine whether or not
$600,000 worth of road bonds shall be
issued, the money to be used for pav
ing the strip of unpaved road on the
Olympia-Tacoma highway and on the
other main county thoroughfares. It
is planned to pave the rest of the Ta-
coma road at once if the bond issue
carries. Provision also is made in the
bond issue for a concrete bridge over
the Des Chutes river in Olympia.
Boosts Meat Production.
Colfax, Wash. B. E. Smead, the
pig club specialist lor eastern Wash
ington, is traveling through Whitman
county, visiting schools and commer
cial clubs in the interest of general
club work, especially live animal clubs,
A Grippe Epidemic
Every winter Health Boards
warn against this weakening
disease which often strikes
those who are least prepared
to resist it You should strengthen
yourself against grippe by taking
which is the cream of cod liver oil,
refined, purified and so skilfully
prepared that it enriches the blood
streams, creates reserve strength
and fortifies the lungs and throat
Don't delay It may mean much.
Use scon s
Refuse Substitutes
Butt Bowse. BloomOeld. N. J. IMS
Vou ftet the hltrhest mlces and auick returns
when you ship to this old established and
reliable Fur House. It's your nearest market.
Raw Fur Dealers- Fur Manufacturers
149 Broadway, Dept. O PORTLAND, ORE.
ffyk Cow's Haalth- First of AW
5 t "'i"1 of tl" millt y'el(i f,rst nd tno cow'" health afterward is putt
the cart before the horse. Manv "noor mtlW.r."
systems working properly to become good producers.
nlyneed to have their
KOW-KTJRE. the prpnt rnw mrlirm m.V.. ...... 1-..1,U .n J L..L. .L
healthy. Working on the digcutive and genital organs, it is a prompt. sure'
T . , , , ' ."eB.. uu 1GCU UMII
"u ei.iu pacxaes.
Wrff s (or "Tht Home Cow Doctor," hit, d-j
i j .'Jr.
Wanted to Know.
"All of you who never told a He
raUe your hands," said the teacher
to her small pupils.
'Please, teacher," piped little Jlm-
mle, "Is it a lie if nobody finds it out?"
Proving It
"Jubbe is a man of great promise,"
"Hml So he's been borrowing from
you, too!" Exchange.
Maybe Expensive la Meant
Sign of Tremont street: "Our eggs
are like Caesar'B wife." Was the lady
fresh? Boston Transcript
Wheat Bulk basis for No. 1 grade
Hard White Bluestem, Early Bart,
Allen, Galgalus, Martin Amber, $2.05,
Soft White Palouse bluestem, forty-
fold, white valley, Gold Coin, White
Russian, $2.03. White club Little
club, Jenkins club, white hybrids, So-
nora, $2,01. Red Walla Red
Russian, red hybridB, Jones fife, Cop-
pel, $1.98. No. 2 grade, 3c less. No,
3 grade 6c less. Other grades hanledd
by sample.
Flour Patents, $10.
Millfeed Net mill prices, car lotB
Bran, $30 per ton; shorts, $32 per
ton; middlings, $39; mixed cars and
less than carloads, 50c more; rolled
barley, $660? 68; rolled oats, $66.
Butter Cubes, extras, 48c; prime
firsts, 47 ic Jobbing prices: Prints,
extras, 62c; cartons, lc extra;
butterfat, No. 1, 65c delivered.
Eggs Ranch, current receipts, 48c;
candled, 60c; selects, 62c per dozen.
Poultry Hens, 26Jff26c; springs,
24; broilers, 29(S30r; geeBe, 16(i18c;
turkeys, live, 24(a,25c; dressed, choice,
Veal Fancy, 20c per pound.
Pork Fancy, 20 Jc per pound.
Sack vegetables Carrots, $1.60 per
sack; beets, $1.50 (Vfl 2.00; turnips,
$1.60; parsnips, $1.50(;2.00.
Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, $1(W
1.25 per hundred; Yakimas, $1.60;
sweet potatoes, &m6Jc per pound.
Onions Oregon, buying price, $1.76
per hundred. -
Green Fruits Apples, $1(5,2.26;
pears, $2.25; cranberries, eastern,
$17.60 per barrel.
February 26, 1918.
Med. to choice steers. .. .$10.8611 1.00
Good to med. steers 9.35m 10.36
Com. to good steers 8. OWd 1 0. 00
Choice cows and heifers. 8.009.60
Com. to good cows and hf 6.75or) 8. 16
Canners 4.250j 6.25
Bulls 6.00MI 8.00
Calvea 7.60fri,12.00
Storkers and feeder. . . . 6.&0j) 9.60
Prime light hogs $16.85f7il7.00
Prime heavy hogs 16.60fal6.85
Plgt 14.00W15.26
Bulk 16.00(416.85
Western lambs $15.0015.60
Valley lamb 14.6TM16 00
Yearling 13.00CrtlS.60
Wether 12.60113.00
So There.
First Little Girl Your papa and
mamma are not real parents. They
adopted you.
Second Little Girl Well, that makes
It all the more satisfactory. My par
ents picked me out and yours had to
take you just as you came. Exchange
URINE Granulated Eyelids,
nyyyS Sore Eyes, Eyes Inflamed by
f, r Sun, Dutl and Wind quickly
AlW 1 relieved hu Murine. Trv it in
ZfV-tc C " Eves and In Baby's Eye.
IUUR LlLJNoSBiartlai.JustEyeCMlorl
Murine Eye Remedy .R'ffi'".".'
By. Salve, in Tube. 86c. PV Book of tht e-'e. free.
Ask Marine Ere Remedy Co.. Chicago
Wanted to Know.
Archie's parents are divorced and
the little fellow spends part of the
time with his father and part with his
mother. The other day he said to his
nurse: "When I die will I go six
months to one place and six months to
the other?" Boston Transcript
Whenever there ts a tendency to
constipation, sick-headache, or bilious
ness, take a cup of Garfield Tea, All
druggists. Adv.
Or Blow a Shoehorn.
Mrs. Johnslng Can't stay long,
Mrs. Snow. I just come to see et yo'
wouldn't join de mission band.
Mrs. Snow Fo' de lan' sakes, hon
ey, doan come to me! I can t even
play a mouf organ. Christian Register.
The Suitable One.
"I see where they are making the
convicts In some prison out west knit
sweaters and socks for the soldiers."
"I suppose, then, this prison work ts
done with the chain stitch." Balti
more American.
Harmless to flush Kidneys and
neutralize irritating
Classifying the Idiot.
In a Georgia court the judge
served to the defendant: i ,
"You seem to have committed a
grave assault on plaintiff just because
he differed from you In an argument"
'There was no help for It, your hon
or," said the offender. "The man wa
a perfect Idiot"
"Well, you must pay a fine of $10
and the costs, and In future you should
try to understand that human Idiots
are human beings, the same as you
and I." Case and Comment
As wa grow more sensible, we refuse
drug cathartics and take Instead Na
ture' herb cure, Oarfield Tea, Adv.
Dinner Guest I've brought my own
HoBtcss How sweet of you! Bos
ton Transcript
Kidney and Bladder weakness result
from uric acid, says a noted authority
The kidneys filter this acid from the
blood and pass It on to the bladder,
where it often remains to Irritate and
Inflame, causing a burning, scalding
sensation, or setting up an Irritation
at the neck of the bladder, obliging
you to seek relief two or three times
during the night The sufferer 1 In
constant dread, the water passes
sometime wltb a scalding sensation
and la very profuse; again, there Is
difficulty in avoiding it
Bladder weakness, most folk call
It, because they can't control urina
tion. While It Is extremely annoying
and sometimes very painful, this Is
really one of the most simple ailment
to overcome. Get about four ounces
of Jad Salts from your pharmacist
and take a tablespoonful In a glass of
water before breakfast continue this
for two or three days. This will neu
tralize the acids In the urine so It no
Soldiers Soothe
Skin Troubles
with Cuticura
!Soap 25c Ointment 25c i 50c
big knee like tins, out your none
may rave a Duncn or oruue on rus
ankle, hook, stifle, knee or throat
will clean it or! without laying up
the horse. No blister, no nalr
cone. Concentrated only a (ew
drops required st an application. $2.60 per
teaie setirerH. Deerrtbe rwir Utt naeciil laMrernoas
vu Book I A free. ABSOKBINK, JR.. mt sea
arptic untaeat tor eMnkina. reduce. Faialel Bveillnra,
longer I a source of Irritation to the I uiim. wees. n.un. vartro. vrimi nun
bladder and urinary organs which , re.s i.u-o.. and teatestirsssiea
, . . bM iefdeUfttee HiJr I. tT" USA lT
tflU mill. IB HIV. k-hbi ' .1 ' ... . ,
and Is made from the acid of grape
and lemon juice, combined with lltbla,
and Is used by thousands of folkr who
sre subject to urinary disorders caus
ed by urlo acid Iriitatloa. Jad Salts
Is splendid for kidney and cause no
bad effecta whatever.
Her you have a pleasant, efferves
cent llthla-water drink, which quickly
relieve bladder trouble. Adv.
aradssferoas. Relief I prompt ftoei Pis.'
Remedy far Cm-Its and Coeds. IScctlre and
sara ssr yaa aid old. No eplates la