TUMflTC IY7 J.K ) Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL 4, NO. 20 MAUPIN SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. MARCH 1, 1918 THE YEAR $1.50 SENT IN BY OUR Lit. Pine Grove John Boen, employee at N. G, Hedin's saw mill, was cut in the main saw on the right forearm Friday forenoon. The cut may prove serious as some cords were cut and may render the strength of the hand and arm less. Mr. Hedin's mill emproyees are all under the State Accident Commis sion Insurance protection and Mr. Boen will get prompt relief at the Commission rates. Mr. and Mr?. Virgil May field have been enjoying a whirlwind Tygh Valley I. D of an 8 Oregon Hewitt reports the arrival 1-2 pound girl at Albany, All are doing "well. T. C. Jones and sister of Wamic wer.; attending the basket ball game here Monday. John Eohn who had the misfor tune to get his arm caught in a saw at Wapinitia is here under Dr. Shannon's care and doing nicely. Mr. and Mr?. George Foster are visiting the latter's parent E. C. Fitzpalrick this week. Miss M.J. Harper was a busi ness vLitor in Portland last week. Dr. Shannon, K. L. Hauser and E. W. McCorkle were appointed a committee lo interview the Maupin telephone association at the last meeting of the Tygh switchboard associatien at which of social eyents in the past weel dances, receptions and more dances lime there .were no bids in for run in succession. Everyone is pleased uing -the board for the ensuing in spk th snirit. nf the voiuifer set ve:tr and the present switchman makes it a "hoss and a boss". W, H. McAtee made a business trip to the Willamette valley the past week. George Lofton looked after ths band, of sheep in Mr. Mc Atee' s absence. R. D. Hewitt went to Kingsley Saturday to get his car where it got stelled in the snow a week ago. T. J. Swift of Wamic was a call er in this burg on, Tuesday. Clyde Oliver and Elmer Munier were Maupin callers Monday. Wamic News to show them a good time as they start the long journey of wedded bliss. N. G. Hedin and family attend ed tne Redmond deliberations of the Central Oregon Irrigation Echool 18th to 23rd. All the Cen tral Oregon projects from Wapi nitia Irrigation Co. ou the north to the Btato line on tho south were represented. The instruction was vers high class and of the most practical kind. The best of au thorities in the state delivered lectures for the week. was retained for another month, a meeting to be called in the mean time. J. T. Harper will install the gan station recently purchased from Shattuck Eros, in front of bis store. The high school basket ball team are having some good prac tise games with some of the older and heavier teams, The spelling contest between Tygh and Wamic schools that was held here on the 22nd resulted in a victory for the former. This DURHAM Jeweler and WatchmaKer Maupin, Oregon All Work Guaranteed OPTICAL WORK Fraley (EL Vanderpools Maupin Garage and Blacksmithin All Rinds of Automobile Accessories First Class Mechanics Gasoline and Oils Fire Proof Phone Cars for Hire Free Air Order your Combine Harvester NOW The number of these machines that we can get are limited and we are compelled to get our orders in at this time. SHATTUCK BROS. zee msassxn: Geo. Duncan made an early trip to Sherar Sunday a week ago taking his brother Marion who was returning to Camp Lewis, Wn after a two days' visit with his parents and family, Miss Dorothy McCorkle return ed Sunday a week ago to Tho Dalles after spending a week at her home Richard Pa'mateer attended (he funeral of his aunt, Mrs. K'iza Traxtell at Happy Ridg-e Sunday. Mrs. Traxtell died in the WiHam ett Valley and the remains were brought- there for burial. Will Beaty of Hood River attended the funeral also. Some misuuder standing made arrangements for the funeral to be held at Tygh and Phillip and Ernest McCorkle and M. Munger vtentto Sherar Saturday to meet the funeral nor teg, but later Mr. Beaty learned that interment would be made at Happy Ridge and Ernest McCor kle aud J. MoCarty went to Friend and conveyed the remains to that place. Mrs. Traxtell was a former resident of this place, having lived here some 28 years ago with tier former nueband, Wesly Palmateer. Her husband Joseph Traxtell and five children survive her. Mrs. Traxtell won many friends by her genial dispo sition ' A wintery spell visited this place last week when the ther mometer registered 21 degrees on the nights of the 13th and 19lh and 18 degrees above on the 20th. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Woodcock entertained a number of their friends Monday night with cards. Icecream and cake were served. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Swift gave a card party Wednesday night. Luncheon was seryed. Tygh Valley gave a dinner and school entertainment to the Wamic pupil Friday. A spelling contest between the two schools was won by the Tygh students. A pro gram commemorating Ceorge Washington was pleasingly rend ered. Many attended the enter tainment which waa held in theO F. hall. Among those from here witnessing the entertainment were W. E. Woodcock, Mrs. L. Morely and Mrs. T. J. Swift. Andy Booth and Willard Wing gave a dunce in the Mercer house Friday night. A basket supper was served. Henry Miller furn ished music for the dance, j Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller came near losing their house by ! fire Saturday morning -when the roof caught fire, supposedly by an overheated stovepipe. They had 'returned from the Middlebrook dance at about four o'clock in the moruingand had built fire in the heater, the family retiring and sleeping unlit late in tie rooming. George and Fred Miller were bleep ing upstairs and on waking about ten o'clock saw through a man hole iu the ceiling names issuing from the roof and hurriedly gave the alarm. Mr. Miller went to the attic and Mr?. Miller and the boys carried water and band'.'d to him with which he extinguished the fire. Marion Burlingame who happened to be at the Miller home assisted by climbing to the roof. About three feet of the roof had burned on both sides of the pipe before the fire was entirely extin guished. Mr. and Mr?. D. A. Harvey en tertained with cards at their farm home Saturday night. Luncheon was served. A spelling contest between the grown nps aud school children will be held Friday night at the schqoj house. "Grandma Kinworthy" was very ill last week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frankie Palm ateer. The stockmen held a meeting here Saturday afternoon. Willis Norvel and family wer.t to Juniper to visit at the home of Vard Norvel Sunday, Herman Gf9h went to Dalles Sunday. The Wapinitia Items Foley-Murphy John Foley and bride, nee Miss Kate Murphy, arrived Wednesday from San Francisco and are resid ing on the former farm east of Maupin. It will be remembered the wedding was so have taken place a year ago, but a sister of the bride died very suddenly a short time before and the event was postponed until a few days ago. Mrs. Thomas t'aherty is an old friend of the bride and ac companied them from The Dalles. NEWS ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mrs. Traxtle Dead March weather prevails this week. Dee WoodsiJo left Monday for Portland. He intends purchasing some thorough bred Btock while jhereo N. W. Flinn returned home from Portland Sunday. Henry Richardson received a telegram from Portland Thursday saying his mother was very sick. She is an old lesidont of Maupin. Mrs, Foreman aud W. E, Fore man were Maiipin visitors Satur day. . - -7 ( -- Chas. Cline laft the last of 'the week for Hunt's ranch across the Deschutes where he will herd sheep Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brown were visiting at The Dalles lust week. Elmer Brown arrived here Wed nesday from Goldendale, Wn., and is employed at Lu Kelly's. A new S. S. has been organized in tho Powell district. J. M. Powell is superintendent. Henry Holland came up from Holland Sunday iu his Dodge and visited his daughter, Nellie. The Hedin mill finished sawing Monday but a small crew is there piling lumber. About a foot of snow covers the ground there. A dance was given in the Lewis hall Friday night. Robert Tapp writes from Mare Island that he is well and satisfied with his work. He also slated lo his parents that lie would like to tell them what be was doiug, but that it would be giving awayse' crets; he said he had no drilling at all. ' A large crowd was present Fri day night at the community sing at the school house given by our teacher Mrs. Bigbee. They Fpent the evening singing the eld fash ioned s;.i)gs and all had a most Mrs. Joseph Traxtle, for many years a resident of Tygh Valley died very suddenly last Friday at Lebanon where she and her family had been for a few week. Heart failuro was the cause of ber death. The remains were brought to Tygh Valley and interred at the Traxtle honie3tead. v Mis. Traxtle was boru in Iowa 53 years ago and when but five years of age, she with her parents crossed the plains to Oregon, the ttip being made in an ox wagon. She leaves a husband, one son and two daughters. A brother, Mark P. Rowan, also survlyee. Dispatch. Feb. 22. Switchboard Moved in tfiesi The local switchboard has been moved from the drug Etore to the room in the postoffice building formerly occupied by the jewelry store. Tho local lines are connec ted up and the long distance divi sion is also changed, Miss lea Derthick has been employed by the Maupin patrons to operate tl e hoard, : i l.'J'fp Like to Hear it Lecture American Falls, Idaho, 2-25-18 Editor Maupin Times, Enclosed find check for $1.50 for one year's subscription. Our folks send us one once in a while aud we sure enjoy them. Yours truly, J. Ray Tunison. Play Ball Base ball goods on display at the Maupin Drug Store, Good stuff for the money. Church Notice The Shadow of the Cross will be the subject at the I. 0. O. F. hall Sunday night, March 3. This will be .a subject you will be in terested in. The Cross of Christ is' the central theme of both the old and new Testaments. The Bible will be a new book to you if you fully understand this subject. J. A. Reiber, Evangelist. Rev. John G. Hessler, Pastor The pastor will preach morning ... and evening. The subject of the morning wrll be the Jews and the Promised Land. In the evening a "' chalk talk on Solomon's Temple. Sunday School at 10 o'clock. enjoyable lime, The school here lias received a fine new basket ball and will or ganize a team soon and be prepar ed to play at other places. Donald Nelson came home from The Talles Suntlny aud will help with the spring work. Lincoln Hartman came home from Portland Wednesday where he is attending business college. He expects to return the last of the week. A. R.Chase and Miss Martha Beck an visited the different com munities on the Flat Tuesday. They spoke to a full house here in the evening. Part of the progrm consisted in showing quite a col lection of slide pictures taken from over the county and other parts of the stale. Miss Beckan told of the new ways in using the wheat substitutes, She will meet with the club here in about four weeks. A dance was given at the home of Bun Richardson Saturday night On Friday evening, March 8th,' a basket social will be given at the Pine Grove school house for the purpose of '.jiapleting the last payment on the Sunday school organ. Local talent will present a play, "The old Peabody Pew", arranged by Kate Douglas Wiggin from her book of the same name. You are cordially invited to attend Willie Ray, Stella Ray, Naomi Smith aud Agnej Walters are members of the II. S. basket ball team. Mrs. Lou Anderson has been engaged to coach them. The boys of the II. S. expect to organ ize soon. t : The beautiful weather we are! enjoy,! ng is bringing up the wild flowers in abundance, Mr?. W. II. Staats has a number cabbage stumps in her garden which have second growth almost deyelored heads. John McCorkle is the first on the list to advance $(!, a year's phone rent under the newly ar ranged switchboard. AUTOMOBILES Fords Pages Overland Republic Trucks AVTO SERVICE LEAVE YOUR ORDER FOR THE NEW FORD WITH FISCHER AUTO ACCESSORIES Complete line of Tubes and Casings some: of the things that we can do for you do your notary work. SELL YOUR FARM FOR YOU, RENT YOU A SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX, BUY YOUR WHEAT. BARLEY AND OATS, TAKE CARE OF YOUR BANKING BUSINESS. DO YOUR UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER WORK. GIVE US A TRIAL, WE CAN AND WIiJl MARK GOOD MAUPIN STATE BANK