The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, January 25, 1918, Image 3

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    We Want Immediately
Prices are higher than ever.
Send for Raw Fur prict list today.
Dept. K.
Raw Fur Dealert and Fur Manu
facturer 149-1 SI Broadway, Portland, Or.
We Pay the
nidi an lines
Guarantee quick returns; charge
no commitiion. Make trial thipment
and get the mod for your FURS.
191 Broadway,
New Houston Hotel
Sixth and Everett SU., Portland, Ore.
Four block! from Union Depot Two block!
from New Postoffice. Modern end fireproof.
Over 100 outeide rooms. Rate! 76c to (2.00.
CHAS. C. HOPKINS, Manager.
Hotel Rowland
On hundred and sixty-five Rooms, all'. Modern
ImproTements; free phones on every floor.
Rates: 75c to $1.30 per day: $2.50 to
$5.00 per week.
Opposite Courthouse, 2 blocks from Postoffice,
Fire Proof. S. P and Oregon Electric pass door.
Are ' made from your OLD CAR
PETS. Rag Rugs woven all sizes.
Mail orders receive prompt and care
ful attention. Send for booklet.
E. 8thand Taylor SU. Portland, Or.
Will guarantee yon top market prices at all times
for your Veal. Hogs, Poultry. Eggs, Butter, Hides,
Etc If yon have not shipped to us, try us.
113 Front, PORTLAND, OR.
Bought, Sold, Rented and Repaired
Bumside, cor. 10th. - Portland. Or.
Thousands f trained young people needed.
Rahnka-Walker Business College. Portland, places
students in positions. Enroll any time. Free
"Did you hear of poor Fathead's mis
fortune?" "No; what is It?"
"He observed to Miss Oldgirl when
he saw how she won at bridge that he
would like to have her hand, and now
she's suing him for breach of promise."
Varied Activities.
"I see now why you call your yacht
the Flirt."
"Why do you think I call her so?"
"Because I notice she Is eitner kiss
ing the waves or hugging the shore."
No Real Equality.
She At last the time is coming
when the sexes will be on an equal
He That can never be.
She Why not, six?
He There will never be any real
equality between the sexes while a
man can't go through bis wire s pocK-
ets for the loose change he wants.
An Appropriate Hoax.
"Did you hear that the foreign count
the Comeups have been entertaining
turned out to be an ImposterT"
"Yes; quite a rank Imposition."
Cif f JT Veal, Pork, Beef,
Hlr Poultry, Butter, Egg
Farm Produce,
to the Old Rehable Ererdin hoosa with
record of 46 years of Square Dealings, and
be assured at TOP MARKET PRICES.
M7 Free Stmt Portland. Or)
Dp Youi" Own Plumbing
By trayfoff direct from n at wholesale prices
and Mr the plumber's profits. Write os to
day your need. We will aire 70a oar rock
bottom "direct-to-yoaM price, f . o. b. rail or
boat We actually r yon from 10 to 86 par
eent AD roods guaranteed.
Korthweat headquarter fot Leader Water
Systems and Fuller at Johnson Engines.
212 Third Street. Portland, Oreoa
P. N. U.
No. 4, 1918
Try to Paralyze Traffic and Hinder
Movement of Coal Authorities
Alert and Guard Doubled.
New York Definite information
said to have been obtained by the gov
ernment that. German agent had been
instructed to use all means to paralyze
the effort to move freight and clear
ships it understood here to be responsi
ble for the doubling of guards Tuesday
at ail piera, shipyards and terminals.
Copies of Instructions sent to Ger
man agents by the headquarters of the
German Spy system are reported to
have been obtained by agents of the
United States government.
Orders were received here Monday
night to take all precautions to pre'
vent attempts to do damage.
Guards of all kinds, military and
private, have been doubled at all
points where shipping and shipping
interests are concerned.
In addition to extra guards, it was
learned that orders were also issued to
scrutinize with more than usual care
the credentials of persons seeking to
pass the barred zones.
The orders came from Washington
and were issued by telegraph. It was
learned they called for prompt action.
It is understood they applied not only
to New York, but to every port on the
Atlantic and Gulf coasts.
General observance of the first heat-
less Monday was reported throughout
the country.
Many railroads were assisting in the
effort to supply homes and trans-Atlantic
shipping with coal, and were
moving little general freight.
Coal and food were virtually the
only commodies moving, aside from a
small amount of necessary war sup
plies. The volume of coal reaching sea
board for bunkering ships was steadily
State Fuel administrators reported
most office buildings, although per
mitted certain exemptions, were burn-
jng only enough coal to prevent freez
ing of pipes.
Department stores and other estab
lishments generally were closed.
War Emphasizes Economic Importance
of Automobiles as Never Before.
Portland Special rates will be
granted by the railroads to the coming
big Portland Automobile, Truck and
Tractor Show, which will be held in
the new City Auditorium from Febru
ary 7 to 13, inclusive.
The war has emphasized the eco'
nomic importance of the automobile as
never before. One of the main pur
poses of this automobile show will be
to demonstrate the many ways in
which the passenger automobile the
truck and the . farm tractor can help
business and industry and thereby add
to the war resources of the nation.
All the latest passenger car models
will be shown, but the truck and the
farm tractor particularly will have a
place of honor at the show. The farm
tractor has added tremendously to the
agricutlural efficiency of France and
Great Britain. In fact, farm tractors
have helped so greatly to defeat the
German submarine campaign by mak
ing possible the cultivation of in
creased acreage for food production,
that the French and British govern
ments have placed huge orders in this
country for still more of them.
The United States government is
encouraging the use of tractors and
trucks to offset the growing shortage
of man power and horses and to in
crease food production and business
efficiency. Added to this is the fact
that they are cheaper to operate than
horses doirig only a small part of the
A large attendance from outside
points is expected during Automobile
Show week. Special arrangements
are being made for the reception of
dealers and other visitors from out
side of Portland.
Artillery Fire Increases.
Rome Increase in the artillery fire
on the Italian northern front, between
Brenta and the Piave, is reported in
Tuesday's war office statement Some
reconnoitering operations were carried
out on both sides.
The enemy's fire was directed
against Italian positions south of Col
Caprile. West of Osteria II Lepres, a
few prisoners were taken in a small
surprise action. Northwest of Monte
Asoloe and in the valley of Ponte
Delia Priula, attempts by enemy pa
trols were promptly frustrated.
Woman Slays Husband.
Boise, Idaho George Burke, of
Mountain Home, near here, was shot
and instantlly killed by his wife, Mon
day, as a culmination of a family
quarrel. Mrs. Burke accused her hus
band of anttempting to beat her. She
says he fired the first shot, which went
wide of the mark. Mrs. Burke fired
two shots, both of which took effect.
Mr. Burke was 65 years old. The cor
oner's jury late Monday exonerated
Mrs. Burke, who pleaded self-defense.
Price-Fixing is Sought.
Washington, D. C Draft of a bill
giving the President broad powers to
i fix prices of foods and other products
! essential to the conduct of the war or
for domestic consumption was .laid be
! fore members of the house agriculture
j committee Tuesday by President Wil
son, with the request that it be pressed
i for passage.
Don't Stay Gray! It Darkens
So Naturally that No
body can Tell.
Tou can turn gray, faded hair beau
tifully dark and lustrous almost over
night If you'll get a SO-cent bottle of
"Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com
pound" at any drug store. Millions of
bottles of this old famous Sage Tea
Recipe, improved by the addition of
other Ingredients, are sold annually,
says a well-known druggist here, be
cause It darkens the hair so naturally
and evenly that no one can tell It has
been applied.
Those whose hair it turning gray
or becoming faded have a surprise
awaiting them, because after one or
two application the gray hair van
ishes and your locks become luxuriant
ly dark and beautiful.
This Is the age of youth. Gray
haired, unattractive folks aren't want
ed around, so get busy with Wyeth's
Sage and Sulphur Compound to-night
and you'll be delighted with your dark,
handsome hair and your youthful ap
pearance within a few days.
This preparation Is a toilet requisite
and Is not Intended for the cure, miti
gation or prevention of disease. Adv.
"How does It happen that a prohibi
tion community is obliged to arrest
people for intoxication?"
"Well," said Uncle Bill Bottletop,
"it's another phase of the transporta
tion problem. Every now and then
somebody who wants to' carry home a
liquor supply from outside territory
undertakes to be his own demijohn."
Potsdam Please Explain.
If God is leading the Germans for
ward In Italy, who Is leading them
backward in Belgium? Wichita Bea
Tough Luck.
Old Man (to crying boy) What's
the matter, my little man?
Boy I'm lost Boo-hoo!
Old Man Lost? Nonsense! We
mustn't give up hope so soon. Where
do you live?
Boy Don't know, sir. We've just
moved, and I c-can t remember tne ad
dress. Old Man Well, what's your name?
Boy D-don't know, sir. M-mother
got married again this morning. Ex
The first test a man la out thru for
euner war ur me iiujuituicij is mi babhii
nalon or ms water, xnis is most essen
t in 1 because the kidneys Dlav a most lm
portant part in causing premature old age
and death. The more injurious the pois
ons passing thru tne moneys tne sooner
nnmea decay so sav Dr. Pierce of Sur
gical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., who further
advises all people who are past thirty to
preserve tne vitality ot tne Kidneys ana
free the blood from nolsonous elements.
such as uric acid drink plenty of water
sweat some daily ana take Anuric, qoudi
strength, Derore meals.
This An-u-ric is a late dlscoverv of Dr.
Pierce and is put up In tablet form, and
can be obtained at almost any drug store.
For that backache, lumbago, rneumatism.
"rusty" Joints, swollen feet or hands, due
to urio acid In the blood, Anuric quickly
dissolves the uric acid as hot water does
sugar. Take a little Anuric before meals
and live to be a hundred. Send 10 cents
to Dr. Fierce for trial package of Anuric.
Thai Onlv Wav.
"I have a friend who kept a cook for
nearly a year.
"What lail is he in charge of." Bos
ton Transcript
Take care of your health and wealth
will take care of you. Garfield Tea
promotes health. Adv.
An Unexpected Answer.
"Polly, want a cracker?"
"No; I am conserving food," replied
the Intelligent bird. Louisville Courier-Journal.
Shaken into the shoes and snrinkled'in the foot
baih it gives rest and comfort, takes the friction
from the shoe and prevents blisters and sore spots.
Makes walking: easy. Accept no substitute! Sold
everywhere, 25c.
A Marital Handicap.
"The girl is neither pretty, talented
nor rich. What is her attraction for
"A great and lasting one. She's
tongue-tied." Exchange.
For a disordered liver, take Garfield
Tea, the Herb laxative, All druggists,
Unsubstantial Returns.
' "Did you raise anything on your
promise to pay?"
"Oh, yes; I raised a smile." Balti
more American.
Coated tongue, vertigo and constipa
tion are relieved by Garfield Tea. Adv
You corn-pestered men and women
need suffer no longer. Wear the shoes
that nearly killed you before, says
this Cincinnati authority, because a
few drops of freeaone applied directly
on a tender, aching corn or callous
stops soreness at once and soon the
corn or hardened callous loosens so It
can be lifted out, root and all, with
out pain.
A small bottle of freezone costs
very little at any drug store, but will
positively take off every hard or soft
corn or callous. This should be tried
as it Is Inexpensive and is said not
to irritate the surrounding skin.
If your druggist hasn't any freezone
tell him to get a small bottle for you
from his wholesale drug house. It Is
fine stuff and acts like a charm every
time. Adv.
War Recipes
Cut out tha following recipes and
pasta them In your cook book tohelp
you Hooverlze. They have been
thoroughly tested by Instructors and
special lecturer in the department
of economic at the University of
Rice Yeast Bread i e milk and wa
ter, 4 tbsp sugar, 4 tbsp fat, If tsp
salt, 7 e boiled rice, 8 c flour, cake
compressed yeast, J e warm water,
Scald liquid, pour over fat, sugar and
salt Cool and add yeast 'moistened in
e warm water. Add rice and flour
and knead. After second rising bake
45 minutes.
Potato Yeast Bread) e milk and
water, 4 tbsp sugar, 4 tbsp fat, 1J tsp
salt, 4 c boiled potatoes (mashed), 8 c
flour, ) cake compressed yeast, 1 c
warm water. The dough is soft at the
second handling but after baking pro
duces a satisfactory loaf. This recipe
makes three loaves
Cornmeal Yeast Bread 1 c milk
and water, 2 tbsp sugar, 1 tbsp fat, 2
tsp salt, 2-8 c cornmeal (white or yel
low), 2 1-3 c flour, i cake compressed
yeast, . 1 c warm water. Add sugar,
fat and salt to liquid and bring to
boiling point Add cornmeal slowly,
stirring constantly until all is added.
Remove from fire, cool mixture and
add compressed yeast softened in i c
warm water. Add 2 1-3 C flour and
knead. Let rise until double in bulk,
knead again and put in pan. When
light, bake in moderate oven at least
one hour.
Barley Yeast Bread 1 cmilk and
water, 1 tbsp sugar, 1 tbsp.fat, 1 tsp
salt, 1 1-6 c barley flour, 2 1-3 c wheat
flour, i cake compressed yeast. Soften
yeast in part of the liquid. Combine
ingredients. Mix into dough. Knead
and let rise to double original bulk.
Knead again. Put in pan and when
again double in bulk bake about 45
Rve Yeast Bread 1 c milk and wa
ter, 1 tbsp fat, 2 tbsp sugar, 1 tsp salt,
li c rye flour, 1J c wheat flour, cake
compressed yeast, 2 tbsp water. Com
bine as for barley bread and bake 45
Oatmeal Yeast Bread 1 c milk and
water, 1 tsp salt, 1 tbsp fat, 1 tsp su
gar, 1 c rolled oats, 2J c wheat flour,
i cake compressed yeast, 1 c warm
water. Scald liquid and pour it over
rolled oats, sugar, salt and fat. Let
it Btand until lukewarm, add yeast
softened in warm water, add flour and
knead. Let rise until double in bulk,
knead again and place in pan. When
light bake in moderate oven 45 to 60
To Discuss Grain Handling.
Colfax, Wash. There is much di
vergence of opinion among farmers
and grain men in Whitman county over
the sack or bulk methods of handling
grain, and the question will probably
come up for further discussion at the
next meeting of the patriotic league.
Advocates of both systems will be
heard. A number of farmers have an
nounced that they will beign as soon as
lumber and carpenters can be secured,
to build bulk warehouses on their own
lands and at railroad stations and will
handle their grain in bulk this year.
Wheat Bulk basis for No. 1 grade:
Hard white: Bluestem, Early Bart,
Allen, Galgalus, Martin Amber, $2.05.
Soft white Palouse bluestem, forty-
fold, White valley, Gold Coin White
Russian. $2.03. White club Little
club, Jenkins club, white hybrids, So.
nora, $2.01. Red Walla Walla Red
Russian, red hybrids, Jones fife, Cop-
nei, $1.98. No. 2 grade, 3c less. No.
3 grade, 6c less. Other grades handled
by sample.
Flour Patents, $10.
Millfeed Net mill prices, car lots
Bran, $30 per ton: shorts, $32; mid
dlings, $39; mixed cars and less than
carloads, 60c more; rolled barley, $60
62: rolled oats, $62.
Butter Cubes, extras, 50c per
pound; prime firsts, 49 Jc. Jobbing
prices: Prints, extras, 5253c; car
tons, lc extra; butterfat, No. 1, 66(g
57c, delivered.
Eggs Ranch, current receipts, 45Jc
per dozen; candled, 47471c; se
lects, 60c.
Poultry Hens, heavy, 2425c per
pound; light 23c; Bpnngs, 24Z5c;
stags, 1820c; duckf, 20(fi)26c; geese,
1517c; turkeys, live, 24c; dressed,
choice, 85c.
Veal 17 18c per pound. ,
Pork 19c per pound.
January 22, 1918.
Med. to choice steers $10.35(11.00
Good to med. steers 9.85(0,10.35
Com. to good steers 7.75 9.26
Choice cows and heifers. 7.75 8.50
Com. to good cows and hf 6.60 7.75
Canners 3.00 6.00
Bulls 6.00 7.50
Calves.... 7. 60 11. 00
Stackers and feeders. . . . 6.00 9.00
Prime light hogs $15.7516.00
Prime heavy hogs 15.75 16. 10
Pigs 13.7514.60
Bulk 15.7516.00
Western lambs $14.6015.00
Valley lambs 14.00ffil4.60
Yearlings 12.5013.00
Wethers 12.0012.60
Ewe 9.5010.60
3 M yJfQV1
rif,i$fifiM I illi
.m iniiniiiM Minimum iwimimkii.mrw
a uuv
Portland's Ninth Annual
Automobile Show
Latest models In Farm Tractors, Tracks and
Portland's Magnificent New Auditorium
One Week, Commencing Thursday, Feb. 7
Reduced Railroad Rates Certificate Plan
A Natural Fortification
If you catch colds easily, if troubled with catarrh,
if subject to headaches, nervousness or listlessness,
by all means start today to build your strength with
which is a concentrated medicinal food and building
. .1 i i i . .i 1
tonic to put power in tne Diooa, strengtnen
the life forces and tone up the appetite.1
No alcohol in SCOTT'S.
The imported Norwegian cod liver oil used In Scott Emulsion is now refined
in our own American laboratories which guarantees it free from impurities. t
Scott & Bowne, Bloomfield, N. J. IMS
f?nv " s v: 3
. -..;-ai.ui..t-a . ,
Stop eating meat for a while if
your maaaer is irouming
When you wake up with backache
and dull misery In the kidney region
it generally means you have been eat
ing too much meat, says a well-known
authority. Meat forms urio acid
which overworks the kidneys in their
effort to filter it from the blood ana
they become sort ot paralyzed and
loggy. When your kidneys get slug
gish and clog you must relieve them,
like you relieve your bowels;' remov
ing all the body's urinous waBte, eUe
you have backache, sick headache,
dizzy spells; your stomach sours,
tongue is coated, and when the wea
ther Is bad you nave rneumatic
twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of
sediment, channels often get sore, wa
ter scalds and you are obliged to seek
relief two or three times during tne
Either consult a good, reliable phy
sician at once or get from your phar
macist about four ounces of Jad Salts;
take a tablespoonful in a glass of
water before breakfast for a few days
and your kidneys will then act fine.
This famous salts is made from the
acid of grapes and lemon Juice, com
bined with lithia, and has been UBed
for generations to clean and stimulate
sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize
acids in the urine so it no longer irri
tates, thus ending bladder weakness.
Jad Salts is a life saver for regular
meat eaters. It Is Inexpensive, can
not injure and makes a delightful, ef
fervescent lithla-water drink. Adv.
Would Kick at Anything.
"I don't like that house you sold me,"
said the man who had been roped In.
"Why not?" asked the agent.
"Why, there's water In the cellar."
"Heavens, man! Don't you want to
take a bath occasionally?" Exchange.
Actively Employed.
"Are you employed at present?"
"Yes, sor; looking for work."
Their 8ort
"Didn't the suffrage pickets sue for
mercy when they were jailed?
"No; but they're suing for damages
Instantly In Most Cases Write for
Free Sample.
Cutlcura Is wonderfully effective.
The Soap to cleanse and purify, the
Ointment to soothe and heal all forms
of Itching, burning skin and scalp af
fections. Besides these super-creamy
emollients If used daily prevent little
skin troubles becoming serious.
Free sample each by mall with
Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura,
Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets are best for liver,
bowels and stomach. One little Pellet
for laxative three for a cathartic.
Largest r
in the
Feb. -7
to 13
" WD!
Cuts 20 Cords in 10 Hours
BUT NO EQUALS. Writ for Information.
Vaughan Motor Works, Main
The Similarity. .
"How strange it Is," murmured the
Cheerful Idiot, "that the children of
these miners are like the most pre
cious and expensive of flowers."
"What do you mean?" asked the
Practical Grouch. "How can they be?"
"Well," answered the Cheerful Idiot
a bit apologetically, "you know they
are ore kids." Exchange.
Making Good,
"I hear that Cholly is boasting that
he saved a man's life at a seaside re
sort this summer."
"So he did. He saved his own by not
going in Bwlmming." Exchange.
Iwm aaj fresh, reliable
p referred by
IM western stock.
Lai menf because they
jammmkM mm proteet wnertotn
10-doss pug. BlaCKIIg PUIS. Il.UU
BQ-dtia Dki. Blsckltz Pills. M.00
Use sny Injector, hut Cutter's simplest end strongest
The superiority of Cutter products is due to over IS
years ol specializing in V Act: INKS And StikUMS
Order direct . ... .
Tht Cutttr Laboratory, Bsruisy, csiiTornia
Is the result of uafnff PetSv
luma Incubators and Brood
ers. That's the kind you
want Write for our biff
Free Catalog No. 60,
Petaluma, California
Distemper Can Be Controlled
by uning Dr. David Roberts'
Read the
Practical Home Veternarian
Send for free booklet on Abortion
In Cowb. If no dealer In your
town, write
Dr.. David Roberts' Vet. Co., 100 Grind Ave., Watikeshe.WU.
URINE Granulated Eyelid,
sore bye, eyes innamea ny
and Wind quicKiy
Murine. Try it In
uaDyt eye.
MurlneEye Remedy ?Zt!!&?&
v S.tva. in TabM 26c. for Boo of i'y. - 'r.
Atk Marine Eye Ker Co.. Chlcaw 4
and Dictaphone Operators
Now in demand by the Railroad Com
panies. My courae will fit you for any
of the above positions. Courae by mail
if desired.
WorcesterlBldi, Portland, Or.
No need to let that cough persist. Stop the
Irritation, and remove tickline; and hoarse
ncas, by relierlng tlio Innumed throat with