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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1918)
GET WELL Thousands of sufferers who have FAILED to get relief in any other way, are invited to investi gate Chiropractic methods, which are permanently curing hundreds every day. Chiropractic ia the Safe, Sane, Sure and Modern science of curing and preventing disease. Chiropractic will permanently cure 95 per cent of all dis eases. Chiropractic removes the cause; health returns. The Best of Chripractic Doctors will thoroughly diagnose your case and direct your treatment FREE. In the Clinic department of college. Hospital. The college conducts a hospital in connection with the school where patients from a distance can have room, board and all Cniropractic service at a very small cost. Don't Susfer. Get Well. For full information and reserva tion in hospital department, address Dr. Oscar W. Elliott, President. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE Cor. of Park and Yamhill Street., PORTLAND, OREGON Be a Chiropractic Doctor; earn $5,000 a year. Write for full particulars 1813118 We Want Immediately MUSKRAT SKUNK COYOTE RACCOON MOLE MINK FOXES OTTER AND OTHER FURS. Prices are higher than ever. Send for Raw Fur price list today. H. LIEBES & CO. Dept. X. Raw FurDealers and "Fur Manu facturer 149-151 Broadway, Portland! Or. We Pay the Highest Market Prices For RAW FURS Guarantee quick returns; charge no commission. Make trial shipment and get the most for your FURS. N. M. UNGAR CO., 191 Broadway, PORTLAND, ORE. 200 Room 100 Bath Near Both Depot Absolutely Fireproof Hotel Hoyt Comer Sixth and Hoyt Stt., Portland, Ore. LOU HIMES, Manager. RATES:-75c to $2. SPECIAL Week or Month FRED DUNDEE MOTOR CAR REPAIRING MACHINE WORK MAGNETO SERVICE STATION ALL KINDS OF WELDING CYLINDER GRINDING PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL ORDERS Broadway at Flanders, Portland, Or. MONEY FOR YOU. Thousands of trained younjr people needed. Behnke-Walker Business Colleen, Portland, places students in positions. "Enroll any time. Free Catalogue. Has Another Think Coming. The man who thinks he knows It all generally marries a woman who teaches him a lot more. Boston Traa script Unselfish. New Mistress How about the after noon out? New Cook I am willing that you Bhould have one. Boston Transcript. Extent of Sympathy. "The young man's story was a very affecting one. Didn't he toucn your "He did for five dollars." Ex change. Similarity. "You say Grafter makes you think of a corkscrew. Why so?" "Like a corkscrew he has a pull, but it's on account of his crookedness." SHIP Veal, Pork, Beef, Poultry, Butter, Eggs and Farm Produce. to the Old Reliable Eroding house with a record of 45 yfars of Square Dealings, acd be assured of TOP MARKET PRICES. F. M. CRONKHITE 5-47 Front Street Portland, Orecca P. N. U. No. 3, 1918 LESS MEAT IF BACK AND KIDNEYS HUR Take a class of Salts to flush Kidneys if Bladder bothers you. Eating meat regularly eventually produces kidney trouble in some form or another, says a well-known author ity, because the urlo add in meat ex cites the kidneys, they become over worked; get sluggish; clog up and cause all sorts of distress, particularly backache and misery in the kidney re gion; rheumatio twinges, severe head aches, acid stomach, constipation, tor pid liver, sleeplessness, bladder and urinary Irritation. The moment your, back hurts or kid neys aren't acting right, or If bladder bothers you, get about four ounces of Jad Baits from any good pharmacy; take a tablespoonful in a glass of wa ter before breakfast for a few days and your' kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts 1b made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, com bined with litbia, and has been used for generations to flush clogged kid neys and stimulate them to normal activity; also to neutralize the acids In the urine so it no longer irritates,- thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts cannot Injure anyone;, makes a delightful effervescent lithia- water drink which millions of men and women take now and then to keep the kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus avoiding serious kidney disease. Adv. Anxious. Sister Is George waiting still? Willie Not very still. He acts kind of nervous. Guess he's goln' to pro pose. Brooklyn Citizen. Jawing. Mr. Peewee I suppose you're very much annoyed by me. His Wife I never allow myself to be annoyed by trifles. Exchange. Proof Positive. "Is that purse of yours real alligator skin?" 'Is it? Just listen to it snap.' Baltimore American. A Man of Few Words. Walter L. Ball of Muncle, former state senator and recently republican candidate for the 8th congressional nomination, has a farmer client he will pit against the world for fewness of words. Seeing Farmer X. in the street the other day and knowing that Mrs. X. had been ill, Mr. Ball inquired of the husband: "Well, Jim, how's the wife today- any better?" "Nope." "Any worse?" "Nope." "Just about the same, eh?" "Nope." "Well, how is shethen?" "Dead." Indianapolis News. Constipation can be cured without drugs. Nature's own remedy selected herbs is Garfield Tea. Adv. More Trying Position. Newriche (to prospective butler) A hundred dollars a month? Why, that s all I pay my bookkeeper. Butler But 'e doesn't 'ave to has- sociate hevery day with your family. sir. Exchange; Constipation, Indigestion, sick-head ache and bilious conditions are over come by a course of Garfield Tea. Drink on retiring. Adv. Hose-Anna and Such Tunes. She Do you play on the piano? He Occasionally. I am a fireman. Boston Transcript. RAILROAD BILLING and TRAFFIC COURSE and Dictaphone Operators Now in demand by the Railroad Com panies. My course will fit you for any of the above positions. Course by mail if desired. SHERLOCK BILLING and DICTAPHONE SCHOOL Worcester Bldj, Portland, Or. ! STATE NEWS ! ! IN BRIEF. : W. B. Wing has become the owner oi tne ueernorn rancn or 11UU acres on the McKenzie river as the result of a trade in which he exchanged his gro cery, meat market and butchering plant in Eugene. A. H. Lea, secretary of the State Fair board says that he would not be a candidate for Public Service Commis sioner at the coming election. "I in tend to devote all of may time to the State Fair board," said Mr. Lea. A total of 517 accidents was report ed to the Industrial Accident Commis sion for the week ending January 10, of which number six were fatal. One of the deaths reported was due to an accident sustained prior to the week covered by the report. R&! Nearly $1000 of the $1500 to be raised in the Bend section for the Knights of Columbus this week have been subscribed. Two teams have been at work and both have met with success. The remaining $500 is to be subscribed in Prineville, Tumalo and Redmond. The Great Northern Pacific Steam ship company has notified Corporation Commissioner Schulderman that its capital stock of $5,000,000 is being re duced to $352,000, owing to the com mandeering of the Steamships Great Northern and Northern Pacific by the government. State Labor Commissioner O. P. HofF, in addressing the session of the State Federation of Labor at Astoria announced that he would not be a can didate for re-election to that office at the coming election. He said he had devoted many years to public work and now intends to retire to private life. Car shortage on the lines of the Southern Pacific in Oregon Monday dropped to 590 cars, all open cars, while a surplus of 53 cars was report ed. This is the first time in months that the company reported a surplus of any kind of cars.. The O.-W. R. & N. company reported a shortage of 54 cars. Fifty-one Klamath county men have failed to file their questionnaires with the local exemption board within the required time and their names have been referred to the police authorities at Klamath Falls, according to Chief Clerk Glenn Callen, of the local board. If their whereabouts are not ascer tained within five days the names of all wilt be certified to the adjutant general as delinquent. Patrons of the Roseburg postoffice had the pleasure Monday morning of entering the new Federal building to receive their mail, the change from the old postoffice quarters to the new location occurring Sunday. The entire lower floor and a part of the basement is given over to the postoffice depart ment and evrey possible convenience is afforded the public. The second storv is occupied by the U. S. Land Office and forestry departments. The apart ments set aside for the Indian land office remain vacant owing to a recent order from the department canceling this branch of the government's busi ness in that city. The experience of Lew Pritchard, a well-known young man of Klamath Fails, in entering the Army service indicates the great need of men in get ting out spruce for Uncle Sam's aero plane manufacture, and how quickly the government fits a man into his proper niche in the service. Enlarging of the North Bend mill, which commenced six months ago, is nearing completion, and the mill will operate under the new conditions on February 1, it is announced. The im provements, costing upwards of $100, 000, comprise drying kilns, planing mill and warehouses, together with a spur track connecting the mill with the Southern Pacific. ki8 A number of important steps in fit ting state regulations of railroads to the system of Federal control were taken by the Public Service commis sion Saturday, foremost among which was the acquiescence in the demurrage order issued by Director General Mc Adoo and giving to the Pacific Car De murrage bureau authority to publish the demurrage rules accordingly. These new rules start demurrage charges at $3 a car and go as high as $10 a day, while the state rule Btarts at $2 a car and go only as high as $4 a day. The Federal rules will become effective Januarj 21. Fire which originated in the Odd fellows' Building at lone Thursday night wiped out half of the city s bus iness section. The loss is estimated at $40,000, with about $20,000 insurance. For many years there have been ru mors of oil in the Rogue River valley, oil prospectors have come and gone, but as yet no oil has been found. Be lieving there is oil there, and that proper organization will find it, the Rogue River Oil company has been organized in Medford. An ordinance which prohibits all youths under 21 years of age from playing cards, pool, billiards or bowl ing was introduced in the North Bend city council Friday night. The council expressed the opinion that the age should be reduced to 19 years. As long as he buys a dollar's worth of thrift stamps weekly, Clarence , Steinkopf, of Redmond, who pleaded guilty to a charge of desecrating the United states nag, will have his sen ' tence suspended. He has promised to l buy four stamps a week as long as the , war lasts. SAGE AND SULPHUR DARKENS GRAY HAIR It's Grandmother's Recipe to Restore Color, Gloss and Attractiveness. Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly compound ed, brings back the natural color and lustre to the hair when faded, streak ed or gray. Years ago the only way to get this mixture was to make it at home, which is mussy and trouble some. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sul phur Compound," you will get a large bottle of this famous old recipe, im proved by the addition of other in gredients, Jor about 60 cents. Don't stay grayl Try it! No one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, as it does it bo naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair disappears, and after another ap plication or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy and attractive. Wyeth s Sage and Sulphur Com pound is a delightful toilet requisite for those who desire dark hair and a youthful appearance. It is not intend ed for the cure, mitigation or preven tion of disease. Adv. Comparative Happiness. "I'm so happy! My heart is full of laughter." 'So am I happy. My cellar's full of coal." Exchange. Signer Himself. "You'll find my ancestor's name on the Declaration of Independence." "Well, you'll find my name on the registration lists of 1917." Kansas City Journal. The Proper Term. "Yes, I am going to move to Boston." "When do you matriculate?" Louis ville Courier-Journal. In a Dry Town. "Everybody In Crimson gulch seems to think prohibition is a good thing, remarked the stranger. "Yep," replied Broncho Bob. "A man kin go ahead now an' drink plain water without gettln the reputation of beln' stingy." Exchange. WOMEN'S PART IN WAR Sball we say that women contribute only the bandages, the socks and the "kits" No. they contribute the fighters! What sort of soldiers will the women of the present day contribute to the nation and the world? Can they hope to be ca pable motners or efficient wives If tney are enfeebled and broken down by the diseases and weaknesses of the sex? An affection confined to women must have Its cause In the womanly nature. There is no doubt that a diseased condi tlon of the delicate womanly organs, is In eeneral resDonslble for feminine nervous ness ana an undermined constitution. Tne use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes women happy by making them healthy. There are no more crying: spells. Favorite Frescription is tor lnnamma- tion and female weakness. It makes weak women strong. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is and has been for nearly 60 years lust the medicine. Jt is not a secret prescription, for its Ingredients are printed on the wrapper; it s a temperance medicine, glyceric extract from roots. Adv. The Usual One. Manager Has this play of yours any plot? Aspiring Author Oh, yes. Its a scheme of mine to make money quick." THE BEST BEAUTY DOCTOR Is Cutlcura for Purifying and Beauti fying the Skin Trial Free. For cleansing, purifying and beauti fying the complexion, hands and hair, Cuticura Soap with touches of Cutl cura Ointment now and then afford the most effective preparations at the minimum of cost. No massaging, steaming, creaming, or waste of time. Free sample each by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. The Advantages. 'Smith told me he had just installed a dumb waiter in his house." 'That's a good idea. Now he can eat at table without having all his family affairs and quarrels repeated to the neighbors' servants." Louis ville Courier-Journal. A postal card to Garfield Tea Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., asking for a sample will repay you. Adv. A Sad Case. "I was always unfortunate In love. "How BO?" "Whenever I wanted to marry for love the girl turned out to be too poor." Boston Transcript. Laugh When People Step On Your Feet Try this yourself then it along to others. It works! pass Ouch 1 ? I ?! 1 This kind of rough talk will be heard less here In town if people troubled with corns will follow the simple advice of this Cincinnati authority, who claims that a few drops of a drug called freezone when applied to a tender, aching corn or hardened callous stops soreness at once, and soon the corn or callous dries up and lifts right off without pain. He says freezone dries immediately and never Inflames or even irritates the surrounding skin. A small bottle of freezone will cost very little at any drug store, but will positively remove every hard or soft corn or callous from one's feet. Millions of America's women will welcome this announce ment since the inauguration of the high heels. If your druggist doesn't have freezone tell him to order a small bottle for you. Adv. HOMESTEADS FOR SOLDIERS Opening of Reclamation Projects Ad vocated by Irrigation Congress. Yakima, Wash. Soldiers and sailors returning from the European war will find the government ready to give them homesteads on reclamation proj ects and prepared to set them up in business if legislation projected by the Washington Irrigation institute is c acted by that time. Legislation fol lowing the Australian plan as outlined by Dr. Elwood Mead in his address be fore a recent meeting of the institute will be fostered here. At a meeting of the executive com mittee of the institute held here Fri day evening, the proposition was dis cussed at length and a legislative com- mitee composed of R. K. Tiffany, chairman, E. M. Chandler, George E. Rodman, D. V. Northland and E. F. Benson was appointed to draft a bill to be presented to congress through Washington members. The commit tee also decided on the date and place lor tne next annual meeting, uxine December 17 and 18, 1918, at Yakima. Kittitas Hay Stock is Low. Ellensburg, Wash. Due to tho' fact that the hay stock of the Kittitas val ley is low, and because prices are not higher than the average, hay dealers here do not have much fear of the gov ernment regulation of prices. Kittitas valley has been estimated to have only about 7000 tons of hay on stocks held by dealers. In former years the government only used about 10 per cent of the crop, while at least one-fourth of the crop this year has been sent to Manila and Camp Lewis. Cotton Grown Along Columbia. Ellensburg, Wash. T. Brulett, of McPherson's sheep ranch at Rich mond's ferry, on the Columbia river, has raised some cotton. It is of fair quality and good color, but is not long and had not fully matured. Those in terested in its cultivation think that because of the long growing ceon and the hot, dry summers, and the fact that the country there is only 435 feet above sea level, the cotton may be grown on a commercial scale. NORTHWEST MARKET REPORT Wheat Bulk basis for No. 1 grade Hard white: Bluestem, Early Bart, Allen, GalgaluB, Martin Amber, $2.06, Soft white Palouse bluestem, forty- fold, White valley, Gold Coin White Russian, $2.03. White club Little club, Jenkins club, white hybrids, So- nora, $2.01. Red Walla Walla Red Russian, red hybrids, Jones fife, Cop pei, $1.98. No. 2 grade, 3c less. No. 3 grade, 6c less. Other grades handled by sample. Flour Patents, $10., Millfeed Net mill prices, car lots Bran, $30 per ton; shorts, $32; mid dlingB, $39; mixed cars and less than carloads, 50c more; rolled barley, $60 62; rolled oats, $62. Corn Whole, $75 per ton ; cracked $76. Hay Buying prices delivered: East ern Oregon timothy, $27 per ton; val ley timothy, $2526; alfalfa, $23.50 valley grain hay, $24; clover, $22 straw, $8. Butter Cubes, extras, 50c per pound; prime firsts, 49 Jc. Jobbing prices: Prints, extras, 62(ffi53c; car tons, lc extra; butterfat, No. 1, 56 57c, delivered. Eggs Ranch, current receipts, 45Jc per dozen; candled, 47(fi!47ic; se lects, 50c. Poultry Hens, heavy, 24(f)25c per pound; light, 23c; springs, 24(g25c stags, 18(y20c; ducks, 20ftj25c; geese, 15((il7c; turkeys, live, 24c; dressed, choice, 35c. Veal 1718c per pound. Pork 19c per pound. Vegetables Tomatoes, $2(?i2.75 per crate; cabbage, l21c per pound; let tuce, $1.752.25 per crate; cucum berB, b5cm$1.7o per dozen; peppers, 15c per pound; cauliflower, $2.25tfj2.50 per crate; sprouts, 10llc per pound artichokes, 85c(S$1.10; garlic, 78J per pound; squash, 2Jc; celery, $3.25 4. 25 per crate; carrots, $1.25 per sack; beets, $1.50(rijl.75; turnips $1.50; parsnips, $1.601.75. Potatoes Burbanks, $l.5(Sjl.40 per hundred; Yakimas, $1.50 1.65 sweet potatoes, 5c per pound. Onions Buying price, $1.75 per hundred. Green Fruits Apples, $12.25 per box; pears, $2.25; grapes, 8ic per pound; cranberries, Eastern, $18 per barrel. w Hops 1917 crop, 15ti)18c per pound 1916 crop, nominal. Wool Eastern Oregon, SOwjbOc per pound; valley, 50(iv55c; valley lamb, 45(fij50c; mohair, long staple, full year, 50c; six months, 4050c; curry, 35 40c. January 15, 1918, Cattle Med. to choice steers. . . . $10.00(9)10.75 Good to med. steers 8.75f(,10.00 Com. to good steers 7.25 8.75 Choice cows and heifers. 7.25($ 8.00 Com. to good cows and hf 6.00 7.35 Canners 3.00 5.50 Bulls 4.60 7.00 Calves 7.0010.25 Stackers and feeders. . . . 6.00 8.50 Hogs Prime light hogs $15.4515.60 Prime heavy hogs 15.50(S;15.65 Pigs 13.60riijl4.50 Bulk 15.60 Sheep Western lambs $14.5015.00 Valley lambs 14.0014.25 Yearlings 12.6013.00 Wethers 12.0Oruil2.6O Ewes 9. 60 11. 00 SUFFERING FROM COLD If you shiver in frosty weather, if you have cold hands and feet, if colds are stubborn and frequent, then your blood may be thin and impoverished. SCflTO has been correcting this condi tion for nearly fifty years. It possesses rare powers for creating natural body warmth, or charging summer blood with winter richness and strengthening both throat and lungs. The Norwegian cod Hver oil In Scott's Emulsion is now refined in our own Americuu laboratories which ruukes it pure and palatable. Scott & Bowne, JIlooinfield.N.J. 17-1J URINE Granulated Eyelids, J-"-aore r.ves, eyes innamca ny -v . n. an.l IV.'nJniiu-lcl,! lUJ " rellewd hv Murine. Trv It in A. ijrljt C your Eyes and in Baby's. Eyes. IUvK LYtjNoSmartini,JuttEyeCmiort MurineEve Remedy ffp' MMS Kyo Salvs, in Tubes E6e. Fur Book of (A. K. Frao. Ask Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago i Very Concise. A certain teacher .asked her pupils to bring in "three items of informa tion" about the river which flowed by their town; and from one boy she received this model of concise com position: "I have lived near it. I have skated over It. I have fell into it." Exchange. Anticipated. You know, Gladys, since I promised you a diamond ring, diamonds have gone up so" And you want to make sacrifices to prove your love for me? You dar ling boy!" Exchange. A Blow for the Bench. The judge (to jury who have re tired several times without agreeing) I understand that one juryman pre vents your coming to a verdict In my summing up I have clearly stated the law, and any juryman who obstin ately sets his individual opinion against the remaining 11 is totally un fitted for his duties. The Solitary Objector Please, m'lud, I'm the only man who agrees with you! Passing Show. To keep clean and healthy take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They regu late liver, bowels and stomach. Not So Bad. Mrs. Suburbs was on the way home from the musical show. "I think," she said primly, "that those ankle watches are positively immodest" ' How can you say so?" replied Mr. Suburbs soothingly, "the ankle watch is very modest. It, keeps its hands before Its face all of the time." Ex change. BIG, STRONG CHICKS Ih tho result of using Peta luma Incubators and Brood ers. That's the kind you want. Write for our big Free Catalog No. 60. PETALUMA INCUBATOR CO. Petaluma, California COLIC IN HORSES demandrj PRO M I'T atten tion. Keep one or two bottler, of .. Dr. David Roberti' Colic Drench in your medicine chest all the time. It relieves in the shortest poHfiible time. Head the Practical Home Veterinarian. Send for free book let on ABORTION IN COWS. If no dealer in your town, write Dr.. David Roberts' Vet. Co., 100 Grand Ave., W aukesha.W.s. Reduces Strained, Puffy Ankles, Lymphangitis, Poll Evil, Vistula, Boils, Swellings; Stops Lameness and allays pain, HeaU Sores, Cuts, Bruises, Boot Chafes. It ii s SAFE ANTISEPTIC AND GERMICIDE Doe not blister or remove the hair and horse can he worked. Pleasant to use. $2. 50a bottle, delivered. Describe your case for special instructions and Book 5 M free. ABSOItMNR, JK antiirplir liniment lor mankind, re. ducei Straini, gainful, Knotted. Swolrti Vrim. Concert- . tralrii only . lew drop, required .tail application. Price bottle at dealera or delivered. W. F. iOUNG, P.D.F., 403 Temple St., Springfield, Man. Hut Kow Kur detlcra ana driiKfttata. MIHT USOCIaTION llfttaltlHl, It. Bwkltt, "Tl Horn Cow Dtottr," Irn. L. IRRITATING COUGHS Promptly trent rnnirhs, enlda, hoArmneiM, nront'littU anil ainiilar luflnmi d anil irritnted com) itions of the thruat wi th a tested remedy EHUSMH MtTBQfY Could Talk. Ij) Kl ataM would Mk for ooUirl tinpqrt foe her Ev' SPlI xTkarl anuria of milk Droducttnn Tr? K- KA Um. pravuntl dliM, ur ramady fur i -H lUtalnatl ArurDiru. U mm