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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1918)
M AMPIN is n r.- i 1 WIH Ail Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL 4, NO. 14 MAUPIN SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY, JANUARY m7m3 THE YEAR $1.50 M Wkfce 3lL ret Ufflaes IT' - 0 )1 Calm, SENT IN 8! OUR :SP0N0ENTS Criterion Notes D, L. Butheri'ord's are moving to the McCleoud ranch near Kings y which they expect to run while her brother is away in the army. The farmers of Criterion enjnyeil a good dinner and program at the school house Saturday. Henry Kramer and family have returned from Vancouver where they spent the holidays. Peter Kirsch and sou are both improving after suffering a cold and lagrippe, Anyone wishing to g .'t in con nection with a fine farmer's union call the secretary of the Criterion local, J. E. Miller. The Criterion Telephone com pany is starting the year with money in the treasury and every one wondering how they could gel I along without a phone, . It begins to look like most of the fellows who were wondering how .they would get through the winter would have to begin to fig ure what thry would do with theii eqtra feed. II, A. Midler's farm residence near Sberar was totally destroyed by fire about ten o'clock yesterday morning, together with all house hold effects. How it started or further particulars we have not learued. G. W. Vanderponl All Kinds of Automobile Accessories. First Class Gasoline and Oils Fire Proof " Phone JUST ARRIVE Barbed Wire Both Heavy and Light n H AT Rockbottorn Prices vSHATTUCIi BROS. Tygh Valley Wedding bells have liwn ring ing In this vicinity the past week but we have not been able to get tho required information so will have to wait till next week. California hasn't, got any thin? on Oregon in the balmy wealhei line this winter. Wm, Nicker?on and family am L. C. Pitcher were M'Uipin ealltrs Friday. J. 0. Thompson is looking afur business interesta in Redmond tl e past two weks. Mrs. Midler was moved from hei home to the hotel for medica treatment and is under the direr tions of Dr, Shannon. The kiddies who got sleds foi Xinns are looking the ambient oi them all, but cheer up it mat snow yet. Tlie young people of the ' spent a pleasant Sunday evenin; with MUs Slakrly, Judge Harper returned Sunda from a business trip in The Dall. : and Portland. Mr, and Mrs. Morris were visit ing in The Dalles Maturday. The graveling of White rii'e grade is progressing satisfactorily and will be a great improvement M. M. Morris has installed one of the famous 'lour .speeds' on hit Ford and says it is very satisfact ory. Mrs. Claud Foster was taken seriously ill with heart troubh last week, but id improved at this writing. Mrs. A. M, Young is visiting ai Moro this week. Y. C. Vauderpoo' age Mechanics Cars for Hire Free Air Wapinitia Items Still the good weather continues; jrass and grain are growing fine. Jld timers say 'there never was -aieh a warm winter in the history f this sectiog. 1). Wright came out from the mountains Saturday and repotted scarcely any snow; none at Clacka mas Lake, Clear Lake or Govern nent Camp, that the grass is growing there. Joe Graham spent ieveral days last week in the mountains. Ben and Alia Richardson arriv al here from IWid Monday. Frank Hatty was a Maupin vis itor Monday, K. A. Ifarlman is kept .msy these (Jays Idling out the ques- tionnries and exemptions. ' Sidney Wilson arrived home Sunday morning from Camp Lewis ind remained till Monday night. Bill Mayuard and Chas. lliee .amo out from The Dalles the ast of the week and moved into he Shields house. The school children are again nijoying their hot soups each day vhioh is served to all children who bring their lunches. The io iking is done by the high school ;irls under the supervision of their teacher, Mrs. Bigbee. About 8,") ire being served every day and lave been for the last six weeks. The Red Cross here n ;w has ibout -1") members,' 'Grandun' Peterson has tho distinction of oeing the oldest member here, she aing 75 years old' and is very vitive, Little Arlie Gable is the youngest member, being about I 1-2 years old. The society fin ished, up their first assignment of vork Friday and, shipped over 100 ,)illow slips, ol sheets, 2.'!8 hand. ierehiefs, and one knitted sweater 'eitl;s numerous packages of ma terial tor bamlaKes. The school has received 107 of the 150 supplementary books on English, History, etc., ordered ind a set oi tho New Internationa! I'incylnpedia for the high school section. Dr. El wood to Go Dr. Klwnnd has been commis iioned First Lieutenant in the lT. S. Army and expects to leave soon to take up ol'ieiil duties, Dr. El ivood has pioneered the Southern pari of Wasco since the time vben in order to reach many cee lions it was necessary Iq travel on horseback, which bo has many times done on mU-doii.s of mercy, in the severest winter weather. His many friends regret his de parture from Maupin, but wish him a favorable Clod speed. Red Cross Meet A Pied Cross meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Anderson Saturday when twenty of the ladies of Maupin m?, ajidmade' preli unary arrangements for or nuizatioii. The Priecilla Club! .vas voted into the ?fic;?iy. An other meeting convened Wednes lay when some work wa3 d HiC nid tea and sandwiches servo-:). t-haltn.'k Di,j.-j. have erect.? J a tipn ever their handsome ch etric jg isolino tank. OT1 j i c Cupid Busy (Wapmitia) Chester Brittian and Celia Flinn were married in The Dalles iast Friday, January 4, by Rev. M. H. Staines. They left immediately for Portland and will visit for a short time before returning. Mr. Erittain is a resident of the Wamic country. Miag Flinn has resided here all her life. (Wamic) Miss Hazel Britton and Miss Katherine Spath whose weddings were announced last Week are pop ular young women of this place, the former beim; a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orange Britton and has spent her entire life here, husband Raymond Doering, is a Tygh Valley man and, their many friends congratulate them on the happy event of their marriage. Mis Spath is also a native of this place, leaving here last Fall for The Dalles, where she made her home. Her many friends here wish her a happy future. Carl A. Shearer :md Miss Katli. urine Spath of The Da Hog received the first marriage permit issued in Wasco county this year. Arthur M. Mink of Lane, Idaho and Miss Ellen May 'Miller of Tygh Valley were united in mar riage Wednesday night at the home, of Mr. and Mrs. F, E. Phil lips. Chron., ,an. I. Still Paralized This ofiiee received a letter this week from Mrs. Lock, who now is a resident of Portland, stating that they had consulled a physician who is a bone specialist, for Helen, and that after using the X ray on her they pronounced her ailment to be tubercolosis of tho spine, three of the vertebras being entire ly gone and she also has a small tumor on the spine. She is com pelled to be sewed info a frame 'Oily allowing her the ti-c of her arm", kee'iinir her in that, position for six months Tr-mT d-Iti 'Jiaipete and Rug's - Clothing' win enclose ner in a piaster pans -1 , i cast for some lime. Thephy-iieian gives them hopes that afler this treatment she may regain the use of her limbs. Seeds Call at this office for flower and vegetable seeds, compliments oi Congressman N. G. Sin noil. AUTOMOBILES Fords Pogs OverlanJs Republic Trucks IX AVE some of the: DO YOUR UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER WORK. 1 GIVE US A TRIAL, WE CAM AND WILL MAK.F, GOOD MAUPSN STATE BANK 1 1 ' ' 1 - 1 IuT0T T U. S. Guards Wanted There is being organized . a United States Guard. National Army, whose duty will be to pro tect government interests in thi- country, It will also be used in carrying out the provisions of the President's proclamation pertain ing to alien enemies. Where it is practicable, men enlisted for Ill's branch of service will be placed on duty in the vicinity of their homes. As this force is, designated for immediate use and not for training, men who served in the Spanish American war, the Boxer, Phillip pine and Mexican Border cam paigns in the Army, Nayy, Marine Corps or Militia are particularly desired. .Though any man be tween the ages of 18 and 21 and Kl and -10 who can pass the re quired physical examination is acceptable. Pay. allowances rat ing etc. are the same as Infantry and Regular Army. The period of enlistment is for the duration of the war only. Men wiehimi to serve (heir country in a mili tary capacity yet are reluctant to go as lighters to Europe now have an opportunity to join the I'nited States Guard-?. V.. L. French. Sergt. U. S. Army. Batteries on the ' them to Shattuck charging. blink"? Bring Bros, for re- . H.. DUPHAM - eweler and Watchmaker A! 1 Wo rll f IVANS- EXCHANGE Furniture, oioves, Ranges, v Suits for Ladies and Gentlemen $15 and tap tq my office and let me show you how I can sell better merchandise than the catalog houses for less money. Office, Second Floor First National Bank Eldg The Dalles, Oregon AUTO SJCRViCE YOUH GXDF.a FOK THE NF.W V; iTH FJSCHE5I things that we can do for you DO YOUR N0TARV WORK, SELL YOUR FARM FOR YOU, RENT YOU A SAFETY DEPOSIT FOX, BUY YOUR WHEAT, PARLEY AND OATS, TAKE ('ARE OF YOUR RANKING BUSINESS, SOLDIERS HOME WILL LECTURE At Dalles Iuformation has just been re ceived' at the oflico of county chair man of the State Council of De fence that Major F.. B. Edward Lieutenant - Colonel MacMilliun and Captain K. J. Cook, with two military orderlies, will arrive in Tho Dalles on No. 18, Wednesday January 23, at 12:45. These three men are wounded Canadian offic ers who are returning from the battle front in Europe. They are now traveling over the United States under the direction of the National Council of Defence for the purpose of giving the people, lirst hand information in regard to the war, Bruce Dennis, direc tor of tho work, advises that the message which these men bring i9 of vital importance to the farming section of the qountry. It is de sired that all farmers who can, mako a special effort to attend this meeting. The exact time and place of the meeting will he an nounced a' little later, but will be held on the date mentioned, Wed. nesday, January 215. A Bank stockholder's meeting was held here yesterday. n Guar a r t ee & AUTO ACCESSORIES Complete line of Tube i and Casings FORD .i!l ID i,-i-.Ta I :: .It M: ten