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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1918)
Rheumatism Yields Only rheumatic sufferers know the agony of its darting pains, aching joints or twisting cords. But some few have not known that has been correcting this trouble when other treatments have utterly (ailed. Scott's is essentially blood-food in such rich, concentrated form that its oil gets into the blood to alleviate this stubborn malady. Get a bottle of Scott's Emul sion or advise an ailing friend. No alcohol. The Norwegian cod liver oil 111 Scott' Emulsion is now refined in our own American laboratories which makes it pure and palatable. Scott & Bowne, Bloomfield, N. J. 17-22 RED FACES AND RED HANDS Soothed and Healed by Cutlcura Sample Each Free by Mail. Treatment for the face: On rising and retiring smear affected parts with Cuticura Ointment. Then wash off with Cuticura Soap and hot water. For the hands: .Soak them in a hot lather of Cuticura Soap. Dry, and rub in Cuticura Ointment. Free sample . each by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. h, Boston. Sold everywhere. AdT. Problem For Traffic Cops. If you were a traffic cop and a fire engine, an ambulance, a police patrol, a mail wagon and a fire patrol were all coming in different directions, to which would you give the right way? Topeka Capital. of Not Much Left A woman can feel so disgraced when her husband allows his undershirt Bleeves to show a little below his cuffs that we often wonder what depths of chagrin and sorrow would be left for her if she caught him leading a double life. Ohio State Journal. Nervous. They gave the lady the only unoccu pied room in the hotel one with a pri vate bath adjoining. The next morn ing, when the guest was ready to leave, the clerk said: "Well, did you have a good night's rest, madam?" "No, I didn't," rejoined the lady, em phatically. "I was afraid some one would want to take a bath, and the only way to it was through my room." Exchange. To keep clean and healthy take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They regu late liver, bowels and stomach. Her Skill. "So Mrs. Tart has that fierce-tem pered husband of hers tamed, has Bhe?" "I should say she had. She's got him that tame that she takes money out of his hand without him snapping at her. Baltimore American. Jinks He's a fine doctor for children. Blinks That so? Jinks Yes; he gives them such nasty medicine that they're glad to get well, Brooklyn Citizen. 200 Rooms 100 Baths Near Both Depots Absolutely Fireproof Hotel Hoyt Corner Siith and Hoyt Sts., Portland, Ore, LOU B1UES, Manager. RATES:-76c to 12. SPECIAL-Week or Month MONEY FOR YOU. Thousands of trained young people needed. Behnke-WaUier Business Collnte. Portland, places students in positions. Enroll any time, r Catalog-ue. We Pay the Highest Market Prices raw'furs Guarantee quick returns; charge no commission. Make trial shipment and get the most for your FURS. N. M. UNGAR CO., 191 Broa.waj, PORTLAND, ORE. FRED DUNDEE MOTOR CAR REPAIRING MACHINE WORK MAGNETO SERVICE STATION ALL KINDS OF WELDING CYLINDER GRINDING PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL ORDERS Broadway at Flanders, Portland, Or. Offf T Veal, Pork, Beef, rllr Poultry, Butter, Eggs KJi- and Farm Produce, to the Old Reliable Erordlns house with a record of 46 jrara of Square Dealings, and be assured oi TOP MARKET PR1LU. F. M. CRONKHITE S-47 Free Street Partlsad, Oreaea WORLD HAPPENINGS OF 111 IEK Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. COMPILED FOR YOU Erents of Noted People, Government! and Pacific Northwest and Other Things Worth Knowing'. British casualties reported in De cember reached a total of 79,527. A dispatch to Reuter's Limited from British headquarters says the Germans are experiencing difficulty in main taming efficiency in their air service on the western front. One of the forts in Kronstadt, the naval base near Petrograd, has been blown up by an extremely violent ex plosion, according to a Petrograd dis patch to the London Times. Coal producers supplying army can tonments and camps were notified Wednesday by the fuel administration that in no circumstances must they allow the posts to become short of fuel. H. R. Gladback, of Fort Wayne, lnd., civilian aviation instructor, and Cadet R. A. Saguin, of Rouse's Point, N. Y., were killed when their machine fell 300 feet Wednesday afternoon at San Antonio, Texas. In the Monte Tomba region on the Italian northern front the French have captured many positions between Os terai di Monferena and Marankine, the war office announces. They also cap tured about 1400 men and 60 machine guns and seven cannon. Lighthouse service employes who have been transferred to the service of the War and Navy departments Bre to be regarded as part of the country's defense forces during the war and so are entitled to war risk insurance, ac cording to a new ruling. Earl Rogers, editor of the Nome, Alaska, Industrial Worker, and five members of the editorial board of the publication, which is owned by the Miners' unions, were arrested Tuesday for alleged seditious articles, which, it is charged, appeared in the Worker. The British now have four strong positions interposed between the en emy and Jerusalem instead of the one that existed before the recent serious Turkish attempt, with German assist ance, to retake the city, says Tues day's London War office statement on the Palestine operations. Five German airplanes were de stroyed or put out of action Tuesday by the British, who lost none of theirs. "Two hostile machines were brought down in our lines," says an official statement. "A third was brought down in the enemy's lines. Two other hostile machines were driven down out of control. None of our airplanes is missing." Permission has been given by the Paris municipal council for the holding of art exhibitions in the Petit Palais in the Champs Elysses. The Grands Palais, where the exhibitions usually are held, is occupied at present as a hospital. Both the old and new salons are likely to be held this season for the first time since the beginning of the war. Traffic on American railroads passed the $4,000,000,000 mark during the past year for the first time in history, according to figures compiled by the bureau of railway news and statistics, made public Wednesday. The figures are based on official returns to the In terstate Commerce commission for the first 10 months of the year and on es timates of the last two. Minneapolis mills have begun grind ing "war flour," under the new gov ernment regulations designed to save 16,000,000 bushels of wheat in the present crop year. Under these regu lations, which provide for the use of 74 per cent of the wheat berry instead of but 50 per cent, two grades of flour will be eliminated and the output will be listed as war flour of first and sec ond grades. Cadet A. Davidson, an American aviator, was killed at Hicks Field, Fort Worth, Texas, Thursday, when he fell 700 feet while making his first attempt at a spiral descent Shipyards in the San Francisco Bay region will construct a total of 600, 0D0 tons of wood and steel vessels in 1918, according to a report sent to Edward N. Hurley, chairman of the United States Shipping board, by Attorney Gavin McNab, after a conference with shipbuilders. The estimate that 600 men, women and children had become totally or par tially blind as a result of the recent explosion and fire, in Halifax, U.S., is proving correct At least 200 will be totally blind, the majority of them be ing young women and cnuuren. Count Czerin, the Austro-Hungarian foreiun minister, at the session of the oeace conference at Brest Litovsk j Wednesday, read a statement to the 1 effect that the Central Powers agreed to conclude immediately a general peace without forcible annexations and STATE NEWS IN BRIEF. Walter Meals, a well-known resi dent of Josephine county, committed suicide by shooting himself in the forehead with a .32 caliber rifle, early Sunday morning. A deal was closed at Seaside a few days ago whereby J. A. Prouty, of the Prouty Lumber & Box Co., secured the mill owned by the Nehalem Lum ber company at Timber. Secretary of State Olcott issued 48,632 automoble licenses during the year 1917, as compared to 33,917 for 1916, an increase of approximately 15,000, or nearly 50 per cent over 1916. All Coos Bay industries, with the exception of the Coos Bay Shipbuild ing company yard and the Bay Park sawmill, did not observe New Year's day, but continued work on govern ment force needs. William Ackres, of Roseburg, 103 years old, died Saturday at the county home. He was a Kentuckian, born in 1814. He has relatives in Coos county. He was the olderst white man in Douglas county when he died The Indians of the Shaker faith on the Klamath reservation have decided to combine with the original Shaker corporation of this sect at Olympia, Wash., and Sergeant Brown left for that point Saturday to complete the arrangements for the local organiza tion. Rain, which has fallen almost con tinuously during the past 10 days, has been the heaviest ever known in Clatsop county. Owing to the illness and death of Weather Observer Rost no accurate report of the rainfall has been kept, but it is believed to have smashed all previous records. Lena Briggs 12, of Eugene, bor rowed $5 at the Bank of Commerce in February and invested the money in eggs under a plan of loans by the bank to boys and girls who are mem bers of the pig and poultry clubs. She already has received returns of $11.36 from her project and has 25' pullets and 18 cockerels left. The Public Service commission has granted to the Portland Railway, Light & Power company a horizontal increase of 15 per cent on all of its freight rates on its interurban lines, with the exception of the rate on wood, which remains unchanged. It is understood that the road was particu larly desirous of securing the increase in the rate on wood. Bandon has quarantined against Marshfield to prevent spread of scarla tina in that city, and the Bandon health officers declare several school teachers who visited in Marshfield dur ing the holidays will be quarantined promptly upon returning to Bandon and kept under surveillance for 10 days. Three new cases have occurred in Marshfield within the past two days. Heppner celebrated New Year's day under sunny skies and with a temper ature of 65 degrees. Thus far the winter has been mildest on record and stockmen are jubilant. Grass on the ranges is still growing, and indications are that Morrow county will plant the greatest acreage in her history this winter. Some uneasiness is felt over the fruit crop, as many of the trees are almost ready to b)oom. It is feared that freezing weather later may prove disasterous. Union County went over the top in the Red Cross membership drive by a margin of at least 500. Belated re turns coming in from outlying pre cincts, will bring the total above the quota of 5000 for the county by 500 or 600. General Manager Kiddle has dismissed his workers. State Highway Engineer Nunn has gone to Clatsop county to take charge of the work on contracts on the Lower Columbia River Highway recently taken from the Warren Construction company. What mode of procedure will be followed in completing this work has not been stated. County Agent Jay L. Smith is an ardent advocate of greater hog pro duction in Coos county, and in support of his contention calls the attention of ranchers to the fact that they are losing money by not utilizing wheat and corn in greater amounts. Coos county has drawn several first prizes for corn in shows for 1917, and Agent Smith says producers can Command high returns if more hogs were raised. Between 1500 and 2000 educators, reprsenting every county in the state, attended the sessions of the 17th an nual meeting of the Oregon State Teachers' association, which opened at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning in the Lincoln High School auditorium. Both morning and afternoon sessions were devoted to the consideration of the business of the association. The pro grams for Frday and Saturday were devoted to addresses by prominent ed ucators and the discussion of educa tional topics, William Squires, a resident of Tilla mook for 60 years, and the first person to carry mail in that vicinity, was buried in Tillamook Sunday. He was born near Leeds, England, in 1828, and came to America in 1843. Mrs. Laura Newport, wife of Wil liam Newport, manager of the cook house at the Crown Willamette Pulp & Paper company's contraction camps in the Green Mountain distict near As toria, was instantly killed about 4 o'clock Monday afternoon by an ex CTflTP TYTT7TT TO plosion. SAY HOGS MUST HAVE WHEAT Whitman County Man Thinks He Will Have to Quit Business. Colfax, Wash. If the reported edict of the food administration that no wheat be fed to hogs is carried out it will permanently cripple the hog in dustry of this section, according to the belief of Daniel Kinsinger of Whitman county, who has 300 hogs on his ranch south of Colfax. Mr. Kinsinger is the most extensive hog grower in this county and has raised as many of 1000 in a season. He sold more than $7000 worth of fat hogs this fall and has 300 head left on his big ranch. Mr. Kin singer said: "I am feeding wheat. I have noth ing else to feed. We can not get corn and there is r.o barley to had. I have sold everything but my shoats and stock hogs and want to keep them, but if the government refuses to allow wheat to be fed to hogs I will sell them and quit the hog business. We are being urged to raise more hogs and increase pork production. In this country, where we have no corn and lit tle parley, if we do not feed wheat we will have to quit raising hogs." WALLA WALLA FLOUR DROPS Reduction of Twenty Cents a Barrel Announbed by Millers. WallaWalla Flour mills here Mon day reduced the price of flour 20 cents a barrel and announced that Wednes day the price of millfeeds will tumble. Bran now retails at $34 a ton, shorts at $37, and middlings at $47. Reduc tion will not be less than $4 a ton on bran,$5 on shorts and $8 on middlings, Millers say this reduction may force them to raise the price of flour again. Fuel dealers announced that until mine owners of the state will assure them they will supply all fuel required, or ders will not be canceled at the Utah mines. Price of Cheese Jumps. Marshfield, Or. The attempt to boost the sale of Oregon cheese by Food Administrator Ayer, of Portland, on solicitation of the dairying inter ests, indicates that the dairymen have overreached themselves in trying to maintain prices which are being ob tained by other dairy products, includ ing canned milk, for which exorbitant prices have been paid here. The North Bend condensery is pay ing 72J cents per pound for butter fat, and cheesemakers cannot compete with that figure. NORTHWEST MARKET REPORT Wheat Bulk basis for No. 1 grade: Hard white Bluestem, Early Bart, Allen, Galgalua, Martin Amber, $2.05, Soft white Palouse bluestem, forty fold, White Valley, Gold Coin, White Russian, $2.03. White club Little club, Jenkins club, white hybrids, Sonor, $2.01. Red Walla Walla Red Russian, red hybrids, Jones fife, Cop pei, $1.98. No. 2 grade, 3c less. No. 3 grade, 6c less; other grades handled by sample. Flour Patents, $10. Millfeed Spot mill prices: Bran, $33' per ton; shorts, $36; middlings, $46; rolled barley, $6062; rolled oats, $62. Corn Whole, $84 per ton; cracked, $85. Hay Buying prices: Eastern Ore gon timothy, $2526;- alfalfa, $24 per ton; valley grain hay, $24; clover, $22; straw, $8. Butter Lubes, extras, 40(fiJ46c per pound; prime firsts, 45c. Jobbing prices: Prints, extras, 46((48c; car tons, lc extra; butterfat, No. 1, 62 53c, delivered. Eggs Fresh ranch, current re ceipts, 47(ii 48c per dozen; candled, 50c; selects, 55c. Poultry Hens, large, 20c; per pound; small, 18c; springs, 18(il9c; ducks, 20c; geese, 1418c; turkeys, live, 2022c; dressed, choice, 30 30Jc. Veal Fancy, 15(S;16c per pound. Pork Fancy, 1718c per pound. Vegetables Tomatoes, $2.60 per crate; cabbage, lj(?521c per pound; let tuce, $2(??,2.25 per crate; cucumbers, $1.35 1.75 per dozen; peppers, 15(3! 17c per pound; cauliflower, $2.25 2.60 per crate; sprouts, 10llc per pound; artichokes, 86c $1.10 per pound; garlic, 7(S,8c; squash, ljc per pound; pumpkins, lie per pound; cel ery, $3.604.52 per crate. Potatoes Oregon, $1.25. 160 per hundred; Yakima, $1.501.75; sweet potatoes, 4Jc per pound. Onions No. 1, $2.50Z.75; No. Z, 2 per hundred. Green fruits Apples, $1 (ffj 2.25; pears, $1.25 2.25; grapes, 7c per pound; cranberries, $13.50(5,16.50 per barrel. Wool Eastern Oregon, 60(S,60c per pound; valley, 55((i,ti0c; mohair, long staple, 55c. December 31, 1917. Cattle Med. to choice Bteers, ... 9.75ft 10.50 Good to med. steers 8.76 9.65 Com. to good steers 1.2o(ih 8.40 Choice cows and heifers. 7.00 7.85 Com. to good cows and hf 6.75 7.35 Canners 3.00 6.60 Bulls 4.60 7.00 Calves 7. 00 10. 00 Stackers and feeders. . . . 6.00 8.00 Hogs Prime light hogs $15.3515.50 Prime heavy hogs 15.450U5.60 Pigs 13. 50 14. 60 Bulk 16.60 Sheep Western lambs $13.0013.50 Valley lambs 12.50frU3.00 Yearlings 12.0012.60 Wethers 11. 75 12. 25 Ewes..... 8.0010.00 i7Te Cow's Health- First ofAV ' t tr,:v r tt,- ;it, r.r the cart before the horse. Many "poor milkers" onlyiieed to have their systems working properly to become good producers. T KOW-KURE. the trreat cow medicine, makes cow Tien.thv and titebs them sTl ' healthy. Working on the digestive and genital organs, it ts a prompt, sure E remedy for Abortion. Barrenness, Retained Afterbirth. Scourinir. Lost Appe- ' tite and Bunches. Try KOW-KuRE; " doc and $1.10 packages. r Writ for Tfte nonu Cow Doctor," DAIRY ASSOCIATION i Lyndonv.lle, Vt In a Hurry. At a lecture a well-known authority ; on economics mentioned the fact that in some parts of America the number of men was considerably larger than that of women, and he added, humor ously: "I can, therefore, recommend the la dies to emigrate to that part." A young woman seated in one of the last row of the auditorium got up and, full of indignation, left the room rather noisily, whereupon the lecturer re marked, "I did not mean that it should be done In such a hurry." Exchange. WHILE AT WAR WOMEN SUFFER AT HOME The reflections of a married woman are not pleasant If she la delicate, run down, or over-worked. She feels "played out." Her smile and her good spirits have taken flight. It worries her husband as well as herself. This is the time to build uo her strength and cure those weaknesses or ailments which are the seat of her trouble. Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription regulates and promotes the proper functions of womanhood, enriches the blood. diBpels aches and pains, melancholy and nervous ness, brings refreshing sleep, and restores health and strength. It cures those dis orders ana derangements incident to womanhood. It is now nut up in tablet form, write confidentially about your case or send 10c for trial pkg. or "Favorite prescription Tablets" to Dr. Pierce, President Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. Adv. No Help Needed. Old Maid (rushing down hotel corri dor, negligee) Help! Help! There'B a man in the room. Heroic Gent Did you see him? Old Maid Yes. Heroic Gent Did he see you? Old Maid Yes. Less Heroic Gent You don't need any help. Gargoyle. Invitation Declined. Professor (In chemical laboratory) This is a very explosive substance and it might blow us all sky high. Come closer, gentlemen, so you may be better able to follow me. Widow. Her Part. Young Arthur waas wrestling with a lesson in grammar. "Father," said he, thoughtfully, "what part of speech is woman?" "Woman, my boy, Is not a part of speech; she is all of It," returned father. Milwaukee Sentinel. Dr. Pierce's Pellets are best for liver, bowels and Btomach. One little Pellet for a laxative three for a cathartic. Maybe He Was Winning Stake, Beautiful Ernestine was sobbing as though her heart would break. "What is it, dear?" asked her girl friend. "W-why," she sobbed. "I t-told Jack, after he proposed, to go up and see papa." "What of that?" "Why they started playing crds, and now he goes up to see papa every night." "My dear girl, don't lay so much stress on beauty. Modest worth is better far than millions." 'Yes, it doesn't get anywhere near beauty in catching a millionaire." A Question of Conscience. 'Can doctors honestly take money from their patients?" "Why not?" "Are they not all ill-gotten gains?" Exchange. . A Natural Omission. "Nature makes swans sing before they die." "I wish nature would reverse the process with some people and make them die before they sing." Baltimore American. She Kept Her Locks Dark and Glossy, with Sage Tea and Sulphur. When you darken your hair with Sage Tea and Sulphur, no one can tell, because It's done so naturally, so even ly. Preparing this mixture, though, at borne is mussy and troublesome. For 60 cents you can buy at any drug store the ready-to-use preparation, Im proved by the addition of other ingre dients, called "Wyeth's Sage and Sul phur Compound." You ust dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning all gray hair disappears, and, after an other application or two, your hair be comes beautifully darkened, glossy and luxuriant. Gray, faded hair, though no dlBgrace, Is a sign of old age, and as we all de sire a youthful and attractive appear ance, get busy at once with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound and look years younger. This ready-to-use pre paration Is a delightful toilet requisite and not a medicine. It la not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. Adv. HIE Hi GET GRA h r-.-,'. iriFr.j-r .-. r.,.t;n J - druggists and feed dealers sell it . fre. V J" CO., f,9'$i I Take tablespoonful of Salts if. Back hurts or Bladder bothers. We are a nation of meat eaters and our blood is filled with uric acid, saya a well-known authority, who warns us to be constantly on guard against kid ney trouble. The kidneys do their utmost to free the blood of tbis irritating acid, but become weak from the overwork; they get sluggish; the elimlnative tissues clog and thus the waste is retained in the blood to poison the entire system. When your kidneys ache and feel like lumps of lead, and you have Bting lng pains in the back or the urine is cloudy, full of Bediment, or the blad der is irritable, obliging you to seek relief during the night; when you have severe headaches, nervous and dizzy spells, sleeplessness, acid stomach or rheumatism in bad weather, get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful In a glass of water before breakfast each morning and in a few days your kid neys will act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged k'dneys, to neu tralize the acids in urine so it Is no longer a source of irritation, thus end ing urinary and bladder disorders. Jad Salts Is inexpensive and cannot injure; makes a delightful efferves cent llthia-water drink, and nobody can make a mistake by taking a little occasionally to keep the kidneys clean and active. Adv. His Choice. "So you threw up your position be cause it was hard. Don't you know that no position is easy?" "Yes, father; that's why I prefer no position." Exchange. Was "Bangor says Never In. he Is out of politics for good." "For the good of politics yes."- js Private Lewis A. Ripley, 121st aero squadron, at Kelly field, Tex., recently sold his seat in the New York Stock Exchange and bought 604 Liberty bonds. Specifications. "That man is always running other people down." "Scandal or auto?" Exchange. Mutual Confidences. "Here I have an electric runabout on my hands." "I m still worse off. I va got a run- around on my finger." Baltimore American. Garfield Tea wag your Grandmother's Remedy for every stomach and intes tinal ill. This good old-fashioned herb home remedy for constipation, stomach Ills and other derangements of the sys tem bo prevalent these days is in even greater favor as a family medicine than In your grandmother's day. Adv. Nothing Doing. "Say Clarence, how do you spell felicity?" "I don't spell it." Brooklyn Citizen. Its Contradiction. "An engine Is a paradoxical sort of a proposition." "How so?" "It's hottest when its coaled." Ex change, SAYE THE CALVES! Stamp ABORTION out of your Herd and keep it outt Apply treatment yourself. Small ex pens. Writ for free booklet on Abortion. "Questions and Answin," Slate number of CMttle in herd. Dr. DiM Robirtt' Vet. Co., 100 Grind Ave., Waukesha, Wis. Granulated Eyeli :yre rye, r;yw mnnmf a ny San, fiujtand Wind quickly relieved hv Murine. Trvltln lUUR LYLJNoS.rtii.,JuilEy.Comf.rt MurlneEye Remedy tt.JSff.'a Ky Salva, In Tufa Zfe. for Book 0 th Ku Fr... Aik Murine Eye Remedy Ce.. Chicaao j TOO OAH'I CUT OCT A Bog Spavin or Thoroughpin but you can clean them off promptly with and you work the hone lame time. Doca no blister or remove the hair. 2.50 per bottle, delivered. Will tell you more if you write. Book 4 M free. ABSORB1NE, JR, (he intiieptic liniment fur mankind, reduce! Varicote Vein, Ruptured Mmtkl LIiukoU. Inli'lKl r Wm L'iim. Allan Mia oukklr. 1.8i mid ft. 51 I botOa al tattflm f dcttvrred. Mtdt la the V. S. A. bf W. F. lOUNa, P.D.F., 401 Tempi St, Sfrlnjiliid, Miu. & "in MEAT IF YOUR KIDNEYS ACT BADLY P. N. U. No. 1, 1918 indemnities.