The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, December 28, 1917, Image 3

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    New Houston Hotel
Sixth and Everett Stt., Portland. Ore.
Four blocks from Union Depot Two blocks
from New Postoffice. Modern and fireproof.
Over 100 outside rooms. Rates 75c to (2.00.
CHAS. C. HOPKINS. Manager.
Hotel Rowland
One hundred and sixty-five Rooms, all Modern
improvement; free phones on every floor.
Ratesc 75c to $1.50 per day; $2.50 to
e rtn .. l. per wccai
Opposite Courthouse, 2 blocks from Postoffice,
Fire Froef. S. P and Oregon Electric pass door,'
bl1.AU 1 IrUL KUub
"'Are' made from your OLD CAR
PETS. Rag Ruga woven all sizes.
Mail orders receive prompt and care-.
ful attention. Send for booklet.
E. 8th and Taylor Sts. Portland, Or.
. . -AND- "
Take the shott cut to ; success and use
the Dictaphone. Positions secured when
competent. The only school in the North
west recommended by the Dictaphone Co.
Worcester Bldg, Portland, Or.
for All Work in Schools,
Declare Experts.
Favorable Repart on Dairy Products in
Storage Market for Christmas
Poultry Much Improved.
We Pay the
Highest Market Prices
Guarantee quick returns; .charge
no commission. Make trial shipment
and get the most for your '-FURS.
vnIm. ungarco,
191 Broadway,
Will guarantee you top market prices at 'all times
for your Veal, Hogs, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Hides,
Etc. If you have not shipped to us, try us,
113 Front, PORTLAND, OR.
Veal, Pork, Bef,
Poultry, Butter, Eggs
and Farm Produce. ,
to the Old Reliable Everdlng house with a
record of 46 years of Square Dealings, and
be assured at TOP MARKET PRICES.
8-47 Front Street Portland, Oregon
We want all you have. Write lor prices and shipping rats
THE H. F. NORTON CO. PortlanH, Ore.; Seattle, Wn,.
ncle Sam'a Agencies Are Working to
"Extend Sanitary Regulations of
Cities of Rural Communities.
The most important element In the
education of children Is the establish
ing of good health and right living
habits, according to those experts of
Uncle Sam's bureau of education who
make this their life problem. Half a
century ago the attention of those re- :
sponsible for the care of children In
city schools was drawn to these im
portant features of school and life and
work, and much lias been done, say the
experts, In the last two decades for
the improvement of the sanitary fea
tures of school houses and grounds and
for school regimen in cities.
Only recently, however, It Is pointed
out, has much attention been given to
health conditions In country schools,
but. rural- school sanitation Is now re
ceiving the attention of several govern
mental and stute agencies. An Inter
esting study of rural school sanitation
has recently been completed by the
United States public health service in
a Certain part of the state of Indiana.
It Is thought that the conditions
found In that locality are, at least In
the main, those that exist to a more or
less degree In many of the rural schools
In the country. For ope thing it was
found that there is an undue number
of one-room rural schools. Among
other things It was thought by the of
ficials making the survey that an un
due number of old buildings are being
utilized which have largely passed the
limits of .usefulness for educational
purposes.' Many of these, it is said,
were-without the proper sanitary fa
cilitiea and some were even, without
any wnter'supply. Many had faulty il
lumination -of the classrooms and still
others were 'Without adequate class
room, equipment; some were improper
ly heated and poorly ventlluted and
still others presented evidences of In
efficient Janitor's service.
The large number of children pre
entlng physical defects of such gravity
is to demand specialized medical and
surgical attention, say the experts, is
in evidence of the need of medical
supervision of the school children of
the counties In tho interests of the
child's educntionul advancement and
Cor the protection of the community
The undue number of mentally de-
tectlve and retarded school children
revealed by the study made emphasizes
the necessity, say the experts, of the
inenfal classification of the children for
the purpose of, revealing those who are
!n need of Institutional or Individual
!7.ei treatment.
A New Problem.
"The pen is said to be mightier than
the sword."
"Yes, that's an old story. But where
shall we place the swagger stick?"
Louisville Courier-Journal.
Tacoma, Wash. Taking the lead in
the production of apples for 1917, the
state department of agriculture reports
the whole number of carloads at 19,
815. In some sections the yields are
overrunning earlier estimates. Scar
city'of boxes, shortage of labor and
limited shipping facilities j at times
seemed alarming, but where proper
storage facilities were provided the
crop was secured with a minimum of
Varieties show a production as
follows, in carloads: Winesaps, 4087;
Rome Beauty, 1815; Jonathan, 3329;
Newtown, 737; E Sopus Spitz, 1486;
Delicious, 855; Wageness, 443; Ar
kansas, 255; other varities, 6826.
Other fruits shipped were 2112 car
loads of peaches, 1465 carloads of
pears besides those used by the fruit
product factories. Cherries, prunes,
plum, apricots, strawberries and other
small fruits showed an aggregate of
965 carloads.
Some plants are already reporting
shortage of stock and they will not be
able to fill their orders. This, says
the department, should encourage all
growers to conserve every apple ana
not allow any to go to waste in the
orchards, packing sheds or eleswhere,
because there is a good market value
in them, and as a food product they
should be saved.
Fruits and vegetables are in good
demand for the holiday trade.
Poultry is having a good sale.
Dressed turkeys are quoted at 30 cents.
County to Have Farm Expert.
Colfax, Wash. Whitman county is
to have an agricultural instructor, em
ployed by the Federal department of
agriculture, which will pay his salary,
the county to pay his expenses. This
is in line with the government's desire
to increase production and improve
agricultural conditions. The agricul
turalist is to be selected by the Fed
eral government and the State Agricul
tural college, with the consent of the
county commissioners. The board has
voted to grant the request of the government.
Bought.-Sold, Rented and Repaired
Bumside, cor. 10th. Portland, Ore.
Thousands of trained young people needed
Behnke-Walker Business College, Portland, places
students in positions. Enroll any time. Free
Helpful Thought'
' "This garage has a window. I think
I'd prefer a garage without a window,
"The window is small."
"Still, a thief could get through it."
"He might, but he couldn't get the
automobile through." Louisville Courier-Journal.
Trifle Embarrassed.
"Fine pair of spurs you have there,
colonel. ;
"I suppose you won them on some
"No," said the colonel, with some
embarrassment. "The fact is, I won
these spurs at a raffle." Louisville
Sags Advice.
"If you have the goods, talk. You
may get a reputation for being wise."
"The proposition is not certain, eh?"
"Nope. If you waht to play 'safe,
keep your mouth -shut Then you're
sure to get a reputation for being
wise." Louisville Courier-Jqurnal.
He Wat Posted.
"How old are you?" asked the little
boy of his mother's caller.
"Willie," said his mother sharply,
"you must not ask a lady a question
like that; it isn't polite."
"Why, mamma," returned the young
ster, "she isn't supposed to tell the
truth." Boston Transcript .-
Learn to say "No," young fellow,
Learn to say "No" and then
You won't in tha gold gray morning
Be saying: "Never again!"
Boston Transcript
A Pair of Cannibals.
They had come to the fruit course.
She took a peach and bit into it "Can
nibal!" he said to her. "You, too!" she
retorted. He was eating a nut Bos
ton Transcript
.EtvTJW &lAJJULiM ...a,......
jjjjj jj TheQualttg OoeS Clear Through
m Jin I jatisiacKon .
jrl. ""iti H You will like your Dort for its eager- I
1 ness to do thin&s your way for its
ri power flexibility simplicity. j j
Tourin&Car II You will like it for its reasonable first ( j
TWPassenfcer and after cost0od appearance, M
RoadoU I thorough comfort and reliable perform- jj
ance for the full value it delivers. g
Jf jtfTji "fgjjf III I Own a Dort and cut down unproductive 1 j
Ja tfSSfl tatf III time keep healthy bright lively j
II efficient the times demand your best. i
Sedan, $1095 II ;
sea8net,$845 , NORTHWEST AUTO CO. I
F. W. VOGLER, President. C. M. MENZIES, Manager.
vSgsS. If Northwest Auto Co., Portland, Oregon. f
Bring Back its Color and Lustre
with Grandma's Sage
- ' Tea Recipe.
Poultry, Veal
and Hogs
18-20 Front St Portland, Ore.
"" Commdn garden sage brewed Into a
heavy tea, with sulphur and alcobol
added, will turn gray, streaked and
faded hair beautifully dark and luxuri
ant Mixing the Sage Tea and Sulphur
recipe at home, though, is troublesome.
An easier way is to get the ready-to-use
preparation improved by the addi
tion of other Ingredients, costing about
50 cents a large bottle, at drug stores,
known as "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur
Compound," thus avoiding a lot of
muss. -
While gray, faded hair is not sinful,
we all desire to. retain our youthful
appearance and attract veness. By
darkening your hair with Wyeth's
Sage and Sulphur Compound, no one
can tell, because It does it so naturally,
so evenly. You just dampen a sponge
or soft brush with it and draw this
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time; by morning all gray
hairs have;dlsappeared. After another
application or two your nair becomes
beautifully dark, glossy, sort ana lux
uriant and Jou appear years younger.
Wveth's Sage and Sulphur Compound
is a delightful toilet requisite. It Is
not Intended for the cure, mitigation
; or prevention of disease: Adv.
tf cuTTti i lUMica mil
Low-price 4,
(rtth. iriU' !M
p f r frrtH lf
prttMt WhtttttMr
iO-osai.licilHP"lt, V 08
(Uau aSS. SlseSlSI rills.
a. h... fuMw1. rimnlr UhI lllUUMlt.
o"t. liiisi ua crisa-, U otattk
The tatter tsesrstert, Isrtslsy. CtWralt J)
Wheat Bulk basis for No. 1 grade:
Hard white Bluestem, Early Bart,
Allen, Galgalus, Martin Amber, $2.05.
Soft white Palouse bluestem, forty
fold, White Valley, Gold Coin, White
Russian, $2.03. White club Little
club, Jenkins club, white hybrids,
Sonor, $2.01. Red Walla Walla Red
Russian, red-hybrids, Jones fife, Cop
pei, $1.98. No. 2 grade, 3c less. No.
grade, 6c less ; other grades handled
by sample. .
Flour Intents, $10.
Millfeed Spot mill prices: Bran,
$33 per ton; shorts, $36; middlings,
$46; rolled barley, $6062; rolled
oats, $62.
Corn Whole, $84 per ton; cracked,
Hay Buying prices: Eastern Ore
gon timothy, $2526; alfalfa, $24
per ton; valley grain hay, $24; clover,
$22; straw, $8.
Butter Cubes, extras, 4546c per
pound; prime firsts, 45c. Jobbing
prices: Prints, extras, 46 48c; car
tons, lc extra; butterfat, No. 1, 62
53c, delivered.
Eggs Fresh ranch, current re
ceipts, 4748c per dozen; candled,
50c; selects, 65c.
Poultry Hens, large, 20c; per
pound; small, 18c; springs, 1819c;
ducks, 20c; geese, 14(tt:18c; turkeys,
live, 2022c; dressed, choice, 30U)
Veal Fancy, 15(?16c per pound.
Pork Fancy, 1718c per pound.
Vegetables Tomatoes, $2.50 per
crate; cabbage, ll21c per pound; let
tuce, $2(32.25 per crate; cucumbers,
$1.351.75 per dozen; peppers, 15(3)
17c per pound; cauliflower, $2.25
2.50 per crate; sprouts, 10(5jllc per
pound; artichokes, 85c $1.10 per
pound; garlic, 7g8Jc; squash, ljc per
pound; pumpkinB, ljc per pound; cel
ery, $3. 50(3,4. 62 per crate.
Sack Vegetables Carrots, $l.z& per
sack; beets, $1.60 (3J 1.75; turnips,
$1.50; parsnips, $1.75.
Potatoes Oregon, $1.Z5(?8. 160 per
hundred: Yakima. $1.50(3.1.75; sweet
potatoes, 4Jc per pound. -
Onions No. l, sz.du(o.z.7(; o. z,
2 per hundred.
Green fruits Apples, $1 W 2.Zo;
pears, $1.25 (3) Z.zd; grapeB, ic per
pound; cranberries, $13.6016.60 per
Hods 1917 crop, 1620 per pound;
1916 crop, 13(315c.
Wool Eastern Oregon, 60(3,60c per
pound: valley, 6560c; mohair, long
staple, 65c.
December 24, 1917,
Med. to choice steers....! 9.75(3,10.50
Good to med. steers 8.75(7$ 9.65
Com. to good steers 7.25(3) 8.40
Choice cows and heifers. 7.00(3) 7.85
Com. to good cows and hf 6.75(3) 7.35
Cannen 8.00(3) 6.60
Bulls 4.60(3) 7.06
Calves 7.00(310.00
Stackers and feeders 6.00(3; 8.00
Prime light hogs $15.35(3.15.60
Prime heavy hoes ....... 15.403. 15.60
Pigs 13.50(3,14.60
Bulk 15.60
Western lamb $13.00(313.50
Valley lambs 12.60fdl3.00
Yearlings 12.00ffil2.60
Wethers Il.76fitl2.26
Ewe 8.00(3,10.00
Eat less meat and take Salts for
Backache or Bladder
am,!. aa,l.,-iii ''i
C$s 20 Cords in 10 Hours
BUT NO EQUALS. Write for Information.
Vaughan Motor Works, main
Uric acid In meat excites the kid
neys, tney Become overworicea; gei
sluggish, acbe, and feel like lumps or
lead. The urine becomes cloudy; the
bladder Is irritated, and you may be
obliged to seek relief two or three
times during the night When the kid
neys clog you must help them flush
off the body's urinous waste or you'll
be a real sick person shortly. At first
you feel a dull misery In the kidney
region, you suffer from backache, sick
headache, dizziness, stomach gets
sour, tongue coated and you feel rheu
matic twinges when the weather is
Eat less meat, drink lots of water;
also get from any pharmacist four
ounces of Jad Salts; take a table
spoonful In a glass of water before
breakfast for few days and your kid
neys will then act fine. This famous
salts Is made from the acid of grapes
and lemon juice, combined with llthla,
and has been used for generations to
clean clogged kidneys and stimulate
them to normal activity, also to neu
tralize the acids in urine, so it no long
er is a source of Irritation, thus end
ing bladder weakness.
Jad Salts is inexpensive, cannot in
ure; makes a delightful effervescent
lithia-watcr drink which everyone
should take now and then to keep the
kidneys clean and active. Druggists
here say they sell lots of Jad Salts to
folks who believe In overcoming kid
ney trouble while It is only trouble.
Mrs. Erwin was showing Selma the
New Swedish maid, "the ropes."
"This," said Mrs. Erwin, "is my son's
room. He Is in Yale."
"Ya?" Selma's face lit up with sym
pathetic understanding. "My brudder
ban there, too."
"Is that so? what year?"
"Ach! He ban got no year! He ban
punch a man in the eye, and the
yoodge say, 'You, Axel, 60 days In
yall!' "Harper's.
Does Cuticura Ointment Assisted by
Cutlcura Soap Trial Free.
On rising and retiring smear the
affected surfaces gently with Cutlcura
Ointment. Wash off In five minutes
with Cutlcura Soap and hot water.
When the skin 1b clear keep It so by
using Cutlcura for every-day toilet
and nursery purposes.
Free sample each by mail with
Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura,
Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere.
The men on the firing line represent
the pick of our American youth. One In
four of our boys at home was Bick, re
jected because of physical deficleney.
Many times the kidneys were to blame.
U we wmn to prevent oia age comma
on too soon, or f we want to Increase
our chances for a long life, Dr. Pleroe of
the Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. T., says
that you should drink plenty of water
dully between meals. Then procure at
your nearest drug store Anurlo (double
strength). This An-u-rlo drives the urlo
arid out and cures backach and rheum
atism. If we wish to keep our kidneys In the
best condition a diet of milk and vege
tables, with only little meat one a toy.
Is the most Bultable. Drink plenty M
pure water, take Anurlc three times a day
for a month.
Step into the drug store and ask for
Anuric, or send Dr. Pierce 10c for trial
pkg. Anurlc, many times mora potent
than llthln, eliminates uric acid a hot
water melts sugar, A Bhort trial will
convince you. Adv.
Preliminary Training.
"Of course," said Mr. Rafferty, "we
can't deny we've bad our little differ
ences with Englund."
"We have," replied Mr. Dolan. "Ana
great benefl. it was. It's what put
both countries in real fightln' trim."
Washington Star.
"Some of the nursery rhymes need
"Take, for instance, the case of hen-
ney penny. We can no longer couple
the her, with a coin so Insignificant as
a cent" Exchange. :
Senator. Lodge waa talking about
certain investigating committees.
"Some of them," he observed, "remind
me of SI Hosklns. 81 got a Job at
shooting muskrat8, for muHkrats over
ran a mill owner s dam. There In the
lovely spring weather SI sat on the
grassy bank, his gun on his knee.
"'What are you doing, 817
" 'I'm paid to shoot muskrats, sir,'
he said. 'They're undernitnln' the dam.'
' 'There goes one now, said I. Shoot
man I Why don't you shoot?'
'SI puffed a tranquil cloud from his
pipe and said:
"Do you think I want to lose my
Job?' " Exchange.
Not so Bad.
"Is this son of yours adolescent?"
"Oh, no, sir; he's Just a little queer
in the bead." Baltimore American,
Appropriate Pace.
"How are those bathing suits you
are making coming on?"
"Oh, they're coming on swimming
ly." Baltimore American.
All She Wanted.
Mrs. Newbrlde I want to get soma
Dealer Yes'm. How many heals?
Mrs. Newbrlde Mercy 1 I thought
you took the heads off. I Just want
plain chicken salad. Harper's.
"The knight of old begged his lady
love for her glove."
"And the modern lover begs his girl
not to hand him the mitten." Bx-
Mary had a little limp
And furrows In her brow.
She couldn't wear a number two
But tried It anyhow.
His Margin.
'My broker told me I must give him
something to put up on this deal."
"Well, did you put up anything?"
"All I had my umbrella," Ex
A Parodoxlcal 8lgn.
"I can always tell when my husband
Is going to be close with his money."
"By his far-away look when I ask
him for some." Boston Transcript
"I saw a man yesterday who has
been driving customers away from
your store."
"Who waa he?"
"A cabman." Brooklyn Citizen.
When your shoei pinch or your Corns snd Bun
ions ache, irt Allen's Foot-Ease, ths sntisepUe
powder to be shaken into shoes and sprinkled in
the foot-bath, (lives instant rellnf to Tired. Acs
Inir. Tender Feet. Hatniile FKEK. Address AUn
S. Olmsted, Leitoy, New York.
8d Experience.
"And haven't ye ever tried ter git
"Yep. I wunst tried ter git work
for two of me pals, but dey wouldn't
take It" Brooklyn Citizen,
The Operation.
"Tommy was such a hard boy to
manage. How did they make him the
star pupil at school?"
"Sure, ma'am, they cut out his aster
olds." Baltimore American.
47fllPME Granulated EyeliJi,
lis' "1 So Eyes, T.m Inflsnwd by
M ' IJiXjSrJ.S'", 0.,lfui Wind quickly
7of5 j Kf relieved by Mutlne: Try It In
VL, r?7fr you Eyes and In baby's Eyes.
TOUR tYUNeSwrtiaf.J.rfErtCef.rt
Marine Eye Remedy SJ!!TST $ VUtiJ
re sM. la To . rw ! -Ask
Max In Eyt Remedy Co., Chlcaas) i
Arc Your Lungs Strong?
Do colds go down to your throat? Are your bronchial
tubes easily affected? Above all, do colds settle on your
chest? Then your lungs may not be as strong as you
expected consumption often follows.
Good Physicians Everywhere Prescribe
Because Its Pure Cod Liver Oil Is Famous 1
or strengthening delicate throats and weak lungs while its glycerine
tootnes the tender linings and alleviates the cough.
Start on Soott's Emulsion today It is Nature's
building-food without drugs or alcohol.
The Imported Norwegian rod liver oil used in Scott' t EmwUlon Is now refined ta
oar ewn jncrluut laboratories wbkk (uarmitera It free from ImytuiUee.
Scott ft Bowse, MooaSeld, N. J. 1M1
P. N. U.
No. 52, 1917