The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, December 07, 1917, Image 1

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    Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL 4, NO. 9
THE YEAR $1.50 3
Tygh Valley
A couple of young bray" from
Warm Springs in tfoing home
from The Dalles got filled up on
eome of the 'rarifled atmosphere'
and stopped off here to help some
of the squaws by pulling down
their teuts in a nice ruin storm.
The squaws not being able to suc
cessfully rope the young bravi-s,
called for help und when George
Woodruff and Milt Morris pot
through tying them 'they looked
like an electric motor wound with
hemp. Along comes an officer
and handed M. M. a pair of hand
cuffs which he proceeds to put on
and then puts the prisoner in the
'Skookum house' for the night,
but Milt felt sorry for the boy in
irons all night, so goes up early
next morning to unlock the cuffs,
but lo, and behold the brave is
down in a tent eating his break
fast and hands M. M. the irons
out of his pocket.
Mrs. Z. A. Watkins is spending
a few days visiting relatives and
friends in The Dalles.
A letter from Chris Paulson at
Furniture, vStoves, Ranges,
Carpet and Rug's - Clothing'
iSuits for Ladies and Gentlemen
$15 and up
Come to my office and let me show you
how I can sell better merchandise than
the catalog houses for less money.
Office, Second Floor First National Bank Bldg
The Dalies. Oregon
G. W. Vanderpool w. C. Vanderpool
Maupin Garage
All Kinds of Automobile Accessories
First Class Mechanics
Gasoline and Oils
Fire Prosf Phone
Our Stock of
is particularly complete and we invite
your inspection
Just Received-A Snappy line of Ladies
Dress Shoes in late
Styles and Colorings
Look them over You will be pleased
Store of Better Service
American Lake statu! that Uncle
Sam is a good feeder as he bad
the best Thatikeuivine dinner he
ever ate.
Ed Hill, the Dnfur blacksmith
was in town over night Sunday.
Frtmk Crawford is spending a
few days' in Portland this week.
A late rain is b'tUor than none
at all, eo why worry.
The new bridge in Butler can
yon is about completed and will
be in use as soon as the grading
is don to oouneet it with the rond,
and will certainly be a fjreat im
provement over the old road.
Geo. Wookrnff an! family are
in The Dalles for a few days as
George's father is not feeling the
best this winter.
The new concrete bridge over
Tygh Creek will not be built this
winter owing to the lateness of
getting it started.
Harry Harvey with his mother
and son passed through town
Monday on his way to Portland,
having spent Thanksgiving with
R. J. Buzjn and family at Criter
ion. They spont the last year in
Florida but said it seemed good to
be back in Oregon.
Do your Christmas shopping
early. Presents for the whole
family now on display at the
Maupin Drug Store.
Cars for Hire
Free Air
Wamic News
Percy Driver went to SLerar
Bridge Saturday to meet Mr. and
Mrs. I'd and Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Diiver, who were returniug from
the Portland stock show.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Driver arriv
el home Saturday from attending
the live stock show in Portlard.
Mr. Diiver had spent the pas'
month in Portland and Hood River
Immense shower of rain fell here
at intervals last week, doing much
good for agriculture, but making
muddy roads and wash out grades
Erma amd Alma Driver came
out from The Dalles Wednesday,
coming to Tygh with Frank Gahle
and his son Harry and daughter
Lizzie, where their father met them
Mr, and Mrs. Lake returned
from The Dalles Tuesday after lay
ing to rest their eon James A.
They were accompained hy Mrs.
Francis Ward and little son Jirn
mie from Davenport Wash., and
Miss Hilda and Charley Lake who
came up from Portland, Winston,
who accompained his parents from
this place.
J. R. and Tom Woodcock went
to Portland Wednesday, accompa
ning a car of fat hogs from this
place, he returned Friday, Henry
Miller meeting him at Sherar.
Bud Harvey was among those
who sent hogs from this place last
week, he having taken a load to
Sherar Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Harvey mov
ed to their homestead at Lick
Skillet, Saturday.
An epidemic of la grip is sweep
ing this place. Several persons
were attacked lateley, though none
seriously ill with it.
Mrs. Eiisie Cambell is one of
the victims of la grip the past
The Wamic dramatic club met
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. E
Woodcock on Sunday afternoon,
electing as president, Prof Lane
Morely and secretary Miss Crystal
Pratt, who succeeded Miss Hilda
Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Don Miller
were over from Wapinitia Sunday
attending the dramatic club.
Mr, and Mrs. P. B. Diiver went
to The Dalles Sunday, taking
Erma and Alma who were return
ing to their school.
A. E. Lake accompained by W.
E. Woodcock made a business trip
to Maupin Saturday, returning
A. E. Lake and Miss Hilda
Lake went to Portland Monday
the later to resume her studies at
Holmes Business college.
Hamie Patison went to Portland
last week for short visit
Mr. and Mrs George Wing have
moved into the J. Stilwell home
in this place.
Jim McCown is spending a few
at home, from the Hauser place
in Tygh Valley where he is employ
el Mr McCown just received a
letter from his cousin Chris Poul
son who is stationed at Camp
Lewis, saying that every thing
was lively at the camp.
Mrs Mary Pratt received a letter
last night from her Eon Carl at
Camp Mills L I containing a photo
of himself taken in his uniform.
Mr. Pratt is recovering from an
attack of la grip.
Miss Dorothy McCorkle who
spsnt Thanksgiving with her par
ents here returned to The Dalles
yesterday, Terry Jones and Mies!
Crystal Pratt accompanied bertol
In spite of the down pour of;
rain here Thursday a large crowd j
was in attendance at the school j
entertainment given in the hall in!
the evening. A most pleasing!
and interesting program, under
Wapinitia Items
The heaviest rain that has fallen
here in two years, fell here last
week, commencing Wednesday
night and continued almost two
days without letting up. The
creeks are running, the ground is
wet' down to a depth of 12 or 14
inches and some are commencing
to plow.
Owing to storm oflast'fhurs
day and Friday, the work of fin
ishing the parsonage was post
poned until a later date.
II. N. Dodge is building a brick
flue in the parsonage this week.
A large crowd was pre ent at
the banquet of the commercial club
Saturday night and a splendid pro
gramme was rendered, consisting
of recitations, music by the band,
also the male quartet rendered some
special songs, a splendid supper
was served to oil.
The main speaker of the evening
failed to arrive, and N. G. lied in
filled the gap and gave a splendid
speech, The books were opened
Moreley and Miss Compton, was
rendered, coexisting of dialogues,
readings, instrumental and vocal
music. A corn drill hy the pri
mary pupils wa9 very thrilling.
Erma and Amk Driver who are
attending S). Mary's academy
rendered a piano duet. Alma also
sang a solo. After'the entertain
ment a delicious supper was served
by the ladies of the district. The
proceeds from the sale of the
supper will he used for school
purposes, a portion for the fram
ing ot an engraving of the names
of the fifty-five pupils who con
tributed to the recent school liben'
ty bond and for the subscription
of three good school magazines,
A sufficient quantity of reeds and
raffia will be purchased for the
making of baskets in the primary
room to introduce this art in the
school. The Wamic school is the
first one in the county to purchase
a liberty bond.
We have a nice line of jewelry for Xmas
Watches, Bacelets,' Loveland spot pin
Brooches, Watch Chain, Chain fobs, Rings
in fact everything that belongs to the
Jewelry Business. Please call and look
over stock before bavisg dsewhere.
Republic Trucks
for charter members and about 40
names are now on the books.
Hay Kay lor has sold his farm
on the lower end o! the Flat to
Fisk Bothwell.
We wish to announce that Capt
Slover, ex chief of polieee of Port
laud, will be here next Sunday,
December 9th, to begin revival
meetings. Mr. Slover is a splendid
speaker and all are invited to come
to the service.
Al. Daniels came down from his
ranch on Sun Flower Flat and is
helping Ora Mnynard haul hay and
straw from his lower ranch this
week. ''
Jiinkie Tapp and Jesse Lewb
left Monday morning for Portland
to enlist in the army.
Evans Parrish of Maupin took
Dr. F rancis around over this sec
tion, Monday and Tuesday.
A little 8 lb son was born to Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Richardson last
Wednesday, November 28th, all
doing nicely
A saw mill man, and a real estate
man from Portland were here last
week looking over this country.
Emil Heckler was selling beef
here Monday.
G. E. Wood is moving up on
to one of Jake Tuschner's rancheB
this week, where they will Bpend
the winter.
Mrs. Pechette received papers
from the Goverment, showing that
her son Chester, who is at Camp
Mills, New York, has taken out
$10,000 life insurance in her favor
Mr. B. L. Foreman butchered a
nice bunch of hogs Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Young of Pros
ser, Wash., arrived here Monday
and ara visiting at the home of E.
M. Hartman. Mrs. Young is a sis
ter of Mrs, Hartman. -
Musical rehersel was held at the
church hers Wcduesdry night, a
large crowd was present.
Mr. Ray, living on the O. B.
Dorthick place, purchased a new
piano this week of the Daupin
Dni" Store.
AUTO se:rvce
i crime n
LiiiLiio rnuif
Exerpts of alotter from Orange
V. Spenser.
Guautanmo Bay, Cuba, 90th Co
7th Keg., U. S. Marine Corps.
Nov. Oth, 1917!
G. I. Dorthick, dear friend,
I receivedfyour letter a few days
ago and was glad to hear some
news from in and and around
Am well and getting along in
the marine corps fine and dandy.
Mr. Larson who used to be lit
Maupin and work with you in the
Belfonr-Guthrie warehouse about
four or five years aeo is in the
marine corps n ow and is a lieu
tenant in my regiment.
I was about thirty miles from
San Francisco, on Mare Island for
a while, and al o in Santa Diego,
Orange V. Spencer.
From John Horn, at Ft. Mc
Dowell, Cal., to W. L. Morrison.
It will kind of suiprise you to
hear that I enlisted, but I think it
is my duty as an able-bodied man
to do my bit for the flag and coun
ty with the rest of the boys and I
am proud of Uncle Sam's uniform
and will stand up for the flag till
I fall. I am booked for Manila,
P. I., and from there maybe we
will be sent to China to relieve old
troops. When we get to our sta
tions I will send you my address
and the money for a year's sub
scription. 1 would like to read
the Maupin Times and hear the
news from home.
I send you the menu card to
show you how Uncle Sam feeds
his Sammies. Please say 'Hello'
to the boys for me.
We are sailing on the transport
Sheridan on the 5th of December.
An old lady in San Franciso pro
phesied the Sheridan is going
down on this trip. Hope she
wont; would like to bob a little
fighting first.
Goodbye and good luck to your
self, your friend,
John E. Horn.
Christmas will soon bo here.
Make your home happy. A nice
piano or player piano will do the
work. You can buy one at the
Maupin Drug Store for 25 per cent
lower prices and 2 1-2 years with
out interest. Make your own
terms. Call in and see.
Miss Grace Miller came here
from Monmouth for Thanksgiving.
Her sister May who has been
teaching school near Walla Walla
returned to Monmouth with her
the latter part of the week. She
will enter the normal school there.
Dufur in Chronicle Dec, 1.
line of
Tubes and
the able management of Prof, i