The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, November 23, 1917, Image 4

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oN, Fulilisliei
Ac year, f 1.50; six
(fits; three monUii, 50
EnU as second class mail
mutter Sfplemljt-r z, 1914, at the
poslofliee at Maupin, Oregon, un
der the Act of March 3, 1879.
Pine Grove
Wapinitia Plains Commercial
Club w iil meet on the tint Putur
diiy following Thanksgiving duy
at 8 p. in., F.v'cVh hull for tin
ingat hiring of its c.hl and new
members In a banquet and ru'c
brnlion. Local talent in ninne,
Eoiiga and readings will bo worth
every effort yon make to get away
from your other ipoi nt im'ii t in
order to attend. The progrHn.
comuiitteo has not yet announced
who the toaatniaPtcr or speaker
will he. Probably J. T. Henkle,
Elate Senator, or rouia other good
posted man. The club opened ite
v books Saturday night tho 17th.
A goodly number of new members
wcro'received. All I ai mers, rncrcb
ante, timber men, cattle and sheep
men, water nrers are hereby noli
fled that their presence ami that of
that of their families are desired
to attend the annual banquet De
cember Jbt,
Welby A. Dano has apsnmed
the foremiinship os a logging road
construction crew for N. (i. Ifedin.
It is conteni)lnled to nlait (he
raw mill in MoCubbin's Gulch to
cut out Die reservoir and dam inn-
terial for tho first dam at the
mouth of the gulch, also to cut
out bridge and culvert material
for tho many points mi the new
extension where they 11 re needed.
Jack Kelly has piloted hU crrw
of organized farmers easterly
toward D. Woodside's lower nineli
The ponds are filling and every
one is pleased to eee the favorable
lute weather that enables the
company to supply water at th's
K. E. Miller, general manager of
the coiiipany has Kpcnl ft wei k 011
the Plat in conference with the
farmers and inspecting tho woik.
He returned to Portland Tuesday
Mrs. W. B. Keen is reported in
hotter health and Mr. Keen may
return soon.
n i in-
Thanksgiving Service
A community Thanksgiving ser
vice will bo held in the chimb at
Maupin Thanksgiving day at II
a. 111. All are invited to attend
the service also to biing basket
dinners to the church. A brief
irograni is being arranged for the
If you want to get rid of your
old organ, Trade in on a nice piano
Bee the Maupin Drug Store.
I have moved my Stock of Shoes
and Shoe Repairing hii'doess to
201 1-2 Second Street, The Dalle,
Ore., opposite the F.mpress Theatre
I will Hill continue my Harness
and Saddle buuiuess in the same
location ns formerly, only upstairs,
and will be glad to figure with you
on anything you need in the har
ness and saddle line,
Tho front of the building form
erly occupied by my Harness and
t'lirto Repair stove will now be
used as an Automobile Accessor
ies and Spoiling Goods houce by
Gates A Co., in which firm I am
I want all my old friends to
call and hee lue and their net da
will have my personal attention.
Mail orders will have prompt
and careful attention.
V ii.'Tor Marih.:x,
The Dalles, (ire.
Portland rainless Dentist, 505
Second St., The Dalles, Ore. Fou
lind prices, riione Main fiS-'Sl. W.
T.Slatten, P. D. S.,proj riefr.
Local Items
Alfalfa Meal, Maupln Whue.
' Mrs. Emmons went to Bend
Car for eale, nearly new Saxon
Six, .1775.00. Shattuek Bros.
Pen Fraley tuudu a trip to Port
bind this week.
W. II. Aldridgo is back looking
aftc his farm this week.
Block cattle and horses for sale
inquire ut this ollice.
Mrs M rgenHn has been visit
inn in town this week.
Portland Painless Dentist, 30!)
.Second St., The Dalles, Ore. Port
land price?. Phone Main W.
T. Slattm, D. D. S., propri;tor.
A Thanksgiving etipper will be
served at tho Manpiu hotel.
Mr. and Mrs.' J. W. Davidaon
were iu Portland laid week.
Get your winter apples from E.
A. Cyr's just in from the Fuiist
G. W. Bargcnholt and 0. P..
Fleck wore over from Smock jes
day, John Farlow of Smock wan a
business visitor in town yesterday.
What is the use of doing with
out a piano in your home when
you can buy one at the Maupin
Drug Store and make your own
terms. We will give you 20
months without interest and
twenty per cent lower prices than
you can get elsewhere. When in
Maupin come in and see about it
D. M. Shattuck and E J. Fisch
er were absent a few days this
week on a hunting trip.
Bates Hliat l uck was on a hunt
jug tr p last week.
Geo. Vanderpool n.ade a busi
ness trip to Dufnr the first of the
O. H. Derthlck has started in
the real estate business in connec
tion with a Portland firm who an
in a position to send prospective
imyei'H thin way, and is listing
land for sab", lie already has a
number of bargains to show pros
pectives, pin!
Win. Beck with drove his new
Ford out from The Dalles Friday.
Patronize, home industry. Get
your homo cured baonat F. A
Cyr's for 40c, per lb.
Drink "Ruby Mist" ocs ir
glass at F. A. Cyr's Wapiniliu.
It. B, Driver and family were in
tort'ii yeHlerday.
Mrs. J. L. Confer lunged for
ward and broke the wind shield in
their car Saturday evening, skin
ning her nose.
Portland Painless Dentist, 30'
Second St., The Dalles, Ore, Port
land prices. Phone Main 3881. W
T. Shitlen, D. 1). S., proprietor
Mrs. Geo.-Lcdford made atrip
over from Smock Saturday on
The Blusher brothers and their
families were over from Dufui
The farmers don't seem to be
satisfied unless they are skinned.
Give Dad Coale a chance. He
buys all kinds of pels, hides,
skins and wool.
Art Fargher has gone to San
Francisco iu contemplation of
joining the aviation corps.
Why take a bath in a wash tub
when you Call get a real bath at
Styer's barber shop in the Post
ollice building, Maupin.
A. A. Canfield spent the week
end in Portland.
W. A. Gilbert who disposed of
his property here anil moved to
Coos Bay some time ago now has
a position in Marshfield as civ
Wapinitia Auto Stage
Leaves Maupin, 8 a. m.
I.ravea Wapinitia. 1.E0 p. m
I.O. O. F.
Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Oregon.
meets every Saturday night iu
Donaldson's hall. Visiting mem.
tiers always welcome.
F. D. sxi'ART, N. G,
W. II. TAtcorr, Secretary.
Church Notice
llev. John 0. Heeler, Pui-tor
.Services ut 11 0. 111. and 7;'!0 p.
111, every Sunday, S. f, at 10
o'clock; prayermeeting ou Thuif-
day night.
Tho general public are cordially
invited to all these services, Should
you desire the pantor to call, drop
lii 111 a lino to Maupin. lie will be
at home in the paronaije, Nov. L'O
Dr. C. II. Francis will bo here
from Bund eaily Sunday, Decem
ber 2nd, and go to Wapiniliu on
Monday stage, returning Tuesday,
Winter pasture for catttln uud
horses, I'.WO acres, 11 straw stacks
Stubble arid gras pactum, run
ning water. --A. T. Lindley, )i'2')p
Tho Nosker family are moving
out of town. J. K. Miller of Cn-
terion will occupy tho house they j
are vacating,
Portland Painless Dentist 305
Second St., The Dalle. Ore. Port
land prices. Phone Main o8'31. W.
T. Slatten, D. I). S., proprietor.
Two Studnbak'T Sixes for sale
at bargains. One 11)13 series
brand new. Fischer's Garage.
New Subs, and Renewals
J. L. Confer, Dave Donaldson,
Mrs. Jessie Johnron, Mrs. Minnie
Gray, Joe Graham, W. O. Wilson
Congressman N.J, Sinott has
written The Times that he has
been informed by the Peroral of
Plant Industry at Washington
that the allotment of vegetable
and flower seeds made to each
member of the House of Uopre
S Natives for distribution in his
distrct will be 5,000 packages less
this year than it was last year.
For this reason he k even more
anxious than usual to get the
seeds allowed him into the hands
of those who can use them to the
best advantage and desire to
receive them. The congressman
believes that the method tried
last year of making the distribu
tion through co-operation with
the papers in his district is the
most successful in bringing this
result. Therefore, when the
feeJs are ready for distiibution,
which will not he probably untii
January or later, a supply will
be sent to this paper. At that
time a package may be obtained
as long as they last, either by
calling at our office or requesting
a package by mail. Congressman
Sinnot will also retain a small
part of his allotment at his- - 212
House of Representatives, Wash
i igton, D. C. In order that his
constituents finding itinconvient
to get the seeds in the above
manner may obtain a package
by writing directly to him at
For Sale
Forty acres land in Tygh Valley
private water right and alfalfa
Cheap it Bold roon. O. B. Derth
ick, Maupin.
School Meeting
Copy of Notice of
Notice is hcreliy given that tin
legal votes of School District No.
SI, of Wasco county, state of Ore
gon, that a special school meeting
of said district will be held at the
Maupin school house onthe2Sth
day of November at 0 o'clock in
the afternoon for the purpose of
voting on levying aspcial district
The purpose for which the mon
ey raised by this levy iall In
expended is shown by the follow
ing il-emued budget-, which is here
by made a .part of this notice.
Teachers' salar
ies if;V.!ii0 00
Furniture 2."jO.00
Apaiatus and euppliea such as
maps, ehaits,
erasers, etc. if 220. 00
Fuel 200.00
Clerk salary 2o,00
Postage and
ftationeiy 10.00
Flags 10 00
Warrant to Maupin
Slate Bank 000.00
lnterett 300.00
Notes to Manpiu
State Bank 412.00
Warrant to I
I) Kelly 2000.00
Interest 200.(10
Total 110317.00
Will receive from County School
fund dining
the year iMliO.OO
Will receive finn
Slate, fund Fi.'O.OO
Amount dim from
Co. Treasurer .WO. 00
Total fmO.OO
Amount to be raised by
ipecial dirtrict tax $"A7.00
liate.d this 21Hb day of October,
Attest: Lawrence S, Slovall,
O. W' Vandci pool,
Chairman I'.oard of Directors,
Department of the Interior,
U, S. I.and ()fii:e at The Dalles,
Oregon, November 5th, 1017,
IsdTICi; is Jiertby giyii that
John G, Pouting,
of Tygh Valley, Oregon, who o;i
April 7th 1 y 1 5 , made Homestead
Kiilry No, 01.1716, lor f,i-2Nvi-4,
NF.i-aswt-4, NW1-4SEI-4, Section
3.1, Township 3 South, Range 13
Fast, Willamette Meridian, lias
men nonce 01 luienuou iu iiiiikt
Final Three Year Proof, to estab
lish cla m to the land above descri
bed, before Register and Receiver,
II. S. Land Ollice at The Dalles,
Oregon, on tho 2lst day of Dec-
-mbi-r, 917.
Claimant, names a witneses:
Konrad Haustr, Frank F. Mc
Coikle, Fmil Merl, Andrew Mc.
Cube, all of 'I igh Valley, Oregon.
II Frank Woodcock,
Department of the Interior
U. 8. Land Office at The Dalles
Oregon, November 3, 1917.
WUTICK is hereby given that
Anna F. Siege,
formerly Anna F. Medill, of Cii
teiioii, Oregon, who on November
181I1, 1912, made Homestead, Fn
try No. 010935 and 011 jnly 2nd,
914, made additional Homestead
Fntry No. 01357 1, lor S1-2.SK1-4,
Sv I -4, s 1 -2 N iv I -4 , Sect ion , 9 Tow n
ship 6 Soulh, Range 15 Knst,
Willamette Meridian lias filed no
tice of intention to make Final
three year Proof, to establish
claim to the land a bo ye described,
bofore F. D. Stuart, IJ. S, Com
mis'. inner at Manpiu, Oregon oil
the i.thdayof December, 1917.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Ralph Huzan, II. M. Green, V.
F. Hunt, R. II. DeCamp, ail of
Criterion, Oregon.
H. Frank Woocock,
P Register.
Public Land Sale
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, October 10, 1917.
. NOTICE is hereby given that
as directed by the Commissioner
of the General Land office, under
The day of Thanksgiving is again at hand. And there's
much to be thankful for, regardless of building opera
tions which have been. below par.
During the past year our country has attained a posi
tion among nations which will ultimately be of direct
or indirect value to every business.
It is only a question of time when the United States
will lead every other nation in world-commerce, finance
and power. -
The war has placed in cur hands the "balance of power"
as a guarantor of the permanent peace of the world.
In the thousands of years of world history the present
generation is the first to see man's mastery of the
heights of the air and depths of the ocean. Wireless
communication has reduced the cost and increased the
opportunities of world business to a "point our forefath
ers could only dream of.
To be living in such a country and in such times as
these is alone sufficient cause for the deepest
Let us observe Thanksgiving this year with full hearts
and a fitting apprioiation of the wonderful advantages
we enjoy.
Sincerely yours,
provisions of See, 2455, U. S
pursuant to the application of
Jumes I'rowu Serial No, 016910, we
will offer at public sale, to the
highest bidder, but at not less
than $.1,00 per acre, at 10 o'clock
A, M. cu the lyth day of December
next at this ollice, the following
tract of laud:, Section
15, Township,), South Range 13,
1 Fust VV. M. Containing 40 Acres.
1 lie sale will not be kept open,
but will be declaied closed when
those present at the hour named
have censed bidding. The person
tnuking the highest bid will be re
quired to immediately pay to the
Receiver the amount thereof.
Any persons claiming adversely
1 he above described land are ad
vised to file their claims, or objec
tions, on or before the time desig
nated for sale.
up I A. Booth, Receiver.
Department of the Interior,
I J. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
regon, October 26th, 1917.
NOTICE is hereby given that
I.aland S. Minks,
of Grass Valley, Oregon, who on
February 26th, 1913, made Home
stead ' Kutry No. 01137, and on
November 10M1, 1914, made ad
ditional Homestead Entry No.
014037, for SKI-45HI-4, Sec. 7,.
NKI-.j, nkI-'Favi-i, i.ot 2, sr.i-1
Nvl--1, Section 1, Township 4
South, Range 15 blast, Willam
ette Meridian has lilrd notice
of iutentiou to make Final three
year Proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
F. D. Stuart, U, S. Commissioner,
at Maupin, Oregon, 011 the 3rd
day of December, 1917.
Claimant names as witnesses:
J. 0. Minks, If. J, Dugger, 1) C.
Mungc-r, C. II. Augee, all of
Grass Valley, Oregon.
Fi. Frank Woodcock,
p Register.
Department of the Interior,
United States. Land Office at The
Dalles, Oregon, October 6, r 9 1 7.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Jacob 'f . Ifume
of Wapinitia, Oregon, who on
March 13, 1912, made Homestead
Fntry, no, 010059, for swi-4,
Seejion 28, Township 5, South,
Range n Fast, Willamette Merid
ian, has filed notice of intention
to make Final five year Proof, to
establish claim to the land above
described, before. F. I). 'Stuart U.
S. Commissioner, at Maupin, Ore
gon, on the 3rd day of January
Claimant names as witnesses;
Lewis Walters, Henry Richardson,
Jesse Cox, Ollie Weburg, all of
Wapinitia Oregon.
IT. Frank Woodcock,
P Register.
Department of the Interior,
l. S, Land Office ut The Dalles,
Oregon, October 6lh, F.1I7.
NoTi'ic is heieby giyen that
Clink F. Bleak ury
of Bakoven, Oivgon, who on Dec
ember 10th, DM 2, made Honiesteud
Fntry No. 01 10:',5, foriil-2sKl-4 Sec
lion !, Township 5 Smith, Kangfl
IC, Mast, Willamette. Meridian, Iiiih
filed notice of intention to mako
Final three year Proof, to es
tablish claim to the land above
described, before the Register and
poccivcr, U.S. Land Ollice, The
ballon, Oregon, 011 the 8th day of
December, 1017.
Claimant names nH witneeces:
Claud Wilson, Shaniko, Oregon,
Minnie M. Bleakney, J. L, Holt,
Louis A. I'deuknev, all of Bake
oven, Oregon.
p Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Laud Office at Tho Dulles,
Oregon,. October 19, 1917.
Notice is hereby Riven that
F.Ia A. Chandler
of Maupin, Oregon, who, on October
nth, 1914, made Homestead Kutry
no, 013926, for f.i-2Ki-4, Sec. 8,
swi-4-swi-4, Sec. 9, nei-4NKi-4,
SI-2NKI-., Nr-jsi-'i-i, Section 17,
Township 6 South, Range 14 Kaut,
Willamette Meridian, has filed no
tice of intention to make Final
three year Proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
F. I) Stuart, U. S. Commissioner,
at Maupin, Oregon, on the 6th
day of December, 1917.
Claimant names as witnesses:
II. M. Green, C. 0. Skogsbcrg,
C, II. Crofoot, II. L. Young, all
of Maupin, Oregon.
li. I'rank Woodcock,
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, October 20th, 1917.
NOTICK is hereby given that,
Oriel John Williams
of Maupin, Oregou, who 0.; Dec
ember nth, 1912, made Homestead
Fntry, no. or 1041 and on Jatiii
ary 20th, 1915, made additional
Homestead Kutry no. 014398, for
KI-2HW1-4, Sec. 20, HI-2NWI-4, EW-I-4NIU-4,
NI-2SH1-4, NEI-4SWI-4,
See. 29, Township 5 South, Range
14-Fast, Willamette Meridian, has
filed notice of intention to make
Final three year Proof, to establish
claim to the land above described,
before F. D. Stuart, IJ. S. Com
missioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on
the 51I1 day of December, T917.
Claimant names as witnesses:
V. H. Williams, Albeit McClure,
T. A. St, Dennis, B. F. Turner,
all Maupin, Oregon.
II. Frank Woodcock,
p Register.