4 The Maupin Times Published every Friday at Mdupiu, Oregon Ms. W. L. Morrison, Publisher Subscription: Or.e year, Ji.sq; six months, 75 cents; three mamas, 50 Entered as second class mail matter Sertember 2, 1014. at the -postoffice at Maupin, Oregon, tin der the Act of March 3, 1879. White River A. A, Bouney has sold Lis ranch at Tygh Valley to Geo. Harth & Sons of The Dalles. Mr. Coberth is building a tele phone line to Lis homestead this week. too late for last week Carl and Will Head made a business trip to The Dalles last Thursday. Miss Elton spent Saturday and Sunday in The Dallas. Quincy Morrow crime up from Armbay, Vn., Friday, returning Sunday night accompanied by his wife and daughter Mabel. Clifford Morrow is making 0 trip to Portland, Ccrvnllis and Summit with Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Butler. Warn Oct. 10. Pick Falmateer went to Sherar Thursday to meet his brother-in-law, Tom Kinworthy and family, Grandma and Miss Beulah Kin worthy, who came from Tillamook They returned Sunday, Ht. A. K. Lake returned Wed nesday from a ten days' stay in The Dalles, the guest of Mrs. H. F. Woodcock. Mr. and Mrs. ITiram Corum were called here Monday by the serious illness of Mrs. Nancy Sanford, who was threatened with pneumonia. They returned to The Dalles Tuesday. Mis. Annie Gilnmre came lipre from Cresswell by way of Dufur AVeduesduy to attend ltr mntlter. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Prat.l have recovered from recent illtxns. IF. IK Woodcock who is spend ing hia vacation hen' at bin farm, had the misfortune to he thrown from a horee Sunday. Mrs. Nettie Miller who was bur ied here week before lust and who lind in tlin Good Siimiirilun hos jiitnl in Portland, wan a pioneer I will sell at iry ranch halfway between Tygh Valley and Maupin the following Horses liog's Cattle Farming' Implements Household Goods Sale beginning at 10 o'clock A. M. Free Lunch, bring your cups TERMS cf SALE: Sums under $10 cash; $10 and over 12 months time at 8 per cent interest on approved notes. J. T. HARPER, Auctioneer GEO. WOODRUFF, Owner resident of this place, having come here with her husband, Samuel Roberts, when the country was new and unsettled, Mrs. Miller leaves five children by this union: Mrs. Susie Knegg of Crec-bam, Frank Pobcrts of Praria City, Bert Roberts of Bend, Mrs. Ida McCoy and Claud Roberts of this place. After the death of Mr. Roberts she was married to Geo. Miller who dipd some eight years ago. Three children were born to them, . They are Mrs. Ada Snodgrass of Juniper Flat. Mrs. Violet Crabtree of Flanagan and Don Miller of Wapinitia, Twelve srrandchildren and two great grand children survive her. Mrs. Miller was a very estimable woman and possessed a wonderful memory. The date of the births of all her acquaintances was one of the special features of hsr memory, and she could without hesitation, tell the birthday of all her ac qoaintancos. A lar concourse of people assembled al her funeral which was held at Four Corners cemetery. Several transfers of property have taken place here recently. Ceo. MgiU nought 200 acres of farm land from J. E. Kennedy, known as the Stakely place, the purchase price bniuj; $7000. Mike Urban purchased i"0 acres from E. Johnson, the Fred Chand ler place, paying $"000. Mrs. Martha Dean bought the Jack Fraley house here in town, paying ? 100 for the property. Portland Painless Dentist, 305 Second St., The Dalles Ore. Port land prices. Phone Main 8551. Clyde WhUlock ja in town after summering with a band of sbeep. Why take a bath in a wash tub when you can got a real bath at Stycr's barber shop in the Post office building, Maupin. " Mr. Walters was down from Wnpiuitia Wednesday. Jack Stants returned home Tnes day after packing lor the Hunt sheep camps in the mountains during the summer. Portland rainless Dentist, 305 Second St., The Dalles, Ore. Port land prices. Phone Main .1831. Are. you using The Times liner column when you have any thing to sell or want to buy some article that your neighbor may have or wishes to depose of? If not try a want ad in lluit column. We are sure that it will bring results. ILJ fci lass 1 C Local Items Yard Norvel was a caller in town yesterday. W. H. Aldridge left last Thurs day for Seattle. Geo. Crofoot and family will move to the Flat soon. For sale, two good Jersey milk cows, inquire ILL. Morris, Maupin W. L. Morrison is in The Dalles this week having his leg cared for. For sale on easy terms 1-4 sec tion land, $2000. Address, H. L. Morris, Maupin. Severul from here attended the Moro fair the last of the week. Portland Painless Dentist 305 Second St., The Dalles, Ore. Port land price's. Phone Main 3331. Mrs, Kathleen Hill sold her place on Smock to Albert Weiberg of Wapiniiia au(l will E to Cali fornia for the winter. Two Studebaker Sixes for sale at bargains. Une laio series brand new. Fischer's Garage. Jake Spath was over from Wamic Wednesday arranging for a sale to take place at bis ranch the s?l3t. The family will move to The D-tlles. Don't Maine your clock It needs cleaning. Emmons wilt do it for you and guarantee it. J. W. Ay res was over the first of she week bringing lumber to finish the interior of their resi dence here. Ben Fraley mads a trip to Tbp Dalles hospital the first of the week for 'more repairs'. ike other fellow could not fix your watch bring it to Emmons the jeweler. The farmers don't seora to be satisfied unless they are skinned. Give Dad Coale a chance. He buys all kinds of pelts, hides skins and wool. p Mrs. Flanagan received a pic ture yesterday of her son in his naval uniform. Model Laundry man Wise of The Dalles was a caller in town "esterday. Fords painted with Makpmun enamel $15, Bring your car in the morning and take it out at, niht ready for you. Maupin Garage. pCmJunll Fred I.aughlin and Witnesses Walker and Kndersby were in Tuesday making proof bef .re Com missioner Stuart. Car for sale, nearly new Saxon Six, f7f.00. Shultuek Pros. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Larid Ofrke at The Dalles, Oregon, October 5th, 1917. Notice is hereby given that Edgar B, Nosker, of Maupin, Oregon, who on Oct ober 21, 1 914, made Homestead Entry No. 013968 for SWI-4SWI-4, Section 29, ir,vi-4J7."i-4, Section 32, NI-2NEI-4, Section 31, Town ship 6 South: Range 15 East, Y7il larnette Meridian, has filed notice of inteution to make Final Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before F. D. Stuait, United States Com missioner at Maupin, Oregon, on the 16th day of November, 19 1 7. Claimant names as witnesses: P. J. Kirsch, Bertha Kirsch, W. M. Snelson, D. B. Appling all of Criterion, Oregon. II, Frank Woodcock, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, September 27, iqi7. notice is hereby given that Walter Mack Snelson, cf Criterion, Oregon, who on June 4, ion, made iiomesteau iouy no. 011762, and on July 2, 1914, made Additional Homestead Entry- No. C13.15S, for si-2Kri-4, SE1-4, Section 6. v;i 2JVI-4, Section 5. Township 7-Sonth, Range 15 East. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of inteution to make Final three year Proof to establish claim to the land above described, before F, D. Stuart, U. S. Commissioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on the 1 6th day of November 1917. Claimant names as witnesses, P. J. Kirsch., Criterion, Oregon, Edmond Herding, Shaniko, Ore gon, Bertha Kirsch, Criterion, Or egon, D. B. Appling, Criterion, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, p " Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, United States Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, October 6, 1917. NOTICE is hereby given that Jacob T. flume of Wapinitia, Oregon, who ou March 13, 1912, made Homestead Entry, no. 010059, for KWI-., Section 28, Township 5, South, Range 11 East, Willamette Merid ian, has filed notice of intention to make- l'inal three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before F. I), Stuart U. S. Commissioner, at Maupin, Ore gon, on the 3rd day of December, I917. Claimant names as witnesses; Lewis Wallers, Henry Richardson er,se Cox, Ollic Webtirg, all of Wapinttin Oregon. II. Fhank Woodcock, p Register. NOTICrC FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles, Oregon, September 2!M li, 1 9 1 7 . Not ice is hereby riven thai, PiMtha IT. Kitsch formerly Bertha R. Herrling, of triieiion, Oregon, who ou Janu ary 10, 101:1, made Homestead Entry No. Olllfil, and on July 2, 191 1 niado additional Homestead Kntty No' U852, for Lots 1, 2, 8 h:l-2.wl-l, nf.1 -lswl-I, si iNEi-4, Section 81, Township 6 South, Range IS Last Willamette Merid ian, has filed notice of intention to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before F. D. Stuart, U. S. Commissioner, at Maunin, Oregon, on the loth dav of November 191T. Claimant names as witnesses: D. B. Appling, V. M. Snelson, Kd. HorrliiiR, C. A. buns, all of Criterion, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, P Pfgr. Winter pasture for catttle and horses, 12:50 acres, 14 straw stacks; Stubble and grass pasture, run- ning water. A, T. Lindley. n3p! Geo. Woodruff has sold his ' farm on the Flat to F. S. Fleming and will move to Tygh Valley.! Mr. Sherar has the place rented. I A. A. Britton has tented Hip A. j C. Moa 1 farm nhich joins his. 1 Portland Painless Dentist, 305' Second St., The Dalles, Ore. Port land prices. Phone Main 3S31. ! Mr. and Mr?. Alfred PophauJ Chester an 1 Constance Flanagan of Smock Wfnt to their old home in Clatskanie where tl ey will spend the w'nter. ' Wanted To hire men and teams with harrow and drill, to seed 200 acres of Summerfallow on my farm on Juniper Flat. Fen Eatty, Grangeville, Idaho. r Wapinitia Auto Stage Leaves Maupin, 8 a. m. ! Leaves Wapinitia, 1 cO p- m! V. ROBERTS, Prop. I.O. O. F. WAPINITIA Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Oregon, meets every Saturday night in Donaldson s hall. visiting mem bers always welcome. F. D. STUART, N. G. W. H. Tai.COTT, Secretary. Dr. Lawrence S. Stovall VETERINARY Medicine Surgery and Dentistry Charges Reasonable Satisfaction Guaranteed , Call Drug store or residenc-e Maupin, Oregon If a sweet tooth cries for sweetness And the finest you desire, Your joy will know compleness If you buy of E. J. Styer At the Ilacelwood Ice Cream Parlor, Maupin. Mr. and Mrs.'E. A, Chandler of Criterion were in this week to arrange for final proof ou their homestead. , Through With Change between Central Oregon and Portland Standard and Tourists Sleepers Daily Manufacturers and Land Products Show Nov. 3 to 24 in Portland's New Half Million Dollar Auditorium This is the real exposition of Oregon's resources and opportunities. Its ad vertising value to exhibitors will be tremendous. Send Exhibits and Attend Reduced Round Trip Fares anil Oregon Trunk Stations Nov. 8, 15, 22. See local agent : Tenth Apple Show : Epokane Nov. 19 -24 : Special Fares from : Central Oregon to : Spokane BURTON THURBER, Agent, MAUPIN Fire Proof WHEN IN PORTLAND MAKE YOUR HOME AT THE Palace Hotel Washingtpn Street & Twelfth the Cleanest Rooms in the City , Modern in Every Detail Large Grand Floor Lobby Close in to Shopping and Theatre Good Service 1 inely Notice I have moved my Stock of Shoes and Shoe Repairing business to 201 1-2 Second Street, The Dalles, Ore. , opposite the Empress Theatre I will still contimie my Harness and Saddle business in the same location as formerly, only upstairs, and will be glad to figure with you on anything you need in the har ness and saddle line. The front of the building form erly occupied by my Harness and Shoo Repair store will now be used as an Automobile Accessor ies and Sporting Goods house by Gates & Co., in which firm I am interested. I want all my old friends to call and see me and their needs will have my personal attention. Mail orders will have prompt and cartful attention. Victor Mauds:?, . The Dalles, Ore, Judge John H. Stevenson and others of Portland held a Liberty Bond boost meeting in front of the drug store Sunday morning with a good attendance, They called again Thursday, but as tbey had not been advertised, went on to Antelope. The Ayr?3 and Farlow young people who are attending high school here, in company with Prof. Stovall, attended a party at the Morgan home on Smock Sat urday evening. A fine time, but many car troubles. Violet Miller and Agnes Walters went to the latter's home above Wapinitia Friday evening. ON TRUNK RY. CENTRAL OREGON LINE J. T. Hardy, Trav. Freight & Pass. Agt. , Bend, Oregon District Steam Heat Furnished Free Phones