The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, October 12, 1917, Image 4

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    The Maupin Times
.Published every Friday at Maupin,
Mks. W, L. Morkikon, Publisher
Subscription: One year, $1.50; six
months, 75 cents; three months, 50
Entered as second class mail
matter September 2, 1914, at the
postollice (U Maupin, Oitgon, un
der the Act of Mai eli 3, 1879.
For Sale or Trade
110 acres 7 miles from Wamic,
k no v. n as the Kyron ranch, good
water right; $2000, 1-2 cash, bal
uch fCO a year including interest.
Your own terms. Address Mrs. E.
K, Hill, Wamic, Ore., Ill, Box 17
Mintie G. Horn today filed a
enlt for divorce, from John E. Horn
(.Hexing cruel and inhuman treat
ment. She asks for tlm restora
tion of her nanio by her first mar
riage, Mrs. Mintie 0. Kinyon,
The- marriage of Mr. Horn and
Jifrs. Kinyon took place in The
D.illes December 4, 1916. They
are residing at present on a ranch
near Tygh Valley. Chronicle,
October f.
A big auto load of orators in
cluding Judge Juhn 11. Stevenson
of Portland, touring Eastern Ore
gon for the new Utterly Loan will
iirrU'e in Maupin next Sunday
mo!'!!!!! and will address the ppo
ple at 10 a. 111. Let everyone come
and encourage the speakers and
the Liberty Loan.
Mr. and Mrs. Cowdell, Mrs.
.'liver and Nell Lirpliam went to
Moro yesterday to attend the fair.
Mike deader is tending butcher
rliop in the 1'ornieiV ab?enee.
Are you UMusr The Times liner
column when you have any thing
to sell or want to buy some article
that your neighbor may have or
v. islies to dispose of? If not try
a want ad in that column. We are
.sure that it will bring results.
Fine full weather, clear days
and cool nighlti. A few of the
farmers have commenced their
full seeding but many are awaiting
a rain before working their eniii
nier fallow.
(.'handler & I'riee pilot jobber,
almost new, 12 mailing galleys
and a gasoline, lamp for sale at
this office. t
2i Bars Crystal White soap f 1 00
Any 25c soap powder 20c
Any 25c Baking: powder 20c
f lbs- good Coffer $1.00
Any white beans 16c lb
Pink bpnna 14C lb
Rice good 10c lb
1 lb. Golden W?st tea 4&c
Any ehewinjr tobacco Me lb
A. F. Evick,
.Washington Sttwt & Twelfth
the Cleanest Rooms in the City
Modern in Every Detail '
Large Grand Floor Lobby
Close in to Shopping and
Finely Furnished
Mr. and Mrs. F, C. Butler have
returned from Portland and will
moye to Maupiu this week.
Mr. and Mrs. D, W. Sharp of
Pine Grove were in town Thursday
Jim Brown aud Milt McClure
returned from Prineville yester
day, the former's horses having
won all mcps in which they were
Dr. Stovall and family made a
trip lo Bend and Prineville Sud
day. To let on 8 per cent $600on first
mortgage, good farm loan. Mrs.
E. K. Hill, P.. l.Box 17, Wamic.
Mrs. E. K. Hill and family
were Maupin business visiters
F, M. Confer and family are iu
The Dalles for high school this
Mr, and Mrs. A. D- Gibbs wire
over from Tygh Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gilbert
came home Friday.
Large sheets of carbon paper for
embroidery stamping at the Times
Wapinitia Auto Stage
Leaves Maupin, 8 a. m.
Leaves Wapinitia, 10 p. m
I.O. O F.
Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Oregon,
meets every Saturday ' night in
Donaldson's hall. Visiting mem.
hers always welcome.
W. II. Tai.cott, Secretary.
Dr. I .awrence S. Stovall
and Dentistry
Charges Reasonable
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Call Drug store or residenoe
Maupin, Oregon
If a sweet tooth cries for sweetness
And the finest you desire,
Your joy will know compleness
If you buy of E. J. Styer
At the Uazelwood Ice Cream
Parlor, Maupin,
For Sale
The Fen Batty farm, 560
acres- See Maupin State Bank.
Out tSale
1 Pkg. Wheat Eats 20c
No. 2 Preferred Oysters 35c
No. 1 Preferred Oysters 20c
A Bargain in Shoes
A Bis reduction on Sweaters
18 in Colar pad 40c
4 cans A & L corn 75c
Small sack salt
Local Items
Naomi Smith came here from
Prineville Tuesday.
For sale on easy terms 1-4 sec
tion land, $2000. Address, H. L.
Morris,. Maupin.
j. A. Rieber of The Dalles call
ed iu Maupin yesterday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Derthick
are here from Dufur visiting.
For sale at a bargain, an Oliver
Typewriter, demonstrator's ma
chine, almost new. Call Times X
Mr. and Mrs. Emmons attend
ed the fair at Prineville the last of
the week. Tbey say the exhibits
ware excellent.
Portland Painless Dentist 305
Second St., The Dalles, Ore. Port
land prices. Phone Main 3831.
Two Studebaker Sixes for- sale
at bargains. One 1918 series
brand new. Fischer's Garage.
Mrs. Delore who' has been as
sisting at the Maupin hotel for
several weeks will return to her
home soon.
Harvey Slusher came over from
Dufur yesterday.
Frank Xavier and Dick Palina
toer were over from Wamic Mon
day with a load of apples.
Mr. Flanagan came home Satur
day. Don't blame your clock It
needs cleaning. Emmons will
do it for you and guarantee it.
If the other fellow could not fix
your watch bring it to Emmons
the jeweler.
The farmers don't eeem to be
satisfied unless they are skinned.
Give Dad Coale a chance. He
buys all k,inds of pelts, hides
skins and wool. p
Make arrangements at this of
fice for room rent in the Palace
Hptel when going to Portland.
John Andersen is assisting F. A.
Covey at the Hunts Ferry ware
house. J. T. Harper and W. II. Mo
Atee were over from Tygh Tuesday
For sale at this office, a number
of second hand school books.
Fords painted with Makemnu
enamel $15. Bring your car in
the morning and take it out at
night ready for you. Maupin
Garage. p6mjuul4
Car for sale, nearly new Saxon
Six, $775.00. Shattuek Bros.
Portland Painless Dentiat, 305
Second St., The Dalles, Ore. Port
land prices. Phone Main 3831.
Why take a bath in a wash tub
when you can get a real bath at
Styer's barber shop in the Post
office building, Maupiu.
Bert Davis and family were in
from Criterion yesterday.
For sale, 1917 5 passenger Ford
inquire W. A. Gilbert, Maupin,
G. L. Harpham and family and
A. C. Moad were passengers to
Portland this morning.
Portland Painless Dentist, 30f
Second St., The Dalles, Ore. Port
land prices. Phone Main 8881.
Dr. Hatfield has just dismissed
from further treatment a patient
which he operated upon and suc
cessfully treated for necrosis of the
superior maxilary bone. 1 hia con
dition which may be described us
death of bone, was Ihe result of
several abcessed teeth. The case
was under observation for over
eight weeks.
For eale, two good Jersey milk
cows, inquire ILL. Morris, Maupin
On Wednesday evening October
10, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Fleming
entertained a number of their
friends at their new home near
Bake Oven, iu honor of their son's
birthday. The evening was spent
in playing 500, Mary Flanagan
receiving the highest score. A de
licious luncheon was served at
Portland Painless Dentist, 305
! Second St., The Dalles, Ore. Port
! land prices. Phone Main SS31.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles, I
Oregon, October 5th, ,1917.
Notice is hereby given that
Edgar B. Nosker,
of Maupiu, Oregon, who on Oct
ober 21, 19 14, made Homestead
Entry No. 013968 for SWI-4SWI-4,
Section 29, n'.vi-4nwi-4, Section
32, NI-2NE1-4, Sectiou 31, Town
ship 6 South, Range 15 East, Wil
lamette Meridian, has filed notice
of intention to make Final Three
Year Proof, to establish claim to
the land above described, before
F. D. Sluait, United States Com
missioner at Maupin, Oregon, on
the 16th day of November, 191 7.
Claimant names as witnesses:
P. J. Kirsch, Bertha Kirsch, W.
M. Siielson, I). B. Appling all of
Criterion, Oregon.
II. Frank Woodcock,
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, September 27, igi7.
notice is hereby given that
Walter Mack Suelson,
of Criterion, Oregon, who on June
4, 1913, made Homestead Entry
no. 011762, aud on July 1, 1914,
made Additional Homestead Entry
No. 018558, for S1-2NE1-4, SEI-4,
Section 6, WI-2SWI-4, Sectiou 5,
Township 7-Sonth, Range 15 East,
Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make Final
three year Proof to establish claim
to the land above described, before
F. D. Stuart, TJ. S. Commissioner,
at Maupin, Oregon, ou the i6tb
day of November 1917.
Claimant names as witnesses,
P. J, Kirsch, Criterion, Oregon,
Edmond Herding, Shaniko, Ore
gon, Bertha Kirsch, Criterion, Or
egon, D. B. Appling, Criterion,
p Register.
Department of the Interior,
United States Land Office at The
,Dalles, Oregon, October 6, 1917.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Jacob T. Hume
of Wapinitia, Oregon, who ou
March 13, 191 2, made Homestead
Entry, no, 010059, for swi-4,
Section 28, Township 5, South,
Range 11 East, Willamette Merid
ian, has filed notice of intention
to make Final three year Proof, to
establish claim to the laud above
described, before F. D. Stuart IT.
S. Commissioner, at Maupin, Ore
gon, on the 3rd day of December,
Claimant names as witnesses;
Lewis Walters, Henry Richardson,
Jesse Cox, Ollie Weburg, all of
Wapinitia Oregon.
II. Frank Woodcock,
p Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, September 29th, 1917.
Notice is hereby given that,
Bertha P.. Kirsch
formerly Bertha R. Herding, of
Criterion, Oregon, who on Janu
ary 10, 1913, made Homestead
Entry No. 011161, and on July 12,
1914 made additional Homestead
Entry No- 013562, for Lots 1, 2, 8
El-2xwl-4, ne1-4sw1-4, s1-2nei-4,
Section 31, Township 6 South,
R.mge 15 East Willamette Merid
ian, has (lied notice of intention
to make Final three year Proof,
to establish claim to the land
above described,- before F. D.
Stuart, U. S. Commissioner, at
Maupiu, Oregon, on the 16th day
of November lHlt.
Claimant names as witnesses:
D. B. Appling, W. M.'Snelson,
Ed. Herding, C. A. Duus, all of
Criterion, Oregon.
P Regr.
- Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, September 6th, 1917.
Koike is hereby giyen that
Feed G. Laughun,
of Waniuitia. Oregon, who on
March nth, 1914, made Homestead
iuitry No. (.11264 , for KEl-4mvl-4,
n1-2ne1-4, sk1-4ne1-4, Section 35,
Township 5 South, Range 11
East, Willamette Meridian, has
filed notice of intention to make
Final three rear Proof, to es
tublish claim to the land above
described, before F. D. Stuart, U
S. Commissioner, at Mannin. Orp
gon, on the 17th day of October,
Claimant names -as witnesses:
I.. D. Woodside, G. L. Harpham,
U. S, Eudersby, Charles Walker,
all of Wapinitia, Oregon.
p Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, August 30, 1917.
Notice is hereby given that
Eli A. Cyr
of Wapinitia, Oregon, who, on Aug.
2nd, 1913, made Homestead Entry
NO. 010793, and on March 24, 1914,
made additional Homestead Entry
No. 014645, for Lot 4, Sec. 19,
Lot 1, Sec. 30, Township 6 South,
Range 13 East, Lots 3, 4, 5, S1-2
NEl-4, UI-2SEI-4, fceetiou 24, ana
Lot 1, Section 25, T. 6 S.H. 12 E
Willamette Meridian, has filed no
tice of intention to make Final
three year Proof, to establish claim
to the laud above described, before
F. D Stuart, U. S. Commissioner,
at Maupin, Oregon, ou the 15th
day of October, 1917.
Claimant names as witnesses:
W. D. McClain, James Hartman,
Herbert Hammer, Fred Delco, all
of Wapinitia, Oregon.
H. Frank Woodcock,
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, August 30th, 1917,
NOTICE is hereby given that,
William C. Richardson,
of Maupiu, Oregon, who on Nov
ember 6th, 1910, made Homestead
Entry, no. 07748, and on Novem
ber 10th, 1914, made additional
Homestead Entry no. 014041, for
SWI-4-3I-2NWI-4, wi-asEi-4, Sec
tion 27, Township 5 South, Range
14-East, Willamette Meridian, has
filed notice of intention to make
Final three year Proof to establish
claim to the land above described,
before F. D. Stuart, U. S. Com
missioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on
the 15th day of October, 19 17.
Claimant names as witnesses:
of Sept. 6, 1917.
Is Lumber Really Dearer"!
It is generally understood that the lumbermen
of the Northwest have had a tough time for quite a
number of years, but there are a few people, aside
from those interested in some branch of the business,
who understand fully or even partially the great slump
several years ago and the prevailing unfavorable
conditions at the present time.
If is estimated by government officials that in
normal times about one million people are employed
in the lumber industries in the United States, and
that one quarter of these, or 250,000, are employed
in the Northwest Oregon, Washington and, Idaho.
But during several years, up, say, to the first of July,
1916, 25 per cent of these men were idle.
When the loss of wages to over 60,000 people
is added to strikes, car shortages, and the low price of
lumber, it can be seen that the lumbermen have had
their worries. But many think, since war orders have
begun to pour into the mills and, dealers, that once
more the lumbermen are profiting. Is that true? Is
it not a fact that lumber comparatively is today one
of the cheapest commodities on the market?
An advertisement of the Tum-A-Lum Lumber
Co's. makes the following statements: "In 1914 a Turn
A-Lura barn cost 40 hogs; in 1917 same barn costs 24
hogs. In 1914 a Tum-A-Lum house cost 480 bushels of
wheat; in 1917 same house costs 225 bushels of wheat.
In 1914 a Tum-A-Lum silo cost 220 bushels of corn; in
1917 same silo costs 110 bushels of corn. In 1914 a
Tum-A-Lum machine shed cost 20 tons of alfalfa; in
1917 same shed costs 10 tons of alfalfa."
Nowhere have we .seen the facts as to the pres
ent comparative prices of lumber so tersely stated.
Through With Change
between Central Oregon
and Portland
Standard and Tourists Sleepers Daily
Manufacturers and Land Products Show
Nov, 3 to 24 in
Portland's New Half Million Dollar Auditorium
This is the real exposition of Oregon's
resources and opportunities. Its ad
vertising value to exhibitors will be
Send Exhibits and Attend
Pveduced Round Trip Fares and Oregon Trunk Stations
Nov. 8, 15, 22.
: Tenth Apple Show
: Spokans Nov. 19-24
: Special Fares from
: Central Oregon to
: Spokane
R. F. Turner, T. A. St. Dennis,
W. II. Williams, W. E. Hunt, all
Maupin, Oregon.
II. Frank Woodcock,
p Register,
Public Land Sale.
Departmeut of the Interior.
U. s. Eand Office at The Dalles
Oregon, August 15, 1017.
NOTICE is hereby given that
as directed by the Commissioner of
the General Land office, under
provisions of Sec. 2455, R. S.,
pursuant to the application of
John G. Bolter,
Serial No. 015803, we will offer at
public sale, to the highest bidder,
but at not less than $2.00 oer acre.
at 9:30 o'clock A. M., ou the 16th
day of October, next, at this office,
the following tract of land: EI-?
sei-4, EE1-4NE1-4 Section 25,
Township 7 South, Range 14 Bast,
Lot 4, Section 30, Township 7,
South Range 15, East, Willamette
M., (Containing 152.30 Acres).
"This tract is ordered into the
market ou a showing that the
greater portion thereof is moun
tainous or too rough for cultiva
tion." This sale will not be kept open,
but will be declaeed closed when
those preseut at the hour named
have ceased bidding. The person
making the highest bid will be,
required to Immediately pay to the
Receiver the amount thereof.
Any persons adversly the above
described land are advised to file
their claims, or objections, on or
before the time designated for sale.
L, A. Booth,
. See local agent
J. T. Hardy,
Trav- Freight & Pags. Agt.
Bend, Oregon