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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1917)
CAMOUFLAGE COW DOES HER BIT IN THE WAR HAIL OF BOMBS Thin "cow," though It Is only a fnbrlciited creature of wood and painted cloth, Im doing its bit to help win the war. A camouflage artist has done his work well and what appeurs to be an Innocent scene of a cow peacefully grazing is really a painted lure to conceal a roofed-over battery. The cow Is standing on the roof. never knew what happened to him, as his body was torn to shreds. The next two fell a hundred feet beyond, in a ward in which there were many pa tients, and the last struck the recep- uuu iiir. uvernenu there was no sound. Tin! German aviator flew too high to be heard, but he left his Iden tity behind hlm, not only In the bombs he dropped, but in the derisive handful of pfennings he scattered upon the hos pital as he whirled away. A number of these were found when light came. Hit by Bomb Fraoments. "Lieutenant McGuire, who was In a tent adjoining that of Lieutenant Fltzslmons, was struck by three bomb fragments, but was not seriously wounded. His escape was narrow, as there were more than a hundred holes cut in his tent. Lieutenant Smith was struck in the knee and Lieutenant Whldden in the chest while In their tents in the office section of the quad rangle. The private soldiers inlured were on duty as orderlies in the recep tion tent, and the bomb fell almost upon them. So severely was Trlvnte Aubrey S. McLeod Injured that it was necessary to amputate both his legs. "Although the explosion , of the Show Rare Pluck When Hospital Is Attacked by German h Airmen. 4 KILLED AND 32 WOUNDED Major Murphy, Red Cross Commission , er, Cablet Full Details of Disas ter to H. P. Davison Show Speed In Emergency. Washington. The manner In which . the Harvard unit's base hospital In France was attacked by a derman air plane, with the result that several Americans were killed and wounded, was described In detail In a long cable message received here by Henry P. Davison, chairman of the American Ked Cross war council, from MaJ. Grayson M. Murphy, Red Cross com missioner in Europe. The message fol lows : "An American Red Cross Inspector who has Just returned to headquarters In Paris has brought from the United States army base hospital unit of Har vard university, one of the many simi lar Institutions on the surgical supply list of the American Red Cross, a de tailed narrative of the bombing of that hospital on the night of September 4 last, and of the characteristic pluck and promptness with which the emer gency was met. Five bombs were thrown, the explosions Instantly kill ing Lieut. William F. Fltzslmons of the Medical Olllcers' Reserve corps, United States army, and three army privates, and wounded Lleuts. Clar ence A. McGuire, Thaddeus D. Smith and Rea W, Whldden, O. R. 0., U. S. A. ! six privates, a woninn nurse and 2 patients from the British lines who were under treatment there for wounds. Attack Occurred at Night, "The airplane attnek occurred at 11 o'clock at night. Just at that time fortunately no convoy of wounded was being received or the list of casualties would have been far greater, as one of the bombs fell Into the center of the large reception tent to which the wounded are first homo for exami nation. Ten seconds suffered for the dropping of the bomb from the first flying plune, and within less than a minute afterward the surgeons of the hospital were at the task of collecting and attending those who had been struck down. And for 24 hours they were at work in the operating room, one surgeon relieving unothcr when the latter, from simple exhaustion, could work no longer. The very next day, Just as If nothing had happened, these same surgeons were called upon to receive and care for 200 wouuded sent In from the trenches of the Brit ish expeditionary force. "The hospital, which Is on the French coast, has 1,800 beds, and is under canvas In a quadrangle 800 feet square. It Is In a district In which there are many similar institutions, and is unmistakable as a hospital. At the time the German aviator flew over It most of the surgical staff was en gaged In making rounds of the wards. Lieutenant Fltzslmons, however, was standing at the door of his tent. There had been brief warning of the pres ence of a bombing airplane In the neighborhood, because a quarter of a minute before the Bound of exploding bombs was heard from a point perhaps 200 yards from the hospital. This warning sufficed to cause all lights in the tentB to be extinguished Immedi ately, and those who had been under Ore before threw themselves face down upon the ground. "Then came five explosions In rapid succession In the hospital Itself. The first two were directly In front of Lieu tenant Fltzslmons' tout. He probably bombs caused horror In the hospital, there was not the smallest sign oi punlc, and the work of discovering th( wounded and collecting them was Im mediately begun. This was made doubly difficult by the darkness,, bu' everyone sprang to It with a will Many of the injured had been blown from their cots, some even outsldf their tents, where they were fount" tangled up In the tent poles. The American nurse, although struck In tht fuce by a fragment of steel from the bomb, refused to be relieved, and re mained at her task courageously to the end. A hospital orderly whe worked untiringly was found later to have been struck in the head by a fragment and painfully Injured. He hud Just tied up his head and gone on. "In the operating room Capt. Horace uinnoy anu Elliott with their assist ants worked all night. Several deli cate operations were performed and their task was made all the harder by the fact that in Innumerable cases the patients were In serious danger of In fection from the pieces of wood and nails and dirt which had been blown Into their bodies. "Lieut. Col. E. U. Pattison, IT. 8. A commanding officer of the unit, and MaJ. Harvey Cushlne. hend of tha r. gleal force, the latter being at the front at the time of the disaster, have expressed the highest admiration for the manner In which the emergency was met. Lntest reports are that the conutnon or the wounded Is progress ing satisfactorily." VORLO HAPPENINGS OF CURRENT WEEK PLOT IN TEUTON NAVY Scheme Found to Form Committee of Delegates to Force Peace Guilty Summarily Dealt With. Daily News Items. COMPILED FOR YOU Copenhagen Vice Admiral von Ca- D.IoX n..... mil i i pene, uerman minister or marine, an bnei KeSUme MOSt Important nounced in the reichstag Wednesday that a plot had been discovered in the navy to form a committee of delegates on the Russian model and to paralyze the fleet so as to force the government to make peace. The guilty parties have been arrest ed and have received their just deserts, the minister added. Admiral von Capelle attempted to link the radical Socialists with the plot.- He said the ringleader had dis cussed the plot with Deputies Haase and Voherr in the radical Socialist con ference-room in the reichstag building, 1 he deputies had called attention to the dangerous nature of the plot and had advised the greatest caution, but nad agreed to furnish propaganda material. bocialist deputies interrupted the speaker with cries of dissent. Deputy David, of the majority Socialist, de- HITS AT PREMATUR OFFERS E OF PEACE National Unity is Aim of New League Just Formed. PRESIDENT APPROVES Events of Noted People, Governments and Pacific Northwest and Other Things Worth Knowing. INDIANS REFUSE CODDLING Those Upon the Klamath Reservation Insist They Have Passed Tribal Stage. Klamath Falls, Ore!-Indians on the Klamath Reservation have decid ed they have passed beyond the tribal stage and say they want to be allowed to conduct their business and be gov erned as Individuals and not collec tively. At a recent meeting of the Klnmnrh Indian Progressive club, the members passed resolutions asking that the Butciuiiicui ireai. mem rne same as white residents. "Give us a chance," uie resolutions rend. The Indians hope to have the rrlhnl timber sold and the proceeds divided among the members. The Klamath Reservation In southern Oregon occu pies a territory of nbout 50 by 60 miles and contains timber and water re sources. 8llver Plate Periscopes. New York. Silver plating the nerl. scopes of their TJ-boats is the latest In visibility promoting device of the Ger mans, It was stated by officers of an American liner Just arrived at an At lantic port. Covering the periscopes with a coating of silver renders them practically Invisible. WAR BRINGS BIG TRADE CHANGES s Resources of United States Searched as Never Before to Meet New Demands. RIVER TRAFFIC IS INCREASED Upper Reaches of the Mississippi Help Keneve the Congestion on the Railroads Strontium Ore In Demand. New York. One of the most Inter esting and Important developments lu the United Status at the present time is tho manner in which commerce and Industry are gradually adjusting and tensing themselves under the full load of the war strain ; curtailing activities here, speeding up there, and reaching vui at some points, under the nressura of new needs, to create entire new In dustries. In industry the resources of the United States are being searched as never before to meet the new de mands, and mineral wealth which has always been there against the time of need, but never before called upon, Is Deing developed, while in commerce new processes, new economies and new efficiency, Involving no new dis coveries, but latent possibilities In time of peuce, are being permanently add ed to the wealth of the uatlon under the pressure of unprecedented de mand. The whole process Is too vast and varied to be seen clearly at one time, but there are several means by which occasional glimpses can be mined. One of these Is by the reports of the department of the interior on the min eral resources of the United Shite which contluually describe the devel opment of new mining activities in metals and chemicals, whose deposits have been known for years, but whose possibilities had not been fully recog nized. Another Is In the pages of the various technical Journals, In which, every week, there Is at least one story of a new commercial or Industrial idea which has been added to the national machinery. On the Mississippi. In new traffic channels it Is Iron Age which reports that for the first time only a short while ago, moreover the upper Mississippi has been opened to ore and coal traffic on a big scale. The Mississippi has been big enough, for yeurs, to carry far more heavy, slow traffic than Its upper reaches, as far as St I'aul, the head of naviga tion, than ever, apparently, anyone thought of putting upon It. Ore trains and coal trains have moved along Its Danks ror years, moving the freight at a cost per ton mile far beyond the demands of the river, but It took the war to make people realize the full value of the stream. But now that war has come, and the railroads of the entire country are un der such a strain as they never before had to bear, people In St. Paul and all the river towns as far down as St. Louis have suddenly perceived that the old Mississippi must do her share. And quite recently six new steel barges, carrying 3,000 tons of coal the larg est cargo ever hauled to the head of navigation on the river arrived at St. Paul, the vanguard of a new fleet. The development of an entirely new mining Industry within the United States, under pressure of the war, is told In a recent bulletin of the Geolog ical survey, on "Strontium in 1916." For many years large deposits of strontium ore, In the form of celestlte crystals (strontium sulphate) and strontlanlte (strontium carbonate have been known to exist, often be side beds of limestone which were be ing actively quarried, In Michigan and Ohio along the shores of Lake Erie, Schoharie county, New York, In West Virginia and Texas, aud In California and Arizona. Stroutlum salts were used in beet-sugar refining, but far more In the manufacture of fireworks, because of the brilliant crimson flame they gave. Market for Strontium. iipiore uie war, nowever, the mar ket for strontium was so limited, and being confined, moreover, to the At lantic seaboard, Imports of stroutlum ore from Europe were cheaper than the freight rates from California and Arizona, the only deposits which had ever been worked commerclallv. The war, however, changed all this In two ways. In the first place, it created a new and tremendous demand for stroutlum, magnesium, and bari um, for vast quantities of signal rock- ets, flares, etc., both at the front and on the sea. Moreover, here at home the Increase In freight traffic on our railroads, due to war demands, neces sitated a considerable Increase In the use of signal flares here also. The new Industry was getting on Its feet lu 1010. In 1014 about 2,000 short tons of strontium ore had been con sumed by American fireworks manu facturers, the commonest form of the refined product being strontium nitrate at around 10 cents a pound or less. Of tills 2,000 pounds, the proportion of domestic ore was so small as not to be worth reporting. In 1916 the consumption of strontium ores had risen nearly a 100 per cent ; the price had caused the huge strontium depos its in California and Arizona to be opened aud worked for the first tints in earnest, and upward of 250 tons of strontium ore had already been shipped. Heavy snowfalls and severe cold are reported from the Italian Alps fron tier. Skiis and sledges already have made their appearance and the winter campaign has begun. The Uruguayan government, which manded the c-overnemnt. m-nrfnen nmnf has severed diplomatic relations with and that the reichstag should suspend ueimnuy, mho nuuneu me Herman juagment in the meantime. cnarge not to leave the country until Chancellor Michaelis, earlier in the tne Uruguayan diplomatic representa- session, had referred to the affair. tives are safely out of Germany. rumors of which evidently had gained Viftv thousand Hnll fnr public circulation. He declared he ferers in China was cabled bv the coum not c-Perate with nor recognize American Red Cross. The entire 8 ,pa,rty whlch Put itself beyond the $200,000 suggested bv Paul Reinsch. ? . Dy 8ctivie8 directed against the the American miniatnr will hn sent in fatherland. ' I mi j: l .. ... the near future, it is announced. u'sciosures in connection witn ' il. J i n - I-. .A.. me rauicai .socialists, ir tney are true, jruuivuio, ruriter county, iex., nas came most onnortame v tn hln th raised a $1246.50 reward to be paid lor tne delivery of the German kaiser over the'internfillRfinn rpcmrHi nor Pan- into the hands of the American author- German " propaganda. Admiral von ines. rracticauy every male resident rwila hnmmord km. Honio; -ill.- X 1 ! 1 i J A . r. - oi mo town contriDUtea to me iuna. of the necessitv for a nrnnar "onbVht. ----- i - The War department has contracted ment 01 tne military forces. for ten carloads of Kansas iackrabbits to be delivered at four army canton- TO CONTROL STAPLE FOODS ments, it was announced at Hutchm- Government Will Issue Sweeping Reg ulations Within Few Days. son,, luesaay Dy Koon Beck, a game collector, who obtained the con tract. Increased wheat receipts have made it possible for Minneapolis flour mills to operate at capacity for the firet time this season, according to an an nouncement by f rank Uarey, repre- Washington, D. C Virtually all the staple foods consumed by the American people will be put under government control November 1. The food administration announced few . I TTT J 1 .1 .... sentative of the Food Administrat on vveunesaay mat within a n . n . I :j m.t ... . liram Corporation. rresiuent w uson win issue an execu- ri i , i . , llve or(1er requiring that manuf actur Greece is nearly ready to put a large j j:n4,-l., - in ... if ontT "if? T menM foods Per ense re- operate with the allies accordmg to strictions designed to prevent unreas- 2f tJr Lf Arhenfwig,n onable profits fnd to stop speculation office to the Greek legation at Wash- an(j hoarding, ington. Lack of equipment is being remedied rapidly with the allies' aid ..KXl " " TU " uiimDudbiuii, me announcement saiu, An Exchange Telegraph dispatch "is to protect the patriot against the from Melbourne says a whaleboat with slacker in business. crew of Germans from the raider It is the purpose of the food ad- Seeadler has been captured near Fiji ministration to effect conservation in Islands. The boat contained a gun the commodities and to keep them and machine guns, the dispatch said, flowing toward the consumer in direct and the Germans admit they were de- lines through the channels of trade in taiiea irom tne seeaaier to make raids. as economical a manner as possible. The administration does not wish to War Should End Only When Kaiser is Beaten Teuton Success Would Stop Spread of Democracy. Leading Cuban sugar olanters held a "u" " ? conference in New York Tuesday and ? W nrmal necessary ac- to Washington soon to appeal S,"e! i " TT, to the Tfood administration for "a jus fZZ " perforfTtg a ""I"1 orice" for their -rnn fTnnih,l .7 H f.unctl.on be expected to surrender m i. r. ,.. that function "wo, opoAcoiimu lur tno planters, Baiu tu u. r..i ;t, ., I -ine umt vjuun neat year win proauce tne largest cane sugar crop, about 3,300, he declared, the her allies would 000 tons, of which, United States and need every ounce. Consumers' reports to the food ad ministration from 52 cities and towns in all parts of the country shows wide differences in bread prices. The low est price reported was from Pleasant- vine, w. j., where t sells for 6 centa. The same size loaf sells for 15 cents in Rock Falls, Ills., Eastport, Me., Red Bank, N. J., Mi ami, Okla., Nashville, Tenn., Laramie, Wyo., and Newport, R. I. Th Peruvian congress is considering the international situation as affects relations with Germany. The foreign minister and the minister of war have been summoned before congress to give information it desires. Although nearly one-half of the pop ulation oi liienwooa, Wis., is of Ger man descent, the city council unani producer must have a free outlet find a ready market. lhere must be no manipulation or speculation in foods. There must be no hoarding of foods. "Unfair or unreasonable profits must be eliminated. "Discriminatory and deceptive and wasteful practices which in any way restrict supply or distribution must be 16-ounce loaf stopped. These are the provisions of the food law. The licensing system, which was authorized by the law, provides a more effective machinery for" its en forcement. It must not be thought that these operations become illecal only upon the issue of licenses. Thev have been illegal since August- 10, when the law was passed, and numer ous cases coming to the attention of the food administration have been cor rected. The proclamation will 'renuire nil those handling the commodities con cerned to apply for licenses before No- mously adopted resolutions demanding vemDel" 1. upon forms which will be the expulsion of Robert M. La Follette suPPiled on application to the food ad- rrom the United States senate. ministration. Applicants will receive licenses Acting on leiegrannic orders from without cost, and th roimi;. ., if r T iV.Ali:.!.. , , ., ' , .. "B-.-wi. gUY- ucucim mcnuinitr a. u. erning tnose dealing with the commod McCawley, special agent for the attor- ities will be issued noy general, inursoay seized tne rec- "After November 1 no unlicensed uiuM u urn ot. l,ouis oai wud, wnicn persons will be permitted to trade in will be used as evidence when the coal the commodities named enumerated in iictuuiK ia reoumea. tne proclamation, Eleven British mar'-h than 1600 tons each and two vessels Soldiers Bathe in Lake. under 1600 tons were sunk by mines or ma, Wash Soldiers at Camn suomarines last week, according to the Lewis bathe twice weekly in the bie- 0W11,U gent DatntuD on the Pacific A war fund of $35,000,000 for tha lnf ulKe lneir fllP 'n American Lake. benefit of the American Army now in ,ery aay companies are marched Europe and for American troops in the J e , lake' a mile and 8 half distant Army cantonments will be solicited the camP snl hop into the chilly throughout the United States by the j' They ca"y their own towel Young Men's Christian Association in and ""P and ""der the direction of the week beginning November 11, ac "e"enanis take a healthy scrub. It cording to announcement proves to be great sport and the men .... t enjoy it to the limit. The best swim- government nas pur- mere iook out lor the weaker cnasea an tne nitrate or German com- BS 1116 guards. panies and sold it to an AmmVin ft. By this operation it waa nossihlB A Bernhardt is Godmother. acquire from Germany nearly 30,000,- L Cn'caK Madame Sarah Bernhardt uuu pesos oi uuiean ro d riemnit luesuay accepted the t tin nf r.n. .u . - r .. .l , I. mere u a guarantee or paper money. er vu lne cniwren of America offered The proposal to mi tary service all men registered for th ulT.. uwn ?D sne Messed. Washington, D. C.-A movement to lead and express public opinion on the war was inaugurated here Monday by formation of the League of National Unity, representing church, political, labor, agricultural and industrial or ganizations, to which President Wil son gave his indorsement in an address emphasizing the need for team play by the forces of American thought and opinion. Welcoming the leaders of the move ment at the White House in a brief speech, the President expressed the belief that American public opinion, although understanding the war's causes and principles, needs guidance to remember that the war should end only when Germany is beaten and Ger many's rule of autocracy and might are superseded by the ideals of Demo cracy. This is the issue which the Ameri can people should always keep in mind, the President said, in order . to avoid being misled into by-ways of thought and the resultant scattering of force of public opinion. Talk of early peace before Germany is defeated is one of the evidences of misdirected thought, he suggested, and should not cloud the vision of those who understand that the United States is fighting now for the same ideals of democracy and free dom that have always actuated the na tion. The President gave warning that it should not be forgotten that German success would mean not only prevention of the spread of democracy, but possibly the suppression of that already existing. The league, which will have head quarter in New York, chose as hon orary chairmen Cardinal Gibbons and Dr. Frank Mason North, president of the Federal Council of Churches: Theo dore N. Vail, president of the Ameri can Telephone & Telegraph company. as active chairman, with Samuel Gom pers, president of the American Fede ration of Labor; Charles Barrett, pres ident of the Farmers' Educational and Co-operative Union, and George Pope, president of the National association of Manufacturers, as vice-chairmen. The object was stated as follows: "To create a medium through which the loyal Americans of all classes, sec tions, creeds and parties can give ex pression to the fundamental purpose of the United States to carry on to a sue- ' cessful conclusion this new war for the independence of America and the preservation of democratic institutions and the vindication of the basic princi ples of humanity." The league plans an active campaign to educate Americans to the idea that unity of throught and purpose is as es sential to successful prosecution of the war as co-operation in material prep arations. Conferences of leaders in the numerous organizations represent ed will he held frequently, statements of principle formulated and attempt will be made to direct public thought through the medium of the pulpit, press, public platform and many kinds of public, semi-public and private or ganizations. U.-S. SHIP FIRES ON ITALIAN Shots Follow When Submarine Fails to Answer Signals. Washington, D. C Vice Admiral Sims cabled the Navy department Tuesday that an American patrol ves sel, on duty at night in the war zone, naa bred on an Italian submarine which failed to answer recognition sig nals, killing one officer and one enlist ed man. . , Secretary Daniels at once sent a message to the Italian ministry of marine, expressing the deepest regret over the unfortunate ccurrence and tendering his and the American Navy's sympathy for the loss of life. Mormons Buy $250,000. Salt Lake City, Utah The Mormon church Monday announced that $250, 000 of the tithing funds of the organ ization would be used to purchase liberty bonds, the first tim in tha history of the church that tithing funds have ever been diverted for a purpose outside the church. Twelve hundred Latter Dav Saints raised their right hands in the taber nacle Sunday afternoon when the an nouncement was made, and approved the action of the hands nf tha church. day when the house and senate eon- said. "Th- HI..' ..B?e fereea eliminated an appropriation f or TZ. tJ!? Put the light the purpose from the war Hfi,i. :C''i!TL''xm w",cn 100 eary knew " ."'"emess 01 tears. It is the be ginning ot an admirable fraternitv " bill Finland to Elect Chief. Petrograd The Finnish senate has prepared a plan for the formation of a new independent government for Fin land with a president elected bv direct vote for a five-year term and with a cabinet responsible to the Diet, accord ing to a dispatch from Helsingfors Monday. It is proposed to send diplomatic representatives to other nations and also ask representation in the general peace conference.