The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, August 31, 1917, Image 4

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    The Maupin ;
1'uLhthtd every l:ii.'riy t.t Msiipni, j
Oregon !
Mrs. W. 1,. MoPRifto:?, Publisher '.
montlis, 75 1:
Oue yc-r, 1.50; six
;uts; three moriihs, 50
Entered os second class nail
matter Scpun-h-r 2, 1514, sit Hid
postt.fiice t Mauj in, Oieg.-m, tin
dcr the Act of Maieh 3. 1S79.
Pears and a
Cfltlt ! pOUlld.
st Forov
August 20.
ML Liithtrine Spatb
.iul Carl Pratt oy his return hom !
from The Dulles Tuesday, remain -in-:
(ill today.
The cur craze still continue.
l,--r,i ami every cr.e is vying with
hi l eitil.lx r for a Oner or. Oo
Crawfnrd has exchanged hi Ford
for a Vcslin, tha uev car being a
-fi." CO auto.
TeWrnph Oprrator Carl Pratt
has had much trouble with broken Mr. and Mrs. Fowler,
and twisted telephone w ires the j Mrs. Kivd Piehsel and
Si is' 3-& -la'p S6fwk
Come in and inspect our New Line of
I et your Drurr Want? be
known. If you can't
iatter part of the week, due to the
Diiver thresher passing and re
passing under the wires, the till
derick doing the damage.
A Wilkensen cf The Dulles was
here latt week introducing his
Ye lie car. Mrs. W. II, Magili
purebred a $1200 car.
V. S. Drrike of Portland was a
Wednesday n;ght guest at the
Swift house.
Little Wilcia Norvel, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Yard ITorvel,
while at the home of her grand
parents here, Mr. and Mrs. V. T.
Noryel, wan kicked by a horse t ied
near the gate w here the child wan
dpred through. Dr. Dodds was
summoned from Dufur and pro
nounced the injury light.
Excitement ran high here Fri
day among the lvtore suspicious
v, ere
h n d
Dr. LawnMic.! S. Stovall, Prop.
) Ml
Mrs. David Mavfield
trcm Wamie yesterday.
Why tike a hath in a v.ssh tub
when you can get a real bath at
Styer's barber shop in the Post
office building, Maupin.
A lecture on the present war and
its prophetic reference w ill be de
lived tomorrow evening at ?
o'clock 011 Y7. II. Stii :j t ' lawn.
Good music and a fine chorus will
open the. service. Come early
Free, sing with us.
Fords paiuted with Makemnu
enamel $15. Bring your car in
the morning and take it out at
night ready for you. Maupin
Garage. pomJunl4
The mail order houses did ex
tensive advertising here this week,
tvelvi? mail sacks of catalogues
being received from Sears, Roe-
It lias heen eta'ea auttuj
that an electric light plant wiil
ntart here soon, utilizing local
pov.-er f Hc-ilit ie?.
Mrs, G. W. Maliatt's father, J.
H, Podijarmel and three brother?,
and Joe Close motored froai i,Ia
'.vaukie over the highway a f"
day? ago. The Rosdarrnel broth
ers, Fred anri Ed, ore prominent 1
onion growers of Cla.okamap couuty
lilivrly jestiay .steer taken upby the tinder-
signed on the s6th day of July,
191 7, will be sold at the J. W.
Hoech ranch on the Maupin-Shani-ko
read in Watco Couuty, Oregon,
on the 3rd day of September, at
the hour uf 10:00 A. hi. at Public
aiictiou for cash in hand to the
highest bidder, and the peoceeds
of said sale shall go to satisfy the
cost of keeping said estray, and
all expenses incurred in conducting
persons when a man, representing 1 buck, and one from Montgomery
to be a bonk agent selling a medi
cal work, passed through the
neighborhood. 11 iu peculiar ac
tions emphasized by exageratioti,
IN 1914 A Tum-A-Lum Barn
co?t 40 hogs
IN 1917 Same Tum-A-Lum
Barn cos's 21 hogs
caused much talk and some wotr,
(concluded next week)
0y mmumm mi
(le.iii li!irt or p.est-.ide
Clalsop Pencil
round trip
fiom fiiaupin
v, 7
It's YOUR Fsir - See it This Year
Reduced Round Trips, Sept.
20 to 29 .
Low Rffi5n;l Titp Fares lo Eastern Cities
Ticket; Sale Fridays and
Satiirdbys to 30
Wapinitia Auto Stage
Leaves Maupin, 8 a. m.
Leaves Wapinitia, l-0 p.
LO. O F.
itt a r, t v Tiro
Sa-fl rt r 1111 on
Lodge. No. 209, Maupin, Oregon,
meets every Saturday night, in
Donaldson's hall. Yiaiting mem
bers always welcome.
F, 1). STCABTy N. O.
V. H. Tai.cott, Secretary. ,
lbirton T hnt I:
r, ak
"lit, Lldlijlill
j. r.
Ihuvly, Trnveling F. &. P. Agent
;. W. ,;
'. V. 'anderpoo
Dr. Lawrence S. Stovall
anJ Dentistry
Charges Reasonable
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Call Drug store or residence
Maupin, Oregon
Local Items
Mr. Murphy of Friend who is
e;o-ilip out a meat iiihi,:ci at th:u
pl-jce, was in town Tuesday and
announced hi:; intention to open a
market here about the l";lh, in the
Ilepp building, fornerly occupied!
by E. J. Styer.
Tiicle' John Gordou.'invl jrand
danghler, I!da Gordon arrived
here Tuesday from Catalow Valley
and were met by relatives, taking
them on to Smock. They say
wild hay is the only crop there
this year and are glad to come
here where things to eat grow.
II. P. P.urkhea.1 of bumpier,
Oregon, was here the week end
vitiiling Ida sister, Mrs. ti. R. Cro
foot. Mr. Purkhead lus now gone
to enlist in the marines.
Portland Painless Denial. We
Extract, Crown, and Fridge y i . 1 1 1
teeth absolutely Painlest-; we em
ploy only Experienced and Regis
tered men; fifteen years guarantee
on all work. Seventeen years con
tinual practice in Portland, Ore,
bring this caril with yon, it is
worth money. Portland Price?.
Poitland Painle.-s Dentist, 305
Second tit., The Dalles, Ore. Op
posite A. M. Williams Co. Phone
Main 8831.
IN 1914 -A Tura-A-Lurn House
cost 4C0 bu. of wheat
IN 1917-Same Turn-A Lura
Home cost 3 225 bu- of wheat
All I! in il 5 cf Automobile Accessaries
First Class Mechanics .
Gasoline and Oils Cars for Hire
Firfi IVcof PliOiiC Free Air
whi n in rrce
POrcTI.AND Phones
maki: Yoii: ii.)ii: at the
Palace Mote
Wa:.!iinvirn Snt Sz Tvwlfili
the Ciianest Rooms in the City
Moilrrn in Every Detail
Large Grand Floor Lobby
IN 1014 -A Tum-A-Lnm
cost, 220 bu. of corn
Hr 1917-Same Tum-A-Lum
Silo-costs 110 bu. of corn
IN 1914 -A Tum-A-Lum Machine
Shed cost 20 tons of Alfalfa
IN 1917 Same Tum-A-Lum
Machine Shed costs 10 tons
of Alfalfa
"Seo A, L- Anderson about it"
If a Fweel tooth cries for sweetness
And the finest you desire,
Your joy will know complenesa
If you buy of E. J. Ktyer
At t lie Haielwood lee Cream
Parlor, Maupin.
NOTICE is herebv given that
in compliance with an order of E.
J. Fischer, Justice of the Peace of
Wasco Couuty, for Maupin Pre
cinct, whieh order bears of
August 10, i o T 7, that a certain
the said sale aud the court proceed
nigs, aud such other expenses as
may have been regularly made.
Th balance, if anv, to be held by
the said Justice of the Peace as
provided by lav,.
The said estray steer is a red
Short-horn, between one aud two
years old with a with a white spot
in the forehead, is not branded,
hut has a out off the right ear and
an udder-bit in the left ear.
Dated this 1 6th day of August,
Cole E. Smith.
Public Land Sale.
Department of the Interior .
P. s. Land Office at The Dalles
Oregon, August lo, 1917.
NOTICE is hereby given that
as directed by the Commissioner of
the Genet at Land office, under
provisions of Sec. 245.1, R. S.,
pursuant to the application of
John G. Bolter,
Serial No, 015803, we will offer at
public sale, to the highest bidder,
but at not less than $2.00 per acre,
at 9:30 o'clock A. M., on the 16th
day of October, next, at this office,
the following tract of land: ei 2
SK1-4, F.i-4NEi 4 Section 25,
Township 7 South, Range 14 Hast,
Lot 4, Seel ion 30, Township 7,
South Range 15, East, Willamette
M., (Containing 152.30 Acres).
"This tract is ordered iuto the
market on a showing that the
grpaler portion thereof is nioun
tainoufi or too rough for cultiva
tion." This sale will not b? kept open,
but will be declaeed closed when
those present at the hour named
have ceased bidding. The person
making the highest bid will be
required to immediately pay to the
Receiver the amount thereof.
Any persons adversly the above
desciibed land are advised to file
their claims, or objections, on or
before, the time designated for sale.
I,, A. Booth,
in to Shopping and
l hr.nire Didrict
i sneiy Furnished
The Ni inker families returned
from the mountains last night.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ii.ellogg
and Willie Fruley are sojourning
at the
Don' I hhtme ymir Work -
11Y1;' vkunhuj, FnniiouA will
( it for noil uikI tiihi icmtce it.
Mi's I.ydiri Wi'fUrgaid bus
gone In Shuttle to rpeml her yara
lion. Dr. and Mrs. ILillicId are away
for .1 liip to tipiiktine and Poitland
If the other fellow could not fix natch bring it to Enunom
the jewchr.
Cbandlci & P;-ue pilot jobber,
almost now, 12 mailing galleys
and a casoliiu- lamp for sab1 nt
ibis (.lb. e,
Mi. and Mrs. . T. Ytinder
pool epent the week end here and
were accompanied home by their
giMnddnmhler, lhd!y Mor,,.
The Tinners don't seein to br
sati.T.ed unless they are ikinned.
C-iva Dad Coale a chance. Hr
Iviys all kinds of pelts, hides
skins and wool. p
Ml':'. Pieiey uf M.i'irr and t,Vi,
children are hire i--ilii.i; hei
dain'ht.i, Mrs. F. D. ;'iu...i.
For sale al a hurguiu, n tdnei
Tpi'iiter, ilniioii, tiator'.i m:t
i hini'. tibno I neir. ('.ill Times X
II. I, and Jiiuei ILirpham le
tuiiii'.l to ihe 1 11 , 11 1 1 .1111" Mniid.iv.
They bronchi home IJ giillons ol
hu.'kii ben ui list week
J. A. Lake, Oitr. v.oe ami Anhni
l:Hlili llllllli.d Uot Wr.llif-d.tV
belli II With. Olltili Hi the OnlSt
F. ,1. I ut her, 1 D. KtIIv and
P. A. Cu!e Uf t lids w, . k mi a
uw.ti'i tap to C ibfoi i,i4.
J i. Ibinag.n bit y.-fli-rdny
moinii, i t. take the i! ion
b r ,iinis.on to tli n i"r.
Mr. Coi'dell, r,f nl,Bni it WHs
liiucurioed bi d neck that he would
cprii , nifit m irkel h. r ino'Td
his f into the Hipp J uium
ittrd.iv and will cpen a ir,nik;-i
here soon.
1 -w
) l l JC
After Sejitomber TA
Pi'eseiit Piiics
FOUR $985--$l(DD)
Oil. )IoU""cWiLoj)e)S)
Other M, ultls will advance proporli ii.atety
Walther-WilHams Hdw. Co.
The Dr.lles DicJributori
iOS.3 Local Agents
drlATTOGli B