The Maupin Times Published every Fiiday at Maupin, Oregon Mrs. W. I.. IvIork 1 50s, Publisher j the round U RiiVicf-rintif-iir One vear. Si Vj: sixiday. months 75 cents; three months. 50 - 1 Entered as second Cisss maui matter Seoteinber 2, icu. at tli . . VOStofF.ce at. Maupin, Oregon, un der the Act of March 3, 179. Wapi&itia Items Mrs. Minnie Gray and children are visiting at the home of Mr.?. Boll Delco this r eek. FLEAS ANT SUMMER TRIPS AT SPECIAL FARES TO EKE SEASHORE, MOUNTAINS. CALIFORNIA AND THE EAST riHiQREGQN TRUNK fll Cearhart or Seaside Clatsop Beach n It's YOUR Fair 20 to 29 Low Round Trip Fares to Eastern Cities Ticket Sale Fridays and Saturdays to Sept 30 Burton ThuiVr, Agent, Maupin J. T. Hardy, Traveling F. & P. Agent G. W. Vantlcrpool .Maupin All Hinds cf Automobile Accessories First Class Gasoline and Oils Fire Proof Phone Fire Proof n'HEN MAKE YOUR 'alace Washington Sttset & Twdvih the Cleanest Pooms in the City Modem in Every Detail Large Grand Floor Lobby Close in to Theatre District f inely Furnished Good Service FISCHER'S GARAGE Auto Passenger service Auto Delivery Truck Prepared fr I .cms Trips or Cuing Parties A Complete Line of Automobile Accessories MAUPIN, Keliie Holland of Tbe Dalles is-! visiting at the tfevier borne tms ; I week, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Wood made ip to TLe Dalles Mori-1 C. . JHoj le ani tamiiy went to.uia on uu luonaay waning wr ho ) .1 oa iit r-DPL- TthPTt T n P V , , . . (win epraiu H rrioiiiu v, urs-ina; 1 the I fruit.. I v. B'Tapp commenced drilling i wheat on his jumcjerfallow today , i Wednesday, he being the f.rst iu i . , . . "' ; . t,qis (ei:0'J KV .,uuiweii;e evvung Mrs. Floyd Eubaoks who has been visiting at Ler fat-hers home in Wamic the past month, return ed to her home near here Sunday. tEiiiRALfiiiE6QiUiKt $10.15 round trip from Maupin Fair, Salem See it This Year i rips, Sept, W- C. Vanderpool Garage Mechanics Cars for Hire Free Air IN HOME AT THE Hotel Shopping and Steam Heat OREGON Free Phones G. E. Wood occupied the pulpit nere sunoay iu tue aosence 01 iev j Bjvier who held services at Fine ;C rove, v The O'Brien thresher had a j breakdown Friday evening and re n.'i 1 Lu CO III H I rum rorLian'J. Two' threshing machine are here in, our community this week, U. S. Endersby's and Joe O'Briens and threshing will soon be over in this immediate vicinitv. E. A. Mayhew and wife passed through hers Thursday for the mountains where they expect to spend the jiext month. Link Harpham came through here, the last of the week from a few days' outing in the mountains Mrs. N. G. Hddin left'Friday for Portland, taking their little daughter, Nova, to receive medical treatment. She had beet) quite sick all last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hartmau and Crystal were visiting at Maupin Sunday. Mr and Mrs. E. M. Hartman made a trip to Tygh the f.rst of the week. Mrs. Hartman hu boon sick nearly all summer. Mr. Pratt wa3 digging a cistern at the paronug? the first of the week, Mr. and Mis. Sidney Wilson returned home from Portland Sun day. They left Tuesday for a few days' outing in the mountains. 0,- I,. Paquet and Emil Heckler aft oyer on Beaver creek this week looking after their cattle. We understand Geo. Claymire has purchased 160 acres of land adjoining his of Mrs. D. Woodside A party of real estate men from Portland and Idaho srj here on the Flat with, a view of buying land in tins section, lbey were guests at the home of J. S. Brown Sunday, The mountain fever has struck the people here and a number are already gone, more are goiug ever? day. Mrs: O. E. Wood, Mrs. Mat tie Olaun and Plph Woodside start Thursday. A party of Gypsies stopped here Tuesday night. Chester Brittain was over from Wamic Sunday. Mrs. C. B. Michner and chil dren of ISorth Yakima arrived Monday and are visiting at the noma of her sister, Mrs. Russcli Bevier. Local Items W. T. Norvel motored in from Wamic Monday. Dr. Eiwood was iu Tbe Dalle a couple days this Wfek. Several from here went TygL Sunday fjr uicr.icinc and swim ming. Ben Fit.ii?y came home ye ter d i y tor a f'vv days. Don't blame your dork It nt((U clean in Emmons will do it for yott and guarantee it. Bites ShutUK'fc, Van Moad sr.d Mill-T Uft U.d'iy h't a Lunt log and o.iting trip. A Paoitic Power and IJthl rei.- jiesfntalive was here the last ot the wek. j It the other fdk'ie could not nx your UiU'h bring if to Emmons I the jewder, Jus. Fak is over f,;nj Tygh Valley li i Dr. Fln.ond treat blood pviion in Ins lurid i J, R Ruilit and daughters of , KingsUy stopped here tbe Cut of the v.teU euroute to visit Lisbon Hugh at Ciiierion. .The farmers don't tam to he stistitl unless they tire skipped. Give Dad Coale a chance. He buys all kinds ot ptitj, hides skin and wool. p The hand hills and programs announcing the irrigation celebra tion at Pine Grcve were printed ;o this effics tha first of the week! Ford paintfd itb Mokeo.iui enamel jflo. Bring your car ip the mor.iir.g and take it out at n.ilit ready fr tou. Maupin Oarage. 1 perajucli Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Gilbert and! A Mr, Cowdeil of Antelope is James Lake, Arthar and Clar Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Moad motored 'arranging to open up a meat mar- ;ence Fargher of Manpin composed to Tygh Sunday and spent the dayjket equipped with a modern cooler lau auto party who went through on the banks of the creek. Mr. Anderson, the successor of Mr. Kiiburg aa local Tum-A-Lnm manager, and his family are at the Hotel Kelly until a residence can be secured. D. M. Goetjen and family who came in from Bakeoven last week, left Tuesday for a sojourn at the Warm Springs. Mr. Gcetjen now drives a Ford. Mr. and Mrs. McFarlore, who have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. Stovall, returned to philo math Sunday night. Mrs. Torn Carson and daughters came from Dufur Saturday and were guests of Mrs. Palph Kaiser till Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Winifree.. and grandson, and Grandma Win ifree, Mrs. Effie Winifree and children, "tViriibeT Kosker and family and Jas. Tsha comp:sed a fishing party up the river Sunday, getting seven big trout to help on a picnic dinner. Swimming in the river was the diversion of the afternoon. 5 D4 2 D3 o 4 8 ir 2J m I D3 o Cc m (r!i in W- H. Staats' warehouse the near future. THE TIME TO BUY TUM-A-LUMEER is RIGHT NOW IN 1914 A Tum-A-Lum Barn cost 40 hogs IN 1917 Same Tum-A-Lum Bam costs 24 hogs IN 1914-A Tum-A-Lum House ' cost 4S0 ba. of wheat IN 1917-Same Tum-A-Lum Horns costs 225 bu. of wheat IN 1914-A Tum-A-Lum Silc cost 220 bu- of corn IN 1917-Same Tum-A-Lum Silo costs 110 bu. of com IN 19H-A Tum-A-Lum Machine Shed cost 20 tons of Alfalfa IN 1917 Same Tum-A-Lum Machine Shed costs 10 tens of Alfalfa "See A, L- Anderson about u TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO If a sweet tooth cries for sweetness And the finest yon desire, Your joy will know .compleness If yon buy of E, J. Slyer At the Hazelwood Ice Cream Parlor, Maupin. For Sale My entire stock of goods must be sold at a sacrifice as I am going out ot the store business. I have been in the store business over 18 years. I thank the public for their patronage. My store build ing and btore fixtures are for sale at a bargain. Call and see tue at Wapinitia, Oregon. A. F. Evick. (djJliillld AtlIU ulad Leaves Maupin, 8 a. m. Leaves Wapinitia, 1 SO p- ) I ROBERTS, Prop. m LO. O F. lJ Vv A fib l 1JA Lodge Io. 203, Maupin, Oregon, meets every Saturday night in Donaldson's hail. Visiting rnem. bers always welcome. Job Ckabtkee, N. G. W. H. TAt.corr, Secretary. Dr. Lawrence S. Stovall VETERINARY M'edicine Surgery and Dentistry Charges peonable tati.'iaction Guaranteed Call Drug: store or ic.-iden ie Maupin, Oregon The Oregon Agricultural College rt:f.-;icn Ic.-timf to collcgv.te degree in the fo!L-.YU-.i sa. ci; : AOnlCDLIUKE. with 15 depsrtrceMi: with 4'.A; EKuINKiklKO. tih 8 difii.3-.catj. In i-h.Jn U-.ti. 'r'i?Ltikdl. Hiii:i. iiid.itt:al Atti tins-tun nj Micranicdl .i?ictv;L , rOiU'Sif. i. m;ijjiLK Lzn.xz r,(iLcor- llCr-lZ SCCXCItnCS. with i mnjcr 4:pil u.-.i.air.; ttuinirg m ;b: Pia-.tic ullXXv. with three dp,iiimnu. (n:!ud la;;i tr.gir.-;rins; FHAKwiCT. TffE SCilCOI. OT MUSIC cfi-.-r$ instrtic 1mi in lh pt:n;;pai d.patto:f bit ot To.i cr.i trtrurc:r.ti mbi-.;. j IITX S1IIIT.KT r rrATifXjiT, cur-lied 1C:5 udvt in 17. a&i 7,-31 r:ccanB , tictlCE lor 0 A. C. ircir. tRf W;it:rn Depart atnt ci th V S War Bcpartsfnt t on";l I H fiite-ri " d:s;irvrii'p:4 ir8t:f:ti:5' i !! litE!f AH idv- vul K- fjrnish-.ti 5-.rr.pktt ur,irir.j fcj th C. S t,VrT-;ir;Tr;rt ati tkt tnd tnivt cad.t- tartiK-i .lis ?t O T C . rili t firen tcrcrr.t:f:a f:r ab:i:t-:rct t u tran;pcrt j;i lv.i?i.t.r.-t ct the :x re ki 3-.r.T.:r cir:p r.i . o . a r i r 27joi?i3 c c 7 -1-r, r. 6 ifiT. Iri.-T.iit-a ca t;?:n. Ai i::s3 SsStsr. C.-cj; A;r.ctU;tirJ Cou-f. C?tr iii. C:-;.-5. in.thscity the latter part of last week on their way to Seaside where- they will spend some tirns., Chronicie. Portland Painless Dentist. We Extract, Crown, and Bridge your teeth absolutely Painles?; we era ploy only Experienced and Regi tored men; fifteen years guarantee on all work. Seventeen years con tinual practice in Portland, Ore. Bring .this card with you, it worth money. -Portland Prices. Portland Painless ' Dentist, .305 Second St., The Dalles, Ore. Op posite. A. M. Wiliia,ms Co. Phone Main 3831. . ' t NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ISOLATED TRACT Public Laud Sale. Department of the Interior U. s. T-aud Office at The Dalies Oregon, August '15, 1917. ' NOTICE is hereby given that as directed by tbe Commissioner of the General Land office, under provisions of Sec. 2455, R. S., pursuant to the application of , ' John G. Bolterf Serial No. 015803, we will offer at ' public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $2.00 per acre, at 9:30 o'clock A. M., on the 16th day of October, next, at this officr;fl t'le following tract of laud: fci 1 SSI-.J, Sei-anei 4 Section 2 I Township 7 South, Range 14 Hast, Lot 4 Section 30, Township 7', South Range 15, East, Willamette M., (containing 15230 Acres). "This tract is ordered into the market ou a showing that thef greater portion thereof is tnotin tainous or too rough for cultiva tion," This sale will not be kept cpen, but will be declaeed closed when these present at the hour named have ceased bidding. The person making the highest bid will be required to immediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any persons adversly the above described land are advised to file their claims,, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. L, A. Eootk, Receiver. TO WHOM IT MA Y CONCERN NOTICE is hereby given that iu compliance with an order of E. J. Fischer, justice of the Peace of Wasco County, for Maupin Pre cinct, vi-hieh order bears date 0 August 16, 1017, that a certain estray steer taken up by the under signed on the a&th day of July, 1917, will be sold at tbe J. W. Hoech ranch on the Maupiu-Shani-ko road iu Wasco County, Oregon, on the 3rd day of September, at the hour of 10:00 A. M. at Ftiblic ' auction for ca?h in hand to the highest bidder, and the peocetds of said sale shall go to satisfy the of Keeping said estray, and ail expenses incurred iu conducting the said sale mid the court proceea iugs, and s'ueh other expense as may have beu regularly made. Tha balauce, if anv, to be held by the said Justice of the Peace as piovided by law. The said estray steer is a red Short horn, between one and two years old with a with a white spot in the forehead, is not brai ded, bin Ins a cut off the right ear aud an ud dor-bit in the left ear. Dated this 16th day of August, 1917- t Cole E. Smith. Large i;t-U of carhop paper for embroidery stamping at the fimei NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Depaitmetit of the Interior, U S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, July 7th, 1917. J-OTiCK is hereby giyeo that Sarah K, H. PjSsROTi? of Watnic, Orecon, who on Mch ?0'.h..l911, made Homestead Entrj No. 055:6 for Lots 2-3 se1-4nw1-4, swl 4;t1 4, Sec. 2, Tp. 5 South, Range 11 hast, Willamette Merid ian, has filed notice cf intention to make Final five year Proof, to es tiblish ckim to the land bov described, befor F. P. Ktoart, U. 3, Commissioner, at Maupin, Ore. gon, on the 17th day of August, 1V17. Claimant names nj witcesaei: Samuel H. iuulyauey, Charles R. F'Uncan. Herman H. Oesb, W: Henry May field, all cf Wanic, Orsron. . . H. FRANK WOODCOCK F " ?-?gister. I, L