The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, August 24, 1917, Image 3

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Broadway & Ankeny SU., Portland. On.
Rates, 75c, $1.00, $1.50,
Edw. H. Goudy, One Minute from Wash-
Manager, ington Street.
New Houston Hotel
Sixth and Everett Sts., Portland, Ore.
Four blocks from Union Depot Two blocks
from New Fostoffice. Modern and fireproof.
Over 100 outside rooms. Rates 76c to $2.00.
CHAS. G. HOPKINS, Manager.
Only three blocks from Depots and Docks. Op
posite City Hall Park and Court House.
With detached bath, 1 person, $1.00 $1.60
2 persons. $1.60 $2.00
With private bath, 1 person, $2.00 $2.50 $3.00
2 persons. $3.00 $8.60 $4.00
"Wnen In Seattle Try the Frye
Tenth and Washington, Portland, Oregon
John H. Long A, P. Armstrong Janh Connor
Associate and Department Principals
A quality school. Open day and evening all the
' year. Students admitted at any time. Book
keeping taught from written work, exactly as prac
ticed in business. Shorthand and typewriting by
experts, Special instruction for civil service exami
nations. Moderate tuition, books at Bmall cost.
Position as soon as competent. Investigate it will
pay. Call, telephone Broadway 1821, or write.
Rosa City Park, Portland, Oregon.
Phone Tabor 1081.
Boys Under 10 Admitted.
Offers exceptional ad van tajfesA Limited num
ber of pupilB. Individual care. Thorough moral,
mental, physical training. Modern languages.
Music. Art
Are made from your OLD CAR
PETS. Rag Rugs woven all sizes.
Mail orders receive prompt and care
ful attention. Send for booklet.
E. 8th and Taylor Sts. Portland, Or.
We Pay the Postage.
If in need of Pure Drugs and Chemicals, Arch
Supports, Shoulder Braces, TRUSSES, Elastic
Stockings, Abdominal Supporters, Suspensory
Bandages for Men, and all other Rubber Goods
ox every description, send to the
Truss Experts
Third and YamhiU,Tortland, Or,
Agate Cutting
roe ft so wi will cot and
Youni men and women with business trainiug
find positions everywhere. Go to Northwest's
largest Business College. BEHNKE-WALKER,
Portland, Ore. All courses. Positions guaranteed,
Write for free illustrated catalog.
Bought, Sold, Rented and Repaired
Burnside, cor. 10th. Portland. Ore.
Her Expression.
Slickton They tell me your daugh
iter sines with ereat expression.
, . Flickton Greatest you ever saw!
Why, her own mother can't recognize
her face when she's singing. Puck.
Bad Outlook For Willie.
Mother What's the use of being so
strict? Remember you were a boy
once yourself.
Father I do remember it. That's
the very reason I'm going to punish
him. My father used to whale the life
out of me for doing just such things.
Boston Transcript.
Mrs. A. I received an awful
vaararftnv afternoon.
Mrs. B. Yes, I saw her ringing
your door bell. Boston Transcript.
Manager What's the leading lady
in such a tantrum about?
Press Agent She only got nine bou
quets over the footlights tonight.
"Great Scotl Isn't that enough?"
"No. She paid for 10." Ex.
Veal, Pork, Beef,
Poultry, Butter, Egs
and Farm Produce)
to the Old Reliable Eventing house with
record of 46 years of Square Dealings, and
baaaeored i TOP MARKET PRICES.
45-47 Front Street PortUnd, Oregon
Ii ran yd sin. irrttt r prtew m sip hap
THf H. F. NMTfl CO. urtat, On; Uitm, Wi.
P.N. U.
No. 34, 1917
Business District of New York Uses
Six Feet of Telephone Wire to
London's One.
The nerves of the skyscraper are the
telephone wires, of course. And Inas
much as progress In evolution Is meas
ured by complex nervous development,
It Is natural that New York's down
town, where business, the highest form
of social biology, has attained its full
est development, should be an enor
mous spider's web of telephone wires.
The per capita consumption of tele
phone wire In New York is six times
as much as in London, Simeon Strun
sky writes in Harper's. That rep
resents the relative nervous in
tensity of business in New York and
In London.
Some such excess of wiring I sus
pect In the skyscrapers of downtown.
There are hundreds and thousands of
rooms, and In every room one or more
men with their mouths and ears to
the telephone. It is all cellular parti
tions and wire ganglions reaching out
to Chicago, perhaps, or San Francisco ;
wires to the stock exchange around
the corner, wires to the assistant in
the adjoining room, wires to the heart
of the dictaphone into which business
is being dictated and from which busi
ness will travel to the cars of the
stenographer who will transfer It to
pnper. Our ghostly tourist will con
clude that modern business Is a mat
ter of conversation.
Downtown, inside of its tens of
thousands of skyscraper cells, is thus
terribly busy about what? So far as
the eye can see, about nothing in par
ticular. A man with a telephone at
his elbow, a flat-topped desk with a
metal basket holding a dozen letters,
perhaps, a photograph of the man's
wife in a sliver frame at one end of
the desk, and that Is all. But if the
cell is a large one, sometimes reaching
the dimensions of an entire floor in a
skyscraper block, the desks, tele
phones, metal baskets and phonographs
are indefinitely multiplied. The sub
stantialities of business are not there
the steel, wheat, cotton, bullion, the
beams, casks, boxes and bales which
you recall being hauled toward quaint
little wharves on toy trucks driven by
men in Jumpers and shovel hats In the
pictures in your school geography la:
beled commerce. By externals there
Is no way of telling whether the man
at the desk is engaged in selling stocks
and bonds, or woolen remnants, or
railway accessories or trusts and
mergers, or theater tickets. There is
lacking the concrete symbolism of the
old counting room the heavy ledgers,
whose bulk suggested the raw mate
rials of traffic, the clerks on their high
stools, the bustle of orders given and
taken. The heavy ledgers have been
replaced by filing cabinets, whose pur
pose seems as much decorative as use
ful. Your business office might as
well be the catalogue room of a col
lege library.
If Your Skin Itches
Just Use Resinol
No remedy can honestly promise' to
heal every case of eczema or similar
skin ailment. But Resinol Ointment,
aided by Resinol Soap, gives such
Instant relief from the Itching and
burning, and so generally succeeds In
clearing the eruption away for good,
that It Is the standard skin treatment
of thousands and thousands of physt
clans. Sold by all druggists.
Family Discipline.
"Did you get on well with your ti
tied son-in-law?"
"First rate," replied Mr. Cumrox,
"I read him the daily news regularly.
I ve got him now where he s apologiz
ing for not having been born under a
republican form of government.
Justified Faith.
Mrs. Barton Have you any faith in
life insurance? .
Mrs. Grill Yes. indeed: I've real
ized $10,000 from two husbands, and
they weren t good ones, either.
FC. . O . I FNF. The henless egg: chemist's sub-
stitute; big sale; sample nail
dozen, with details, 10c. Ego Co., Somerville, N, J,
Nothing Omitted.
"I understand you have bought I
set of Shakespeare's works."
"Yes," replied Mr. Dubwaite loft
lly. "A complete set."
"And a glossary, too, I presume?"
"Oh, yes, yes. In fact, everything
Shakespeare wrote." Birmingham
Where to Keep Sugar.
To keep powdered sugar from hard
ening get only 25 cents' worth at
time, put In a parafiln-Ilned oatmeal
carton, put two thicknesses of paraffin
pnper on the top, press the lid down
Good Description.
Grandmother was teaching Dorothy
to read the alphabet She got along
fine until coming to the letter "Y" she
said: "Grandma, what's the one that
looks like a little man holding his arms
With Cutieura 8oap and Ointment
They Heal When Others Fall.
Nothing better, quicker, safer, sweet
er for skin troubles of young and old
that itch, burn, crust, scale, torture or
disfigure. Once used always used be
cause these super-creamy emollients
tend to prevent little akin troubles
becoming serious, If used dally.
Free sample each by mall with
Book. Address postcard, Cutieura,
Dept L. Boston. Bold everywhere.
The elevator at Shuttler's Station,
Gilliam county, is nearing completion,
and is almost ready to receive grain.
G. A. Harth, of The Dalles, is presi
dent of the new elevator company, and
M. E. Weatherford, and A. M. Cannon
are the two other principal stock
A forest fire which has swept over
200 acres of old cuttings and burns at
point about three-fourths of a mile
above Leaburg on the south side of the
McKenzie river is being vigorously
combatted by a force of 50 men in the
employ of the Booth-Kelly Lumber
Darwin Wood, organist in a Marsh-
field theater, was arrested Wednesday
order of United States Commis
sioner Peck and held subject to the
Federal courts on a charge preferred
by the Postoffice department for send
ing obscene mail. Mr. Wood says he
is innocent.
While it is still too early to make
final estimates of their total pack of
the product, because of lack of data of
acreage, the Newtonia Canning com
pany, of Hood River, is busily engaged
canning beans, and the canners be
lieve that hundreds of cases will be
packed before the season ends.
The Monmouth local Grange met for
the regular monthly session recently
and voted to have a Grange booth at
the Polk County Fair at Dallas, Sep
tember 18, 19, and 20. Although crop
conditions are not normal yet the peo
ple feel much benefit can be obtained
through exhibiting this year.
Some spring grain brought to Al
bany this week yielded between 35 and
30 bushels to the acre and was excep
tionally good. This grain was raised
on an island, where the soil was more
moist than most land, and it is con
ceded that spring grain, as a whole,
will not be anywhere near so good.
Attorney General Brown rules that
the State Highway commission may
enter into a contract with the Warren
Construction company, or any other
company, for construction of roads,
after bids have been rejected, the com
pany to receive only a specified per
centage of the cost. Section 6, chap
ter 337, laws of 1917, is the basis for
the ruling.
The Utah-Idaho Sugar company has
purchased the De Barr tract, between
Medford and Central Point, consisting
of 255 acres, for $25,000. There are
five acres of orchard and the property
bi-sected by the Southern Pacific
tracks. The land contains an avail
able site for a sugar factory, should
the growth of the business justify it in
the future.
Deputy Sheriff Frank Hopkins, of
Canyonville, seeks to be appointed
state agent to stop importation of
liquor from California. In the event
of his appointment Mr. Hopkins says
he will ask the county to grant permis
sion to erect a gate on the Canyon
Creek road in order that he may stop
automobiles without resorting to the
use of firearms.
Because of high prices of feed small
flocks of poultry in the state are being
reduced at an alarming rate, according
to E. J. McClanahan, president of the
Oregon State Poultry Breeders associ
ation. He asserted that many of the
people in the cities are disposing of
all their chickens, and that poultry
raisers who had 180 chickens last win
ter will average but 100 chickens dur
ing the coming winter, according to
present indications.
Warden Murphy, denies a report
that there is dissatisfaction at the
state penitentiary which threatens
general outbreak among the men.
Last week about 20 of the men com
plained as to the quality of their
breakfast and refused to eat it," said
the warden. "They were sent to
their cells, with instructions to remain
there until more tractable, and they
were back at work next day. If there
is trouble brewing at the prison I
know nothing of it "
Attorney General Brown has held
that the deer season in Eastern Oregon
opens September 1, save in Harney
and Malheur counties, where it opens
August 15. A limit of two bucks for
the season is placed.
Lane county farmers are enthusi
astic over results obtained by using a
squirrel poison formula prescribed by
the United States department of Agri
culture, according to County Agricul
tural Agent N. S. Kobb.
Reports on the car situation on the
Southern Pacific show that there is
net shortage of 859 cars, the greatest
recorded in a number of months.
Judge James A. Fee, ex-mayor of
Pendleton and a leading member
of the Umatilla county bar, will
be city attorney of Pendleton, suc
ceeding his son, James Alger Fee, who
has tendered his resignation prepara
tory to leaving for the officers train
ing camp at the Presidio, to which he
has been appointed.
To study methods of controlling pre
datory animals which destroy birds
useful to agriculture and forestry,
United States Biological Survey party
is at Klamath Falls and will remain in
Klamath county several days.
Strikes on Puget Sound, unless ter
minated soon, may result in heavy
loss to Hood River valley fruit grow
ers. Local sales associations have
contracted for most of their container
supplies from Puget Sound mills.
Market men admit that their gravest
worry now is the impending box shortage.
Decrease in Acreage Due to Prohibi
tion Wave Causes High Prices
Foreign Buyers Look Here.
Puyallup Hops can't be bought in
the valley this week, according to
James Pincus, hop broker, who has
been trying to keep up with the boosts
in the hop market lately. No prices
are being quoted under 30 cents, and it
is reported that 32c cents has been
offered. At that, though, the farmers
are expecting still more, and as a re
sult no options can be bought at any
price. Buyers from Oregon interested
in the local crop are adding to the
speculation. An example of the
change in the market is the price
quoted on last year's crops, a little of
which is still unsold. Two months ago
it was quoted at 6 cents, and now the
offer is 20 cents. Alderton farmers
are expecting the market to reach 25
"The acreage is decreasing faster
than the demand," says Hugh Herren
in explanation of the recent soar in
prices. With only 60 per cent of the
acreage and 70 per cent of the normal
crop ready, the shortage in the valley
is apparent. This is true of "Oregon,
California and the Eastern hop fields.
Mr. Pincus says that the brewing of
beer has not been on the decrease all
over the country, and in addition, for
eign breweries, who depended on Ger
man and English hops, are now forced
to come to America for them.
This adds to the market and is help
ing the farmer who has grown hops
this year to make a good price for his
crop. In spite of the recent advances,
Mr. Pincus reports, that probably 60
per cent of the valley crop has already
been sold at less than 11 cents.
Farmers who have already plowed
up their hop fields are not likely to put
them in again, due largely to the un
certainty of the market and the spread
of the prohibition movement. The
difference is apparent when figures
quoted show that Oregon raised 110,-
000 bales last year and this year it is
estimated at 40,000. Washington can
only expect about 30,000 bales this
year and California is 37,000 bales be
hind previous years.
Make Survey of Seed Wheat.
Pullman, Wash. A seed survey of
all the counties of Eastern Washington
is being made by Professor E. G
Shafer, of the farm crops division of
the school of agriculture of the State
College. The purpose of the survey is
to ascertain approximately how much
seed wheat will be available in the
counties this fall, so that the college
will be in a position to answer queries
directed to it as to where seed wheat
may be procured. The high prices for
grain are expected to tend to reduce
the amount of seed wheat.
Portland Wheat Bluestem, new,
$2.28; fortyfold, $2.25; club, $2.23;
red Russian, $2.21.
Oats No. 1 white feed, $50 per ton.
Barley No. 1 white feed, $48 per
Flour Patents, $11.60.
Millfeed Spot prices Bran, $37 per
ton; shorts, $40; middlings, $47; rol
led barley, $52; rolled oats, $56.
Corn White, $92 ton; cracked, $93.
Hay Producers' prices Timothy,
Eastern Oregon, $28 per ton; valley
timothy, $26; alfalfa, $23; valley
grain hay, $16.
Vegetables Tomatoes, 3575c per
crate; cabbage, 224c per pound; let
tuce, $1.60(q!l.75 per crate; cucum
bers,'' 4060c per dozen; peppers,
10c per pound; beans, 67c; corn, 30
(, 3 5c per dozen.
Potatoes New Oregon, 2J3ic per
Onions Walla Walla, $1.351.60
red, $1.25 per sack.
Green Fruits Cantaloupes, 85 (m
$2.40 per crate; peaches, 40c(u,$1.25
per box; watermelons, $1.25(Vi $1.60
per hundred; apples, $1.352.25 per
box; plums, 65c(?i$1.60; pears, $2.25
(92.50; grapes, $1.75; casabas, 2c
Butter Cubes, extras, 40(&40c per
pound; prime firsts, 391c Jobbing
prices: Prints, extras, 44c; cartons,
lc extra; butterfat. No. 1, 44c; No,
2, 42c.
Eggs Oregon ranch, current re
ceipts, 35fri30c per dozen; Oregon
ranch, candled, 37J(&,38c; selects, 40c.
Poultry Hens, 16(161c per pound;
broilers, 17fttl8c; turkeys, 18r21c;
ducks, old, 13($15c; young, 1718c;
geese, old, 8ft 9c.
Veal Fancy, 141(f,16c per pound.
Pork Fancy, 19J20c per pound.
Hops 1916 crop, 1820c per pound;
1917 contracts, 30c per pound.
Wool Eastern Oregon, fine, 68(3:
61c per pound; coarse, 68(ft,61c; val
ley, 6070c; mohair, 68(&i60c.
Cascara Bark New, 7Jc per pound;
old, 8c.
Grain Bags In car lots, 13Jc.
Best beef steers $ 8.25tf) 8.76
Good beef steers 7. 256? 8. 25
Best beef cows 6.257.25
Ordinary to good 4.00(d) 6.00
Best heifers 6. GOG'S 7.50
Bulls 4.50?$ 6.00
Calves SMOij 9.60
Stackers and feeders.... 4.60fj 7.00
Prime light hog $18.10il8.25
Prime heavy hogs 17.95ffJ18.10
Pigs 16.5017.00
Bulk 18.00
Western lambs fl2.00ffJ12.75
Valley lambs 11.5012.00
Yearlings 9.50ff,10.26
Wethers 8.25Y.il0.00
Ewes S.OOffj) 8. CO
During convalescence,
and when appetite lags
brings to the hot, dry
mouth a freshness and
a soothing balm that
coaxes back Trie enthu
siasm of health.
Thousands of soldiers
in Europe have case
to thank Wrigiey's for
it's tonic effect.
The Flavor Lasts
Is no more necessary
than Smallpox. Army
experience bai demonstrated
the almost mlraculoul effi
cacy, and barmlestness, of Antityphoid Vaccination.
Be vaccinated NOW by your physician, you and
your family. It Is more vital than home Insurance.
- Ask your physician, druggist, or send for 'Have
you had Typhoid?" telling of Typhoid Vaccine,
results from ui nod danger from Typhoid Carriers,
SflUJRINE Granulated Eyelids,
II w r''sT"'.l Sore Eyes, Eyes Inflamed by
f'Ji FiiTTi3 Sun, Dust and Wind quickly
fORTSiS relieved by Murine. Try It In
VL , Trtr C vour li"!S 31,11 Baby' Eye'
TUIR LILJNoSmartinf.JuitEveComlort
lye Salve, in Tubes 2fi. fur Hook of tk$ Km - e.
Ask Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago!
Deep Laid Stratagem.
"What waa the matter with your
brass band?"
"Well," replied the unskilled leader,
"we understood that Germans are par
ticularly fond of music. And if there
were any Germans listening we wanted
to make them feel as badly as possi
ble." Washington Star.
"Grubbs claims that he has always
worked hard without being appreci
ated." "Maybe he's like a singer with a
bad voice. The harder he works the
worse he sounds." Washington Star.
"Do you board here?"
"I do."
"She has the reputation of not giv
ing her people enough to eat."
"It's this way. I get enough. I
have seen tables at which I could eat
more, however." Courier-Journal.
Allen's Foot-Ease, the antiseptic powder, Makes
tttfht or new shoes feel easy, Relieves Corns,
bunions, Hot, Swollen, Tender, Aching Feet, Sold
everywhere, 26c. Don't accept any substitute
Sample FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le
Koy, N. x.
'Tommy, I'm ashamed of you! Why
did you bite your little sister?"
"Cause you told me I musn t kick or
strike her. Boston Transcript.
Sure! High Heels
Cause Corns But
Who Cares Now
Yoa recklesB men and women wbo
are pestered with corns and who have
at least once a week invited an awful
death from lockjaw or blood polsoo
are now told by a Cincinnati authority
to use a drug called freezone, which
the moment a few drops are applied
to any corn or callous the soreness Is
relieved and soon the entire corn or
callous, root and all, lifts off with the
Freezone dries the moment It Is ap
plied, and simply shrivels the corn or
callous without Inflaming or even Ir
ritating the surrounding tissue or
skin. A small bottle of freezone will
cost very little at any of the drug
stores, but will positively rid one's
feet of every hard or soft corn or
hardened callous. If your druggist
hasn't any freexone he can get It at
any wholesale drug house for you.
Cured Before You Pay
PUIS TRIAL. When completely cured send me
ll.ou. utnerwise, your report cancels inecnerge.
D. J. LANE, 875 Lane Bid,., St. Hsrys. Kane,
Less Room for Fault.
Mr. B Did you make these
colts, wife?
Mrs. B I did.
"They're smaller than usual, aren't
"They are. That's so you'll havs
less to find fault with." Yonkers
The One Crop It's Good For.
"We mustn't kick about that three
days' rain. The farmers needed it."
"Great Scott! Are all the farmers
raising watermelons?" Exchange.
More Food is Purpose.
Pullman, Wash. President E. O.
Holland, of Washington State College,
has received a request from Secretary
Houston, of the department of Agricul
ture, asking that arrangements be
made for an interstate conference in
Spokane August 27 and 28 to discuss
winter wheat and rye seeding prob
lems. Seventy-five persons from eight
states will be in attendance.
What Came From Reading
a Pinkham Adver
tisement Peterson, N. J. " I thank you for
the Lydia E. Pinkham remedies as they
nave made me well
and healthy. Some
time ago I felt so
run down, had pains
in my back and side,
was very irregular,
tired, nervous, had
such bad dreams,
did Dot feel like eat
ing and had short
breath. I read your
advertisement In
the newspapers and
decided to try a bottle of Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound. It worked
from the first bottle, so I took a second
end a third, also a bottle of Lydia E.
Plnkham's Blood Purifier, and now I am
just as well as any other woman, I ad
vise every woman, single or married.
Who la troubled with any of the afore
said ailments, to try your wonderful
Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier
and I am sure they will help her to get
rid of her troubles as they did me."
Mrs. Elsie J. Van der Sands, 86 No.
York St, Peterson, N. J.
Write the Lydia E, Pinkham Medicine
Co., (confidential) Lynn, Mass, If you
Deed special advice, '