KS M W S Era U3 JlL '3 1 Devoted to tta : of Southern Wasco" County VOL. 3, NO. 46 MAUPIN SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1917 THE YEAR $1.50 Dufur Notes E. ML Hill and family motored to Wannc'Sunday, their daughter tois securing a school for the coin ing term p the Woodcock district This is the 'moat successful motor, trip Mr,'. (Hill has made since learn ing to dfire his0erland, and be carae black with a smile. There; '.was, great excitement in this place Monday evening when a telephone message --as received stating that the Moody ranch was oror-fire.' , Streams of automobiles rushed td the rescue, the business men closing their stores, and upon arsiyal found they vere too late to help, the fire having been put under control befoVe their arrival. George Jenkins who has been employed on the new elevator at this' piace, while putting on rustic went to step around a corner of the staging on the inside of the building and took hold of a 2s4 that was not .nailed securely and 89 he put his weight on it, it let loose letting him drop 'to the bot tom of the building, a distance of 85 feet, striking on his head, He was given ' medical attention at once, but of no a?ail, life ceasing in an hour and a half, He was uiueteen years old and leaves a mothsr and sister who vere de pending" on him for their support. Wamic business far "as Why take a bath in a wash tub when you can get a real bath at Styer's barber shop in the post; office building, Maupin. J. E. Kennedy was a visitor to SUera Monday. Merlon Duncau returned Mon day from a few days' stay in Port land. . L?n Wilson of Maupin, and two traveling men were guests at the Swift bouse Tuesday nigbt. jiiam'ie Hinton of.Bakeoven was here Tuesday to get harvest hands Achers and Henry Falmateer ac companied him. Jim Lake who was visithig his sister Mrs. Francis Ward here, returned with Mr. Hinton on his return as Maupin. F. E, Spoor of Smock was here Tuesday. Mrs. Lueila Johnson arrived a .veek ago Sunday from Toppenish. Mrs. Pearl Harvey and Mrs. Lena Woodcock were called to Hood'River Tuesday by the death of their brother, Howard Izenberg Mrs. Woodcock returned home Sunday, Mr. Woodcock met her at Maupin. Albert Hill and family of Smock were in town Friday. J . Woodcock went to P.nt hnd Tuesday bi inging Mrs. Wood cock, Mrs, Ethel Duncan and 1,1 1 ; Gertrude Driver home, they hav ing spent tho past month' there Mrs, Woodcock is so much im proved as to be able to take daily rides in her car. Mrs. A. J. Swift and three chil dren arrived Friday, conrnj; from Antelope by way of The Dalles, WANTED! Batter and Eggs in any quantity Highest prices paid for each Bring 11 . f L i. a small amount or eacn w market. Take home a big load of groceries. where they spent a week with her and fam father's family. Thcv returned acros the to Antelope today, Monday, Mr. Swift having come for them. lie was accompanied by Chas. Smith. The company threshers are at the A. M. Fatison piace today. J. H. Eubanks went to The Dalles Tuesday, taking his sen Floyd and Floyd Johnson who passed the draft examination. Mrs. Georgia Nurvel and Yard Norvel went to The Dalles Tues day. Mr. Norvel was examined for the array, but failed on ac count of a bad foot. Carl Pratt, l)i3 mother Mrs. Mary Pratt, and aunt Mr3. Annie Gilmore made a trip to The Dalles Wednesday. Mr. Pratt took the draft examination and was passed. Mrs. Gilmore went on toCressweil after a si weeks' tay with rela tives. Mr. Pratt and Lis mother,' returned home Friday. A heavy west wind accompanpa nied by huge sweeps of dust bkw here late Friday afternoon. The temperature reached 97 remaining at that point for eeyeial days. The Driyer thresher has just finished at the Willis Driver place The grain is tinning out very well A family reunion was held at the A. J Swift home Sunday a result of the ereater nurnr.er children and grandchildren bung present. Miss Lois Hill of Dufur passed through here Sunday, going to the Pine Grove district wber she will teach. Eul Crabtree of Juniper Flat was here yesterday.. W. E. Woodcock and family, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Duncan and Charley Duncan and family vventi to the mouniains today. Ed Chandler received a telcgrm from Toppenish, Yn , that he had been drafted at that place. He will go to 'lbs Dalles tomorrow tn make arrangements for examina tion. Mrs. Ycva 'Driver has been a guest at the J. E. Kennedy heme the past week will return to The Dalles tomorrow. Mrs. Laura Kennedy fell and slipped her knee cap while in the woods a week ago. She will go to The Dalles tomorrow for medical treat ment. Mrs. Nettie Miller who is at the horns 0 5 her sou, Don ulillsr, is not improving much. left here u- a tri Charges Hands mountains, to visit at Dallas, Portland, and other points j md return by way of The Dalles. S. II. Mulvany and sons motor-! e 1 to The Dalles Friday for re-' and a practise that seemed entirely j pairs for their pumping engine to cumbersome for one man vhich furnishes water for the mil! ; superintend, and having a b; P. 0. Examination n . , . , , , I Hie I1 uited blafes Civil Service Dr. I'Jwood bavins: developed a I . . . . ,, ,, . '. i commission has announced an ex jusiness sn the Muuinn Drus cmre i ... ,,,,,,, .. .. . ... atninanou to ue netct ar Maunin. on September 8th, 1917, as a re i suit of which it is expected to to and their residence. David May field's youngest son and Myrtle Mulvany are sharing Job's troubles boils. Orrin and Lenard Fallow with their teams have gone to Sherman county to work during harvest. Mrs. Ella .Disbrow and son were Maupin visiters Friday, Mrs. Disbrow made final proof on Ik r homestead. W. II. Mayfkld and C. R. Doncau were witnesses. Rev. Larson of G-itew.iy held service Saturday evening and Sun day morning and evenio, rturuirig Monday. J. y. Fnlow taking him to the train at Maupin. N. ;for the Dr Drus Store in the person I . Stov.tU who has won the make certification to fill a vacancy n the position of fourth-class i i ,. r. r - , , , , ,, ,. , ' posunasier at lUHuuiu, vit?K"ii. ".' " "' " .' f " , " V ' i Application blanks and full i; the patrons of the store tho past' . . . ments of the examination can be -j.'O-'.' of the same to Dr. year, Jis Stovall. Dr. nod Mrs. Stovall have been very busy the past week renovat ing and rearranging the contents of shelves a.od showcases, making room for an increased stock of g'Vjjs They expect to double or trbbl? the stock, that has been carried heretofore. E. Vhitcnmb came out Lon e with Mr. Fariow. secured from the postmaster at tho place of vacancy or from the U. S. Civil Service Commission, Wash ington, D. C, Applications should be properly executed and filed with the cem mission at Washington, I). C. , at the earliest praclicdble dale. Miss Felch was a caller Friday at Leone Courtright's. m a j HgS of1 -5 14? n 1 TfA O o Kt SAyr PIIJ17P 15 4"S. a. v3 U1 C J- J W v a. EJjar&Bteed to make 306 loaves e f At . our Serv.ca Smock Items c Mr. m m m ..S-n w bread to the barrel Mo oilier fours will make hul 270 to 280; therefore at 5c a loaf it is vorth $Lco per barrel mere J tfcc-.il crainary nzuv. Guaranteed See us for r.rkes before flour adva n i m 111 IT V . 7 '! T V Local DisUibiiJsrs Just in Large WE Shipment RNERS R t Vr Absolutely Guaranteed Prices from $1.25to$3.5o .vSHATTUGR BROS, THE STORE Of BETTER SERVICE A gyron, Mrs. Cathleen Hill and1 fjrs. fop bam went t.: Portland Monday in tl.e new recenlly purchased. Monday the Misses pyroi.s and little brother Lester took the train at Maupin, going to Dallas. Lva will attend high school thfci'e and lla teach in one of the schools. F. E- Sporr, son and v.ife and Mrs. AleKan.'ier moforen to the Dalles Tuesdav, the latter eoin? .. EH ou to her home in Portland alter sttending the bedside of l.tr broth-M er, I. T. Courtright, the iiat tV-'v.lM weeks. Irs. Minnie Bargenholt shot a large rattle as hidden A lolr trur lior from Ti'ifur rmr" ;'r -.o(toc-9'i 1 l.4rftSte.C-Sii &SJliJb?X 1 At t '" ff" &m. to Trade mie Bargenholt shot a e snake Friday which T1 in Ler chicken house. y K & Vj ja M M rl PUP. DRUGS fit PRESCRIPTIONS out to v. m. jmcas ease the school. The new school hovise will be complete for the September opening. Mrs. Cathieeu IJ ill motorea to VVapiatia' Thursday in her r.ewj car Columbia. Vv'ayr.e fcpoor finished cuttic.; grain Monday on V.'alter Ledffrds: ranch. ' 1 O. V. . Barguho!t' thre.-hir.g machine is busy nowdavs. ! M. j., Fallow and family eutsr Vviaed Kev. Larson while here. ! TuJay mcrv-iaa 0, R. F! k unday to ca- i.i,&U.&&JiM&l& some of the: tmsnc-5 that v.r can do rcr; ycu BO YOUP MOLAR"; WORK, SELL YOUR FARM FOR YOU, RENT YOU A SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX, y BUY YOUR WHCAT, BARLEY AKD OATS, TAKE CARE OF YOUR BANKING 'BUSINESS. DO YOUR UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER W0ff.il. GIVE US A TRIAL, WE CAN AND WILL MAKE G00T MAUPIN STATE BANK