Image provided by: Hood River County Library District; Hood River, OR
About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1917)
iiotice Scotch Collie and English 5-; herd pups fur sale. AiMies Tyt h ! Valley, call at 'fillet son rawib, j Siiock, 'l! Go to the IIAZELViO0I ICE CREAM Parlor for ie Cre-uo, lire Proof WHEN ii W i MAK; WachtasScn the Cleanest Ltooms iu the Gly .1-! l fi , " T CI Ml tO Good Service Fisely Faraishad If m 111 .-- y.-l tr-- Bring Ecck to try sack cf WL?.ts River ii fcr a gsl! cae. w m rr V. i uilllilLiiliiiiiiillioiln''iil'ii'.'i'ii'iiii'niiii'oti;,';;,',!.::;;,!:;:,',, .0:1; : ''.v"v 1-1 amies .0 i t:IA V vvy p. l'V"VlV,'-Tov"7-' Three t!ire;!:cr:iH'!i lt:y Cm ti.ic. i cf ri.;s cai.!i year to one who buys any other m;;ki-. i c.'At.'j j.rckr Case, thuie must be a reason uhy v;. t.uouM. (ri 1 . 4 , . ' 1 i nctr cnicr rasoii h experience iivvc-tjtirtcra 01 u century. means salissactjou to t!.::r.: ;;r.d to yen. We can supply you v:h :!:iy si.:e tractor anl thresher you need, but the l.Vae 12: '.';" :d 'dun abot" ii one of the handiest models. Ii will v.'.n . !.;. it t.r ciu.'ih-r C.t.v Thresher .and will do altno: t any :.b o;t lutu. A;-!; Lr Citulosf ur inquire cf U3 for full pariiculrs. A W. H. STAATS (Q. Tii iut a' ii .ex. 1 4 I. ft '.i u id Mil kinds ol ('. I'uiLir -v :ui:U-il Ui .u.iK?tiusn ;r ear in it, out al M n:; in nlJllhM Erin and f'if uing take 'on. :ldv III S j F Y.V: AT Tfii -TV tiJf w U Ik Vi '-". ) ttrl ft .". ,"". ana Heat .'he Best h !ie Chespesl Ciean; g "oft i'ri Man, in. RIWR iui iu.. W'jf Ail 'd Sacli Guaraiifeecl as any part of ii ill ive TvivT.. JL V W W till VH!.UUiV Local Distributer: .''i-ii;::: :: i-.,'i',0'. :.. '1: ; X3N . 5- 4 e' , ! , - ver v wfiere I ill tibliiihl ifcl2 Si ii ti:; niati;y j tA -.4 a p3 iv. 1 it M it tulUO 1 knelt at lbs- feet of Wisdom, Atlii-t, tit), hungered For I prayed fvr t lie key to knowledge That would my ambition gai.i. ' 0 lhdet n;e the lire:." of genius," In impas: i nied tones I eiied;. "Fan them into a raging ilame.'' Wi -d'liu sadly I'eplioid. i ' Go strive lor i he thiiive yon rnne 1 There i-i untight t! at I can do! .h.'eecod or, whieheVr yen mav If, rept.i alone with von. There is no royal road To I lie plaec where you aspire, But you tuWt gain wlmte.'er you yi in By the ftrf'ii'.oh of your desire.'" 1 knelt al t he h'el, of the muster. 1 prnyi d to In free, from sin. My soul-was weary with driving; I longed for tlif peace veil bin. I iv.vX iiiv (Jtwri-s that were carnal, 1 destroy i'"l them one by one; I eurn-iricred ntv.vlf enniphti-ly And said, ''Thy will he done." "(Jo work "jut your- own palvutioii I n fi-ar and I reuibiing.'' said he, '' This for man as well as for tree. Ami the lah'nU I left in your k( epi ii;';, 1 will it ipaire them ail afain. Sn he not wean' in doing well." And hiunhly he' Paid, 'Allien"! Chris 11-lhir, Wnpin'uia, Oie. Jut", Ilal'phiiiu had hi.s face well H ned 'edue;.day aflemoon wiii'n Iuih kIovo he was mu hlazed up. x. 1 : M iS unsatisfactory will cxcLarjvc upany Til c Ii,!, ,!.l,il'':!,.,''i'''i'i'i' l!lil!l:INl.,,;i:ii:ii;:i:i!:;iMli!llllli!l!l!li!ll!il! C.,r!:u:::.Thr.-.j.i.'.2 T-v '1 ; Piref 1 1 l.lh L ,1, J'L I U.ILt co. a lie CROSS GIVEN I W- tkm hn- Cl.GaO.COO rand Is Gven scriba'j Cy Americrn People. E. ;.o:.:,Cou. -lUd ( .' Overintscriyiluas of s UxaJrtJ million dollar wsa fjsured Monday U.e e.'sut-day caniyai;;a u'ei'!.y l'un'i ' ii.2at, v.iiir. ei'.,-eJ, -.v.:fi i'u.ul rallies in haadreus iVaeritsu citi-s. lie liat.cas coatribaticB's to the Uea Cross were cstsmaica at $114,000, CUJ hy Kcary P. bavlwn, chairuiau of the Ktsi CrcE war coaneil. i.Ici'o ilia:: 101W oi the lar cr citi t rxstd i.;oro than thslr ailotmtuts. .-'.r.iaag the t.iatca v.i; i; U t' uJti ;-.;-;r qajLa;. viao Oregon, Colorauo, ya.Kiaj, L'tah nzi LUho, All m. '.ioik oi the yawsd the goals, witli the jjuasihiy exceytion of the south. 'ion million dollars of apparent o'i er.;ui:scrii:tinii may be necc-s&ry, it was said, lo make the actual collec- I iioiia meal $iaM,0tf,t09, owing to the I iKJKiWUty cf 'duplicate rccoriUng. The ! next two cr three weeks will be de- vct-jd to gathering in the money prom- .;td in nulividual ;!ei!ae3. WEST EXCEEDS QUOTA Cisrly AM Tcwr.s Report Their Al Iciaients Lett Far Behind. Raa Francisco. Rvports received here by the general campaign commit tee of the ited Cros:! .indicate that the cities and towns of the Pacific coast u'crn the northern boundary to the Mexican line have nearly all exceeded their quotas in the drive tor a fund of sioa,ooo,co. Seattle, l'ort'u.r,d, San Francisco, 1,03 Angeles, Santa Earbara, San Die go and Many smaller coast cities re ported excesses musing to twice their oriiiiual allotments or more. Washington Fixcceds Quota. Seattle. Charles E. Peabody, chair man of the slate iled Crosa commit tee, announced that the contributions lor the state already totaled Jl, 4 10,000 raid would e::e;'ed $1.5110,000 on the final count. Washington's quota is 51,000,000. ' OrarjOii Gives Million. Portland, Or Portland doubled its quota for the lied Cross by subscrib ing a total of Joo,000. The total for the state outside of Portland will reach at leant ifuOOOO. With the $100,000 raised in i'oitlaiul, this will give Oregon a grand total of $,(, 000. Idaho Is Generous. Poise, Idaho. --Idaho's iled Cror? gift was announced as S4H5.0UU. The quota originally set v. as it-jd.iKO. 4 U OfFEi 3 Bill!! FOB Will Washington. Liberty loan nulwcrip tioits totaled ;'.l,u;h',2''u,t'iti, uu over subscription of marly til! per cent. The final tabulation showed that more than 4,ooo,oaO persons bought bonds. Nine;y-three per cent of sub scriptions, or thoae of 3,' per sons, were lor sums varyin;; from Jail j to $10,000, while tit su'eeribers an 1 plird. for allotiiunts cf lfj,00u,ouo each ! or more. j The New York federal reserve dii 1 trict led the list with subscriptions j totaling 51,lV'r,7o?,4(, or more ihan three times the amount snh-'eribed in the next district, Chicago, i :jr.!;i.,,!ij0. I Allotments will be made, Secretary j McAdoo aHnom;e:il, as follows: I On HiihrcriplioKs up lo and inclinl ; ins'0. (id per cent of the amount nubseribeit, t-ut not less ihan 5ie,l00 in any instance. More than Jiuo.ihiO up to arid ineludiiii J::;.0.u.,0, -i J i'or cent ot the aiiioiutt nib.n 1, Lot not less man fiiO.UeO 111 any insiaiiee. More Pian $.'iu.w,0 up to ami hiclud t:iC t'O.UOO, SO Jii-r e. :;t. but hot l;"3 than f tt2.!00 la any li.ot.iace. j More than ( up to and iiielml 1 lie; 5 j.iit.i.eou, L5 per c-":it, but uot ice.n than leU.l'OO in any one instance, j More than $ rt.oO'j otio up to and inclml 1 hie, iiii.oyo.U"0 ca;h, ;i per tent. ' Allied fi! cf &retct LiTtJd. I aaii'.i ;;uii -i.iitms of the allied . j of Ore; co was autauiiiroil in' !-..t ..o '.ce-....: to the -; d.-fart-1 ef cat icerat; to liic teem Mllo.ter Oroppprs at All" us. 1 l is is t iken here to mi in U' a ise aiaes 1.1c ;v.n-fn v.o.h the loc k 5.;.;.i;u.a ur.J that is i;o fiirihec need to Hilly 1. pr. or r-anar. e tn j. r:-, t-'ctcr-j c;t Ccv.n, loii: - iLoMnc inir.i v.ii-. c;c,l r.a haim rvov.-s in .Pstartarces hcre.j 1 boy v'..e tro',i;.M into avttcii alter! tlo' p-oee v.nh cluN had f ..... ct to'L. Ih Kelly, 1 Dr. Lavrence S. Sccvaii VET ERIK ARY ' Medicine Surgery and Dentistry Charges Reasonable - Satisfaction G u a r a n t e e d Call Drug store or residence Rlaupin, Oregon Si -tap Leaves I.Iaupin, S a. m. LRitve Vapiivitia, 1 GO p. m V. ROBERTS. P-o:;. O. O. F. . , , T 1 T "- 1 'I' T A hoiiue im). 'Ji:l. Maijpin, (irejion. meet s every r a I uroiiy iiii;hl, iii Donaldson's he ll. Vi:-ilin"; 11 it-sr. Ufrs always weleonn'. Job Craktkkk, X. 0. W. II. Tai.COTT, Pecreinry. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE FOB. PlISLICATION IKV1.ATK1J 111 ACT Public Land Sale Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalies, Orctoiti, June 27, 10,17. NOTICE is hereby given that as dheeted by the Commissioiiei of the General Land office, under provisions of Sec. 2455, K. S., pursuant lo the application of Perl K. Davi';, Serial I'o. 016435, we will filler at public sale, to the hkdie'.t bidder, but at not less than if 2. 00 per acre, at 9:30 T)' clock A. M. on the 2 1 st clay of August, next at this oliice, 1 lie follow iii , tract of land: NK1-4NWI-4, Section ?7, Township 7, South Range 15, Hast W. M. Conlainins: 40 Acres, "This trict is ordered into the market on a .showing that the greater portion thereof is moun tainous or tco rough lor cultiva tion." The sale will not be kept open, but will be declared elo.-ad when those present at the hour namtc have ceased bidding. The person making the highest bid will be re ouired to immediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any pel sons claiming adversely 1 he above described laud are ad vised to lilt- their claims, or objec tions, on or before the time desig nated for sale. np, I,. A. Kooti, Receiver. Report cf ll'.s Condition of the Mattpin Ziate Bank Mo. 22-1 at Iw.wpin, in the stale of Ore Kon, at the close of business June f.0, 1917 RESOURCES f -arts and dif, 1 ,8P,.. Co Overdrafts, secured and unsecured SHS SS Uo; hi t.nct warrants . ,5,"ni.Jy Hankinsr hotiye ii.OnO.OO 1.',,..,, ill, iv, ..n.l C.-.-tiiroo " llT.I OO 1 U. 1IIUII I. HIIU HAIUU J ft-. 1 v 1 Ti v -- Ouii from approved re- forvc banks 4S.K8.12 Checks and other cSsh items HS 9"' Cash en hand n.3r..r)f. Total LIABILITIES Capital slock paid in Surplus fund ? 1 5,0110 00 J.r.C.Otin Undivided profits 2,::2M I lividemls imp, ml Individual deposits sub- .pet lo check 9C,Go7 Deniand certificates of deposit Cashier checks out- ::fi '.Cu t.tandinir Certified choc lfG.7! ' ;,., 1 i l I HI V .1 1 1 Ii Sav ii us L)e- p.osila Tot::l S!r.!eof Grcprcn, I 122,99r county ol H ;!:-( I I. F. 1). Sluari, Cashier of tho!a,t : s V,nrk A- M'' ,M,.,llc 24li above named bank, do solemnly swear that lh nbove statement is true to the lust of my Lnowl dire ami belief. . . 1'. IK KiUKT, Cashier. Siil'-'.cribH.I and sworn to be f,,r.i Hit? this C day of June j. :,! Cnkjin Nofarv rnl,!i,. My comiTii-sioti fxnirei A mil 1 pi 'l Correct A I lest' J. M- Coi.kliii, Ircc'ors. ,v ( .L.l,iA.S In In -lie'.-. Co'nt lor The Dalli-- Dt-tri.'t, County of Wj-co.'statt ''r.gon. Ray, Defend .nt S To S. R. Ray, the above named Defendant: ' I: THE NAME OK THE STATE OF OREGON, Yea are hereby required to appear at the' office of E J. FL-cher, Jir-tice of the Peace for The Dalies District iu said County and State, wilhiu seven days from the dale of the service of this summons upon you, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff in the above entitled cause, and if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint, judgment for want thereof will be taken against you for the sum of Eighty-one aud rfo-Tou Dollars, and int. -rust o't said sum at the rale of to per cent pr annum from the 1 8th day of September, "1916, lo date, and for :aid sum of Seventy-eight and iio-ioo Dollar1-, and interest oil aid sum at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 24th day of February, 1913, to date, and for tin; further sum of 50 as a reason able attorney's fee, and the costs and disbursements of this action. Given under my hand this 23rd iay of June, A. D. 191 7. K, J. 1'ISC'HKR, Justice of the Peace. NOTICE FOll PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Laud OthVe at The Dalles, Cregon, June ulh, 1917. oNO'llCE Is hereby given that, YtcToit E. MlTCHKI,!,, of Iilaupin, Oregon, who 011 May 29th, 1912, made Homestead En tiy, mo. 010374, and on May 10th, 916, made additional Homestead Entry no. 016153, for SE1-4NWI-4, si 2NE1-4, Lots 2-3 4-5-6 Section ' 31, Lots 2-3 Section -52, Township 6 South, Range 14 -East, Willam ette Meii.liau, has filed notice of intention to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Com manding wiTices, Company K, 14th Lift., at Yaucouver, Wash., and witnesses testimony to be taken before F. I). Stuart, II. S. Com missioner, at Matipin, Oregon, on ' the 28th day of july, T917. Claimant names- as witnesses: Fred Delcn, Wapiuitia, Oregon, Frank McCoy, Wapiuitia, Oregon, John Porchetie, Wapiuitia, Oregon Asa White, Man pin, Oregon. II. Frank Woodcock, p iisgister, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, regou, June 15th, 1917. NOTICE is hereby given that John E. Miller of Criterion Oregon, who on July 29th, 1912, made Homestead Entry No. 01084 and on July 2nd, 1914, made additional Homestead Entry no. 013575 for SEI-4SWI-4, si-2 ;U!-'4, Sec. 24, KKt-4, StC. 25, T 6 s, R t. K, Lot 4, Section 19, Town ship 6 South, Range 15 East, Wil lamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final three vcar Proof, to establish claim lo the land above desciibcd, before l D. Stuart, U. S. Commissioner, it Maiipiu, Oregon, on the 2tllh day of July, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: C. G. Skogsberg, P. J. Kitsch, i'.ertha Kirsch, all of Criterion, Oregon, A, A. t'antield, of Maupiu Oregon. II. Frank Woodcock, p Register, NOTICE F(Mt PIT.LTCATION ISOLATED TRACT Public Land Sale. Not Coal Laud Department of the Interior U. S. Laud I) face at The Dalles Oregon, June, 15, 1917. NOTICE is hereby given that as directed by the Commissioner of 1 he General Laud office, under provisions of Sc. 2455, K, S. pursuant to the application of John G. Boiler, Serial No, 015437, we will offer at piiolic sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than f.'. go per acre. .r " ,J" ' ' 1RXl' n,1.1"'? ', uie lououiug ira.a ot Hind: wi-2 M'1-4, vi-2SKi-4 Section 25, Township 7 South, Range 14 liust, V. M. (Ocu'aiaing 160 Acres). "This tract is oidered into the tuaHet 0.1' a showing ihHt the great" -r portion thereof is moun tainous or (no rough for cultiva lie.u." Tltis sale n'ul mat b kept open, but will be deelaeed e0.ed when l!io:e present at the hour named have ceased bidding. The person making the hiclu-t bid will be teepiiieJ to immediately pay 10 the Receiver the amount thereof. Any persons adver-ly the above- le.-cnlwd land are advised to 6le their claims, or objection, on or before the time designatsd for !;. L. A. Booth, Rectiver. j .- '.!.ro or r. .-nc r.cter oks kill. ,t j 1 r.rd tilt- r.cic.L'cr if p ;:.i injure I ' tn. or ki.i Bcrieuily fa jivca a about iJ.