The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, July 06, 1917, Image 3

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;-.'-. " 1
&1& xi:" ' :-v!
Principal Evsnts of the Week
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation cf Our Readers.
The Spf-ii'HPr district of Ilo'islas
county lias ae.nt evory man of miliLii'y
egc into the aniiy.
The Oregon Slate Ftlitoral associa
tion will cuinene in I'tiullfton on
July Hi, 14, unrl IF.,
The Oregon SlalP -ChiropraoUc asso
ciation will lioiil it:-, tcutli annual con
vention at Portlani on Jhly 5, 0, 7.
The annual nieetinr; of Urn patrol
niC'ii of the Douglas County l-'ire Pa
trol association v. as hold at Rose
hurg. Dave Cottrell was tliot ao l almost
Instantly killed by tarns Wyiaml, botii
of the Mcattunq tii.s.nct, Juckssm
Roy ?IcCrary, 9 year old son oi
James Mc(-'rary, of Ml, any, was acci
dentally shot ai:d killed by i.'urti:,
0 Jen hols.
Baiter Coun'.y'a total output or wool,
e.hout Su(),(!ijij iiiuiial:', tor this y ar
has practically all keen sold, accord
lug to the grower:;.
At the Cherry day celebration at
Freewater a lanio crowd was in at
tendance from all ikiiU of tiinafiiUi
county and Walla Walla.
Several on us of nu n e'n'.'lo. 1 or
Marion county rc!ui!.-i liae itlt at-'tl
their intention of i;o:i.; o!i r.u'iLe un
less the county rniae. tiieir v, a:
The con cation of th
Ell drilgh:ts of (ire:,on, Waih
and Idaho was le Id ia'i 'o.'tlan.l.
than 125 liroleL'.aoiul nirn alt-:
V. T. Cobb. til. I'i.ei i r rati-
!t( x
i;;toli, More
ier or
the Bslu-r dktrUt. .!:u.vwt. nv-ar !!;:
home at N:-w lr-i wi:i-; alt ipl
lng to crcr.s Ka.-.le on lior.-cb.i !;.
Robert Baiil.;;. of tin; iirtu of Krtisf
& Kanha, ahipbuil.l of l'uv,
anuouiicts the firm lac, l av ardi d
Eix ves;s'-b by the ;-: :i :::-':-t "'"V'
ping board.
Eight v.oy.h.Mi !' -:arr:i. r.-j.r- -Tnt
lag a couibiii -d rotiir.-i-t
$4,a!JO,0o'J, will be built :
irtl .
d by
Supple & Kal'.in 1'c
the tinned ;
shipping board.
More than leu Ca'el
members of the 1,'eli- I r.
Ladicj of the Cr.'.cd A
Republic we-K s" -"ic, rn-
A: in
11 I !
1 the
!1!V of
s.t tiie
nual reunion at l-.rc::t ' iro
Two haudrnl a;nl fifty On-:
Bicians are n-fdid kI v.: "
pjedical icl-civ? cori.s. tt;o
quota of the jn,;i-i )-n.r v
0.1 phv
li.r the
I riEsli'.ned to t!: ' n' w arm:'.
Tha for.aal w,i::iei of th TilU. -
monk highway ami dcdiciiia'T tl. m v,-
roadway just cemch l 1 at the pa -s ,
In the tnuuntaii;.;. known as the Sj;.r-i
Grass cutoff, was h-l.l ut unlay.
Wong Wen Tie :e'. Hep King long
Eunman and slaver of J h G ;e.
f hinese fish in,-,-, ban!, wan s,-,,t .-: - d
lei iife hrpri'onment in the ,euiten
tiury by Circuit iaMf Ga'ecs at Port
land. C&nueriifi operated by lha Hugeca
rruiigrowers' te.aic.a'iou in Iau ene. j
Junction City and 'ri-w.-ll U--an t! ;
seasons run thi-i v.. elt, with -rv j
pecta for continiicua op
late fall.
Announce on ::t lu.;, la
fb Jivlsiou of tiv,il ir
V.aslilnno.: i ("'..
naval militia will !.. 1
S- attic f r i,.' .. i ' I:
Au;ust 1.
State I.alw 1 r..w'.i.
started to aj .mli- ,-u
wide ccn:-5 ; i ,v; !
:.n Ion uiit',1
m:eP( 1 ;
;.:i.i affai.'.-i. i
11;,- (ire-.:'in
-.1 ill- e.t ft
i: r.i ar.e.J ;
,.r . l e ;;
. ii a stute- :
i,;et;- s. van ;
t;i,g in l,.:r !
C e li.' ;
he cti.1 in vi
'MipK tne r
v, of i" '
ol j i. b n
CA60il cOil'.eJ
Tne listvil e.e.d li i t fe
Silrcnon w..s in- '' 1
Earl Wood ar.d i"re.:.k !.. r !
of their bit f "t i ' '' -' ;
at ",2, cio.j ft I e.ii.J M V.
krown Co . I ''
Fenditt -H .'i i ;t "
Irnmsj.ati'iv ii.-
El I Mi
On Sale July G to 13
uiPir sale wilt commence the con- auatnai accmtni .c-oinintsston this
si ruction of a septic lank to take ' week. The fatal accidents were as
of all the city sewuae. follows: John Lanto, Astoria, sawmill;
Tr.-tvelins auditors of the industrial; Fay B. Barnes, Gaston, sawmill; Frit? i 'ieiit co-'jiiiiission cannot come i Jiiller, Powers, Urging; Charles lia
'ii'der the provisions of the workmen's pica, Slicridun, sawmill; Mariou L
'.n!.'iisation uct Hie commission was
advised, btcause the commission can
not coiii.i .ct with itself.
A r. co:il breaking sale of registered
.i'er:--"y cuttle v. as hold at the farm of
UcAniiiii' ,!i Statiff, one mile east of
Pkkita!!, v, hen 0:: head of cows, heif
t.. an;; .,Oi!!n; bulla sold for an aver-
!,'".' price of ?"4o.4T, or
a total of I
Geneial Brown and Superintendent ol
or F.lliatt reports that so ' Banks Sargent were enthusiastic
conditions have been j about the project. They went as mem
j forest fire dauber bus : bera of the state bonding board to in-
.'.r th
. e !)'( a reportfd troni logging j tificatiou of $2S,000 worth of bonds
in:!!. 'Those fires were email, haw- j the district proposes to issue. Find
er, and did but little damage. j ings will not be drawn up for a few
Sfcri. 'ary uicoit has sent out notices days, but the board, it is understood,
o ail of thfl hanks in the state cull
io: attention to the new law
fdjjiv? to bank deposits that escheat
o the i.tatc. Under the new law, cav-V-'.i
tlcposils do not escheat to the
late itiitil alter the expiration of 12
The coming session of the W.l
a:nette valley Chautauqua, which
ipena July 10 at Gladstone park, will
u.-i'k the passing of one of Oregon'3
anions landmarks. The old audi
oriuni, ended 24 year3 ago, is to be
ibandeued, and the big programmes
ue to be held in a new $0000 edifice.
Helen MeUger, uge 18, died
t roil land from injuries received
when an electric train lilt an auto she learning to drive near Cresham.
,1,-..; u t.c;er was tin' third of the oc-i-u,.aiil.::
of the machine to die, 3. li.
Lhid.ey, her gia:i;!iather, having been
kill-, I instantly and his wife bavins
died Iv, o hou:-3 later.
in view of the fact that nearly C400
ilii-; .:u men have voluntarily entered
ih- na! ioiml tiiiard and the regular
u'.i:'., (ire-oil will feel the effect of
the s-.i.ctive dratt tut lightly. It Is
probable on the basis of present estl
niai. s that not more than 2000 Oregon
an-n of niilitary age out of the 62,000
..ho rciislered v. ill be drafted.
::.iia v ninaing into the hundreds
..!' t!i,Hi,nds of dollars was caused
v.h-n Hie reservoir of the Kllmaipie
Ji iv'.tfion coiii,any, m ar Haines, went
t and the released waters rushed
in a wild torrent throuf.h the village
of K'ji k Crek, dejli-oj Ins it and d-va;-i-ttis
tiiouiamU of acres of farm
irr-; territory in Hie adjacent alley.
Pur. base of the lrst Installment of
a com-i; ; n nt of fir lumber to build
::a v. no.Jeii sl.ips, uutaiuc-u ty u.e
u-y fleet corpotatiou, obtained
' i;t f :ii a I hot! .-.tml. i auuuuiictd by
I Chairt'tan D. nman, of the shipping
I l...-:rd. 'lice lumber was bought Irani
1 tli" ru:: ay l.uinLor coa.pui.y f.i
,t,. the cuuttaet calls for delivery
i mc old military hlekway, between
I ,
e and Kianulh talis, now of
iclclly designed as the Willauutte
road becaii.-e it lollows the river ol
llvt name tor a great part of the ills
tamo, wdl be opened for the first time
to automobile travel the latter part of
Ac. -ad accoi-ding to an announcement
m;c.!" by Civile K. S-it;, supervisor
the Ca-'cad" l.a'i nal for. rt.
A c,'-t f"r lo tuil-s of hard ur
f,!- e s . i in. lit. the to Lj let uti
d r lie: r-ia-J lomllng me?-,ure, ap
. 1 at the June eh ''thm, was
l by ike sta!.' hi,",!v. ay cun
lal , iivii i'!"l lb'' I'liiaiilla coenty
tl Pie Vi.iri'H'l I Ul 1 1 ii t i' ill Ci,l,ilaC
I - f IPi.lJM t.'. 'ibe S'. til n Id Ik1'
n eil to be spruced is the firjt Jy
;!.,:. i bef'-ea P-'iieil
ti if l:e e
As a r-- ;il( cf tho Ct
1. 1 ,ti. cr'ir.r.Krrc rr,r:
F. I re r.t fi -irht !
leii tki -
isioa of t:. I'.i
nlssi.'.n iu Ike
ir.'r. i. - i jei
i , , i-e-.ii F. . lit J Mill, r
. ci j .kr. r r '. e '
the tli-l
ii et,.et.
u. U. in onion v.hicii Lav-
,. p.r If p. r cut ti.-;e en at;;
ra-taf? trc.ghl rat-8 10 abinJo:. ,
ir i. .-i.l a; i:cai.o.-5 t-.J en-i-av
r.i to get lia rn : s in the n't- on rT
t.'.-i ck-; ft a ,t.t ionnic-1 I. , l.e.e
i, kt in flic t fiav.J htcfc.r ui-s
i ,ii: la'ii Sce'eKi'tl. Ol.t Ol it t'.'M
if 4.3. rtpo:t-:i to 11.6 :te l
will In! I he keynote ( IliH pu-atttxt of all mert i i:t- of ti.n
Return Limit July 18 R. B. Bell, Agent
Wm. McMurray, General Pasienjrer Agent, Portland
Hinnett, Derul, loiu;,', Carl Carliion,
Pit w ood, logging; Indian George,
iloud River, railroad trespasser; E
Correll, Pendleton, niilrcad trespas
ser; Charles Walker, Cciiuille, rail
road trespasser.
On their return from an inspection
of the Payette Oregon slope irrigation
project on the Snake river, Attorney-
will indorse the proposed Issue. The
project includes 54 UD0 acres, all water
ed by pumpius, the pumping power be
ing electricity generated from the
water of the Snake river.
The culmination of Oregon's largest
timber land deal of recent years, grow
ing out of the option on the f 1,000,000
holdings of the Dubois Lumber com
pany, granted to liavid C. Kccles, head
of the Oregon American Lumber com
pany, on January 24, awaits only the
return of John Dubois, head of the
selling company, from the east.
Official notice that the option, which
expired July 1, was to bo concluded by
purchase was given by Charles T.
Early, of Portland, manager of the
Kccles timber interests in Oregon, to
J. K. Gamble, secretary of the Dubois
Lumber company..
Attorney General Ceorne M. Urown
State Kngi'i.-'ei' John 11. Lewis and Su
pe.-intemlcnt of Hanks 3. G. Srgcut,.
tie? comniis.-ion created by the Irrita
tion eecinilies law of the 1917 legis'a-iiir-.',
have jm,t r-.-turneJ from a trip
if icepe: t'.on preparatory to patting
lie :,ccu'.'i'.ieH statute into effect for
he first ime. The irritation Becuri
i s act pr'n ides for the formation of
nidation d.slricts by irr.imeot and
.ote of the property owners within
H y o si-oat 4 aod agreed buundar
es. It pr.ivid'-s that districts
;:'.:iv i,-;eiie boi'iij, tho Si.m.J as ixbcol
r p..rt districts, to loving water to the
Wasliiiiejlon -'i ke inorsiatu rem-ti--rc
.' ci .i.aie sien kas df aiod Ik'' po a
-I tb-' iiiikc.i 1 i of the Haiti d tia'es
or a lionomul iia reuse of 15 p' r
:.nt iu fu'lght ran-s.
In its ibci-ijii the remmission in-
dilated its s to incmiso
el.os rates in the i.isiein diclib t ap
proxiieat, !y 11 per c-;it. Sim f about
one fourth of the freight handled la
moved mid r clusu rates, the decision
virtually ullows the eastira lines
about 4 per cent increase in gru.s
freight ri venue. Increases nought In
rates on ccul, c.d.e and iron ore will
be uruntrd.
Ti-.e comiiil. sioii found, as a rceult
of extended hearings, that the carriers
gem rally show n substantial and in
crea- inn Mii:in-ial prof perilv, and that
lb -y I uvp ample re:-oiir os with whiill
tj cuudie t ti :m,piii lation.
The i pinion ii.tiie.iled Ihat a re
b. .-aruifi would be of no at this
till'-, kitt Ika! fiief will ! irratit-
j ,.J villiiu Ibe iiut lew inui.lbs if llib
j cur. i. rj meet adverse ruiiditi.-n.
",'to ceininiiSii.ii tual tl.e
gionniy feii" itsts of jeojiarduc-,1 In
; com s S"..n b railroad oiiicia!", early
j in Pill, h:ne not been b .. no out by
j the fiur. i ,i. j(',.l)le te.r la'er uioi.lbs
Tha proc... . titles en brcerbt in
Mieii. v.h. n tr.c tetuit. from Febru
ty weie j uj U ie li.ale. Fibiuat)
as tn of tiic w of it mr.nil.B In ra.l
r.-a l history Tbe uh? .-pi" nt moiiihs
have ihonn Hiru-jS'r.g revemnj,
rvfcile i-r.p'nsea ha.e iu many iaru
faik I t6 mount to tho extent Ue car
rl;r" cffici&It f ared.
TO 14
..... , .S.J
S ' ?
j :':'':,;'''v(s;::;.-.-;;.'
V;vv.;;"J--;;c..';:; It
Admiral C!av.'j i.: .-e-hm..ivl -f i!u- f
.vsrehips which c.ii.-.-ycd th v
an trar-rperta ctrrsr, f,c At! :n
m mi m m
W'teiiin;; ton,- A f !.
uii::i)er b g'.-! . i ; , e p: :,- -,, n
lu'ohikltion and t , t .. i.:..J.
iu?a: lire:;. coit.V.:!!'..: -... . r i
its war ton, vii:.. h Oe. a.i toe,
months ago.
Witii be ; ue!-, .a;, -;. 1 ;! -..
ate and tic b ai.e' ::i.i.-i. i :: t.:.i i
recess. Si iiat" b j.e1,',, ,f..; :-, i, -raeld
progress on !',' ... i -:
bill, With il.l pro IS--m peel:.!.' ,,.
manufacture of di'..i!' ! s-u ....
semi it to eouleruc. by lie. eel ,.
the week.
With the house w ':. i-.iili Jel, '
even should the :; .;. dc ;;' .. , 1 1 i ;
bill this week, a co.i.i , , ..c ... ;
meat aad final i a:..-: in i.
v.-ijl pot cor.c unlil ee r Ii," fii.! '.
lite month.
Intervention of Pr. sidi nt V,';!:,..'
checked the bonedry nation.. I pr-eeb
tion movement in no .. e-. t c.
ment ot piolnbition b .-isialcoi 1j d...
tilled beverage.', Without ml. .. .
with the niiinuia. tuee of b-1 r u --ii
wines, it is c,iii.ra:ly i..;i l-v. ,ii p
fitted Amendment PraUI.i'.Iivj C
ment of Liqucr ii in I . -
WttJhlnp.ton. '1 v. e;:;v P .. :
became "bone dry'1 al i.i .la, !,i
urday, the hour at w I..- a I: i
amendment prohibit:!. g ii"'
of liquor Into any I : r:: ,. y v :
liiunulacture or .'.ii'; is pmii o ,i
Colie-s eilicllv'. 'lie,, .. i- C . -.,
wliolly at! etc. I by t'.e a .:
Alabama. A: t.i, '. . 1 . . '
rad't, G -or.-ia, I k I '. b '. .. i -Ilalac,
-,'i .ij.i.i, K- ! r .-. .
' .No.'l!. I-..:. .:,i, ( .
bi cc, Rh .-I I ' .: . : ...' -.
lOUtll llMkoi'.., i . ' e - I , V ,
.'ireo a. V.'i. . i :i : - 1 '.. I
Those ..rtly a:: :.;. ! a.. ....!
-A,,i:,ei:'-.;'. I :. . .. - I ,
iua.l. '.. .
N..v t.auii : ii.i' , ...... i..:i.. 1 I.i.j
I be hi.-.- I : ; ii.-m i : )1 !'
ur'as, wh' liter eta ej nr ., i -p.
rations, ail mill i..'i:!-r a' ..
-" :
' :" '
edvi-rtii.: in - at., or r.uu l'ale .. ; t.,r
U"r3 of inli.'.i: ,'.',t i. in old. r t-.
lft: the ucii iicj ol t: e.l ot.
ficl-itiona Cut E CrC'k Cov'i r.n.t
Athens lite Link kov e: i,:,-,! be
trol t-u ti l-loin; tit r. .i i v. ith t; r
r.j.n. An.tna fiuc'itry, I - e a a a
Iti.'kcy. Ttiou. ti '.var 11:1,1 eel yl I. ea
(I'tlate.l, tie I. re k i- .--"i. .! CC'i
idirs that a slat: war t..i u.
V-.v.".-. c.jS
, .V' -
1 &IW1
f.icj.-r C -c't .-l Sihert, hei in a
live cci.i.s..-.i;,1 of ;b fi, at Am r;ut
irccc'.c to jarid in I
kk-mi UK i
Wa'diir;;;,,:!.' -i;, ; uki! ). ! t ;.
nil the nct step bceeed f-A, lie:;
!:'.' I ional w ar u. uiy I'o.'e.i th : i. ' ,k
re'.'.i.'.I.eil.'il for Willie,; f.ll .lull,'; , v.ei
iisucd at the do'cetion uf 1 . ;, ;c,
Upon oriiaiiiziiig Ihc l.i.'jl beard
Will take over from the re 'hu,:..'
boaids all rc.'siiaiion c. v. I:!
Ibey will nuiuk.'r re i'ial!y a. id i.e: ii
posting to puk lie vicv. 'i!:"u( a; A
baviiig bci n U tiie m. iac
hy Which tie; oak I' oi liakilily Ii
service i.imll lie d ti .' mi. H d
ike quota tu be till... o fecai i'.ti I -'i
tory, each beard Will pnp:.,e u k:
Ot PCI I'lllS lie..! ;uai' il li.l' iei.i... ,
tk - oid r of 11. "ir haki'Ity, iin-l i
Ii, t, give it to tile p.eeii and v. ilk:
tbi'e': dajs it i ti. I ii-jtu e to ea. Ii di.Li.;
mill d peison by mad.
As Ibe no i so iiiiliiied a;., e.r, l;
hoards first will make a pks eal .
ai:iiia'leiii in aceo.da.iee vvilii :;;'.
1'. ' 'lk'l"'l!S to Iji' provide I. ki ;'. :cg
iiiin.l luat all p 'lsi.i e. a. . : i '.
tie m v. ill be re e.y.,a'.i.i J kj a:..
Mil -'el.ll 1
i Uiius for 'X'-i!ij.s: oi I.' '! ."" .
dcpci'I. l.t l I., .y k 11 .:1c k;, I. - i
hiill: I If, bi:l '..lie or I. ill T lie!.' ,'C C
or by a third j ;i:'y v.ko I;.,.: j.i ,e .
ally invest i!'.al"I Hi' i a f.
With irv. i.diiile l.,:-. ., i
for. .s are ilo:,'..i; ic leu. (, . :
1 oe' . 'i.'.o .. i i- '.. oil a . '.a' l'...' : .
.; r 'port' d ! y Geneial liai", 1- e I
i ;i;,l,iii :: ill p. v.iai r.i 1..1I 1 .t..t
go liS.
Pl..e'i.'.'l I, f..i(i-s iiav ' kl'.d.i"., I .. '. 1
'O. .1 U.; b, id . 00 lile v.. . ,,
k.; ,:, 1 r the : ' : . i in :..!! -.i : (
i,e, d , in 1 b ' In g 11 rlii .ii'i li
,.: i - y 1.1 ele tu I" ' I' :o .: I.i.
i;e j f . ill !, lie; , t; i ij:. .1 U' I.i; ie .1 .
le a: lees lots aiiici, ie '
'i i..; II :' ..... ,.' . ,.!. ee
,l,i.. b ..), ,..! i. .; i, ;,-
I ; 1 en . n, :.e. I. . ho r.-j...rij u
j ,ui... Ie i ,', . c ;i.,.a i-.' !; u.i I II. t .'. t
t r ...... ha. 'ii- a, n.l ., aim ot tk
j R. io,. .. I. i I,.-. II in ti..: a: I
1 .-, oi li,..' i.' . ha l p 1 1 il i i I. d
ii, A ,.U ...t. ' i dell.. !.' II in ,e ..
I 10 --. !r..ta lie' n ."..II of I'" . . 'i . to
i .r i."' ' i. '. ' ! ,i. P." '-lei !'" i.' .i
1 1 la S'-itui.iJ. a detaee of aboai
1,:, ii"b -
'i'li'f 1 ." tie') ar I.i '''.I i. Ji 'I I I' b T
Tklii loo ., 1... . 1 .: .in.. Oil i A ii t -A
Xp' $3f3
.-.I ilk c ve ;...'' i -I !: : v ,. k , a i, .r.
A.. a a. to i..-. t. iii.o vi,i .1 .... ;..u
t.y ,i 1.....0, v ii.i, t,',..- I, ., U .. u-u
sv.' - . - .v. - l
o. w. e. R. & H.
Local Interest
vi. W. Mullatt ran in the fat
iiinii's race y sienl.ty and straiiml
ono leg' iuite painfully,
JJeit Nosker was thrown from a
face linri'H yc.'lor.'iay and rci-ived
several minor iiijiirio:,
'.l lie ram is in li'miMo .'ptain and
and the. town 4 i Miiierin;; fur ward
oi water.
Holly L'otid returned villi her
l'atiiii:irents last eveiiin:' ailer :i
i!i':i.s'inl week with llieiu.
Arthur I'liilndee lias taken ovc.
tiie I li'egoiiia it route fioin ike
Caiilielil hoys.
Mrs. Uillierl is apjisling Mr:j.
iCello;;'! in tho pDsioliicc.
Nr. Powell und ehildieii wlin
Iiavo hei'ii campiiu; l,y t lie spring
went to Tyidi Sunday. '
Frank t'lei'fei' hi diiviiig a new
Stiidehaker car puivlia-ed a fhort.
I inio ajro.
Duii'l blame your clonic-II
iwnh rli'.vvini!. Hmwov.t wtl
io it for you and yiiaroiik-e if.
Conscription fiiiles Dccigitctii V.'.iaii
inrjtoit jr. Pines.
Washington.-1 ira'tie;; of C-S.CCW
tin n for ibe 1111 . i- ;::ii a.'i.iy nil! bo
coodi'cled I'tttii-.-ly in v. ,i. i I'iCti.ii, an
cording to tiie I'.ii'.e.i'iiTi, ion regula
tions 1'ipiiioi ed by t in- pi'i'i,iii".'il.
In the I'uiled '.A :it iiicee are ap
pii.xlmaialy 4ti'w r 'gi ar.iirui dis
ti mis. Ill i eii tie're in a acparafo
;;eiiea i, i'eeii-1 r.i i em inicibers, begin-'
ni'ig with ii n 1 1' ! j . -1- ii'ie.
When lie: i!t a i.e ; ni p,'oka!i!y
curly hi Juiy, it i.' -'i . d in V. .',',".l.:e ion
will seli;t a i,; i.,hi r tin'- a- o i::.: jury
wheel Of olher loll' ry :.,'. ,l"::i.
The' re, in, ! w ill 1- eaiikeil to
.'.e b !i'"'.,l "i.'.cil die: ".: .. :i,-. all lie
i',' il oil l ie ," ' i. 1 1 .1 e :l I,.;: -, ,. jo b.n c.
:i. .1 llt.'.ilili i ,. ill he i a1!: '..
It s ill lie , I.i e e il l. ", ii,ili'.'ide,ik
)' to cee-i'lcoi .... A- v Ie- i-, i il.
I'e v.lll i. til Oe i-i ,,i,v, io t "iie.'l unlil
a g' ee lal S'oiiiii' M . i '.-''! d lor all
dratt' 'I ni"u to come !oi".vj:d lor c-x-
french Troops An caiin in - tiicns.
(.oiidoii.- A eopso.h to Civ 'prnes
fi'c'ii Aike.'i'.i s.i.'-: plea, ii hoops ba,e
' lercil .,:;o .ii iiiel oi i ii, .-,( 'ineral
points in Ik" city. A K"i o-r oiepalclt
I'l'-ai Aliieiis savii Iliei.- w:'.' a i! 't i-oa-1:
alien in lie i ly oa !-l,ii,i):.y iie;i:t
Slid licit I It i- i.Piiil 1 'Oiipe eilter' d the
city Io u.-'-i. I in t.eiiil o oe" ul o:ib r.
StrtT.'.r-r U!v--; In t'ics.ta riaplds.
M.i, i.a 1 ,A1 -, A. ', . Xiii-. p, re,..'i:;
an' huuv'u t .- I, ii, id, t .'... i i uc i
kiiov'.'.i tu ka.e I . fi cii 'he ci:' have
i."t .' a r.'-vii ;::. " I'm tt.-i-l' el a ul
p:ol .o !y u 'I " I, :': lie! l ti ,'a -bi
r, e:,"i at i..i ;,, p.!. a.'.;
ri ; ert I ini. .. , :,. I i it..- :. ,.i, a
..core ri'e i-i .( t i e. !, ... ,:; : fr,
tit it'ri ... t. : II J Is I li i. ..." . ;
Ir. ! (I'll- " I'. n'.' I.-M ;': - i.e! ,.
j pi'M , 'd il o.ii ii !' . 0.": .'. , - : :
I ibe e-'P;e ol n e v- bnii.-i 0 ..i .. .
ei.ttil '.bip likiko I:. L
( Jiild 'II, I'l J-A'l:e'.e-
Aek , in : i.i.' I ... ' i.e . , , , y , ,t
...11. kloi I'l.'l I.'..". I, c. p..";. .ie :. I,e
:.ti tilr. '. "J k' i,e. e. . r -Ve '
i ip,. p, -,, .-. ,-
J anijc ,.,
e II e bo' ' f li".' At-
. v :s c : A- I" I''Jd.
Wh. lit - ( l ib U I... I A: :ci,i ; .'.1;
red lAi 'if i. Ti' 10. io,:;, t Ad, ; 1...
I.i.ii ' -i. 1 ' I A I- r I n.
Ila 'iiiiAdky. i t i-.r t n; uUIT.i
i fuiier ( iv.;.i,v:y, Zi :
(;.., , , i;n, h. ::i-
Vv'oil-i u-f rn ft. ::;:i, U'e; vaiie.-,
Mohair CT.C p, .' lb.
poti T-"1 four .f.
...! mo i