The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, June 29, 1917, Image 4

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    - - - -
ivlaupin i imes
Fublklid Eevery Friday at Moupin, drgon,
r ih of July
Mrs, W. I,. MoF.RiiioN, ruli!i;,htr
Round - Trip Tickrts at
Reduced Fares On Sale
July 3 and 4, return limit
July ',5, to points within
200 miles on rail lines of
Subscription: On Year, $1.50, Six Months 7 Sets, Three Months 50c
Entered as second class mail matter
post office at f,laupin, Oregon, uiitic-r iho
.epteniber 2, at the
Act of March 3, 1870.
' ytyA J v
Principal Events cf the Week
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Readers.
An all-Oregon Fourth of July cele
bratiuti is planned for Salem at the
Itate fairgrounds.
The. Oregon State Medical asisoeta
Hon Is to hold Its 4!iit annual meeting
In Portland June 28, 29 and 30.
One suicide, two fatal accidents and
another accident that may prove fatal
were ore day's toll of death in Coos
lay towns.
Percy Cupper, assistant state engi
neer, has "been appointed by the desert
laud bbard as a3slstaut secretary to
that board.
fiMvA Viiiriilrflfl onrl fnrtv-thrpft P.tll
dents are enrqlled for the summer ses-
slcn of the Oregon normal school at
Monmouth -
The twenty-f'fth annual session of
Oregon yearly meeting of the Friends
ehiirch held a very succecsful Gather-
lg at Nowhere '
ui. mfi,. r,r Wnffinn l
clerbn, city letter carriers and rurul
'' letter carriers will meet at Albany
Saturday, June 30.
Portland's public auditorium is with
in two or three weeks of entire com
pletion. It will be' formally opened
to the public on July 4.
A shad hatchery is being establish
ed by the state fisheries department
on the Adams ranch In the Youui
river district, near Astoria.
The public service commission has
Issued a digest, covering kiws pnssed
by the recent legislature relative to
railroads and public utilities.
The United Spanish war veterans
and the women's auxiliary will hold
their antmal encampment and reun
ions in Hiltoboro June 27 ar.d 23.
A nuuiLcr of wool tales were re
ported ut. ll.spimer vvht n reveinl
prominent sheepmen r.uV tl" ir sen
son's clips at tin renin p. I pound.
AI'i'.M- l.i'i.ijl overcome by a auddfl
attack of heart failt.'v, William L.
Bradshaw, citUiit jiHlj-.e of the sev
enth judicial db.lrht, Mled at Purllnm!.
Thomas Jefferson 'Utiles, p'omiiicut
for many yearn In tho public life of
Linn county, unit a punt grand- master
of the Oddfellowrt of On.'Kiin, died in
Albany, ut hlo hente, utcd 71'.
Attorney Fred V. Wilson bar, bei n
fcppolnted by Coventor Wiihco:iitie.
to the office of i h-cult JuJsc for IU.u.1
ltlver and Wajoo counties, to fill the
unexpired term ut the late Judus EiuJ
rhuw. Figures made public by the war de
partment disclose that Oregan, in pro
portion to population, has contributed
mare men to the regular army thti-i
fr.y other state, savo Nevada ui'd
Ralsh D. HuUel; who has b-on dl
actor of the extenaion service at the
Oregon agricultural college for the
last eight years, Jiaa accepted the
1 residency of the agricultural colt.
( i New Hampshire.
Train LaBjaijeiaen on the O-W (7.
t- N. hnvo comiilaiiK J to Ibe public
K'rvlco commlsi..iiu th:,t ihey u-c em
lloyed too Ions hours mul usl, it ;u
can to taken to obl.Uu shorter Imers
.f employment for Ihem,
The firtt numbvr of Oreeon l"
naiiLCs, a nci-w paiu r fur new. ape.
men. Iiubli. hl d by the r- e.ul uf j ,e,r
l.albm of the t'nivi ir-'ly ef Or e,
baa l n hsu.'.l. It o, m.r. t....i
lu.m Mud cuiiluiii lo pac.vs.
Word has bi-. u r... ,.i d Hoi h.u i.
White, a former resident i,f ll.Uhtc'i.
t.a killed In ii.ittle In France rcecr.t'v.
The mirtluw-'ii ptuitoeiifii v ri v ill
bold their lieu-alb en. n. nil. ii
In Portland on Julv l'J n, ; !
line of the new , ioi.r,
tui.3 uf the tne on I , . 1 1;
:IMa. vhl.h v , te i , , ,., '
Julv 10 by ih !. fiy of ? . .-, i
a section fnhn; t - - t . ', :.l .); n . ' .(
in i to rat Ii rour.ty In tN' rl iv, ,
Aecordtnit to report.! ;,I-p i ,
the lulled State i f.-r- I '; ;, , lt
i'ligue llicre Is now ten foci t; ,;. -v :
in tlie ard ih i, -I;
wlil prol'.biy not le even i . t ,, . ;
fc.ic travel tratf-.c Ut ir.jie iit..n it
bu nth.
Out nf 41 scel lent reported t.i ;
Industriul aeeideitl ceniKii-"ton r a '
Wfek from June 13 t.i ill, lie Houo.
but to t.sro fatal, ll.c bj.u , ii
lulu Trtbl.el t.iiia lore- f-; i'
C .ei. Ktuig. Cf....i ivU;
KepreeTita'.ive Haw ley introduce!!
a resolution amending the sundry civil
bill so that part of the $'.'6,000 appro,
printed to protect the lands of the
Oregon & California grant from for
fst fires rr.r.y be used In protecting
also iho so.CCO acres of the Coos Bay
u-Kfwi road grant.
). iifpUi ye.i of the state university,
SKok aa wxlneera, laborers and jani
tors, K injured by accident while em
ployed, cannot bring suit against the
university without special authority
being prunled by act of 'the legisla-
tuie, acconiiiT, to an opinion by At
. lorney Liorral Proven.,
1 Senator ile.N'ary has introduced a
bill oattturtelug the Etttte of Oregon to '
, BKleet in a rem pact body 40,000 acres
of land in the Kaatiam national forest
for me a-) a state forest reserve, and
to rc!inc,;i'xti In exchange, all title to
(8n equal ii re a of spattered school sec
! titnis within tills reservation.
I The city council has authorized a
special election in Toledo, August 13,
I to vote u;:cn three proposed bond is
an is:;uc of $15,000 to rebuild the
1 present city water supply line, $0000
refunding bonds to retire outstanding
vater bonds and 18000 to take up the
present city warrant indebtedness.
lleprtntaiiva ainnott has prepar-
cd and will offor an amendment to the '
jpenuir-r food supply bill authorizing
the president to e:l;cnd not more than ;
;20,tiin,lifl0 out of liie 5150,000,000 car
ried by the bill, in constructing north-
west irviBiitfon projects, In accordance mission, anu men tne Kussian special
wiili tho of the reclamation act ambassador, Boris A. Bakhmetieff.
Word has been received by Superin-; Ectt me brief address of tribute
tendent iwart.lamler of the Umatilla - to Washington and to the ideals he
reser-.ation from Washington that represented. Baron Moncheur, aided
bids within (ho $28,000 appropriated by Lieutenant-General Leclercq, and
fur tv:o bridges acror,3 Umatilla river Ambassador Bakhmetieff, aided by
on the reservation hail been received, Lieutenant-General Roop, placed floral
and that the contract would be let wreaths on the tomb beside wreaths
immcliaU'ly. The government is pay- laid there by Foreign Secretary Bai
lee; two-thirds, and the county one four of Great Britain, ex-Premier Vlvi
tbirtl. a nl and Marshal Joffre of France, and
The old blast furnace and smelter ,
I plant of the Oregon Iron & Steel com-
Iicny, .occupying five acres of land
a'cng the Willamette river at Oswego,
vore purchased outright by William, of I'.eaMe, hi ad of the Pacific
!;f;:.t Steel comply Interests in that
.e:t inn, with the prospect that it will
be pi.u.rd ill within about 60
(!,: Ii.e the uiaiiiifat'tu.-R of pin Iron.
Ti nt (!i';;oii cininiii's intend to be
pe'l. .1 out of the mud is apparent
fi.'in fie a;iji!k;itiuris which have
foci" !:i to llw state highway coinniis--.d.ri,
not only to seeure aid under the
;;i;.tiiie.'MMi bond ia.'iin act for lmiil sur-
vbi. ii
ti.e I
I. el ;.i.o I'n.'iii (he demands
are IHag made for post-road
lo be expended on a co opera
viili liie fideial govern-
in. at.
Fii. ven creek?, all tributaries of the
upper i!.;F"M;;.e river, will be closed
lo I'ir.hiug on August 1 and will
leiiK'.iu i lui'i d for two years thereaf
ter, according to Carl D. Shoemaker, e tanie warden. The creeks to be
ftiif-d me Kilih'e creek, Johnson
or '. ', , cr.'t K, lirUtvrood creek,
ili-r.c la c,i I;, Iadiaa creek. Gate
croek, Alo' Un creek, Deer cretk, Enula
deck ami Qaartz creek.
Tue head quarters of the Interstate
nim'-'ro lonouiiision engineers en
!.! in iii-tHi'.j a physical survey of
a-lna.i praeeriy in the Pacific divl--i.
::i.t y !.,. u..t1 iroin San Fran-
'.; a. io i a ;ene d. lin.T the summer,
tci.r.;;;s;; to ;oi m iiouiiit inciit made
v i- I), rlinlon. eneiueer lu charge
' a c.i-v of II iuu'vrs, In ICugeu
ai e iii"e!;u;i the appraisement
el tv.oe.i rn I'rfi alio property. There
; ; r 1.1 : - v . wm l tiK out of San Fran-
. ei .t fie :a'eent l.m.
! I '!:;;' o. ;ii. M,;te highway cominls
, .on o i u.miimIoiio pating uf three
. .a.o.o i.uii to o ion ot In t, ti v, a y , and
j Urn :...; i. r,; of ti.o uther sectlous,
jha.-e I.. , a Mhoo,iuee.l ty Cliulrmau S.
I l;e I'lari, lu I'ue.tllU county, as much
jnf ii. it 'ti irt.n.t bliiliway from Pen
I .Hat. n to V. alia Walla Is to be paved
1 1 i in I' - a
v. a'. !r-..; i;
'.i" '.. ;1 i
:.-v 1 ' -
. - !.
' . : -;-t .
' '''" '
. ', ' i,;
-.!.:: .i .' i
; o l I r i
ti. i. nl '
. ,!.,.
int ... !., '
ill n. I t la
t; . . , r
tie far llOfofluO. This
i ii ivcd en by the com-
t'"if raj. and Id.U are
Ke I In Wa'hl'tton
. :,.( i i"'.ii l'.e Tlgard
tl.e l a. i'.e highway. Is
t al'. iili.m. .larliilg at
ii i unity line, several
.o i v ill lo hard sur
o p e ae.n'.y, pavins OIe
I'.-d.i from Aitorla
.;"! end of the I'olum-
i. Work fvr tuis )tr
V.i-i. .e. .,U I'as an
I e, , I , ( O. . on's v
'.a-, I. a i.i.', uiiiKHiure
. i i.ii .'.w u I rettdeut
a t.iiv r:i pprovl
-, , ,.(,,.
, , 4 (,
,1,. u. it
As 4
Photo by American Press Association.
Captain E. O, Tinkham, who led
the first American fighters to the
ront' , France,
Mount ' Vernon, Va. Belgium and
Russia united Sunday at the tomb of
0eorge Washington in paying homage
t0 the American patriot and to the
"P1"1 ( llberty and reedom wnlch
hls memory incarnates.. The official
diplomatic missions from the Belgians
and from the new Russian democracy
P'd themselves and their countries
to every effort at destruction of auto-
ciacy aim iue saiery oi uemucracy.
Secretary Daniels Introduced first
Baron Moncheur, head of the Belgian
the Prince or Udlne of Italy,
British Make Rapid Advance Across
Plains Toward Mining Center.
British Headquarters lu France.
The British are closing in about hens.
After the capture on Sunday of fosse
i and enemy trenches west from the
hill and from the lines Immediately
south of the Souchez river, several
cew positions have been occupied in
this region nearer Lens. Patrols are
advancing across the plains in an east
erly direction.
Thus the great mining center is be
ing slowly encircled. For weeks Lens
has not be exploited economically by
the Germans and now is directly men
The Germans have extended the
floods with water from the River Sou
chez until the plain between Avion
and Lens Is well covered.
Mr. Wilson Now Controls Exports.
. 'Washington. Control of American
exports, authorized in a clause of the
espionage bill, was assumed by Presi
dent Wilson with the appointment of
an exports council, comprising the
secretaries of state, agriculture and
commerce and the food administrator.
An executive order creating the couu
oil directs the department of com
nierce to administer all details of op
eration. Crulr Olympla is Wrecked.
Block Island. R. I. The United
Slates cruiser Olympta. Admiral Dew
c) s llUK'hlp at the battle of .Manila,
mil aeround In the fog off Block Is
land. The cruiser was reported lu a
bad position, with etirslderable water
lu her bold. Chief MarkiuitUa Mate
William M. Bubb lost bis life when be
was struck on the head by a falling
hatch. No other fatalities were re
Wheat Club i ii; biuestem ii 40;
red, 5-15; forty-fold, f 1 J3.
Barley .No. 1 fttd. 4.' per ton.
hay Tlmciy, !0 per ion; uKalla
Butter Creamery, Sic.
ES Ranch, 31c.
Wool ateru Oregoa, Clc; vaiiey,
liobair Cic per lb.
Pul V. Mini, stale leaaer o( coun
ty agents, and W. L. Kadderly, farm
sitnatenient deaaitrator, save made
a week s tour la diliereat paru of the
Jtaie, maklnc survey ot the farm
labor roQjlMoei. T"otT.t-o conn
iir were Nj ibsrtaie of I.
rrr is t;jirv:u ...
Photo by Amartcan Press Association.
Prince Fcrdinantio di Gavojl, of
Udinc, who heads the Italian war mis
aicn to the United States.
London. A dispatch to the Times
from Athens says that as soon as
parliament is convoked AI. Venlzelos
probably will propose to the deputies
that Greece join the allies. He does
not intend, however, to mobilize the
nation against its will. He is expect
ed first to undertake a great cam
paign explaining to the people that
Greece's interests are bound up in
the entente cause.
If his mission is successful, he will
be able in about three months to put
the entire forces of Greece into the
Paris. A liavas dispatch from
Athens cays that former Premier Ve
nizelos has been commissioned by
King Alexander to form a new cabin
et. The cabinet headed by Alexander
Zaimos has resigned.
It is reported from Milton that
horses are dying there of what is
known as "the walking disease."
Earl Coo'.ey, aged 18, from Harris
burg, Linn county, Is attending the
rjiiys' end girls' summer course at the
Iregon aaricultural college as a result
jf winning f.tst place in dairy herd
record keeioui; ut the state fair hi
litla and IP 16.
Unable to attend the -, exercises
i.lilch will mark the first dirt throw
ing on the Strahorn road at Klamath
''alls. July 4, Governor Withyconibe
as dcleeat-. d ti'.'U.'2 Palmer Putnam,
Is private se. .. tary, to raprc-sent Um ''
here on tna: ilt.y
50 coi'ds of wood 1
see or write I
Edward Diibrow
Local Items
H. F. Temple was a business
visitor In town this week.
Bert Dtvis was in from Bake
oven ye.-lerday.
John Karlin was in from Eake
oveu Wednesday.
W. L. Morrison went to Dufur
(he titst of the week to work.
Mrs. Klwiiod was a week end
visitor in town.
The little fun ,f Frank Huzan
had a scalded with hot watei
Mrs. Kidder of Criterion died
night night I 'Wore last. Particu
lars later.
Peter Kilburs; has accepted th
position of manager of the Manpin
Wat' lions.- Cn,
A iaih'ii'1 t f salt was linioiidi d
. . . I. I . , I
n nit Httirui'll-A- IUC H-IC L'Hlt VH
the Hii k.
Mr. awl Mh. A. 1" I.Hke and
on Wiwlon wire visiting A. E
Lake it hi-i store Tuesday.
Tor 4 work umlrs, well
broke, v.eiel.t U 00, u to 3 year?
old, Claud Wilson, Bakeoven. p
Sheriff Chiisman and District
Attomcv ('..ill. nsv wete out acainl
Weilue-iii.iv mi ec 1 1 t-uvinr.
T. L. Motgensen brought in, with benfraiuluiother, Mrs. j. X. i -eeond St , The Dalles, Ore, Op
some two year old tipples renter-! Winifree. he reports evervthing poiite A. M. WiliiaKS Co. Fhoue
d; ti.tL whKrt L-i piEiettti u;. ; Jvtrw uicely out ti.ere. Main S?21
Tickets and information upon
application to
R. B. EEL.L, Agent, Maupin
July 5 O and 7 v-
National Educational Con
vention Jfly7tol4
Dedicating Portland's Grand New Muni
cipal Auditorium
For These Events from Maupin
Ticket Sale Daily July 6 to 13
Hear the Superb Festtyal Chorus of 250 Voices and the
Portland Symphony Orchestra of 60 Pieces
Prominent Educators ih Attendance at the Education
Association Convention, Hear the Symposiums
on Civil and Military Service and Prepared nees
See Local Agent
Vacation Fares to Cl&isop Beach
Circuit trips East thru California
w w a. ii ii ii . wwwam w
Auto Passenger Service Auto Delivery Truck
.Prepared for Long Trips or Outing Parties
A Complete Line of Automobile Accessories
Big bargains in brake blocks
and brake shoes at Lake's Store.
For sale 200 acres near Criter-
ou. ir.i.;::i;o itt
If you want some baby calves ,Io
raise, spot ltohney, you can pay I
after harvest if you wish. j
Paul French, John Ward, ardj
Jitu Lake report n Gne catch of j
liah made at Mel.en"nans last week
If Hi f othfr fellow could not fi.f
your wuh h bring it to Emmons
the icu'ehr.
Mack Ilollonian called in yester
day and announced the arrival uf
a 12-pound boy Wednesday even
ing; all doing fine.
Mr:. II. C. Jfe if Rawlins,
W.V. , cauie vli Wedtiesdaj 's QSter-
, - ... 1 ... II . 1
1 noon tr:iiii mul will lriit lu r ett r i
t T , I . f ..I l.
., "
Airq . .1. n 1.1 imiiiior ;m r4
At the annual school meeting
last week L. P. Kelly was relected
director, and G. L. Harpham be
came chairman, mid Dr. Stvall
was elected clerk
Little Vera Winifree is in from
I Criterion to spend a contle weeks
O. W. R. R. tii N. CO,
America's Great Railroud
Win. McMurray; G. P. A.,
central mm mi
T. E. and Orin Farlow were
over from Smock Tuesday.
The farmers don't seem to he
sntislied unlefi they ure skinne-l.
Give Dad Coale a chnnre. Ife
buys all kind-t of peltn, liid-s
skins and w ool. p
Wanted a 3-gallon galvanized
iron bucket, and a poivi lain dip.
pcr, taken frnin llii-; oiiiee dining
niir alienee some liniM a n. Jf it
is not rpturnrd wp catinot loan it
to the ball boys again.
About 11 o'clock Saturday
morning while leading her pet
horse from water Mary Morrison
was stepped on by the animal
which was sharp shod, painfnl'v
I'lliiMii;,' li-r Iff i fent. lly.vevi-r
rl.e ! why ,il,! to walk.
Tni-thm,! rii. ni,ii.i '
........ .. t-
... .....
1 i-.xtract, l rown. atni i:r;!;.v ynur
teeth absolutely Paiii!e; we em
ploy only Experienced and Regis
tered men; fifteen years guarantee
on all work. Seventeen years con
tinual practice in Portland, Ore.
Bring this card with you, it is
worth moner. Portland Fiices.
u ., , . . ...
1 1 om auilees Iienli-t. ,.n