The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, June 29, 1917, Image 2

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    .ci'.u .1
if) .
Motif 2
r-o.,'t Uaiite rour f'oelc- It -re'tl in t tie rear of
SV..0 Ii f ..!!!( .,...1 I'
le- ft pup,, f ,r
II. --, il l V: ,
i'l nock
POIll. fl
' ,(':'( ami riiarauiee it.
s -i v-d fr.nn In ni'Mi h : j 11 ..
) e: if 1 tM fn r, in r 'I, v liiu
'.ii 01 f ir
1 'j'
IV tin-
l.H' I..-. ,,.k. rtt.i-i;.'T!- R;. rte a! named
ki.-.-oj.'s 11, 1 where ie cr-run and i' v h (iii'lev I iiiii i.nvie ',!, (V-. j Jvt-ii'l-"":
:,i aV .,.li..I Li,,, 1.. The! THU ov rait statk o?
1, 11 ( i.ililXCiJN, V.HI hih h.-rehv required
ll III', h.-,e tll.V II- i 1. Sl-V . !t; ( 'ii ; l;iill 'All-: . ( I f; l- -M'l'' ir at 1 E .
1 "f iVrn. v r-.-i.ili- i . .,i,i.r ,,.i-,v I,:, :,, -. , : PN-her, Jt--lb of.fu; IVace for
t -lirnllv hi. v . 1 1 . t - i hue I ! ' i i i -. ; n -.1... , in,,. ! Jii'-' I i I : ; o t in said County
M-rving l.'l-l-. ill- '"!.;. r ' ;.) f',,,,,, p,,"l;il u rda v ,li Slat-, tti.hiil seven (I tys fr.iin
"r'!,nk nr.-.- r,ir t i ....."' ol tm' MIV,C, ot tllis
, . , ., ; -Mrii-ri ii-. upon '.on, and ausui r
' PS. line I; I In V With -1 1 'I " III) ' 1 1 Ri 1 ' . . . , , , . .
, i . , , - I I ! I ' 1 1 1 1 : 1 i I i 1 1. o i lot 1 1 .1 1 1 1 i 1 11 111
Dll.e. nil nr., ill,., Ii e, , , r(1 lltl. ',, ,..,, , f
A in in:l..- ; i.f ii,.i. iiiiii Tin-1 in tnii 'hi -o app.-ar and answer
Dalies" visual place .1 1 r i.;r iui 1 j'1:!",t lU ''or want
1 i I . . . . C ... I I 1 . . i . . 1 , .. . .... .
I in- in : :-' i r ivvii that iias r,s
!.'.-! 1 1 , I In- iliill (-1 l.iit- Wa
al i. Ir: Ii i l.,t- r'.-il hi . la y ' ( ,j
. 11;! lili- 'phmiill pro"-:,:!:
i.iiiili on
(towed tin;
i-ai-h ; i ii llie
Hue ti 1 1 i -1 i '. iua
At. the i.-iini'i U.-ion if lie
cieaiii and ii:;e tl ,'nig the Imver luill was Ii h,i,
til it V.aP plf,.! I el iiv I lie Ladii.i' open Hi il d.iln-ilig llnlnlacd in
"-i ll i nib
. ..,( I.,., j i.. i in i
f' T t Yi: ' i 1 im.tnu lllilll-. 1 lie i, nrt-rll linn.
il i i Iv i V I iiut.C.t i f. in.l- fur liiu Ke.l Cr-Ka I; octet y 'the ice ciemn cale and fiom ti e
i-o:.'.ii-.aj. Tne ttlmlp i-niuinuiiit V etiliec
ii-)1.;!-: at t:;i:
Lli!iri,ii(.d)ly mvake to tin" effort and
d inrB uiinmnted to tluin'.tCO
wlii'-h was turned over in llienc-
very ineanc wa- nneil to make llie retury of the Red Cross An'sn.
Hi.l lal 11 efl at Mircei-H.
V.'j ' j il i f 0.1 fit
ine uerc"; Lror.:s m tac thy
Large GrasicI Floor Lobby
Close in to Shopping and
Tim inn I Cfcoi! Wrodeuik. vvl.o Ic il l,.
I grsm a:t -.ii:n:e,!.,. mid did j ,, n ,,r f ;a,t vt.,. t., j Ii, lie
j nuiinr to ihoa- v, ! ;,a 1 1 iei in, I ed in 'urlll(.ry ,., , !(l Vaiu-um ,1 y .. h
i Tin- :Hl:i. lire was limited Mini 1 lu (.,.., ,' ln .hl!,,.,
Hlnnvcil !iH..tri.ll,ii.sia-ni ho fel. tuUltUt ,.,. -,.., n,,., Vllli j
O a'.eared on the s!a; e. I'ntri i i I.h infiinl r v. '
i hi ri-siilitii' mid iiit.'ini! 'f ila-i i , ,
' ' ,1 i"''Vffa I iarie;s lust UeeK Wile
! N'l I iuiin ! Ii ii. n;- a nd o; !;er tuitl iot- , , , , ...
i . ' Ii i u 1 1 1 1 y luinlier. li-.uii tl e mil V
; in : onjr" Won ln ai ;v ii;ilaii-i ." , , ; ,
' 11 here to Slain In for he eons n,r-
i 111" on-lie-i a lireiiln oa lileil lilt
: tlieienf v ill lie tt-ken against van
a- n s'':. .i i.ii'.' Liieiu -ip , . . Tv; . .
' ' i lor the sum ot Iviglity-Oiie and
en.-e Keaur, I-imiik l.ntl.v, 1 am . i,)l00 ),,!!.n-s, :in I irtaest 01
;;tiikli'rs, Algernon MyerM ami
families, J.u-k Chi nilitrs, Frank
i'lall'ipx and J. Flelilier were !i.-ii-ili
mi llader W , dnesda v . Jr
iiiid sum al 1 lie rale ot lo per cent
p-rnmiam from the 18th day of
Senleudn r, I j 1 6 , I o dale, and for
s;iid sum of Srv iity eis.;ht and I)uU:!rs. und interest oil
I hum!, in ami f.iimiy and la' ; sa;,j ,,,, llt 1 1- , ate ol" S per cent
j Mai Iim;,:i.e wire also laie f. i- ' niiiimn fimn llie 24th d-l)' of
I'lie I .-1 !
Mis. X:: n Wooilci k is ro
.Vl-il lin'.V, lieim; eillililted to
leil aaaiu.
! !'',.ln it :i r mil lit d;i!e rind I'nr
h" faiiher mm ot i' 5 -1 -is a teasou-
i-aij.Mii;.', piayin;; in i-uhdued tnm-s
lion of the VVoudeoel; Hnur mill.
Ml. JNaio,' iHi.lonl ami, Mis
: .:,',. 1. .. .11. in. ,1,, ..I,..,.,,, t.
!: " !i l'. ..1.1 . 1 ....
v.. 1 j 1 u 1 . 1 11 1 1 ... i.. (i 1 1 11 11 1 ' 1 1 h ir 1 111 1
. Cccd
Service I
i i) v.: ; DLtrici
Si earn
I'i'ieij' Fi?i7.isij?.(l I Heal
I. ,e siiejiu". 'I ho sliijJe w as It a 1 11 ! -s
iiusly d, rnra!en wilh festi iiliii
o' red, ni.ile ; !; I l ine ami adoin
el wilh piofii-iiui of i,ver:'. Al
tile hack 1 f I he jeai wtM !l laljrf
r-deross iorn.i'il of dainty rosei,
a I K.I' fl'olil areh of I he i-aee
the niotlo, ".Stand 1 v Your Conn-
lite tdck list last-'ttei :.
Mr. A, jv' l.uke l-enivid a
p'ltuie tMe.-snge Salurday frnni Ti e
Utiles tlliit liL-r 4allKhltr, Miss
Hilda, was i-oiiliiied to her hid
uillt ul( attack of ipiinzy.
K. I(. nauser t,f 'J'vgli viiiied
t."' in till leti.r ami al t idiei ' t''" place Monday.
end of the ninllo was n la r;e pic- U. j. I ) r i v r , Miss Fa V Dlivir
l!.it;i 1 1 h wen l.ewiij VViKiilfido and'lMitiii Driver
......,. ,'au.e over fr.iin Jtn.ipi-r Hut hii-
rr ; u.iy , ll.i- 1 : 1 1 1 1- liavn-H spenl
t i'c i f ihe pri'iih-ut.
'rJ ...
"The Vizi is i".e (Lccpal
livery baciL Cj
i.a i. r-i k ii iL'rvti
Prirg Ecck :a us r.ry pjiil of rn ur.sdisfudory
5ic:roi- White ivi;cr i-icit and -we v;i;i cicftarge
ii lor ,1 3?;J c::e. .
Kiinlc Ferry Warehouse ..perapany.
If r I-!" ? 1 f
,,-v;i,,f,..,y,.l,l,.t ;a.t), ii,,- limit navii-K speni llie
II U. iMiver rceonipanied
In, ine alier u weekV" Slav
wiili her dauyhler, Mri'. Nell llar-v,-y
Willis Diiver u'liila i.tleii-lii
hii) team 111 the haru one day iiiat
week wan kii'kid by ; one of lie
Since the purchuap of so man
earif here v'tciting at M mpin seems
but an iille riile anil many of tin
citizens take pleasure Irips to thai
thrivinjj ton 11,
S'ernie Vorvel a nd f.ew'e MeCov
V isi ted Maupiii Friday.
ninl MeCny 111 oiiiiiiaiii,-, 1'. C,
lliltlel- to I'lie Dalles Thltrahr ,
rvtnaininj; I ill Sunday.
Mr and Mrn. Vard N'orvi-1 wcie
o 'er from Juniper Friday remain
i.iiC uvea nij;hl at Ihe .Marion Hi:r
Jinfiynie hi'iue. Mr. and Mrs.
lliiilili'g-inn' -. tti'i-otu pi fried, - tin in
h mil' 011 I lien i t I urn. . .
I ilth-,ii-v's fee, and the costS
land dishinsfiiii-iHs of tliis action.
! ( i -,-ni tinder 111 v hand tliis 231 J
) lari, siiliscii'.a (1 -,:IV f J'""'. A- 9'7.
I,' 1 luc-uili,
1 at Sun irk for ihe K'-pi , f , i" ,, '
iSflll Iv
Crps Socii ty.
i Icis rv ".Iilh'i' made a t rip h
V-,', inn Spi iiijt i-'alurdav, hiking
si-vi-nil pi-!', (ins who v.iie visilii:;:
.it. this pl.-i.eo.
Dr. Lawrence S. Slovail
and Deriitistrj
Chargfrs Rea.'ionahle
SaUsfadion ( lu.irautet ,1
Call Di n;; store or lrsiilen -e
Mau pin, Oregon
""WauiiMtia Aula SLi?;o
Leaves Maupin, ' a. m.
Wr. pin ilia", 1 "0
V.R3BEHTS. P.'Qi).
1 leparl mcnt of 11: e Intel iorj
U. S. Land Office at-The Dalles,
( res?on, June lllh, 1917.
iM.I'l iCE is herehy ;ivetl that,
'l0'l'OR E.,
of jMaupin, Oregon, who 011 May
2'jth, Uti2, mule Homestead Kn
liy, r.o. 01037.1, alltl 011 May tolh,
Hjiii, r.iadc addii ional lloinelead
t'.nliv No. 0161, for khi-.Nw 1-4,
!'. 2NK1 -4, Lots ;-i 4 5 6 Siclioli
y. I.ols 2 3 Secn'on -52, Township
i.f'i.aiiii, Lani;e I -I'.:ist, V i 1 1 a 1 1 1 -
lie Meii linn, Ims lilcd notice of
inteulion lo make Final three year
"il'ro.f, to estahlisli claim to the
land al oyt- described, la-fore Coin
I man, lim wHiet-s, Company K, I.pli
i' 'aiicoi',vcr, Wash., and
I ! witnesses testimony lo be taken
' before- F. D. Stuart, V.
) Leaves Wr. pi 11 ilia", 1 ."() i. in 1 ! inrsioner, at. Man;, in, t ii i jMin, 011
' I ,1,,, v.i, .1..., ,.r ,.,i.. t..,-,'
Ill'- 11. l Vli jiiiv, IV1.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Fred IVlco, Wnpinilia, Oieyou,
Frank A'IcOoy, Wapinilia, Oregon,
John Porchette, Wapinilia, Oregon
Asa White, Manpin, Oregon.
II. Frank Woodcock,
p 'Agister.
,7y LO. O. F.
i.oii(;e Kit. l.!l.".), Manpin, Oreron.
uieetH every Salill'dny ni;;ht in
DoiialdfonV hall. Vifiliug mem
bers aliniys weleonte,
Job Ci;Ai:TUJ.'.F,, N. 1 ! .
W. II. Taicott, Stcretary.
Depat lment ot the Intel for,
U, S. Land (Jllice at The Dalles,
r,:you, June r 5: li , 1017.
KOTICK is hereby given that
John K. M 1
of Clileiion Oregon, who on July iil. limit' I luiiieslead Kntrv
1 - j
N.t. olo-.f. and. on July 2nd, iqr.l,
I made ad, lil ional Homestead Kntry
Repovt of the Conoition of the!-;,- 'l:.."7;i lor sia-.pvi-i, Si-2
, Maupin State Bank i'-'1 St,c- 'f T 6
' K t- i-.. l.ot -I, Nfction 1,), J own-
No. 224 L-hiii 0 Soul h, Kanoe n l'.asl. VVil-
'al: i'llaanin, in llie !;tati" nf Ore 1 1 nm t le f-.''ni. b-n ii:-.l maiee
Mr. ami Mrs. Milt Morrin eanie! mn. at the cUrr. of lvasiness i of int. a Hon io nnla. l-'imii tl.r..
over from Juniper l'ridav
ARMKiWAk .1,: '!;ll!ll'!!"!:i.;i!,'l!;'li'll,'l:-i''.iM',ii, ..ii.,:i::i!,.i'il!il,: 1 i" '
, -iimi-um n,! ,.. !i!l,;a:iiiiii.ii(ii!iiiiiiiiiinliiil!iiiii!!i
i, !
Three tliriihernuMi Imy Ca;.c ll.iesiic r rig) each year to one
vvlio buys any other make. If when pre fer Cast", there must Le
a reason why )vu!.
Their chief rc:.:r.n 11 s i:i the ciualiiy pro.iuccJ by Cace
experience cf three-quarters ol ; century. experience
means Saliifactiaa t) thc;.t ;:;iJ. to you.
We c.i.: .'.'.p.'ily yen v.a:i .i.iy k i y o tract jr r.r.,1 t'.re-'l-er yon
need, but t!ie i'a:.e !.'; 5;vva ab.'-vo is or.e cf t!:::
nio.h.l.i. It will Tiux l'ux'Li-iiCh cr iitialler Ca:e Thrc:!u-r
will t'o ihuo.t 1 1 " ;.b u til.. i:aa. A-jk. lor cit tlo or i::.ji,ire
cf lis lwT iull i.aii-.yi!a;'i.
n.i i--m. .- -. i
Y. li. S TAATS ca
A ii
Wwiiliii.l'l:.iiil,iliillt.,fiii.'ll.flwii.ittl(liiAi.i.ii..iij i
" i-.fii.S J
: .. -JI
i- h'l .i,- ".1 M....n.... ., ,,-,'ti'' 'i';,i
ii-li chafed luuihei- at the Wend
Jui e 'ii', L.;!7
K-t Sl Kennedy mill for improve- j Loans and disiMunla
nieiild on their farm.
Overdi aft---, seeuye.l aiul
ear P rnt f, lo estaltii..,b elaiui
lo Ihe laud above rfesoiibtd, before
ly D'aaiai. i:,f.S. Co'mmir,sioner,
at MatipinT" Ote;ony on the 2tilh
scs83l,l-'V'!' "y'7-
3,"7M.15i Claimant names as witnesses:
tuUilirf liotHi- AliD'l.Ol! ' w- """'"-n:, J- miscii,
Funtilun- an.l fixtures 2,1171. 3!i: i"-'i1Ik1 Lir.-ch, all of Ciiierion,
ihl from approved n- itiiegon, A. A. t'anlield, of Manpin
serve banks -1S,2:":3. 12 , t ,"'"''i a:, -.1 other ca-'h H I 'rank V:r.eo'-ic,
it .r..l ' !' Pei'ister.
visaed Mt ihe s. ifi, ii nte. !(., tj, n ,a,., r; ;t.r',r. .r.n i ,
Mn, Nettie Miller who fell am' Total
tv.iM I, Hilly hurl ai Ihe home of I
ibmlher, J. . 01 hIchi-k , wa-jf a
1 11 . H.S 1. Ii
I 'iMliMiL'il pr f. !--. 2.o2".M' Aot ( oal
Divideruis iinpnid Dep;,itiiieut of the Interior
Irdiyida::! d-pof itJ sub- j F. K.;d oiiice at The Duli.a
J- el m ei, :'(!: '.y,lJ...i.ljO I ).,.!. m b:t,e I.") i,,!-
Mr. and M. Wiliin Korvel and ! n ""SfcCfr211
... ... . . nonds anil wr.rrants
U ingtiter Aiita, 11ml Mr. and Mo.;p.
II ide Sw ifl and little vnn -EiH'.ene
Wilt to Anlelope Sunday lo visit
Mr- NulVel's sister, Mrs. Unlli,
Ctahlree and (aniilv. They a p.,
1 '
I tkeii lodav In 'I he Dalles hospital
for medical lnu'iueut. Iiroken
l';;nnirtits cai!ei per inuch suffei
i',g. Vei'nie Norvi-I loul: h-'r ii
his car, a, coiiipaii etl l.y Don
M ller and Miss Thompson.
I'M. Willis and Tom Driver iir,d
Hill Juhiifon look their'ealtle to
ih mountain!) Siuidny.
Mr. and Mrs. (in Kennniy
went to The Iiall h Sunday, Mrs.
Kenneilv Roinj! to Portland,
The Eud Eros., Mike Frlan
I sl i p.'Fti iii i"i,') Ml CO
1 1 . . 1 1 - 1 ... .
1 ,-, i. iii,; 1 none l.aint Mile.
.1 0.,.. 1 , '
.o ... . !
Oe.viaad cer! il'.eaU'S of
''asliier cheo!;3 out-
Certi'ie.! checks and tlavinjrs Di-
fio'UCF. t.-i hcrebv p.iven that
jas directed hy the Couiinissioiier of
I the C.eueral I, and office, under
piovispiiis of .Sec. 2 4 s 5 , P. S.
ISG.'iO: pursuant n, Ha- application of
Jhii C. PJoptr,
l,ns l.rtL.G.i Seut.l o. oieoi- e u-151 ff..,
Mr .: ;.. .-..1.. ,., , . . : .
State of Oivcr.n, I
Count; of W.' 1
. pui.lie sal:-, to the highest bidder,
I !,., . I ... .1. . .
ss ,'i.u .11 ic--, 1 11111 2. 00 per act e.
II o' 1 . 11 i' 11 -k' A l .... t 1... 1 . . I.
i I. 1'. 1). Stuart. Cashier of th .1 1... ' ... '
andlhe Fallow Ilt.,s. shinned a ! l, i t..,,t. .1 . ...t.......i.. .V . .. aiu.H oiuce,
I ...,,, v ,, uunn, uit .lUirmmj . tile H Uou 111" tract of lamp
joir of I iff I lo Poithind Monthly, 's-vear that the alioye stut-'nient '. :v i ,, n-,:.-!.t j Section
i.elle vilKllll WilH Up t rtil r " " ': l "l "I? KUO'.VI ; U.wn-.i,!;. 7 Su-.llh, p ill
ITid Silili.'nv and in , oii.'nt -
I,',, j. , ... 1 , 1'. D. irlUvUT, tashicf.
I With Ilitik Willi an. I 11, Me ' 0.1 : . 1 ...
, . 1 , , j ...I iTvtii..ii .,.1., ...,1.1 ii in- ' ,i.i a siow),,,, .i... ,tu,
, ..., ptmdia. J several l,,,,d , I ; ore tne. tlo. 2tkl, day of inv., ,-,.,,. ,.., lU,.r om.
HyTi 1 1 1 tit I lllf l v.r-i, . 1 1 ' I 1
- 5 1
;e 14 lif t,
t'., ti'.ii:-,!!, 100 Acresl.
1 his tia.-.-t is onlered ini.i ill
ll-i ! Lit .-.17 hil.!;..
com;, u: i-.,:i 1 Api ii 1,
1 1. C !:! iin.
' P'llrfi'er I res h'.lliU-d wool fitttiJ
,ll,i pine list V.k to t'.itt.s
V:tii"v. ;
i Aim' Dai id-' n of Dufi.r m ,1 ,
Zeld.i Willi. 1,1- 0 1 PM'llWete i'li .
ol Mii lot?- .M 'Cinvii liloinliv.
Uolislv Johieon bought a 11111-
:-' out t r from Peu v Tl.omp-
Dm. Miller nude a (tip to TI,!L . Kelu . Pi..iu-..iT ,
,D.IIeSuuJiy Uku.g C. A. L' 1,1 vs.
of rortlftnd, wbo fpent 1 fe dxyi' Ray, Dtftcdaai )
too rou-h for en
' In Jii-tic's t t...r
lion ' '
I !:!- vil- will 1, t.,V,t 0,rl))
im! WM be ihclu.,.,1 ,.1,,.,., j
th-' aev,nt :,i il'.-.- ,i,r named
ho e f I td, i,,,,.. The pel oil
making tin- hie!u.,t ,j , j ,e
lei..n.. to Inun. di .ttly ay In the
kec r.t r the amount thtieof.
AliV t-.S-r-t llS llil tltB ol,rt.-o.
Ll-I i ', Conuty ol Wasco, State ''lo";nl'"ll ' advised to file
tneir claims, or object ion-, oa or
- I't-'f a She d-Mimted for .ile.
, . L, A. L'DOTK,
I' ' Receiver.