MaiiDin .v. Publishd Ecvcry Friday Mr;, W. L. Mut:j SuU-riulion: On Yea, $1.50, Six Entered ;is sfcoml post oi.v.-j r.s Waui. u!rt?s frail :!,0;'r;):!, Rhciir.o Caf-.etfral to 2e Mon-jmor.t vac!ilu,j;oa. Conversion of the billla-tom cathedral at Klioi-iin into a pantheon for the unknown d ad cf 1.11 tli'.1 armiea fl;;Uing Li France for the com men cause cf democracy hut boon d'.?. mined vjma l;y t-'io French ,'ovor.::.i :it. The pia.i v.iil bu jii.t into execution at noon as tho war is over, wtis (mmmiiu 'at In rlis ;ci;. I. to tho buail'i'utrtpro licrg of tiw I'rjiieh rcsl.urr-.tlcn fund. ArMsric.'n CommjivW Allied first. I .mm .!;). Vice Admiral Willii'.iu Ft. II. Fi. N., l.::s 1k'( n appointed t:i film i."'ii"i'al i-har.-.e of tho opera tions cf ili'.' allied naval fores in Irish wal,e,-i;. Ailniirnl Hima will r.ct !n thla capacity vhiia 1!ib Ihitish lineal e:;n!f!ianl:i in chief i3 absent from his post. Italians Sweep Forward. Romo. Oeneral Cudorna'a. troor.s eivcpt forward In another successful darh cast of Adanillo, caplurinr; tho Hltonrdy fortified position at Cornota Cavento. Irish Rnbe.'ii Released Prom Prison. Dublin. All Irish prisoners arrest: ed at the time of tho i hellion bit year vero released by the ilrilinhgov eriiment. RUSSIA -lil FISHT I 1 BO FT! ft 5 SI''" 5 03?'5,',k'! N y k : J, P ffi . V !' h I Promises to' Continue in War and FMe No Separata r - Peace. I'ldy.'ru i. A Bt'.rrlKK !!"!. lainalion plnelm; tlio council cf workmen and ualdlers' dclo;.raten on record n'j Ir rnvocnMy opposed li a. R;iarale peace was adopted by tha council. Tlio pi'ocliiniiit'.on was prompted by Aus trian effort;) to lure Russia a sep prato piaee, "1 ho Uni'Bian pwijdr,'r v;ar inevitable and w . 11 c.anti.iua it. The Hasanum have iw i.-il" rialis.ic. wSidi'"j. Wo liji-.w tl'al. y:,n liit-.o noae. . V.'e fhi'ii; ViiH t-::;i'tl" r lo seeme Klioity, frc'dom and lntj.,.im i for all tin' world. 1 am hi'.pny lo m-l y tiiat ! di. net !ne nay moral t; ; -it or I'.ii'.iir be- iv,i'; a .:i'.nett irl to on Ida Un. Wo two p-'opli'a livid hi;; t)'l',mi:y and Aiat-ri:" -: rdi as lb" fililost i!.'!i:iir:: -li m i in ;..ri will nliuw tlio v. ay of hjiipiiov,-! to ;.ul!on:. t,reat and nnuil." Th'i.o rlii.'in:; v.-m ii.-i, :,v; aairiK tl;i attitude of the i;.e;.iian toi .-ri'in ni toward Anserira oint the A iiierii r.'.i miiwion, headed liy I'.lihu Knot, were voiced by1 M. Terer.clilcnko, n.inialer ct l'o.'oij-n all'alra, ro'ipondin'! for the couth il of mlnhd.'i'a to J!r. lluyt's ad i! i ; of aynipailiy and goodwill on tee part cf the Amorieysi ,",e, eriiii'.ent. Coaat ta S.ilid 100 Ehip3. W.iidiiiir.lon. -- No lor.M than 10 r.U'.ndard wooden tdiii a will tu built for Kom Kovernini'iit da.-lns 'tho next l: moatha on the raeiflo Coast. Tenher Cnnk by Cubmarlno. New York. The oil tank Mtru -tiiin .I'di a I). Aveliliuld. of tho 8iamliu-d Oil cumi any. lias lieei Mink by a iab tr.nrino. Tl.: HnnoiitireKiv-iil wa.i made it tiie ofi'u.'s of the coin pany her-'j Y'iKW ni''is of the's eiaw V, e:e lo.-.!.. The Aivhluhl was seal (o the bottom U:..t. r'..; urday in Miimpian waV.-ra. 'the .lohu H. Ar. Ittuld vvr two dayn.oct en r.mlc to tlii-. conittry fivin ''liiiice. The ship was ur:iie: K id a .enu.irr'B en ..' i'roi.i ua Amcri can warship was on board. . .- .41.. . '.HI , Ml JL2U-Sa:f.I5 k I . T f!..,v JulJ.r ; v4 Usl E Wm. Mr Mnrrav M .-'..t ffl lJ.:uuna .'.r & r - oc - at Maupin, Organ, - : ison, publisher Months 75ct3. Three Months 50c roaUr September 2, 1914. ct the uaner the Ack of March 2, 1873 CAPITAL GREETS VETERANS Confederate Rtunion Held First Time Outside Southern States. Washington. The rational capi tal in wartime thtew open its anna this week to weleome tho Eiirvivor3 uf tlio t'oiifederate army which coujlit to Ciipturo it' more than half a een tury at;o. ' (J ray clad veterans of the great war between the states marched up Pennsylvania avenue Thursday morning through a court of honor and past the White House, in front of Vhich they were reviewed by the pre.-ddont of the United StaUs. i'or tho firyt time Hinc.e the forma tion of the United Confederate Veter ans, their annual reunion, the twenty seventh, is held outside what were the Confederate states, ruei rarmne rouoime. Washington. Declaring that the American people are facing a coal famine next winter because of failure of the transportation 3yste-,n ade quately to move fuel, the federal trade coinjnlssion recommended to congress that tlio production and dlu tiibntion of eonl and tho operation of rail and watov transportation facil ities -be pool id and carried on by a government cf;cncy. th MARKETS Portland. Wheat Club $2.48; bluostera 52.52; red Kiicslan, $2.40; forty fold, $:!,43. l'.arley No. 1 feed, $42 per ton. Hay Timothy, $.i0 per ton; alfalfa liutter Creamery, S7e. E;;.;:i Ranch, Sic. Wool iiasteni Oregon, GEc; valley, Can. Mohair COc per lb. Seattle. Wheat tiluestem $2X2; club $2.48; forty-fold, ?2.!iff; red Rusclan, Z.l; lif. $2.48; turkey red, $2.52. ; furley $42 per ton. 1 hitler Creamery, 3Sc. l':f?B ?.3u. my mm" Washliu'ton. In greeting Bcljiium's war mission President Wiliion es pressed Ainerlr-a'a aolcinu di tormina lion -on the inevitable day of vie u.:y Ht ljliim utmll be restored to tilt piaea sIk' iiaj ao riclily won among the sell'-respecii'ii; and respected ua tions of the earih. ' Secretary I.ansiiiK necontpan'.ed the eomilDslon to tiie White House, here Haron Moneheur, head of the mission, handed to President Wilson a percanal (filer from King Albert and expressed in a short address Uel Blnm'B gratitude for America's aid. 'Mince the first days of the greatest Irnycdy which has cu r befallen hu imuiiiy." said tho baron, 'T.eltjiiim h.u contracted- ;t i irn .-lensa d' bt of grati tude to the ;;em-i-oiu Amerlraii nation "in a linejiiiiie Mit of sym l-athy for die li.tle eountry which hail chosen to delay a pawerl'.tl and piti less enciay ru'.Per than to ti.rnish it: honor or farnw ar its pledittd word tho Initiative of American ciu.enr Kii to t!: unfortunate victims oi Ceraian cruelty in ltclluia the nioa! sphtKlid fcvhk'eeej of cencrosity." D'JmA CROERS OFFENSIVE f-rolenricd ln;tlvity Aionij tiattlefrent Is Cai-skicrtU Trcaaon To Allies. ltre;,rud. via London. The Dumu. :a secret session, has adopted a reso lution for an iiui.iediate offenaive by ! the Kussian troops. The resolution declares a separate j pence with tiermany or prolonged in j att.vily on the bailie front to be ino ; Me tft-.-i.m ar.l Kuss's allie;i. I 'Hie lii '.t uu-etini; of the lan iitis ! :'h "l e"ie,'.ne:i cf all eounciiu of work eu ii and soiilieru' delegates, itpua the rite of .huh depeiuU' tile imiiiodiate ; :!;! ef UohjU, bJth iiueri:a;lonal .'.s.d diukttic ijucstioHs, has aiscm Ui I. Toe f.r.t act of the C3i:i:r:.-s v. as to i uiiy the cpiit'.it,a ty tin: pio. Uion al g i.ijniiner.t uf the Sv'.ss gacialijt Ked'.t tli'lium, wlu la reported to CONSTANTS m King Conitsmdnr, of Greece, v.'iic nzs lorctu cy th aiiiss to abdicate 'lis throne and leave Grccca. ' EXPORT BOAUD TO ij Waslilncteu. To meet the situa tion created by cougrc33icnal dalay in pasBins food lr.;;ialatiou the ad ministration demands, President Wil son will appoint a board of export control, to have drastic authority' over American exports particularly axports of food. The purpose of the new board will be to formulate roRulutions for and :ive advice to the licensee;; bureau iutlicri'.ed in t-ie recently enacted export license bill. The Uceussins; bill is desif'.iied to prevent exports to Kuropean neulralr from reaching the central powers. 'vViUilioldin;' by coie'iva of the au thority contained iu the Lever I 'ham berlain food bill lias left the federal government un;ri;!e to cope with tiie food situation and neutrals now arc reported to have bought up enormous inutilities of grain. Unless some way Is found to prevent this giuin from leaving the country the allies and .he United States both would be ser louuly handicapped In a vigorous proeecation of the war. ' FOOD SUNDAY" JULY 1 Mr. Ilcovcr Cullc cn Pasters to Preach Conscrvatlcn Cer.nons. New York Co-operation with the iopartmeni of aerieultiire In inip'res iiii't; upon the people of the country Ihe necessity for the "lai'Rest possibli rirediictiou of food and the smallest por'iible iniauLily or waste" wan urged by Herhwt V. He-over in a letter tc 2110,000 eiei'sym: u of variuus d noin (nations, distributed through the fed era! Council of the Churches of Christ in America. All pastors ace requested to preacl: on food coaseruition Sunday, July 1 and to endeavor to interest religious' and civic bedie.-; iu a fooduaviug cam paigii. Mail Frank Ashed for Soldiers. Washington. A bill to extend the mail frank privilege to officers and enlisted men in tlio army, navy and marine corps lias been introduced by Uepresentuti', e Francis of Now York Britain Seel 3 Her Men in America. New York.--Ail male Hritlsh sub jeets bol.veeii tiie uses of IS and 4f yeara now in the United Kiates are lo be compelled to join tho Hritirli colors if the laws of ihis country will penn.t, it was mauo known here. Notice 1 will not he rei-poiihle aflci 'his date for debts c-ontrneled by my wife, Mis. Minnie Gray, p'2 it. s. ( ii.AY. Local Items If yiui want peine babv raise, tee llounev, vmi em VI" call '.'-' fo pay aller harvcfl if you wi b. Ii"t!;r o!l:ir f,!!oiv tr.!t nut iiOiir iratci hn,nj it to I'nny.oitt, the jt H h r. Franc.' Confer alel family lefl Wedne-day in tin ir cat to lour Culil'oniia. Ihu't ihi me tioitr dork -li naJs cleaning. Urn mow wii do it for you and guarantee it. l L. Putlieiford and fauiilv motored in Irotu Criterion in their 't KING Coiislnii'tion is under way for a 'arg't aililii ioti to Firclier's garage. Jap. anJ ?'el! Harphan inotoierl t' Tiie Dalles T 1 1 e ii lay. ImrvaitiS in . bral;e Lloek - ii'l brain blioes at Lake's Slnre. For saie - ;-!()0 acres near Criier- i Iitfi:-.i;v i:t i:ii:i rdrr. Mo)t-ki Hatfield was killed by lie wheels i.f a uiolor car ye.-'er-i.-i y afletiionii. ' I,. D. Ivclly is having i-nuie iui)iljo:ne pe.rch Irencbet 111: de for (.lit! hotel. J. 1'. Abbott shipped a car load of sheep to Portland yettei'day. . - Dr. Frank Was a biisiness visit ir at Wapiiiilia this week, .... Tiie 0. T. Kninrner coast exeur iott rales. are nov elfeelive. Sliid'tlT Chrisman 'was 6tit from I'he "Dalles 'Tuesday.'" Ci. V. Mnlliitt and family were ii town Wednesday. 1''. C. Kotlor was over froiuTysjb .Vednesdaay night. Mrs. Mayme Suiilh went, b I'rineville Tuesday night to work. W. L. Wiggins oi the O. W. was i caller in town yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Moad have nuiglit an interest in a restaurant it Ud!iiiiml. ' Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Ilollis vent to Tbe Dalles Tuesday re liil'iiing Wednesday. D'S. M. J'. Morrison arid little ;randson -.-j antes Clark are here from The Dalles visiting Ibis week I'or salt; .-I "'work- tntilet-i, well oroke, weight 1000, 3 to ') years ihl. Clnml Wilpon, Biikeoven. p K. K. Hansen, Franc Confer, ess Dertliick- and Mike Crcoger vere among Maupin visitors Wed nesday. 1). M. .Shattttek and fan.ily f-ail-d Tnes'day from I'or.l.lind for San era neiseo. Tbey will Ppend the Huminer away. Goto the IIA-ZKLWOOD ICE JREAM Parlor for Ice Cream, lee Jream Btmdaes' ittid all kinds ol ol'l drinks.' - P,.;p U. ' -Ijuiuluig, liupiu. V ' '' '' ' Childreti'i? l)ay services at the :hurch S;uid:iy a. m., June 2-1. Ml are cordially invited to attend. Kordfl painted will) Ma.l:emmi mamel ;j',ir, lirin;; your ear in Uio ninrniiig and lake it out at eht ready for yon. ' Maupin .iai':iL;e, pC.niJuiill .1, A. Lake was m an lip river fishina; conipany I his week and favora 1 our family with a liberal of hia catch vfhich were fine ones. The farmers don't seem to be j satisfied unless they nre skinned Give Dad Coalft a' chance. lie buys all. kinds of pells, hides skinS and wool. p Judge (tunning and Attorney Dick were cut ..from The Dalles yesterday conducting court at the Hotel Kelly oti the Philip Wini free di vorett ease. 1 Ate you using The Times liner oluniti w lien you haye anything o sell or want to buy some article lut your neighbor may have or wishes to dispose f? If not trv a want ad in Hint column. We are sure I hat it will bring results. Portland Painless Dentist. We Extract., Crown, nod Bridge your teeth absolutely Painless; we em ploy only Hxperionoed and Regii terediinn; tifleen years guarantee ill all work. Seventeen years con tinual practice in Portland, Ore. Bring this card with you, it is worm umie v. Port and l uces Fmtland P.-iinlers IVnli t giU Second St , The Dalles, Ore. Op po.ile A. M. Williams Co. Phone M-rin .-.). A. C. Piatt made a hm-mess ip to Gateway week before last returning Ma .day. Mr. Pratt' contemplates jiurcliabin land in tbe Middlebtonk di'tiiet. Willis Norvel met with an aeii deiit to his ear lad Sunday a wei li ago' at Maupin while at the ball game. While backing to turn around another' Mr at ruck, the rear of bis machine doin" some damage to both. ' A number uf Ihe, of this place were i.i The Diilie- a week ago Thursday. Alnong thrm were Amly Bai'.P, Mrs. M. Peaty, Will's Norvel and family and Mrs, Laura Piurlingame. Henry Miller and bis mother Mrs, Bet tie Palmateer were Dalles visitors Monday a week ago, Mrs: Jessie Lucas was called to Portland three weeks ago lo at tend her mother Mrs. M. Kinney who had fallen down hta.irs mid dislocated her shoulder, sustaining other injuries. Mrs. Lucas . re turned home Monday.. The ladies Social Club met Mon day afternoon, a week ago at, the home, of Mrs. M. J. Swift. OHie ers were elected. Arrangements were made for an ien cream social to be given o:i tho evening1 of tbe '2Hrd at the hall and tbe proceeds lo be sent to the Pied Cross Society Arrangements were also made to complete tho. effort to fence Ihe Waiuie cemetery with concrete posts. George and John End are making the 'posts. Mrs.. : Elsie Campbell fugyes.ted that the Club suggest lo the eouiiiiiinity that the Damn Wnniio be changed to Lone Pine, that being more suitablo for the cemetery name. Twenty dol lars was subscribed lay tbe Smock people to aid in fencing cemetery. Poetmaeter Car) Pratt left Tues day morning for Portland to at tend the Pose Carnival. . Lie will go on to Creswi II on a buine?s mission. I Don Miller and Charley Lake returned Monday from The, Dalles Mr. Miller had an accident to his oar on his way home and had to plione to The Dalles for aid. - The Knd brothers are making a concrete cellar for their mother Mrs. Barbara End at her farm homo. A number of citizen attended the fai liters' picnic at. Friend week ago Saturday. Among those who went were John Fallow, Geo. Crawford and their families, Sev eral members of tho Hcilmcr family, Harry Spath, George Wing and Hpusty Johnson. Fire, .. . WHEN IN PORTLAND MAKE YOUR HOME AT TIIE Pr e 001 Palace Mote! " ' Washington Street & Tvvelvfh the Cleanest Reams in the . City Medern in Every "DeJail arge to li TimtM District Finely Furnished Good Service FISCHER'S Auto Passenger Strvicft - Auto Delivery Truck Prepared for Lon- Trips or Outing Tarties A Complete Line of , Automobile Accessories " M AUPiN r"OREGON. This place has been visited by another heavy frost, following Monday niaht a week ago. It is feared that the fruit will be injured by. the fro t. .Mis-i Crystal Pratt sent $31, the amount collected for the Red Cross fi nds last week to the secretary at i'he Dalles. ' P,rft Roberts an old time resi dent of this plnae came here Tues day from Bend, llewns accompa nied by bis family nnd remained over night al the Henry Miller home, leaving the next day for the Dalles. Milt Mortis and family of Juni per and Mrs. Morris' mother from Tygh, passed through town Sun day. '1 hey bad a slight accident to 1 heir car on tho hill north of town. -.'.-. Vinee Savers of Tygh hauled a load of wood from here to his home hist Thursday, ' Mrs. Nettie Miller fell while be ing seated at the table at the J. P. Woodcock home last Tuesday and receiyed very painful bruises to her legt hip and t.r.u, and is confined to her bed. Many went from here to Dufur Friday and Saturday of last week to attend tiie colt show. Wo experienced some warn weather last week. The tempera ture was 94 friday. Mrs. Percy 'Driver assisted with tbe cooking at the Woodcock & Kennedy saw mill Inst week. Mrs. Marion Duncan is helping Mrs. Woodcock this week. Mf. and Mrs. ,L A. Davidson and niece Nora Davidson wtre' oyer irorn juniper Miiulay guests at -the A. J. Swift home. ' Mr. Davidson went dn to Ihe Mulvany mill where he has purchased lum ber for the construction of a new house. ' Mrs. J. R. Woodcock is ifrfprc-v-ing in health a:;d is able to get out of bed. Cecil Woodcock who is arrang ing for the construction of a flour ing mill at Maupin made a trip to The Dalles Friday. Orange . Briltan and Herman Gesh are, the latest to purchase car?. Mr. Bi'ittan has an Over land purchased from the Maimin agent. The Ladies's Social Club held a meeting yesterday to complete plans for an nntM'taininent and icecream social to be-given in the hall SaUmlay night, the proceeds to go to the Red Cross Society. Floor- Lobby m Shopping and Steam Heat GARAGE' Free Phones tit. n. in new car i