gf!tS.-m. "".V " ,- In the 'Willamette and Columbia river district and alonp; the Oregon coast a total of 13 shipyards are building vessels, eight others are lay ing out plants nnd five more have taken Initial steps and are arranging ' . for active operations, a total of 26 ! ,. , ... . jlasu. Actually under construction iTIiiCipal Events 01 the WgBK OREGON NEWS 89TB sow are 23 steel steamers and 39 wooden craft. The eight .plants now tejbg laid' out already have 14 ships contracted '. grant Smith & Co., of Portland, will . execute, a: contract for the construc tion of a $60,000 highway in Coos county between' Glasgow and Hauser, 10', miles,y and will commence work this month. The county court adver tised the; job as a unit' of the $362,000 bond' issue system, but received no offers. ',The court then decided to Briefly Sketched for Infor mation of Our Readers. Straberry picking began at Hood Itlver this week. Oregon's official war service regis tration totaled 62,800. Azalea Lodge, 1. O. O. P., of Riddle, will buy a $100 "Liberty" bond. The Oregon State Bankers' associa- ", tion convened at Marshfield last week. Pendleton was the first city In the build the hiEhwav on force account. borrowing the equipment of Grant . 6tate that met its Liberty Bond ?uota; smith To Approximately 19,000 young men of On the ground that the problem of Multnomah county registered for war feeding fhe nation as a result of war Bem?e i. -not 'W work nf month, but of,' The fourth older girls' conference of ycii. E. J. McClanahan, president of the"Pregon State Poultry Breeders' as- icciation, .has' announced plans for a statewide ' meeting of Oregon poul trysaen, ;to be held in connection with the 1 Org on state fair at Salem this full. At that , time' it is proposed to outline campaign for the spring and summer- The state convection-of the Ores"1 Girls' Honor Guard Teas held ir Vz:i land on the second day of IM P-'-30 Festival, ,'. ' The trosswy rtnjir?n?tit tiao iRi-?1 a federal charter to the Farmsrs. and Stcckgravers National Bail: of He;.p ner, capitalized at ?50,oCO. Ella Hags Youn, i:i ed-.ica-tional circles everywhere r.5 en au thority, will te the guest cf hcior at . 'B banquet to bo given by the Oresou Civic Leaxue in Portland July 7. M,ss Youns aa formerly saperintcr.deat of Echoals at Chicago, 'ii'aybr Albee wiil leave to Mayor elect, Eaker the job of issuing procla mations announcing the vote cn the measures decided at ths Portland, c'ty election. This means t-at fcs ls 'as passed will not become elective until some time aftsr' July 1. 'Four, fatal accidents wsw reported to the state Industrial accident com mission last week. Tae fatalities were Peter Christ, Mill City, logging; Tony Arhac,;'Kerry, logging; Bcnjamia Rccfc well,: Mill City, logging. A total of 335 accidents were reported. Its'vras announced at a me.e'cins of the. '.state land board tliat $200,000 more 'rural credit bonds had been ta- I'li-il.flO.XIIfl.'li'ltHiMiWtJMlilltllilll : ;: 'llMI!lli,),,lMl,iiili;ilii,;,,ii,i;ijhi1ili;i., li,;:,, eastern Oregon convened in La Grande Saturday. The fund for the Woman's memor ial building at the University has passed $15,000. , The Dallas commercial club has de cided to hold an old-fashioned cele- ken. This fcrlnss the total v.? to $450, bration on July 4. 000. It was decided to limit to each The Oregon Osteopathic association county the sum of ?6000 in bond3 and will hold its mid-year meeting in Sa-. to each person the maximum cf $2000. lpm .Tnno .is anA m If the state lar.d board Trill grant Charles L. McNary, appointed to a lease of the kolp beds off the m-nitt succeed the late Senator Lane, was of the Yaquina river to E. M. ,and E. sworn in last Friday. V.. Sherlock of Portland, a survey o! I J. Stultz, a carpenter of Corvallis, ' the beds wiil be made at once to de- r The Oregon Trunk Railrny have mndfl the following change in the fchednle ' of their local freight trains. No. 308 from Portland will reach Maupin at 10;50 a, m, on TiiisScJaTS, Thursdays and gat. U'day and No. SC9 from Bend will reach Maiipin at ll:4U a. m, on Wednesdays, Fridnvs and Sun days', arriving at Fallbridge 4 p. m,', making close connection with the North Bank Limited for Port, laid. , . Dtm't blame your cocA- needs cleaning. Emmons wil Jn it frm ttmi ivnA miivrnntp.e. it , ' " " I. Irvine P. Gardner, of Riddle, has a 'W A. Mclieynolcis and wile oibeni K. mi tbat nas just completed Silverton were in town yesterday pASE 12-25 Thrc.hin Fanners ase Everywhere Prefer Threshing Rigs ' committed suicide by shooting him seif through the head. The Lebanon mohair pool of 5300 fleeces or about 20,000 pounds was sold at 61 cents a pound. , The dentists of the state of Oregon will hold their annual convention in Portland June 14, 15 and 16. Excavation for the first unit of the Wittenberg-King evaporating plant at Salem has already been started. We have ce tninly experienced weather suflSciedtly warm this week. Rnssell peel's arm broken a conple weeks ago is improving. O. P, Swarlz of Frail, B. C. h ( here fishing. The engineer of the California nad highway stopped at the hot-1 Kelly yesterday. The Dwell Elevator Co. super intendment is here getting ready tr start work on the new elevator or this side. L. D. Kelly rj-nyed' Wednesday evp.vr.f from Portland. Hay Smith went to Prineville Wednesday night. A fine .big boy arrived at tht Philmlee home Tuesday night. Mr, and Mr- Cbas. Embree ware over from Smock yesterday. Mrs, Muller of White Paver is very ill . Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Staats are attending business in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Frd Bichsel, Al bert Bicgsl and Mrs. Hattie Og elaby ol Waitlio passed through here Monday from Gateway, where they attended Ihe Missionary Baptists As'sn. The farmers don't seem to be satisfied unless they are skinned, Give( Dad Coale a chance. He buys all kinds of pelfs, hides Bkins and wool. V Art J'GU. using The Times liner fpjumn when you have any thing tp, sell or want to buy some article tl&at ycuvr neighbor may have or wishes to dispose of? If not try a want ad iu that column. We are sure that it wiU.' bring results. a record of 111 eggs in as many days. Returns from all the counties in the state give a majority o IfSJEji) n. fa vor el" the' $6,00,,0(10,' state r-gad feQnd. issuf. federal authorities sre Investigat ing reports that forged registration cards for the selective draft are betns sold in Portland to protect some who failed to register, termine wether or not there is keip in sufficient quantity ta establish a reduction plant. Two laws of the last legislature re lated to bounties cn seals. One pro vides that only the scalp and the other the whole hide must be present ed to secure the bounty money. At torney-General Brown hold3 that the whole hide must be brought in, ar the last act passed is controlling. One of the biggest and oldest ranch es in central Oregon, belonging to George Millican, was sold to Jarrrx Sloan, a wealthy stockman of Uma tilla. It is understood that the dral involved approximately $0,000 ar;d I concerns about 200 acres of tillable land, about 1700 acres of range land and 700 head qf cattle ar4 fcsvacs. Organization g Qrejen S" , Timber Mills, nei'teeted "T hree thresliermeri buy Case thresher rlsp each year to one who buys any other make. . othert prefer Case, there must be a reason why you should. Their chief reason lies In the quality produced by Case experience of- three -qunrten of a century. That experience means s.-.iisfaxctioq to them and to you. We can supply, you with any size tractor and thresher you peed, but the Case 12-25 shown above is one of the handiest .models. It will run a 2tx4-j-inch or smaller Case Thresher and 11, do cf us for full particulars. .-.'V.l A any job c:i the farm. Ask for catalog or inquire W. II STAATS (Si CO. AGENTS -- -TJXSisi- I VV.-v.'.V-V ''The Beat Is hd Cheapest" WHS 8, 4 lreular hau been issued and sent provides for v: t Portia"- of t-crtland, establiEhmenf at to posts of the Department of Oregon, 1 - - or an exclusive sawmill fo: G. A. H.. announcing the sudden death "s uut 10-j lenrtUs and d:msn ... . .. ci m J. on June a ui n. o. rureu, ex-ucyoii' - .it ment commander. " Several wage ir' by 16,000 cases (all ot which had hieu pronounced incurable) have ent homfr well in the past six years from the free clinics of the PjW School o Chiropractic1 Wonew- Davenport, Iowa. Thiuk ol a city of 15.000 poplei Now think of that number being re stored to health' "'and usefulness irithout. the! use of a knife or a sln$dose6f drugs. ' . . : Portiaialew Dentist.' We Extract- Crown, and Bridge your 4.h WcnlnVl Painless: we em- pipy only Ejjrienced ,and regis tered pen; Cfteen years, guarantee on all workiSsnteen years cop tinual ( practice ia Portland , Ore. 3ring this card with you',: it is worth 'ooney. Fortland Prices.' Poland Faipl?ssV Dentist,. S0-5 Second St., Toe Dalles. 'Qf. O?- Williams Co. Thcne JWJkV - ----- &ain 8S31: -A' '- " am were granted .e state board of control ta em. pioyes at various state institution! at the request of the superintendents ot such institutions. The H. S. Gile Company, with head quarters at Salem aud with a branch office at Roseburghas leased a tract of ground at Riddle and is preparing to erect a prune warehouse. While on guard duty at one of the tunnels between ' Mosier and The Dalles, Private M. N. Miller, of Com pany K, was struck by a passing freight train and severely injured. ft, D. Hetzel, director, of the exten sion service at the Oregon agricultur al college, has been offered the presi dency of the New Hampshire agricul tural college and has the offer under consideration. F. T. Tooze, city superintendent of schools of Oregon City, has rejected flattering offers from Roseburg and will remain in charge of local schools, having recently been elected to serve another term. Oregon's largest Liberty loan sub scription to date was made Saturday when Max H. Houser, grain exporter,' authorized the purchase, through , three Portland banks, of $250,000 worth of bonds. Delegates from California, Washing ton and British Columbia ports as sembled at Portland Monday for the annual district meeting of the Coast Maritime association, continued in ses sion during the wee!:. Out of'the 104 students who graduat ed from the Corvallis high school only 70 were able to, be present, the rest having either enlisted in the army or navy or been released to boost along ;he food preparedness campaign. The bean crop of Linn county in 1917 will he 1700 per cent greater than that of 1916. The pork failed to keep , pace with the beans, however, for hogs shows a 20 par cent decrease "in nuin fcer from tfc05e in the county last year. The salmon run in the Columoia rfrer continues extremely light and the eaicb at present is small. Many of be equipped to cut the longest tinf bers of any mill on the Paciiic Cca3t W. J. Conrad and A. E. Adeslpevs-rr timber dealers ol MarshfieU, an nounce that they have closed the li-eii for the sale of timber in Coos count., aggregating ECQ.COO.COO feet. Hunt o the purchasers were eastern capitalist and In some cases the purchase o! timber will ultimately be followed bv lumbering operations on the part ol the purchasers. The car shortage, which for wan; months has wrought industrial havoc In many parts of the northwest 1--over. . Reports issued by the puklk service commicsion show that the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Naviga tion Company has a surplus ' of 74; cars and the Oregon Trunk a surplu: of 114. The'Southern Pacific now has a shortage of only 39 car3. The S;-ok ane, Portland & Seattle was short 12 cars. The Oregon Electric had 24 ur. .filled car .orders and the United Rail iSBys seven. ;:A call has been issued Ly the Orerjoi .rjyiiblic service commission for a meet hig to be held in Portland for the pu: pose of arranging standards of grain hay and other agricultural product: The meeting will be held on June IS Invitations have been issued to lead ing grain growers, grain dealers ar. others interested in the matter. Th purpose Is not only to describe tad fix standards, but to formulate rufe for weighting and handling the com modities specified in the. grUn itspec tlqn law passed by the last legisla ture, , At a joirft session ct the slate l-c:.rj of controf and the state highway com mission at Salem, it was virtually de cided, to carry to the supreme court, in a friendly suit, the question of whether the state can issue the entire $l,&0fc000 worth of bords to meet the Shackleford federal ' road money ej provided for in the Bsan-Earre'.t bend ing bill of the last legislature, ,or whether the state can issue only a suf ficient amount cf such bonds to cirer any deficiency that might exiit, after the highway mlllage tax has been'ap- V, ! 1 ,.'1 1 mi. J Fords pait enamel $15. the tnoruim night ready Guru go. RIVER FLOUR ; iJILvey SacK Guaranteed m $l rbv Heck to i"is mj' part cf an unsatisfactory. . g s-c!;-'c-l liWit River Flour and we wiil refund the . g f ' fsfci I'liuais Ferry Warehouse Company Local Distribators ' W . . 1 I C. H. Yockc-y and Edward Dit-- brow were, oyer from Smock fit-bin in the Deschutes the first of the week. d with lM.ikeirinu Brine T r " r car in n nd , take it out at for you. liauoin I'GiiiJuull Go to the IIAZELWOfii) ICE rV.M 1M P,rl.- f,.p 1c. (Vovi Inn i Crentn sundys mid all' kind-) ol -Soft drin'-'. P. O. E iii'.'.ing, j M -in pin. j oocodocooo -OMIMG -,-- SAT., JUNE 16 ShtittucK's Hall Aiber ocooooco!ioo)oo c o;; I L. B. Fo-; - R. T. Yates o W A S C O C 0 U N T Y B3TP.ACT C O. Make.-s oj i.bstrwt'i That Protect. Books Po-te -?T-,ot- har tilaeed their ffear r, L Mik. and practically all tto ! PlM to meet the federal road turd seining gontda have ceased opera tions. Governor 'w'ithrooiiite has named tho the ewtty stock inspectors tor 30 eJ j Oregon has registered a total of 62:- 810 under ths.wjr census. 'vTith this fifure, although under the -ar de partment estimate, the ha3 eiv- the count'-es of Ore?on on the reocm- j ca its cueta based on the ccrr.pvtation me V" cZ 10 rer cent of the 1310 census. The mendation of the Cattle and or . CJ ...,a h-a ,.n,,Hofl . .. m ,l n- census vAi.iiAa.'s t.waiu v-wtiji-t r:, 'l" . .,.! 8.428, tut attention is called ty th-i romTTiniendations v?ere made lor dr " . ., . . connties. Franlc H. Lathrcp, of South Cjo lina,"ha3 isen apjointei research a .:.stant ta cntoEolcry t tht Orcssa Afrieutt'jirat eolle? erperiaent sta Mr. , Lathrsp fill work toward a more eli-.xtive control ot ashia In Oregon or&arat. . ral's office to the fact I tVot mnre than 2.0 man have arovr ed the call ta the national guard end tfce regular arm7 ard navy eorvicea, and tbat the38 men untcr suoh ser--ic. fid not register. On this ahorir.s the state has cotne wp o 'r njeiitj cl the conta rssUin o I oj 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ocooooooooocco o coooooooonoooco I to Dale Dailv Plant Second' to None In Ttie Stato. -First National Bank BniWii Phone E'nck 2':, The Da'.lcs, Oregon ros. Comedians IN THE 'Great Four Act Comedy Drama the THIRD DEGREE j 1 vl u t K f 1 1 ' Dr. Lawcnte . tot-all Medicine and Dentistry Charges Reasonable SatLsfactvm G iwrantecd Call Dross More or resldeils A Powerful Story of New York Policeman One Night Only ance After vShow