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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1917)
w MrJakp Iiiyi'lroi),-! . tho Flat Was hwty 'hi ftKtunhiyj;; X; Wm. Kutlz, ;f The lul!;s h a Maupiu visitor' this wo k. Mr. Ikrt Cook, sal nun n hr the Case Co. was here Wodiifs-liiy. Wood ill this M'C'ticil of tin county in almost al a premium. heveral crews ot tt t u are y.oiJ'.- Ing on the highway in tnnl mourn Maupiti. W. C. Vnndcrpool tuiili a pm of tlio Maupiu ball phiyci.s to lynl Sunday. Mrs, Frank l'.uzan ami hum Kol crt were subscribers to Tin; Tumi: Monday. The Tow; war continues in I'ni't- hind, two Chiiiesn killed uud sev eral by slanders injured. Services at Hie l'Vo Mcthodhl Church were well attended Sunday botn morning and evenim;. Several Kit this week for tin four days racing at Condon. Ka. ing started Wednesday th'j tllli. 'J'lie public Bah at 0. '. l)ir thick'a Saturday was attended b people from all part:-1 of tin: county. Maupin will experience one oi tho bllinest seasons it has ever Keen this year. Three cheers for oin town. (4 CorpeHpoiidoiitB idiould have tlicir coiuimicatdiii-4 in ut Time, office not later than Wednesday evening. What Hay Ye I by Wnot cele brato the Fourth of July in Maup in. Oct buiHy and appoint tin coniniitties. Wo understand that Die 1'i.diei Garage, on I lis eus-t t ide is soon ti be torn down and a modem iatv.jn built in its place, jChnH. Crowfoot bad a iair o! Frazter braked put on Ins ;nte Monday tit Yandeipool P.rot.V. garage, Mr. uud Mrs. Koy Slm-her an keeping house .for W. 11. Slant;, during the iibsouco of Mrs. Slaatu, who is in Portland. Ths question was linked! Hon often do tho Frunier brahes have to be relined? Answer; 1 never taw a pair that needed rcliiiii,;;. Mr. and Mis. Wm. Ciillifoid, ,.f I'ortland, were visiUn;; at the m,-i-ideueo of Mr. a ml Mm, J;ik. Davidson, on tin 1 'la t. last wee!;. Miss Avoiil Temple, of 1i Hand daughter of Mr. and Mis. If. i'. Temple, is visiting lo r Aunt Mis. G. W. Yandeipool, ot Maupiu tin, week. There will be an abundance t,j fruit and berries alon:.; the 1c.i chutes tributary to Maupin (hi; year, strawberries aic plentiful at this writin;;. The election hoard Monday t on listed of, W. II. Slants, i l'iiirnmn, e hi (.lias. trowtoot, Mr. t t war i and Mi, Kciwir, clerks. This ceason is at !e is!, a uioi',lh late, not only in Kastcrn On-yon hut in tho vailey. A pica! amount of minnier fjiiou remain.--yet to ho plowed. Roy Shisher rivs that, l!e Nv Vclie cur hart one coineiiicnee thai no other machines have. A horn tifiiial that blows all the time but is very annoying. a dit'erene." theie would be in .Maupin it i .; h bui. iinsa house would eonti ibnle a few dollars and purchase n tank of oil then sprinkle the main stu-e! with jl. I Mr. Talkit has open si his lei cream and eonl'eetionerv n.-ulor.- nevl. ,1m,r l thn I', .t tM'.C i! will be nl.e.i io ,! vi'io i'i, ' tho choice.-l of everytnin:; in line. ' ij IH tullif -UiiklioR II Tl.iSeh l.i.t ednesday niaiit a fnv a:icd on Ms the hill directly ca.-t of loe n and the way the cage brodi burned made a beautiful rials t to !euL upo.n 111 !.rl week's add'tion i f The Time , throiii'h an (, we neglected to mention one otour est infcab dot nte, Jlr, llalfiold to? !): f4ti;.0.S to ba'Vfis l.'ontal OlhV-s in the ioiTi,'. Jt id unnecessary to mciiliiiii the fuel that )r. Hat I'oilJ is a de list of wide known re nown. Sou Mrs. HiiitiiuiiB for the latest in millinery, hrncst rtiay itw iniule a trip to The Dalles this week. Tor bla'4;:-i)iilliirig of all kinds dee ft. N. J' l n!v , Maupin. The lio.-d Ponds will iii this precinct by tiw vote?, Maupiu reentered 43 young men Tuesday. How is that? Oner over on main street with oil ami no dust all summer. Mrs John Ooetjen, of the Far- ;.;er rineh, was in town Monday. .J.u-k Itiu'si'l ot i;riltrion, was trailing here tho tore part of the week, Jim Drown, of Wupinitin, wae doimj Jmi.-Micss in Maupin Satur day. , I leal v.ciilher on crops, but Mr. Fa-rm'T, look out for the Jim Hill nni. t j:il. Dorn t'liday, .June 1st, 1017, to Mr. and Mrs. K'ciser, of this city, a son. I'rof. ivi,llo and wife, willi Mr. lusher, went to 1'ortJaiul Sunday ai't'T new cars. Mr. ConUm, with his family, drove up from I'ortland Tuesday in his new Franklin, i, I). Kelly and family motored io i'ortland Wednesday. They will return ftalurdav. The ball puini at Kent Sunday v.'i.wecn siauinn ami Kent was a decided victory for Maupin. V. U. Dodds who has been rus- lieatinij here fur the past three weeks, li ft today fur i'ortland. J'l very dollar the farmer invests in Uljcily J! 'liils wi return to din. lU ad articles on front page. James l'attison, of Dufur, was a :alier Tuesday, and reports the real estate business very eood in lis loeality. I'ifteeii, minutes with tho rake every Monday Morning in front of each business place would keep the rocks off m an street. Mr. and Mrs. (!. W. Vanderpool cut to Warm Spiinps last Kriday i ml report quite a number of cam peistlieie, mostly from Dufur. ''. J. l,ivcm',;4o;i, who has been our iij'coi, ut. th0 S', p g Depot here for soum time has bven trans I'eried to SiUcin, Mr. llurton Thui bt r w ill till the vacancy left by him. Mali. in is expecting the largest erovol here next Sunday that lias w it tevse.l a sumo litre this season, win ii the liist team of The Dalles b, its with our boys on the home diamond. James Kennedy, of Wamie, in foiiued us Monday that he had sold liiD bead of one and two year old eors in Willis Drown and Wm. llai'ri.-'. Delivery to be in Maupin tomorrow1. In the btiiliiinj.; adjoining tho I'o. -I, Ouice is located ttio Millinery iaiieis id Mrs. Kiumons, who 'fin any thin;.'; in that line that you m.iy want. Next week Mis. Em mens will be able alfa to show you Itweliy. China Ware and other thii;;-; that ;;o to lnuke up a First Cla .- Si,.Vi. Yi'e were asked to 'inform the pu'olic that Vaiidorpool Bros, have !'!;.' i;.":d the services of a first class Mreliamc for their garage here and in a itw days will he able to !mu ',fUt !in? vvurk l'ml vomo their way, They are buisy now t!ii.-:.i!lii.; a cniupri" , -or which will ftec air to the public. people of Kastern Ore-on, the ' 1 ' ',! h,;,it' lu'ro J " ';tv. will have a chance to see ie, -oinilie in its Palmy Days, old iwi'-i i 1 1 s a I'd C:i it tiuMes repro jdo. 1. The I'oi Press Club the ol tee tU'sicuntCil to hold the ; "bi -;at nicht spot'' of the cele Jhr.uUtn, June l'-i, 11. l-i. I'lom S to I1.' each !iht the dance will! i be u nod lo'imbo i:e prizes will be imv. r i"d I lie onei able to necuina' the l;r;;ot bundle of paper j mo: ey. I SENI IN BY OUR White River Mrs Phillip McCorkle who has been quite ill is improved. Mrs. Bonncy, Mrs. Lucow and Chas. Labasch were passengers with Mr. Tunison when he took the election roturues into The Dalles Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Tuuison and grandson Jitnmie, of Cowalis, aro visiting at the J. G. Tunieon home. Miss Emmerson chaperoned a party of juniors as they Forded thru Tygh Valley and White Riv er Sunday. C. A. Tunison received his new Overland this week. Mr. Spot Ferguson and family are visiting at the Alfred Ferguson home this week. Mrs. Nellie Simmons is working at tho Lucou home. Kile Tunison is visiting in this vicinity this week. Judd Doering left ' Tuesday to enlist in the murines. Chas. Conley has a fine barn near completion. Ernest Webb motored to Man pin Tuesday. (late for last week) Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Furguson spent 1 uesday evening at the Tun ison home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tunison spent Sunday and ' Monday at the Wil son home on the Flat, Dev. W. If. Anderson the new pastor at Maupin held services at White River school house Sunday. Mrs. H. A. Muller who has been quite ill during the past week is slowly improving, A number from here attended tho fair at Maupin. Air. and Mrs. Clyde Kellogg are intending making their futuo home near here. Mr. and Mrs. Daning started Saturday for Portland and Beav erton, their future home. They intond to return in a few days. A business meeting was hold at White River echool house Monday evening, for the purpose of impro ving tho telephone line, Tygh Valley Miss JoEepIiine Jenkins and Mr Dennett, of Portland, spent several days hero visiting Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mays. Frank Crawford is employed by W C Stillwell. Those attending the Dirthick sale Saturday were, Messrs Har per, Beckwitb and Thompson. Sandy Ross, assisted by George Tellotson is doing the carpenter work on Ed Fitzpatrick's ho use. Miss Aver Black spenl severa' days in Moro atteneing the Sun day School conference. I C Butler took Elmer Muncen and R G Weisbeck to The Dalles last week. Bessie Munsen arrived Friday evening from Conuell, Wash., to visit, friends and relatives here. Giaudma Moiivis visited her daughter Hat Davidson, in Bake- oven last week. W C Stillwell and family with a party of fishermen from The Dalles were trying their luck on Badger creek last week- K S Ilotiser made several trips to John Day last week getting the sheep shearers started. Tom Swift has been hauliug lumber from the White A Keuwor- thv iill for i utten and Young. The Oddfellows are putting up a large flag pole in front of the hall, j Pom Monday, June 4th, 191 to Mr and Mrs C V Woodruff of Tygh Valley a son. Lois Foster who lias been visit ing here left Sunday for htr home in Lamout, Wash. Election day was a very quiet day hare. Solomon Hauser mixed another lot of "poison for the squirrel club Monday! Mr' and Mrs Geo Young, of Smock, were iu town Monday Pierce Mays came up from Pert land Tuesday evening, Mr atul Mis Milt Morris return ed home Saturday, bringing Mrs Powell and family, of Albany for a vibit. W C Stillwell has completed the new addition to his shop by the livery stable. Wm Beckwitb and Glen Morris were fishing in the Deschutes last Tuesday. MrMathows and family, of Tho Dalles, were in town Tuesday on a fishing trip. E V McCorkle went to The Dalles on business Tuesday. Twenty four young men regis tered here Tuesday. J H Fitzpatric went to The Dalles Wednesday morning. The girls of this place under the supervision of Bessie Bonney are organizing a Camptire Club, Smock Items F Bischel and vvifo are at Gate way as delegates from this church to the Babtist association. Mrs Ogelsby and A Pratt accompanied them. Syron and Whitcomb with wood machine are sawing for Richard Geirty. C H Yocky and wife were Wap initia visitors Monday. Juo Ubanks, of Wamic, was a business caller Tuesday at C II Yockey's. C A Syrun and T J. Whitcomb transacted business at The Dalles last week. Marion and C N Fallow and N E Whitcomb are working on the ditch. f Leone Whitcomb is visiting the C S McCorkle family. I T Courtwright went to The Dalles Monday evening with the ballot box. Bessie Disbrow bought a buggy Saturday from 0 R Fleck. G F End was a businee caller at S H Mulsays Saturday. F H Spoor was a Maupin visitor Monday. Mrs S G Ledford and three chil dren, Mrs G R Lodford and Miss Oina Disbrow, were Tuesday at C II xockey s. Frank Tuttison made improve ments on bis homestead with a new fedee, setting same on line with county road. Vina Ayers accompanied L'a Dtmcnn to her home from Wamic after the dance Friday evening. a j inn ana raniuy ami uva Spoon attended tho play at Wamic Friday night. T E Farlow is employed at the Hartman sawmill and E E Parish engineer. Cecil Mayfield and wife spent Friday and Saturday on the Flat. J W Farlow and family motored to The Dalles Friday. J W Ayers was transacting busi ness at The Dalles last week. Mrs Alta fctakley visited Friday with the Misses Syrons, Wapinilia Items D Wright met with quite a se vere accident last Thursday even ing whileout iu the pasture after some horses, when the bridle reign i broke aud he attempted to reach them,, when the saddle turned throwing him ott" breaking four nhs and otherwise injuring him. Dr Shannon, of Tygh, is attend ing bim, hut it will be some lime before he can be about. A little daughter arrived at the home of Mr and Mrs Lewis Wal ters Wednesday, June (ith. Mr aud Mrs Lu Woodside droye to Criterion aud visited Sunday iv ith their daughter Mrs Lela Dri vt r of that place. Still tho list of those getting new cars on the Flat continues, j Bruce Driver purchased a neivi Overland lasi, week, Frank Uustin a Ford and Ben Foreman a Page. Joe Graham has a crew of men camped at Camas Frarie workind the roads and fixing telephones Rova Ilustin who has hern at tending school at P i k Dale t visiting her brother Fiank liustin here. Mrs B.-itty was visiting lit re from The Dalles last week. Mr and Mrs W E Foreman who spent the winter in Portland and Vancouver visited here on their way to Redmond, j Mrs J I West who spent last year in Calif., arrived fur a few days visit last week .' Messrs D W'oodside; Gortdeiiougt Osborn, am! Anthony CorylJleJ Went to Tho Dalles Wednesday to make final proof on their home steads, Mr and Mrs Jim Hart-man, E N Hartmiiu and ArciheTapp went to The Dalles Wednesday. Mr Hartunui taking in the ballots also the registration papers. Mr and Mrs Hording, of Pine Grove were lishinif on the Des chutes Monday. Earl Barzee had Mr Thompson, of The Dalles, repair his Buick. Mrs 1) Woodside, Harlman and Woods cooked and scryed dinner at the school house Wednesday for the registration board. Roy Batty peddled beef in our section I uesday; Stella Davis who"! was employed at the Batty home, returned to her home at Fine Grove, Saturday. Mr. Miller, Miss Heding and Mr Hickey and son are here from Portland, havim.' driven ovsr the highway. Mr llicky is an engi- neei and 1ms come to clean out the ditch in Big Cut. Mrs Ileil-z is employed as cook at the camp of the B'g Cut. Ernest Paquet who left here some time ago is now in tho Army at Vancouver. 0 L Paquet and Pearl Everick went to The Dalles luesuay. Celia Flinn returned to her homo after a three weeks stay at the Kelly homo. Kurtz, the hog bnyer was in oui community Tuasday. Muse Delorc and Bill Sturgh have b-ien hauling wool, for J V Abbitt, Crop prospects are fine but a good rain would be welcomed, J I West and B I, Foreman were on Beaver creek Wednesday look ing after their cattle. David Sharp finished cutting wood Tuesday. Roy Ratty purchased two Hol steiu heifer calves last week. He received them at Maupin. Mrs D Woodsida was visiting at the Foreman home Friday. Fred Pratt left here Wednesday to commence work on the Cut. At Ths Hotels Maupin Hotel. Lenord Wilson, Paris France. Burton Thurbor, Port., D. M. Shattuek, City, 0. 1!. Dirthick, City, Mr and Mrs Paisley, Dufur, h E Bert, Port., Chas Bennett, Frank Ginger and Ceo Chamber lain, of M osier, C A Brown, Du fur and Mr. Wilson. At a meeting of the Salem Fruit Jnlon in Salem announcement was aa-.le that 1700 acies have been sign il up iu this ysar's prune pool, as ivaiiist 1-tnO last year. Growers es timate thai the prune crop will be ii"t,T;( this year. Earnings of paroled men frorn the state penitentiary continue to show a ;te,i1y increase, according to the re port of Parole Officer Keller. The ?artiinss or the mouth of May of 272 men totaled $12,103.43, or an average jf $14,30 per month. Fifty-three thousand dollars have been raisrd cf the $60,000 which is Oregon's and Idaho's share of the na tional J", 000,000 fund for work of the Y. JI. C. A. in the army and navy training camps. Portland ha3 thus far contributed $13,000 of her $23,000 shars. - ' An Oregon girl won the interstate prohibition contest for the Pacific coast at Loa Anneiea. Miss Margaret oarncon of Willamette University was the successful candidate. She will represent the Pacific coast at Washington, D. C, in the national contest lu a few weeks. As cue of tho first stats-wide moves under the new state fire marshal law, Insurance Commlnsioner Harvey Velis. who al30 is state fire marshal, will send out the latter part of this week a letter of Instruction to all f'.ro chiefs of the state and to others who have charge of firofightlng. The University of Oregon is con sidering a ptan of sending professors along with military organizations, it the war department will permit such an ar.-ansemenr, according to an an nouncement by President P. L. Camp bell. The rurpoe-e of the plan Is to permit r,t:irients to continue studies whild In the service. Ephra'm Barnes, supervisor of the Minatn fiirept, hss received a telegram from headquarters to the effect that all stoeJcm-.n holding permits to grate stock in tho reserve will not be com peiied to relinquish their permits up on pnli;.ties in tho army. Each will be required eniy to notify the office of his enlistment and otcer herds will be selstituted until) b;? return. COLONEL DOYEN nil i wmi ' " . VfeV' ! plp ll' Col. C. A. Doyen, commander of the marines to go to France as part of General Pershing's force. iON VOTES Portland, Or. By a decisive vote the people of Oregon authorized the $6,000,000 road-bonding bill, which means the construction of a compre hensive system of permanent high ways. Multnomah county gave an almost overwhelming vote for the bill, and many of the up-state counties report i surprisingly heavy favorable ma jority. George L. Eaker led W. H. Daly on first, second and .third choice votes for Mayor of Portland, and re turns show A. L. Earbur and John M. Mann wore selected for city com missionera. The bonds for a bulk grain eleva tor carried. The two proponed char ters, intended to knock out commis sion form of government, were each defeated and tho voters also defeated the two-platoon system for firemen, the free streets for jitneys, and the proposal for interchange of telephone connections. T0N6 FIGHT IS FATAL Dozen Chinese Battle on Streets of Portland. Portland, Or. Two Chinese belong ing to the Bing Kung-Bow Leong tong were killed, one was mortally wound ed and several Americans were wounded in a running fight engaged In between Bing Kung-Bow Leong gunmen and Suey Sing gunmen on Flanders and. Sixth streets and Broad way. The shooting marked a recurrence of the tong war following an ineffec tual attempt to bring about a peace treaty at San Francisco. Warrants for the wholesale arrest of the officers and members of the Hop Sing and Suey Sing tongs were issued" from the office of the district attorney following the shooting. Lumber for Wooden Ships Ordered. Washington. Lumber for 100 wood en ships has been ordered from members- of the Southern Pine association by Major-General Ceorge W. Goethals, general manager of the shipping board's emergency fleet corporation. The price Is $35 a thousand feet at the mills. The orders call for approx imately 140,000,000 feet. Cry Law Suspended by Petitions. Olympia, Wash. E. M. Williams, of Seattle, filed with ths secretary of state petitions for a referendum vote on the bone-dry prohibition law passed by the 1917 legislature. The petitions bore 24,200 -names, 23,857 being required. Benson Threatens to Quit Socialists. Yonkers, N. Y. Allan L. Benson, Snrtaliftt nreniHpntal rnnHMafa at a l3t election, will resign from the par ty if it doea not, as a whole, repudiate anti-draft resolutions adopted at its 3t. Louis meeting. ' THE MARKETS Portland. Wheat Club ?2.43; biuestera $2.48; red Ru&sian, $2.40; forty-fold, $2.43. Barley No. 1 feed, 42 per ton. Hay Timothy, $32 per ton; alfalfa, $23. Butter Creamery, S7c. Eggs Ranch, 32c. Wool Eastern Oregon, 55c; valley, 65c. Mohair 60c per lb. FCR ROAD BONOS - 1 Seattle. Wheat Bluestem $2 46; club $2.43; forty fo!d.T2.44; red Russian, $2.42; fife, $2.43; turkey red, $2.46. Barley $43 per ton. Butter Crecmery, 38c j : k-:?5 37C - V -. ? ;